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God of Love
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:57 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Mm, yep, that was pain. There it was. Alex had started to wonder if he'd just forgotten what it felt like, but it was nice to get reminded that, nah, he could still feel like he was fucking dying. Thankfully it wasn't so totally and monumentally overwhelming that he lost his focus on what was happening, and he moved his head enough not to have his nose pulverized by Hayden's fist. Close one.

"Impossible? Sorry, motherfucker, but I don't believe in impossible."

This one was gonna hurt, but Alex was already in pain anyway, so really, who fuckin cared? He took in one sharp breath, and let a whole lot of Maiden Masher go all at once. He didn't know if that'd hurt Hayden, but he didn't actually care, either. All that heat was building up real fuckin quick now in his chest, and he gave a cheeky grin to the King as he continued speaking.

"Anyone tells me something's impossible, I gotta do it. Just a matter of pride."

With a loud thump, something akin to a great cloud of butane igniting l at once, the heat built up in Alex's system was expelled in a singular burst right from his chest. It was hot enough that it left a good scorch on even his own chest, and steam practically exploded from every pore in his body. Well, here was hoping it hit Hayden too, because if not, that'd fuckin suck real bad.

"I'm not lookin' to change the world. I just want my girl to have a quiet life."

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Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:40 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hayden felt his skin becoming scorch at the great release of fire and steam, such a thing wasn't to be taken lightly. While he had some resistance to it, he was notably not as durable as Alex. Holding back made this particularly noticeable as blisters formed on his skin, but soon disappeared. Such was the nature of his powers, constantly regenerating. In fact, it would be noticeable as the black mist touched the steam it began to grow darker before taking on the properties of the blackened mist.

Desmond's fingers would flex as a gathering of swirling energy was felt, the air becoming heavy as a crimson orb began to form in his hand, mixing with the black mist. It was a small thing, but clearly some type of cero. A highly, condensed one at that. As he jumped backwards and threw his hand forward it would fly half the distance, before expanding into the side of Alex. It no doubt contained quite a bit of explosive power, more force than anything else. But once it exploded the area would become coated in the mist, making it much harder to breath.

""You know who wanted a quiet life? Yaksha."

The man words cut through the world like a steel blade through butter, as he floated upwards his emerald eyes shifting to crimson. His expression was one of exertion, but this time his hands would be brought to his front as another gathering of swirling energy began to form. His voice picking up in tone, becoming distorted as the world around his hands it's self began to warp and change from the energy.

"The world does not allow for quiet peaceful lives, Alex. It takes those who wish to have such a thing and brutalize them. That is why I must change the world, and if you wish to stop the needless death of those you care for; then you must do so. That is the harsh truth. But you are correct, there is no such thing as impossibility. And if anyone ever claims that it is impossible, than that is no reason to not strive for it!"

With that roar, the unnamed attack would blast forward in a raw beam of hollowified energy and death matter, a highly volatile attack which Desmond himself would not want to deal with. Naturally, it wouldn't kill him but it was a bit overkill. He wanted to push Alex, both physically and spiritually. If he did not rise to the occassion, then he would never create that quiet life.

"You may not wish to change the world, but you may have to. You may not wish to do a lot, but a man does what he must- even if he does not wish it."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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God of Love
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Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:16 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


The cheeky grin Alex had worn was gone the moment Hayden said those words. The words cut through not only the word, but through Alex's usual cool bravado. Nothing tended to do that, because he knew getting angry was a recipe for disaster with the way he was. But it took every single ounce of willpower he had not to let the raging inferno in his chest overtake him, and the focus on it was so overwhelming that he honestly didn't even have the awareness to lessen the force of the attacks Hayden had just unleashed.

As the beam flew into him, Alex was sent careening directly into the wall of this cavern, slamming into it with a loud clang that echoed through the whole place. Everything hurt a lot more now. Hurt a little too much. He was getting hot, not a good hot, not a fun hot. He just kept his breathing even, practically shoving the Riot of the Blood down now as it screamed desperately to get out.

"...Yeah...yeah, Yaksha wanted a quiet life. Every fuckin day I think about that. I think about the fact that I couldn't do anything to save him. Save all the friends I had in that city."

Despite the tremendous pain he felt, despite the obvious cracking in his bones and the feeling of his own body cooking in the heat it had built up, Alex still stood up. He spat on the floor, though the saliva simply evaporated before it even came close to the ground, and he looked at Hayden with what could only be described as a murderous intent. The unbridled fury, the anarchy of the Riot, it was practically visible in his eyes.

"I always wondered what it was like to be someone like you. Have the whole world in your fuckin hand. I thought it'd be pretty fucking radical, you know that? Thought it'd kick ass to be able to just do whatever the fuck you want."

More cracks, more flame, and Alex only bit his lip as he felt the fire of Maiden Masher start to move unbridled across his body. He was already fucked here, wasn't he? Whatever. Hayden wasn't gonna kill him, right? Abalia'd be fucking mad. Nel'd be mad too. Did he trust Hayden? Good question. Took a lot of trust to put his life in someone else's hands.

"Turns out it fucking sucks to even coem close. Didn't ever think about what it'd be like to actually give a shit. Gotta worry about everything. Gotta fucking live with the shit you couldn't stop. But I'm here now, huh? Too fuckin' late to go back, too fuckin' late not to do everything I can for Nel."

Yeah. He trusted Hayden. Shooting the man a finger gun as his cocky grin came back one more time, he pulled the trigger as one more immense font of Maiden Masher poured out. If it hit him didn't matter. That was enough to fuck him up. Here came the Riot.

"Nel's gonna fuckin kill you if I die here"

And then, all at once, the fury of the Riot of the Blood exploded forth. Alex's formerly aggressive energy seemed to mutate all at once, growing outright acidic, as if its only goal was to destroy everything in its path. The weight of it was far worse, the heat skyrocketing all the more until the whole cavern was practically an oven. But far worse was Alex himself. As the energy released itself, he let out what could only be described as a roar of total agony, his mind and body lost wholly to pure rage. Even at a glance, he was no longer human. His stance had lowered, his eyes were empty and sunken in. He twitched angrily, and it seemed as though his hair might simply fall out of his head. He looked like nothing short of a dead man walking, and this was all the more reinforced when the skin of his right forearm simply fell off, landing upon the ground and burning into ash not long after.

And then...the creature that had once been Alex lunged toward Hayden. It had only one wish, only one desire. To kill, to succeed, to deny any authority over itself. It would do anything in that aim.

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Morph OTY
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Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:16 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Then don't die, pussy."

Desmond would allow the grin on his lips begin to spread into a toothy one, his body tensing as he felt Alex come at him. The pure sight of his body destroying it's self from it's power was something he was accustomed to, and while he wasn't operating at peak capacity this would need a bit more of power. This was fun for him, not such much beating a man who couldn't feasibly win, but the clash of wills. Alex was a young man who held one huge aspect of Desmond, one which made him nearly the perfect successor.

Yes, he was quite pleased he didn't destroy him when they first met.

But as he came at him an explosion of power would be felt, Desmond hand closing into a fist before he threw a powerful jab towards the male. His movements all perfectly synchronizing to maximize the output of energy, a sonic burst happening as it struck him as he lunched at him. The power would be enough to flatten a city block, no doubt most likely throwing him backwards. Yet, in a moment before Alex be thrown too far Desmond would disappear to only reappear behind him to lift his leg upwards intending to spike up wards.

An explosion of fire follow'd his legs, as he felt muscles begin to groan in protest. This wasn't his full power, but he was moving at the higher levels of his movement. Provided Alex did nothing to stop him, he would be sent spiraling upwards like a meteor inverses, his body dragging against the air as he went up at unprecedented speeds. In the same series of events which lead to Desmond appearing behind him, he'd kick off the ground to attempt to crash into his body- and ideally embed him into the reinforced ceiling of the training area.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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God of Love
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Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:36 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 0iSo0gz



If he could still feel, Alex would have been in a whole lot of pain, but he was well past that now. He wasn't a man, was barely even a beast. He was simply walking killing intent, a need to succeed no matter what. He saw Hayden's fist fly toward him, but he didn't do anything to stop it. Didn't have the mental capacity to, anyway.


Caught, kicked, flying upward. Fire? If Alex were still sentient, he'd have laughed at that idea. No way fire could hurt him at this point in his life. He was always burning up on the inside, did Hayden think he'd hurt a man like Alex with a little scorch? But this time, he was ready, because it was a dangerous move to use the same trick twice against a wounded beast.


As Hayden lept to crash into him, Alex gladly took the blow head on, unafraid of a mere impact - But he wouldn't just take it without a fuckin fight. He gladly took the blow head on, but softened it by striking out with his left arm as forcefully as he could. His own strength was already impressive, to say the least, and the air cracked with the force of the blow. But far more important was the sheer heat coursing through the limb. All of his heat was centered in his left hand, his fingers ready to claw through Hayden's flesh. Smoke flew from his arm as he did so, thousands upon thousands of degrees all focused in fingers harder than steel.


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Morph OTY
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Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:44 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

This was the rush of battle which Desmond rarely got to experience anymore, going further beyond what was thought possible. While he was not being pushed to his limits, in the midst of this battle he saw Alex beginning to go to his limits. As his eyes witness his fingers begin to glow, to become hot with fury which was becoming incarnate in front of him. He felt his body scream in pain as his own flesh was burnt, skin bubbling as he dung his hand through hayden's open torso. A hiss of pain escaping his mind, as he tore at the exposed body of Desmond.

Before any last damage could happen, the vice grip of Desmond would shoot out to grip at Alex's face, squeezing his throat with enough force to turn steel into crumbled metal. He was sure Alex could handle it, but for now he was going to grant things up a notch. As they slammed into the ceiling, Desmond feeling the contained area shake, he'd begin to rotate his body pulling Alex downward towards the earth. The last time Desmond was going to strike Alex, he had moved his head, this time he would be afforded no such luxery.

A fist would slam downward, carried by Desmond's own weight and gravity. The crack of hardened bone striking bone seemed to make a grotesque sound, if it landed. It was carried with the force to easily split the head of someone open at his own level of durability, but consider Alex was a tanky fuck he should be fine. But the assault would not stop, instead as they spiral'd downward it would become a match of sheer tenacity. Desmond raining single fisted blows with enough force to cause a ripple effect with each one, Alex held in place by the hand around his throat. Desmond torso and body being torn and set aflame as it repair'd it's self in a process of pain which was impossible to be put into rewords.

"I'm done playing."

The words would be carried through grit teeth, his fist attempting to raise for one final blow- before throwing it down just as the two would strike the earth. Despite the enhanced nature of the room, a sizable crater would form.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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God of Love
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Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:34 pm

Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 0iSo0gz



With every blow that landed upon the beast that had once been Alex, an almost primal screech seemed to echo through the room. It did not come from Alex himself; his energy simply responded where the man's own mind lacked the capacity. More pressing, however, was the sheer scope of heat that just kept coming to the surface with every single moment of pain. It was hotter than Alex had ever gotten, far hotter in fact, and his body was rather clearly rebelling against him as even his own tremendously resilient body began to burn away.


Though there was little he could do in this situation, Alex was still not one to go down without a fight. He wasn't one to really take fucking anything without a fight, and the nature of the Riot was one of absolute survival. Just because you were losing didn't mean you had to die. Best to cut your losses sometimes. All of the heat within Alex, that unfathomable blaze which seared every inch of his skin, every single degree condensed itself into his right arm. It was visibly distinct, apparent even at a glance from the overwhelming glow. But as the two of them slammed into the ground, the crater of the earth created just what Alex wanted in his violent mania.

Hayden had made a kiln.


Whether he truly would win or lose, it was impossible to say. He wasn't a capable judge of...anything, really. But the Riot of the Blood felt in this moment that this blow was all that would be needed. He swung upward as soon as the crater had finished forming, and the moment his right hand struck Hayden's side, the flesh simply burst, unable to contain that degree of pressure or heat. Violet flame exploded forth with a speed faster than Alex himself likely could have even moved, rapidly filling the whole crater in the blink of an eye, made all the worse by its immense weight. The two were, for all intents and purposes, buried for several moments in the equivalent of the depths of the Earth, the burning weight of Alex's flame easily on par with the mantle now, if not even worse.

But after those few seconds passed, it was quite clear to see that there was no more fight left in Alex. The Riot had accepted what it saw as its assured victory. All that was left now was a man in very much pain, his right arm burned through thoroughly from the overwhelming heat it had been forced to bear, his left hand nearly destroyed, and every inch of his skin burned at least to the second degree. Never the less, despite all of his agony...he managed a very small grin.

"...Don't tell Nel about this, yeah..?"

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Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:12 pm



Close Enough (Alex, Hayden, Ask to Join) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Alex was impressive, not just as a fighter in his own right but the way in which he fought. So self-destructive and all consuming, breaking down himself to squeeze out a victory. It was nearly a mirror into Desmond's own past.

But it was time to display the machinations of Desmond's plan. Throughout this entire fight a blackened mist seemed to emit from Desmond, gradually eating up the air within the room. Throughout all their fighting, all their movements the primal mind of Alex may not have noticed how such a thing would effect their fight. As when they crashed into the crater and the fire bomb which was Alex exploded, he would the flames being smothered out like a pillow over the face of an unsuspecting victim.

The mist warped the area around them swirling in a vortex of flame and blackness around their bodies, Desmond concealed within the mist. Only two crimson eyes peer'd through the darkness at Alex, in contrast to the wild fiery primal emotion Alex felt in this moment a chill passed in the area. It cut through the flames, the emotion, as an overwhelming presence descended upon Alex for a moment. The presence of death seemed to sweep through the vortex, the flames which should be burning them only replaced by the decaying nature of death.

That mist would begin to condense down towards the arm on Alex's neck, as the figure of Desmond appear'd once more. Instead of the bronze skin he was known for, an almost layer of what appear'd to be blackness coated his body. Before slowly receding downward towards his arm as his grip seem to tighten slowly, despite the fight being done. That cold look washed over Alex, before an almost visible confusion appear'd above his features as he quickly released Alex. His eyes blinking as familiar emerald reappear'd gazing at Alex with a level of confusion, before backing off of him. The condensed power of their attacks thrumming in his right arm as he winced for moment, flexing his arm as the blackness which coated it seemed to begin to pull inwards a look of pain on his face.

"Naturally. Don't tell my wife."

He'd grunt out staring at his fingers, despite not being nearly as injured as Alex he was feeling something else. Perhaps for a moment he slipped in his focus, and in that moment an eldritch being slipped in. In some recess of his mind, he had a feeling he was half-way through preparing 'Arma Leviathan'. He was simply using the death matter latent in his body to convert the flames into an usable energy, a nice surprise for Alex but he hadn't properly calculated the extent to which Alex's flames where tied to such primal emotions. As he began to get up looking down at Alex, rotating his arm he'd ask:

"Do you need a hand?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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