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God of Love
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Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:22 pm

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] TLJR1Wn

Ms. Kishar

It was standard protocol for Ninsianna to greet all new members of the Vandenreich personally for orientation. Typically, this was actually a wholly pointless endeavor, as Cyrus' personal investment in each member meant that they were more than acclimated to the organization before she had brought her information packet to them. Nevertheless, formality was crucial. Knocking on the door of the recently hired Sub-Captain Armstrong, Ninsianna mentally ran through her assembled dossier.

"Miss Armstrong, it is Secretary Kishar. I have brought your formal hiring documentation."

Ninsianna simply tapped her foot on the ground in exactly one second intervals, not impatient, but merely keeping track of the time for her own entertainment. Little things like that were simply how she passed the time. No pun intended.

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Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:02 pm

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

There is a lot of racket within the room behind that door as it sounds like the knock had startled the lone patreon.

“Ah. Yes. One moment.”

Came the voice of the Sub-Captain moments before the door opened revealing the 5’10” blonde woman dressed in a navy blue suit similar to Naval commanders. The suit is a simple combination of a military blazer buttoned with the collar folded down with large cuffs with gold lining. Underneath the blazer is a black blouse with a collar that clips around her neck. To finish the attire is a pencil skirt with a slit down the left side that barely reaches halfway to her knees with black knee socks and combat heels. However, her face appeared a bit distraught much to her annoyance. What had she been doing while within the confines of her office? That matters not as she is quick to look the woman over standing firmly in the way purposely blocking vision of the room behind her.

“Documentations you say? Splendid. I shall look them over immediately if you’d so kindly hand them over.”

Her voice seemed a bit off, somewhat strained. It’s as if she’d been speaking or making some noise for too long periods of time. With closer examination, one could even make hint of redness around her emerald eyes and dampness down her cheeks. She did her best, but she was incapable of hiding everything.

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God of Love
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Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:37 pm

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] TLJR1Wn

Ms. Kishar

Ninsianna was many things. Unobservant was, roughly speaking, the furthest possible thing from true about her. She took in all details with a degree of accuracy that most would have found startling, and she assembled what was presumably the case for Helle's behavior before her arrival. Of course, normally she would not have cared. However, part of her (unfathomably extensive) contract with Mr. ast-Auramazda included her personal investment in the Vandenreich, and so she pulled a handkerchief from the pocket of her coat, extending it to Helle along with the paperwork.

"Are you well thus far, Miss Armstrong? I do not wish to pry, but the well-being of the Vandenreich and its members is of course among my greatest concerns."

In many ways, Ninsianna's demeanor was the exact opposite of Cyrus of the Blissful Flame. The Danava's expression, her tone of voice, nothing about her expressed any particular degree of passion, only the basic necessities of the conversation. Yet, that very same lack of passion made the genuine nature of her action all the more clear, for just as there was obviously no passion to it, there was just as obviously no ill intent or secondary purpose. She was simply offering her assistance, an ear to someone who needed it.

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Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:11 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Her attempts at keeping a steady face faltered slightly as the handkerchief was handed forward. Helle did not move for it immediately however and instead opted to ignore its existence for the moment. She did allow for her stoic expression to fall at least. There is a disconnection that Helle can tell with this woman; something far different from Cyrus. Where one aimed to wear a false face at all times, the other wore nothing but what was required for the situation. It is somewhat impossible to understand how these people do such so casually. Though, Helle finds a bit of appreciation with the fact that this woman even showed any form of compassion at all. What is her name again? It is not everyday one asks the name of an errand runner. Yet, Helle is simply ignorant of this woman’s position in the Vandenreich.

“The notion is appreciated, but I am rather alright. I am simply catching up on things.”

There is a pause where Helle’s face scrunches up in inner dialogue before she moves aside and nods her head inwards for the secretary to enter. Ninsianna would note the rooms dismayed appearance even within stepping in. The papers on the desk were unkempt with puddles of tears damping their forms. Books lie scattered on the floor, some open and some closed with recent news of the last five years the obvious scheme of them all. Clothing is simply discarded without care. Helle doesn’t say anything as she steps over to her desk and sighs taking a seat as she tries to get her things in better order.

“Please… Come in. I never did catch your name from Cyrus. If you do not mind explaining more of my duties to me, it would be much appreciated. I am rather lost on how things are in this new Reich.”

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God of Love
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Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:09 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] TLJR1Wn

Ms. Kishar

"Ah, I understand. Do forgive my presumption."

Naturally, Ninsianna knew it was not actually an incorrect presumption, but that was neither here nor there. She entered at Helle's welcome, and though her face gave nothing away, she could feel her insides twist themselves around at the mess in this place. This was not pleasant for her, but it was also irrelevant what he preferred.

"Apologies. My name is Ninsianna Kishar, I serve as Grandmaster ast-Auramazda's personal secretary, as well as his right hand in situations wherein he is unable or unneeded."

Manifesting a physical copy of Helle's paperwork on her own clipboard, Ninsianna briefly reminded herself of the full contents of the report. Of course, she did not require a physical copy in the slightest, as the whole of the contract was already in her mind, but she did admittedly find some pleasure in reading a physical document.

"Your duties as the Sub Captain will include the oversight and assignment of all Sternritter. This would normally be as the right hand to the Captain, but as there is no Captain at this time, all authority and responsibility entailed in the role of Captain will fall to you. Naturally, due to the additional effort required on your behalf, your pay and housing will be raised to the standard of a Captain as compensation."

Ninsianna did not state what was rather obvious from everything she had said, but thought it would simply be rather clear; that Helle was, in all but title, the functional Captain of the Sternritter.

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Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:12 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Helle could only nod in understanding letting Ninsianna speak her full thoughts before beginning to access everything given. Yes. Cyrus did relay this to her. As a group without a Captain, all the duties of such fall onto her shoulders to carry out. Though, seeing how much of the Sternritter are out of commission, this task shall prove rather incomplete in her mind. Helle’s eyes wandered her own quarters. It is far too easy to see her struggle. One day, she felt the world was in her hands. Today, she could only feel the hollow victory in her growth at what felt like the cost of everything she had known. Could one blame her for the grief that is slowly spilling from her. She will clean everything, but this quick session is needed.

“I understand Ms. Kishar. I must admit, I have little experience with anyone or anything non quincy, but it seems our Liege is making changes that are more needed than a simple diplomatic scheme. Oh… How far have my people fallen…”

She did not mean to get a bit emotional with her words, but her recent readings about the genocides that had befell the Vandenreich have wounded her so. Despite the calm demeanor, she is rather troubled within and barely containing the need to cry further than she has. It is best to handle this in privacy however, so she must make sure all her things are in order in her office and head to a more suitable area to… relieve herself.

“Do so relay the message to our Liege that I will require her presence soon. There is much to discuss, much to organize. Mmm… I suppose you should prepare yourself as well. I have little plans on allowing any to sit idle. Far too much to do.”

And, just like that. Helle has already begun to push her worries far into her core as the want to better her race grows. Another tragedy is an impossibility in her mind. The Reich has fallen too far from its former glory, and such a thing is unacceptable in her mind.

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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God of Love
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Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:53 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] TLJR1Wn

Ms. Kishar

"I understand fully, Miss Armstrong. I do not wish to seem overbearing in my bringing this information, merely to convey to you all that is relevant."

Ninsianna continued to study the woman passively, just watching her and how she reacted as they spoke. This woman was certainly different from most she had spoken to, not that she actually minded that at all. Few expressed their emotions in such a compartmentalized manner. It was almost refreshing.

"I will inform her with as much expediency as I am able, Miss Armstrong. Was there anything else that you required of me?"

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Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:10 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Anything else that she needed? Well, there is not anything particular to the situation at hand, but Helle always has thoughts here and there that she rarely speaks for no reason but because she simply doesn’t. With so much happening in such a short time, pleasant conversation is far and few inbetween actual business talk. With her eyes focusing on Ninsianna, the blonde felt a need for a more fresh topic. Yet, she did not want to divert the overall meaning of this encounter for some silly casualness that neither seemed capable of holding for too long. Ninsianna has an orderly air about her far different from Cyrus’. For starters, the woman seemed to lack any interest in speaking her mind without being asked. She simply states what must be stated at the time. Such professionalism is appreciated, but this environment is already lacking that air just by appearance alone. Helle knows she’ll be busy cleaning all this up, but onto more important matters.

“Say, Ms. Kishar. Why did you join the Vandenreich? What do you think of Quincy? Our Liege? The change he is bringing? I wish to know a bit more of your personal thoughts.”

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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God of Love
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Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:50 pm

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] TLJR1Wn

Ms. Kishar

"I joined the Vandenreich to support the Grandmaster in his aims. I believe in a structured world, a properly balanced Soul Cycle. I am the Danava of Bureaucracy, of ordered society. His ideals are every bit the same as my own."

Ninsianna spoke about herself without much passion, but then again, she spoke about nothing with any particular passion. It was all simply statements of fact.

"I look up to Mr. ast-Auramazda greatly, as both my employer and as simply a man whose ideals I believe are worthwhile. The changes he brings to the Vandenreich are not my place to speak upon in a professional space, but given you have asked my personal opinion, it is uplifting to know that there is a place in the world for someone of my kind to seek this sort of change. Lux Orior and Vastime are stable, but they do not seek what I seek. My own kind are hardly role models for anyone. Mr. ast-Auramazda is the only person who has offered me this opportunity."

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Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:22 am

Papers, Please [Ninsianna/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Structured? Is that what Helle saw her ideal world as? Thinking of her own goals and desires, she could not help but agree with Ninsianna to a certain degree. Though, the blonde’s overall end may prove something strange or noble. It is not important for now. Helle finds herself wondering if the Vandenreich being seen as a place orchestrating such a change is how she wished for it to be viewed as. Her eventual answer surprises her, but it is also expected.

“I see. Then, that is all. I require some time to myself to think and clean up a bit. Do not forget to inquire about Cyrus for me. I would like… her to stop by as soon as possible at their earliest availability.”

Helle did catch the fact that Cyrus was referred to as a male which confused her somewhat. She did not wish to correct Ninsianna in fear of saying something out of place and unnecessary. Besides, she knows little about Cyrus’ full capabilities.

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Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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