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The Right to Rule Empty The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:23 am

Las Rejillas. The new center of power within Hueco Mundo. Its size was impressive, and certainly gave the impression that some progress had been made in the centuries she'd been away. A soft smirk adorned her mouth, and the female Hollow allowed her dread power to escalate and wash over the desert city.

"Yes. This will make a fine throne." She uttered aloud, and raised one clawed hand to signal the trio of Gillian standing behind her. Each had fallen under her spell, and like the royal procession, each would give their lives for her whim. She snapped her fingers, and the giants loosed a mighty call that rumbled through the loose sands underfoot.

The call of the Gillian would serve her well as an announcement, but the people so deserved to hear the queen's words from her own mouth.

The Hollow drew in a breath, and with a mighty roar, added her voice to the call. It built, drew on the might of the giants' calls, and rode them throughout all of the desert of Hueco Mundo. Her kind would know its meaning by their very blood and bones; this was a challenge. A claim.

Hueco Mundo would have its queen.


The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:36 am

Aspect of Loss

おだ たつや

The Right to Rule JCRrxmK

Slowly his eyes opened and a wave of energy went outwards. Spiritual pressure slamming into those who'd come. He'd expected some arrival to appear soon. Nagato's death had opened a can of worms. Anastasius remained as the Primera for two reasons. He was the eldest of the Hollows now and knew his job. It was to stabilize this problem that had come. Slowly footsteps were heard from the shadows. His eyes were able to be seen from the darkness as he came out. "I see you have arrived. " His voice was calm without much emotion to it. Stoic as he let his trident rest beside him. He w2as the one who destroyed Las Vegas with his Grand Ray Cero. His eyes looked towards the beings who were behind her. "I've seen many kings and queens. Rise and fall like the sands of Hueco Mundo. " His frame walked towards her slowly now. His weapon in hand as he gave off a powerful air. "I don't intend to see another one rise. Mana, Nagato, Aizen, Barragan. " He said naming them off slowly the King's and Queens.

They'd all failed in one way or another slowly. Those who claimed to rule Hueco Mundo. Slowly heat began to radiate in the air as his eyes stared at her. But it wasn't normal he could see through her. "If you intend to..lay such will face me in combat." He said calmly making it almost right to the point. Anastasius had grown weary of Nagato's nonsense. If need be he'd wipe out her entire entourage as well. Anastasius didn't care about the numbers. One against One, or Fifty against One. The point stood he would not see the rise of another. Not at this moment nor would he sit idle. And just let someone claim a throne. "Oh, you are quite different from those around you. Such interesting energy you have there." He noticed her zanpakuto and the way it was. Fused to her hip no sheath but his trident didn't have one either. Bringing his free hand up making a gesture she was sure to know.

He was ready to fire a cero off Anastasius did not look like the one you could reason with. Her only choice now was to back down or fight him.
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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:15 pm

The horde was quick to gather. Most came from within the city, but few garganta opened to allow those from the furthest sands to make themselves present. Many were close to or equal to the Hollow in power, but there was one being who commanded her attention. An Arrancar, and one she had known by name.

"Primera Anastasius." She still smirked, though less sure of herself and more coyly. She had believed the Espada to have been wiped out by now, but if the strongest among them was still alive, then why did Hueco Mundo rot in such a state?

"You're right. We are different." The Hollow continued while she drew the rapier from her hip. It flicked effortlessly through the air several times, but she made no move in aggression towards the being standing to challenge her claim. "Aizen and Mana had no right to Hueco Mundo. Even the great Lord Baraggan threw away his Hollowdom for the promise of power.

"Like yourself, we suppose." She chuckled. "Or, was it fear of your own nature? The hunger? Damnation?" The blade of her weapon hissed sharply as her power filled it, wrapped around the edge in a show of intent. Her aura stilled, and she readied herself when the man's hand was raised to her.

"Hueco Mundo deserves better than something playing at pretend!" Her words dripped with venom, and with an explosion of static noise, she met the Primera's challenge to her rule.

She reappeared in the sand to his side, zanpakutō poised to strike. With a well-placed and practiced thrust, she attempted to drive her weapon past his ribs and through his vital organs all in one blindingly fast attack.


The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:31 pm

Aspect of Loss

おだ たつや

The Right to Rule JCRrxmK

As she finished her sentence he remained quiet. He saw her movement coming there was something he had been known for. As she came around a blast of heat formed around him. Flames came off his skin and cracked the sands around him. Quickly turning some into shards of glass. He wasn't angry however at her barbs. Her blade would hit his body though he guarded with his flames and reiatsu. Depending on how far in she decided to go. Bringing his trident in a sweeping motion to the side. It came with a glowing yellow hue behind it. As the weapon release and energy wave sweeping the entire area away. But he did not follow up on his attack. He slammed his weapon upon the ground causing it to sand through the air. "Stay there for a moment, I'll address you now." He said his eyes giving a single warning glance to her friends. He'd kill them all without a second thought on the matter. " I didn't have a choice in the matter of my mask, my sister forced its removal. Her mind control was rather effective. "

He didn't stop though as he spoke now calmly. "Listen to my proposal before you decide to fight me. I will not tolerate a single monarchy anymore. They are failures every single one... I grow tired of them and the mediocre results they bring. " He'd been busy purging those who supported Nagato. He'd not shown himself in some time having cleansed the sands of them. "Four will be selected, Four Rulers each held in place by ten laws. These laws are kept functioning by the Espada. " He said beginning to explain his plan. He wondered if she noticed it yet, how little of Nagato remained. Anastasius had been far busier then people would imagine. Silently dealing with those who seek nothing but foolishness against the Shinigami. "Hollows will be selected based on wisdom and experience, for the four positions. The Espada will act as enforcers and guards for the four. He said finishing his proposition to her. Before slowly extending his trident once more towards her.

"What will it be, will you play pretend with your followers? Or do you intend to make a difference? I've slaughtered Nagato's people who believed his righteous crusade was the only answer. Do you intend to follow them and their folly right to the Soul Society?" His eyes watched her now looking at the flow of energy in her very body. The choice was hers, for how this entire thing played out. He'd not begun wielding his might against her in earnest. Though nor had she released her full power either.
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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Sun Dec 01, 2019 1:05 pm

The Right to Rule JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: One Thing - Word Count: N/A

(Posting music)

People come and go like phasing breathes of a wind. Those with love and attachment close to her heart were dimmed into the background like a painful silence. Yet, was it so bad? Was it so bad to rely on one's self? The sense of emptiness which echoed in the heart of the former Primera Espada ran deep, but she knew that whatever lay for her next she needed to confront, face and endure as she always has. For until the halls of time stop, or the last release of air leaves her lungs, this merry-go-round of change wasn't going to stop for herself or anyone around her.

Thus, she saw fit to emerge from her own cave of misery and woe to otherwise face the light of a new day. Which is why in the distance did a brief flare of cherry energy radiate and bring with it a powerful sense of might. The burning spiritual strength behind it could otherwise swallow this realm as far as this ex-Primera was concerned, but she wasn't interested in pointless conquest. That phase of her life was over. Instead, she wanted to observe for a bit and determine the trajectory of where this change was going for the likes of Hueco Mundo and the hollow race as a whole.

"And what exactly do you have to offer as a ruler? I hear you talking a lot of hot shit, but I see little in the way of you standing for anything, woman."

Those hot and fiery words shot off towards Reina as the Primera Espada sought to emerge behind the woman. Granted, there was no aggressive or violent intent behind her actions. She was more than prepared to otherwise smash both of them into the dirt if they laid a single finger on her, but she wasn't here for a fight she felt. Instead, the impulse of Mischevang blood brought her here as she figured wherever her family showed up is where non-sense could otherwise emerge.

"So, this is what you are now, brother? Another hair change? Blue doesn't suit you, but eh, I guess it ain't bad to see another Mischevang still around."

Of course, Rose would make sure to acknowledge her kin. Why wouldn't she? A part of her still cared for her family. There was just no telling what type of relationship could be forged given the bastard had the nerve to join Nagato's shitshow of a crew. Granted, with him dead, there wasn't much of anything for him to claim to. And, much like her former allegiance to Ashlei, there is nothing left in the wake of such an empire falling into the pit of history.

"Really, what do you two have to offer to our lovely home of monsters and freaks? I'm all ears~"

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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:50 am

She might have stabbed at the Arrancar for a thousand years, and still, the Hollow would never have pierced his hierro. With all her bluster and newfound power, the only thing her blade had accomplished as it struck the immovable object that was her foe was to break her own wrist. The flames were next, then a swing from the man's weapon.

The Hollow fell to her back, and was carried quickly by instinct through a roll back to her feet. Her body was covered in burns, and her zanpakutō hung limp from a misshapen hand. However, she did not yield; nor did she press her attack again.

She knew when she was beaten, yet would never admit it.

Her expression, twisted as it was by the thrill of combat, softened as he explained his plans. A soft chuckle escaped her, and while her body rapidly healed its many wounds, she spat the blood from her mouth into the sands; the hissing from her fluids eating through the desert floor lasted for several seconds.

However, another had arrived, and addressed them both now.

"We offer..." She paused only long enough for her wrist to snap satisfyingly back into place. "A Hueco Mundo ruled by its own. We have no inclination to change the nature of Hollow, but a Hueco Mundo propped up by its own strength can be just as well as any human civilization. We Hollow need to take charge for ourselves, and stop allowing our kind to be used as tools for another's war."

A smirk returned to the Hollow's lips, and so too did the rapier to her hip. Her red eyes passed between the two Arrancar for a moment.

"No Shinigami. No Demons." Finally, she looked back at her entourage of Gillian, and raised her fingers to snap again. Like a waking dream, the three looked around for just a moment, recognized the vast difference in power between themselves and the others present, and slowly shambled off to the corners of Hueco Mundo.

She then turned her attention back to the male. "We will listen to your ideas."


The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:27 am

Aspect of Loss

おだ たつや

The Right to Rule JCRrxmK

His gaze shifted looking at her but not with recognition like the female expected. No this was not her brother any longer. Verathius and Wiliam the persona's that both existed before he was indeed her brothers. But Anastasius felt a distance to her as he brought the trident to rest. He did not sense an interest in conflict his eyes shifting. "Bring it out." Was all he said as hollows came with a white table. Round in its shape with three chairs being of marble stone being dragged by large ones. The traditional table Aizen had been using was gone. So too was Nagato's twisted one as this was set on the sands. His gaze lingered towards Rose deciding to explain it now. "So you are her, the reason they let themselves die? He said softly before taking a seat at the table which was shaped like a circle. His eyes remained stationary on them both. "I am both your brother and am not, I don't carry the same memories and times he did with you. Though at present I do have access to them. Due to his betrayal of you and causing you to harm he sacrificed himself along with his alternate personality. I was born from the ashes of both."

He said offering a simple and concise report on that. Now came the question both of them had. "The flaw of each ruler of these sands who has come and gone. It is a singular monarchy with them atop the throne. " Each ruler he spoke of prior did such alone. There existed no equals or people to keep them within the check. "So my plan si Four Sovereign, beings of our world. Chosen here at this table where we lay ten laws down. These laws will be enforced by the Espada. " His eyes remained calm as he spoke of his plan. He'd already slain the would-be supporters of another King. Nagato's followers were a pestilence in these sands. Two other rulers would be found and tested. "Everything is put to a vote between the Sovereigns, this table is our meeting grounds. "

Anastasius let his trident rest against the table next to him. This was their chance to begin something new. "I've access to memories before my inception even began. I've yet to see anything successful within them where it is a single monarchy. My offer is we build a Hollow Empire, with four Sovereigns. From there we make ten guidelines as it were. These are treated as blood laws, failure to compile with them..results in exile..or death. For rulers as well as Espada or those who join. " His gaze fell on Rose and that of the female Spider who sent her companions away. Anastasius leaned forward not smugly but with his normal stoic voice. "So what say you, do we bicker and fight until death lingers once more on these sands? Or do we stop playing pretend and break this status quo? "
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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:48 pm



The Right to Rule 6EdIfMt

Play that music.

Desmond had grown fucking tired of the bullshit which was Hunco Mundo royalty.

Over the course of his rise to power he had seen many false kings and queens rise to seize power, in all manners of forms. Each one being dethroned after the next by some entity, becoming shambles in the wake of real power. The only constant, the only royalty, which had earned a modicum from respect from the King was Shadowfall. Mana, despite all her bullshit, had managed to stay on the throne for years being what royalty truly was: a figurehead. An Icon. He normally would let something like this pass, but with the rise of those like Nagato and others raising hell for the Hollow; he needed to step in. Thank whatever god there still was that the Vastimian intelligence network paid attention to this bullshit palace. They could not have made it easier to find.

The weight of the his spiritual pressure was immediately felt the moment a portal was torn into realm, a blackened foot stepping onto the sand. Follow'd by what was in the shape of a human, their skin blackened as their face resembled a skull. It was truly a monstrous look, but the energy which emmited from the man was a mix of hollow and something else. Something far older, something which crawled into the skin of lesser men and had them shy away. It was the overwhelming stench of Death, incarnate.

Desmond Hayden, had stepped into this procession of hollows. And he was not pleased at all.

"This, ends now. This bullshit stops." The baritone voice of the King proclaimed, holding onto the ethereal blade. The call of hollows, had reached far and wide. It had touched the very essence of his own, who howl'd in laughter at the view of those trying to seize power. "Challenges being issue'd out. False idols rising and falling, fucking over earth in the process- NO. It ends right here. Right now. You want royalty, true majesty, well here. A king fucking walks in Hunco Mundo." The man's baritone was distorted, dripping with raw rage. An annoyance seemed to plague him, as void which where his eyes seemed to convey nothing save for utter disgust.

"Do you people have any idea the stupid this same song and dance makes you look, when you pissed away the one real guy who cared for your future? Fucking Yaksha? The guy, one of you let dreams get blown up in Vegas. The guy, who, managed to actually have a tangible better future."

He'd pause.

"And you make the claim for another king, queen. Fucking disgraceful."

He'd turn to look at Alex, who also stepped out the portal.

"And this fucking guy saw it all."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by MorpheusDavol on Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:24 pm; edited 6 times in total

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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:36 pm

The Right to Rule JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: One Thing - Word Count: N/A

"As nice as that all sounds, we've managed our own kind under Nagato's rule and it didn't exactly benefit us much in my opinion."

Really, all that Reina was spewing to her so far had just been the same empty and hollow promises that Nagato himself managed to spew before he came to power. So, she could only give a tired exhale of breath before already coming to a swift conclusion:

"You will fail."

With her strawberry eyes now surveying the vicinity, The Ex-Primera then shifted and listened to the words that Anastasius uttered out. The gist of what she got from his story had been that the male was the reformed ashes of her brother. So, there wasn't much else for her to dwell on and was prompt to give him a quick response.

"You are my brother then. Doesn't matter if your memories and persona are fucked. Blood ascends beyond life and death."

Of course, there was more that Rose wanted to divulge into, but this wasn't exactly the place for it. Though she would at least admit her remorse.

"I'm sorry that you ended up like that, for whatever it is worth."


(Posting music)

Of course, her remorse soon faded as she heard her brother blather on about the plan for Hueco Mundo. Democracy? For these beasts? That was a funny concept to her. Most of these primal monsters only paid attention to power. So it was a fool's dream to assume that such a system would work.

"I love our people and you, but you are hopelessly fucking naive to believe that will work."

And, almost as if on queue, another party erupted into the scene as the roaring power of Desmon Hayden, for whatever random-as-shit-reason, spewed forth. It caused The Ex-Primera to start laughing her cherry ass off because of course changing Hueco Mundo wasn't going to go as smooth as just talking it out.

"See? You have this royal, pompous jackass already primed and ready to beat your sorry asses into the ground."

Honestly, this whole world was fucking mad, but that was the way it worked. So, as she wiped her tears of joy, the woman rose a questionable eyebrow at the male as her own pocket of damning energy surged and swelled; releasing a vortex of hot pink energy that took the shape of a tornado around her body. It was almost as if she was proving to be a wall for both her brother and Reina herself since she figured that poor-bastard and bitch would be blown away in the wind.

"At any rate, you really assume Nagato speaks for all Hollow and Arrancar? Give me a fucking break. You are woefully out of touch if you believe that shit."

Rose spat on the ground, placed her right hand on her hip and continued to hold her ground as she let out a soft sigh.

"With that said, I'm vaguely aware of what he was trying to do by word of mouth. If it's artificial souls that will make this balance work, you are looking at one of the best engineers, researchers, and scientist this realm has to offer at the moment."

Not intimidated by the look of death boiling in the eyes of Hayden, Rose walked so that she was face to face with him. Or, as much as their height difference would allow, anyway. So, with her head held up high, she carried forth:

"So cool your fucking jets and perhaps we can work something out that's beneficial for all of us."

The Right to Rule WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
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The Right to Rule Empty Re: The Right to Rule

Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:19 pm
As the various powerful, dangerous and deadly begins below bickered, babbled and otherwise battled Cala simply watched them with wide, curious eyes. Given the volume of their voices, and the volume of the power, of the beings below it wasn't exactly hard to follow what the conversation was about. Reina's call had, after all, been what had lead to Cala being interested enough in this situation to even bother to watch in the first place. The spider-esque Hollow had definitely.... left an impression from their first meeting, to put it lightly.

Cala couldn't help but wince as the first two individuals to even show up were ones that would be more than a match for Reina on their lonesome. Individuals which, Cala fretted, didin't seem exactly too keen on putting up with the pretty spider Hollow's antics. Thankfully for Cala they were well enough away that the intermingling spiritual pressure was.... bearable. While Cala kept their own reasonably restrained they doubted that, given the three intense spiritual signatures all together, their own minuscule energy would amount to anything of interest. Except for perhaps Reina who might be amused by their presence.... and.....

Cala tilted their head, hummed, and squinted their lavender eyes. Extending and heightening their Pesquiso through great effort to focus in on the odd male below. Something of a cold shiver running up the Arrancar's spine, but not out of any sort of fear from their energy, but rather because Cala was..... surprised. Something about them resonated deeply with the little Arrancar and Cala was instantly fascinated. Not in so much a physical sense but, from what Cala could discern they were rather..... beautiful. In a familiar, peculiar way.

Cala blinked, humming to themselves, before jumping slightly in surprise as another being with suffocating amounts of spiritual energy made themselves known. Their boisterous nature absolutely anathema to the little Arrancar who wrinkled their pale, button nose in response to the loud baritone they spoke in. At first the large man's... errr.... thing's.... words only deepened Cala's reaction but as he continued to speak Cala could only tilt their head. Though they had no real idea about the things Desmond spoke about, the large thing's ire did seem to make more vague sense to Cala.

What Cala did not expect, however, was for the small female that... vaguely reminded them of a sentient pink fireball... to confront the large scary thing. Their own energy swelling and pressing outward to the point Cala felt the need to make a lattice of their Fade between themselves and Rose. Cala releasing some Reiatsu from their own body into something of an aura themselves while their Fade drank in the vague excess energy Rose spilled out. Not nearly enough to be anything more than maybe noticeable, but mostly for Cala's comfort.

Whether it was in spite of, or perhaps because of, their actions. Cala couldn't help but admire the pink fireball as it shone against the dark thing. Cala chewed on their lip, thinking. A scary spider, a beautiful man, a pink fireball and a dark thing. Cala tilted their head the other way, smiling softly as they refocused their attention on Anastasius in particular. While no doubt every one of the being below were interesting, except for maybe the dark thing, Cala was particularly intent on Anastasius. A small twinge of regret arcing through them that, until tensions lessened a considerable degree, Cala wouldn't feel comfortable trying to talk to the beautiful man.

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