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Thunder & Passion - Page 2 Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:50 pm

The Odinson

The feeling of his axe having barely missed her head caused a brief internal chuckle, having believed such a move may have ended this fight early. But things where beginning to draw to a conclusion. It filled him with an overwhelming amount of glee, knowing that soon things would reach their climax. The name of her bankai being released, caused his mouth to open to release his own full power.

"Bankai, Jörmungandr Uroborus."

His release was completely opposite of her own, his energy expanding throughout his being as electric eyes seemed to now overflow. His body pulsating with crackles of lightning striking against the storm- and her. As her hand dug into his body finding much resistance, every strike covered her hand in the searing vicious golden ichor of his body. It would almost feel like placing one hands into lava, spilling with each strike. However, the pain would simply be pushed to the side as the wrath of the storm was known.

His hand flipped the axe with uncanny speed, the large hammer-like backside would be facing Murasaki. In a might swing which broke the air, which gathered ice and storm to smash against her form. He was swinging wildly as much as she was, holding her in place with a single arm- and striking backwards. Their onslaught against each other spurred by nothing but raw battle lust. As his body was torn against, his grip around her wrist would become a vice grip seeking to apply his might to the hardened metal which was her bone now.

Arkin was on the verge of entering the berserker state, something he was holding back. But the wanton battle fervor seemed to carry him, and regardless once he caught a clean hit on her he'd release her wrist so that she may be knocked away by the force. Notably, many of the cutes and stabs didn't leak the ichor. The total amount of ichor lost came more from her pushing against the same cuts earlier, than any actual 'flow.'

"Hahahaha! We keep this up, there may be no going back! Hahah!"

End | The Immortal


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Thunder & Passion - Page 2 Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:21 pm



Seeing the rather exceptional number of attacks moving toward her in a rather short window of time, Murasaki knew instinctively that there was only one recourse for her at this point. That, realistically, there was no further recourse in this fight unless she aimed to kill. She knew the same was likely true from him, if the two had released their bankai.

One breath in.

One breath out.


No escape. Suzuran would kill. Killing was unacceptable. Eyes darted to one side, past Arkin. Across the field. Distance. He would understand her intent. Eyes closed.

One breath in.



[Murasaki will return in one post.]

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Morph OTY
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Thunder & Passion - Page 2 Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:39 am

The Odinson

The feeling of her just.. disappearing seemed to awaken him from his nearly berserker state. The man would be holding his axe idly for a moment before placing it on his shoulder. He'd slowly take a seat on the ground, his wounds visible displaying what appeared to be some golden insides. Despite the wounds, he didn't seem to upset by them. His captain disappear'd, and he assumed this was one of her techniques.


The fight was over. His eyes began to close for a moment, as if resting. If left undisturbed, the man just might fall asleep.

End | The Immortal


Thunder & Passion - Page 2 JfH75kA
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God of Love
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Thunder & Passion - Page 2 Empty Re: Thunder & Passion

Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:15 am




The girl appeared once more, quite a few strides away from where she had been. Yet, the look in her eyes was hollow, even compared to the empty gaze of her Musonzai. She simply stared at the ground, keeping her breathing deep and even, suppressing what were obviously shudders of horror at what had occured.

"Murasaki. Kagayaku no Murasaki. Me. I am Murasaki. I am. Me. I am Kagayaku no Murasaki. Me. Murasaki..."

She continued this repeating mantra for quite a while, only standing after she had recited it 10 times. Even then, she continued to breathe deeply, calmly, not saying much until she finally looked to Arkin. When she spoke, her voice was quiet, quite obviously still in a bit of shock from the weight that Tsubaki impressed upon one's psyche.

"That was...a good match."

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