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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue0/0Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:49 am



Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) 6EdIfMt

Assessing captains was, perhaps, the last thing Hime would have ever expected to see herself doing, considering her past. She had already begun to wonder if all of this was some convoluted dream, and that in the real world, she had already been tried and executed for her crimes.

Alas, she was living no such dream. It was a cold reality that was starting to become pleasant to the reforming prisoner. Hime was Abalia's bodyguard and she had even met some members of other divisions who received her quite well.

Of course, there were the occasional whispers of how people question why a prisoner was allowed to be the bodyguard of the Captain Commander, but those didn't bother her. In any case, her second assessment would be a vice-captain.

Hime assumed that assessing the second in command was just as beneficial as assessing the man or woman at the top. Looking at the papers within her hands, the profile belonged to a man by the name of Arkin. He seemed to be popular around this division for his infectious personality and upbeat demeanor.

Hime was walking through the Seventh division barracks and was met with a field occupied by multiple yurts. Hime blinked as she looked around, once again, not expecting the sight that would meet her. She recalled being in this division once and this was a far cry from what she knew of the past.

Would he notice her spiritual pressure or would she have to find this man?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:32 am
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) UiXrqcg

Arkin | The Allfather's Blood

Arkin was not going to seek out the relatively high spiritual pressure, because he was currently laying on his cot passed out. The man would be snoring with his arm over his face, hand holding onto a half-empty bottle of ale. As for Hime if she was so inclined to ask around she'd be directed to his Yurt, people chuckling all the way about an outsider coming to visit him. However, it wouldn't be too hard to find the man considering he exuded a higher than normal spiritual pressure.

Provided she came to knock he'd jerk up, letting out a groan. The shirtless male would lift the bottle to his lips taking a chug, before getting up tying his boots on. Whoever was bothering him better have a good reason, because he was flatly hung over a bit. As he went to answer the door he'd be greeted by.. a rather beautiful woman. The man was standing at six feet, eight inches tall so he was probably going to need to look down at her. He'd bring a hand up to his beard scratching it.

"Hello! How can I help you? Are you here for.. special reason?" He'd speak in a thickly accented nordic tongue, unconcerned being ya' know shirtless.


Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) JfH75kA
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) H8Tyk70
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Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:28 am



Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) 6EdIfMt

Hime had indeed decided it would be better to seek the man out herself, considering he may have been busy with division matters or resting. The division members had shown her the directions as to where she should go, where Arkin would be residing in his own Yurt.

Having attained the right direction, she used Shunpo to cut down the time it would take in walking there. With a knock on his door and the shuffling of her papers, Hime would not have to wait long.

Arkin had opened his door and Hime was greeted with the sight of a tall, bearded man with a well-defined musculature that caught her attention for two reasons. One, the realization that he was shirtless. And two, well, Hime being a woman and a mature woman at that - could appreciate how attractive he was to the eyes. Women liked strong men like this, yes?

Hime shifted through her papers before she gazed back up at the tall Shinigami as she entered a professional state of mind - which she gleaned would be difficult because this man was far from professional. He was polite, and that is all that mattered in the end.

"Yes... it is a slightly special reason but not a long one. I am sorry to interrupt you from what seemed to be a pleasant rest, Vice-Captain Arkin. Captain-Commander Abalia has tasked me with assessing the captains and vice-captains to gauge their mindset and where they wish to go in their future. Now, from the paperwork, it says that there is already enough information to go off of that I don't quite need to do this assessment but I wanted to leave no stone unturned, as they say."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:53 am
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) UiXrqcg

Arkin | The Allfather's Blood

"Ah yes yes, you are the one back from when Ender and that one angry man did their thing." The man would remark, showing he indeed knew something of her. It was clear that despite this man's outward apperance he had some authority and keen mind, after all he had served the Gotei for well over a thousand years- if not longer. He'd step to the side offering a wide grin to the woman, motioning for her to enter. "Please come inside!" The man would close the door once she entered.

Inside the Yurt it seemed fairly simple, a lot of furs about along with antiques. He'd walk passed a table grabbing his ale along with two cups. He'd take a seat on his bed before gesturing to a chair next to his bed. "Sit sit, let us speak. Arkin is fine." The man would begin to pour too drinks, before placing the bottle on the desk and extending the cup to her. He seemed to expect her to take it, after all to deny a drink would be in poor taste.

"Where may we begin?" The man would remark, a sly grin on his lips. A shine to his electric blue eyes, seemingly intrigued about this. He'd down the liquid quickly, but remain holding the mug.


Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) JfH75kA
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) H8Tyk70
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue0/0Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:35 am



Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) 6EdIfMt

Judging by how the tall, bearded man had reference Ender and Kin, it would seem as though he had some prior knowledge of her from her past exploits - exploits she would never take pride in. None of that seemed to bother him as he welcomed her in all the same.

It was as all the division members said. Arkin was a playful man and an energetic one. No one liked to be disturbed from their rest, but he took it in stride and welcomed her into his abode.

The decor was archaic and simple. It was a nice simple place that made her feel relaxed. Hime observed the tall shinigami as he walked over and took a seat on his bed.

The division members were also correct about another thing they mentioned as they directed her to this Yurt. Expecting a professional meeting with this vibrant man was foolhardy. Even so, Hime did not feel intimidated or awkward towards his kindness and followed him in silence.

Hime sat on the chair by his bed and took the cup of ale. As a well-mannered woman, it would be unkind to reject the offer of a drink. Taking a small sip, Hime appreciated the taste of the liquid as her gaze focused on Arkin. As she said before, there were not many questions meant for Arkin. Abalia knew of his loyalty, and the former captain-commander was very appreciative of the man as well.

This would be a few simple questions. She knew a man like him didn't seem like he wished to waste time.... at least not in this way.

"I am both impressed and embarrassed that you know of my past history. That said, I hope you believe me when I say that I have no intention of betraying the trust placed on my shoulders, Vice-Captain. In any case, I do not intend to waste your time with trivial questions. I think a simple one is what are your plans for the future of this division? Do you wish for something to be changed or do you like it the way it is now?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:54 am
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) UiXrqcg

Arkin | The Allfather's Blood

"My aims are simply, pretty lady, and that is to make sure my shield-brothers and sisters are taken care of. To ensure that I do what is asked of me, and enjoy the pleasures of life." The man would reply without skipping a beat, resting an elbow on his knee. His hand would come to rest on his chin, blue irises gazing at her thoughtfully. This was so interesting, but amusing none the less. A former enemy turned ally, it was something straight out of the old tales.

"I wish to stay where I am, serving my captain faithfully." The man expressed no interest in moving upwards, seemingly happy with being a second in command. No ambition to rise higher, or change the world. Only to serve the role he has taken upon him, and ensure that none of his family fell wayward. But with that it was time to turn the tables, to offer something in return with her questions.

"However, you ask me questions- I shall ask you some, yes? It is fine, pretty lady, I do not believe you will betray us. The eyes of an atoner are heavy things. I know them well. Fear not, should you fail in such an endeavor Jorgmunader will find you head." The man spoke with a smile the whole time, his foot tapping the axe/hammer which was resting against his bed. It seemed to pulse as he touched it, the runes on the weapon flairing to life with ice and small crackles of energy.

Strange enough, if she had bothered to look that way she'd see a table filled with stacked books. A surprising amount, old tomes which seemed of varying decades. One book seemed open'd, turned onto a poem titled 'O Captain'. He'd remove his hand from his chin, clasping his hands together.

"Tell me, why have you come to my family? What drives you? Your shoulders look heavy, ease that burden. Mine are broad enough to bare some of it." The man would offer a wide smile, displaying a warmth to it. Naturally, with his arms together it seemed his masculine features seemed to pop all that more.


Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) JfH75kA
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) H8Tyk70
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:13 am



Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) 6EdIfMt

Arkin had answered her question with an expression of amusement in his face. There no was no hesitation or thought process required. He had answered her questions without missing a beat.

Hime would have easily said that this concluded their meeting and let the man be on with his day but her expectations were struck with an unexpected turn. In no uncertain terms, he indicated that since he had answered questions of her own, then it was only necessary that he return the favor.

In short, he had turned the tables and Hime - even if part of her felt this was unknown territory - would not let her honor be questioned and so she decided to stay, remaining in her seat as he continued to speak. He was not wrong in his observation of her. She didn't know it was so palpable. To know that her loyalty was unquestioned is no doubt reassuring.

She looked at what she presumed was his Zanpakuto. It pulsed and crackled with energy. It was a reminder that if she did house thoughts of betrayal, he wouldn't hesitate to strike her down. Hime's gaze wandered off slightly, as she observed his room, noticing a table stacked with books. There was one that seemed to be open but she didn't bother to look into what he was reading, as she turned to Arkin and answered his heartfelt question.

"Vice-Capt- I mean... Arkin. You say that you know the eyes of an atoner well? I originally came here to assess you as a person but your words... they speak to me. I ask myself that same question... what drives me? What defines who I am as a person? As you well know, I have done so much wrong... that it feels wrong to do right, as if I am undeserving of this fate I've been given. This guilt... it eats at me. I am surrounded by such valiant people such as you and the others... and yet I still feel as if I deserve to pay..."

To hear that she could ease her burden and express her emotions was new to her. It had been such a long time to hear heartfelt words, to hear that a stranger was willing to listen to your troubled thoughts. In her eyes, his personality and his body matched him well.

His masculine features and firm tone made it difficult not to feel relaxed. Even though Hime had considered much of her emotions to be listless, she could not help but feel safe in his presence.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:43 am; edited 2 times in total
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:06 am
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) UiXrqcg

Arkin | The Allfather's Blood

"I only know what I see, for I myself have such burdens. How does the phrase go? One recognizes another? However it goes." The man would chuckle waving his hand dismissively, shifting forward a bit. His sky blue irises gazing upon her intently as his face relaxed into a smile- one which seemed unable to shift into any sort of negative emotion. The world around him always seemed eletric, the type of feeling where your hair stood on end and a warmth blossom'd in your belly.

"Perhaps we are unworthy of our fates, and know we shall never reach the destination. 'Atoning'. Is it a path with no end, but the end does not matter. Only the journey. It is how we atone." The man would comment sagely, offering a nod standing up briefly to look over the stack of books. "I like reading, do you?"


Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) JfH75kA
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) H8Tyk70
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue0/0Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:14 am



Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) 6EdIfMt

Arkin's advice and the words he offered were wise and esoteric. In truth, they weren't definite answers but rather forms of ideas one could ponder on and look beyond their meaning or to accept the meaning of the words at their surface. His relaxed smile and intent gaze were warm as if he were speaking to a student in search of advice to guide them on a troubled path.

Even so, part of her could hardly believe that man as peaceful and bright as this had ever done anything regretful in his past. Then again, the same could be said of her as well. Her graceful appearance and the way she attentively prepared her makeup lent itself to the image of a queen. She was beautiful in the eyes of many but she wholeheartedly knew they would run away if they were familiar with her history.

Arkin rose from his position on the bed and looked over the stack of books before he turned to her and asked her a question.

"Of course. Reading has always left a fine impression on me, from my days of youth until now. In fact, when I was allowed to, I would read books within my prison cell to pass the time."

Hime smiled as she fondly recalled those days. She turned in her seat to face him and observe him with her gaze.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) Empty Re: Assessment 2: Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime)

Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:44 am
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) UiXrqcg

Arkin | The Allfather's Blood

"I have books, should you ever wish to read them. I do not know how recent they are, truthfully. Years tend to blend together. Ideas, however, are immortal." The man would run a callous finger over a book page, gazing upon the words for a moment. Many of his books seemed to be from all different ages, some looking so old that the pages seemed almost completely faded. But he'd turn to the purple hair'd woman, a cheeky smile coming onto his face.

"All that time in prison, did you have a room mate? A partner? Someone to fuck the stress away? Seems so dull." The man would comment speaking rather vulgarly with little care, as he seemed to stride back to her. His callous fingers coming to touch her chin softly, tilting her head up so she stared up at him. He gave her a smile, almost daring to her. "You must enjoy the pleasures of life, perhaps I shall take you out. Allow you to indulge in all you missed."


Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) JfH75kA
Assessment 2:  Viking and Princess (Arkin/Hime) H8Tyk70
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