Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:00 am

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] PG2guMf


Aha! After much searching, and much more wandering, Vegas had finally found the place she'd been looking for. A very neat place, she sure thought. A lot of big buildings, but she was used to that by now. More importantly, it had a great feeling just by being around. Not that she ever didn't feel great, though. After all, she was Vegas! She was always great!

With a laugh to herself, and a stride that was perhaps far too confident for being a young girl walking entirely alone through a city, Vegas began her search. Now where did you find the mayor of a city... She consulted a sign, but after staring at it for a good long while, she realized that most of the languages were not ones she knew, and that even the English was a little...hard. Still, she stared at it for a good long while, and only after about 5 minutes of mouthing out the individual sounds of each letter did she finally nod in approval to herself.

"Hah! Miss Ulv, here I come!"

And, indeed, off she went in the rough direction of the mayor's manor. "Rough" being the operative word there.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:48 am


Ulv wanted to go down and meet the new girl that had arrived, but at the same time she didn't want to ruin that fire and drive she had to do it herself. So she just watched the new girl and smiled softly. It seemed she couldn' well? She was getting stumped on a sign for an inordinate amount of time. But eventually she managed to discover what it said and set off towards the manor. It was hard to miss, being a sizeable thing on top of a hill, and glowing to boot. While the rest of the buildings hummed quietly with power and flickered if you stared at them long enough, the Manor was a proud beast and so shone with it's own glorious light.

So, while she was walking up said hill - the girl lacked any real powers to make the journey instantly like most - Ulv was deciding what to wear. She seemed too young of a girl to really flirt with, but also too young to appreciate a stately and precise dress. What to wear, what to wear?

Eventually, Vegas would arrive at the manor and the door would open itself to showcase a front room with clothes thrown about the place and a frazzled Ulv dressed in her iconic top and shorts, still rummaging through the huge wardrobe she had.
"Damn, really here already? Bugger. And Bollocks. And some third one to boot. Hello" Ulv told her. Well, so much for a first impression.


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:43 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] PG2guMf


Finally pushing the door to the manor open, Vegas made quite the entrance as she walked in, hands quite firmly on her hips and a proud stance made.

"Ulv! I've come to-"

Admittedly, the totally casual nature of Ulv's greeting threw her more than a little off guard, as did the huge mess of clothes. She glanced around at all the outfits, eyes flitting here and there, and after a second or two she regained her composure, though it was rather obvious that her momentum had been lost.

"Uh... Oh, right. Ulv! I've come to find my father! I've heard he's here!"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:14 pm


The young girl spoke Ulv's name with confidence and that, seemed to imply she knew the woman. But, Ulv searched through her memories at a rapid pace and found nothing about her that coincided with a woman that had a demonic scent to her, but also a familiar one. Too clouded by the demonic half and weak even without the clouding, but certainly something.

"Pretty sure I'd remember my own daughter" Ulv muttered, thinking about things. Demon plus familiarity did seem to imply it was Ulv's, given how many of them she had laid with. And that hair was certainly an extra implication. But still, there wasn't much there.

Cleaning the clothes up with a focused typhoon, she would just pull on a Haori so she was covered and walk over to the woman.
"You are gonna need to be slightly more precise, darling. There are a lot of fathers in the world, and a lot of people are here"


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:19 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] PG2guMf


"Oh! Right, right! His name is Alex! Alex, um... Something that starts with a "v" sound! Hang on, I have a picture somewhere!"

Rifling about through her pockets, she eventually pulled out a rather grainy picture that had obviously been printed on normal old paper, well-folded and even more well-worn from being kept in her pocket for quite a few years. It seemed to be from a security camera at a gas station, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Nevertheless, even with all the fading, it was rather easy to spot both that distinct outfit and even more distinct hair.

"I've been looking for him for a long time now! But he always seems to slip away... But! I heard he spent a lot of time with you here, so I think I might be onto something finally!"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:36 pm


"Vaugrenard" Ulv spoke, looking at the picture. And then up to the girl. She admittedly didn't know all that much about Alex's family thoughts, but considering he never spoke about a daughter, and this picture was a security camera photo from a fuel station, the implication was quite clear. So she would just smile gently and nod to the woman, stepping up to her and clicking at the air. Though it did nothing, and she sighed.

"One of these days I need to get Hayden to give me a key" she muttered, shaking her head and then looking down at the woman. "Mmm, I do know Alex. He spends a lot of time in Vastime with his girlfriend. Given that your photo is a grainy sneak, and he's never even mentioned you, I don't think he knows you exist. So you might want to prepare yourself for his shock. And there is even the chance he doesn't want you"


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:50 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] PG2guMf



Vegas spoke the name rather slowly, obviously doing her best to pronounce it correctly. She mulled over Ulv's words, and as she did so, she simply nodded once more, her confident smile turning more into a frown.

"I already figured he didn't want me. Mom said he ran off out of nowhere and then we never saw him again. That's why I'm out trying to find him, so I can teach him a lesson!"

She seemed unfathomably sure in her ability to actually do that, as if she had never really thought about what that might actually in theory entail. That was, of course, because she hadn't. At no point had the idea of her father actually being a strong guy crossed her mind.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:01 pm


"Ran off, huh? Did she happen to tell you exactly when he ran off, or did she keep that one vague and nebulous?" Ulv asked. She didn't entirely trust the idea that Alex had abandoned his daughter like this, but she also didn't want to proclaim he absolutely didn't. The idea of her teaching Alex a lesson was a fun one, and for a moment she was tempted to offer her Takkeyeon and Tiger Gate to assist her in her endeavours, but eventually decided against it. She wouldn't be accessory to this kind of a conflict.

"And as for teaching him a lesson, make sure it is informative, not aggressive. Nobody learns if you just blame them for their faults"


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:27 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] PG2guMf


"Um... Nope. He ran off before I was born, that's all I know."

Vegas nodded again in affirmation of what she'd just said, still maintaining a surprisingly confident stance despite it being sort of out of place now given the change in tone and pace for the conversation. She didn't really get what Ulv was asking, or what she was saying now, but it she was pretty sure she got the gist of it.

"Well I was gonna beat him up. I guess that's aggressive, but uh... I can explain what happened while I do it?"

It was rather apparent she had, at no point, actually thought about what she would do when she found him.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:35 pm


"Mmm. Precisely how long before you were born, is the question" Ulv commented, clicking her fingers again and opening a hole in the fabric of reality, a yawning abyss that would take them to where they needed to go. Or roughly where, at least.

"Nelliel won't like you trying to beat him up, and Abalia won't like you starting violence in her cafe. And I won't like you trying to beat him up without having a conversation with him first. On the plus side, if you do have a conversation with him and he is a blase git about it, I'll hold off Abalia and Nelliel while you beat him up. Does that sound like a good deal, Miss Vaugrenard?"


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