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Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:50 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Aye! Ya seen a blonde guy? Short hair? Carried around a hammer? Is…”

A hand is placed over the redhead’s head as she gets up on her toes to accurately portray the height of the man she’s looking for.

“This tall?”

What was that guy’s name again? Aron? Karen? The woman frowned a bit as the person shook his head and walked off. Well, how unhelpful everyone around her is being. It seems no one knows who she is talking about.

Who is that she anyway? Well, it’s Elyss, the redhead short student of Ulv and newly formed Shinigami. Before she was simply a student of the Academy, but with her strange rapid growth in power and ability alongside the development of the Hollow within her, she had been propelled forward way beyond what she thought. Her also having special training from Ulv and even having Henrex as a teacher despite his loss of title meant she had an advantage over many in the Academy, and it seemed a bit unfair to keep her around people who truly needed the school. She has many resources at her disposal.

Currently, she’s looking for a specific giant of a man for whatever reason, but she has a bit of a problem. This man is located in the Seventh division. She is at the Fourth division. One could only wonder how she got this mixed up in her search, but not knowing the man’s name and not really knowing how to get around the Gotei can have a gal a bit lost. And, her being lost is also a bit frustrating. She’s keeping her pissiness in though with deep breaths and such. It’ll not help her find this man by getting angry. Or, maybe it would.

For now, however, she plans to continue her search. If only she could remember his name. That’d make this so much easier. If only...


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Fri Nov 08, 2019 1:24 pm

The Odinson


The strong baritone of Arkin could be heard, a guiding hand being extended as he was encircled by a group of shinigami. Young ones at that who had barely been in the war game for long, eagerly seeking whatever knowledge the old bold warrior could impart on them. Today it was simple hakada techniques, a leg sweep here and a caught hand here. If they wanted to learn anything about hoho or kido they could go elsewhere, but when it came to raw physical prowess few stood above him.

At this moment a high kick was thrown at him, it was almost child's play for him to lift his hand up catching the foot with a single hand. An angled kick would follow striking the back of their knee causing them to tumble to the ground as Arkin laughed. They would need to do much better, but as it stood he was content with what they learned so far. He'd wave a hand dismissing them as he sought to leave the area- out of all the division realm enforcement would benefit from a strong grounding in hakada.

But a familiar face caught his eye, a flash of vibrant red hair that he most definitely could not forget. It was that woman he saved! The angry one! Ah yes, the one who he had amusingly thrashed. She looked no more lost than the last time he saw her, his looming shadow beginning to fall upon her as he walked to her.

"You! What are you doing here? Have you come to be broken or break me?"

The thickly accented voice no doubt gave him away from behind, a laugh being thrown at the end. His tone playful if not a bit suggestive.

End | The Immortal


Drinks on Me... Or you.  JfH75kA
Drinks on Me... Or you.  H8Tyk70
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Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:49 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

She whips around; her red mane flying behind her as she looks up at the massive man with an unimpressed expression. Her hands find themselves on her hips as she blinks once then twice. She didn’t exactly remember how he felt, and didn’t notice him coming close until his shadow loomed over her and his voice echoed in her head annoyingly. Yes. Now she finally remembers his name. It’s so clear to her now that it felt a bit disrespectful to forget the name of such an annoying man.

“Me? No, you! Here you are. I have been walking up and down this place trying to find the biggest fella around and no one knows what I'm talking about. Then, you show up out of nowhere already looking for a fight.”

She folds her arms now and looks to the left and to the right. Her eyes close for a moment as she thinks and nods to herself before turning to the side and starts walking.

“Come on.”

Well, that’s that isn’t it? He’ll either follow, or she’ll just be walking looking like an idiot which will probably result in her coming back and kicking him in his shin or something.



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Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:43 pm
Arkin was a bit confused at the display that she did, he remembered she was indeed a very beautiful if stubborn woman. It only endeared her further to the warrior as a grin broke across his face, following behind her. He may not know where they where going, but he assumed something fun was afoot as he stride beside her slipping an arm around her shoulders, before scoping her up bridal style. The loud voice of the man ringing outwards.

"Where are we going, yes? Somewhere fun? I'm hungry. Point me in the right direction!"

He'd inform her with the customary thick accent, a grin spreading across his features holding the small female. Man's hands where rough and callous, but held a surprisingly gentle nature to carrying her.

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Drinks on Me... Or you.  JfH75kA
Drinks on Me... Or you.  H8Tyk70
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Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:48 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Shaken and stirred. Outright despicable! Womanizer! Actual filth! Those are just some of the words that run through Elyss’ mind at the moment this brute of a man decided to put his hands upon her body as if they were common with one another! Beating her ass one day does not equate to having easy access to her body. She’s so disturbed! Angry! Shocked!

“Real funny you damn giant asshole.”

She made a face of annoyance before folding her arms and looking off ignoring the looks of everyone around the two, but failed as she starts shooting glares at everyone and everything daring for a word to be spoken about her situation. Though, despite how absolutely random this whole situation is, Elyss could barely fight back the damn heat threatening her cheeks. Arkin has… a strange grip. She couldn’t help but recall his fists smashing against her tiny frame back then without mercy or care of her wellbeing; the strength behind them. And, now? She can still feel that power, but this brute is being far too… gentle; a gentleness that could tame any fiery woman. All, except this one.

Without warning, she rams her fist up into his jaw without much power behind it, but simply an action to show her annoyance before grabbing at his cheeks to squish them and turn his head towards the walls of the Gotei.

“To the Rukongai you dummy. We’re going to go get drinks. I know the perfect place, but… I just didn’t feel like going alone, and you’re the only one I know who can handle their alcohol, so get a move on.”


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Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:18 pm
"Oo' feisty."

The man spoke in almost what sounded like a growl, but one which carried with it a promise of things to come. He always liked how seemingly fiery she was, it served to endear her and any woman to him. But she didn't actually resist him picking her up, as he looked to where she pointed. If he was a normal shinigami he could have shunpo'd but sadly he was not. Instead he would need to walk there like a mere mortal, which illicted another chuckle from him.

He'd gaze down at her, sky blue irises looking at her questioningly. It was strange she had come to him like this, but he supposed he was a charming man. In his homeland he was a catch, a specimen of utmost grander. Expressing such thoughts might be met with looks of distaste however, yet there was always a pride to him. It leaked off of him into the world, a man who was just that: a man.

"Mm' I like that. Drinkin' and eatin' with beautiful woman is always great day. You folk call it a date, yes? Very exciting! You should join the 7th."

Drinks on Me... Or you.  WMvy

Drinks on Me... Or you.  JfH75kA
Drinks on Me... Or you.  H8Tyk70
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Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:48 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

What is even the point of fighting it? Ever since she met this man, he’s always been one for acting before talking. Though, how lackluster his triumphant moment was. Yes. It may have seemed impressive at first with how he lifted her so easily and gently, but now, she’s gotten a bit comfortable and realizes how strange it is for him to carry her through the crowd. There’s a really different feeling here from when she was near dead. For starters, she’s 100% lucid and annoyed with anyone who looks at them. So many are probably getting the wrong idea, and she really doesn’t want rumors to spread, but if they do, she’ll just have to nip them at their stems.

“Don’t call me beautiful.”

She is quick to retort his statement uncaring for fact or fiction. She just really doesn’t care much for such compliments. She’d rather hear him complimenting her fighting skills or match her pace with his own fury in a confrontation. This sentimentality between them at this moment is… strange, and she can’t wait to be down and sitting in front of a bar ordering drinks and food. Yet, she does not complain about him holding her. Arkin has a charm about him. It makes his antics bearable. She’d not call this a date, but she won’t bother him about it. She just prefers the company of those she’s come to have a respect for. It’s better with him than alone. Though, his advertising is… really out of place.

“What? The Seventh? Why?” She knows about the Squads, but she never felt the need to actually join one. She is rarely in the Gotei as is due to her special arrangements, and joining a Squad would make her much more responsible and maybe take her more away from home than she’d like. Strange for Arkin to drop that on her so randomly, but like her initial thoughts noted. He is a man to speak his mind.



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Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:37 pm
"We need more members. Members with fire in their stomachs. You'd fit."

Yes, the fiery red head who was his friend. And friends where to be treated good, and to be respected. She had his whole attention, undivided as he rested his hands on his knees that large grin seemingly etched onto his features. A man which was spurred simply by his worldly desires, or so it seemed. She had yet to truly know him, just as he did not her. Tonight he would take the steps to see how much they would come to learn of one another.

"Elyss, I know so little of you. Why do you not share more? I barely know of adventures! They must be good."

He'd set her down so that she could guide them to the place they where meant to.

Drinks on Me... Or you.  JfH75kA
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Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:33 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Fire in her stomach? Might just be bad gas… She has severe stomach issues if that’s the case. Though, she wonders just what he wanted from her. What made her a good fit? It seems if they need people like her, the squad is lacking something essential. That requires investigation, but that is for later. Now, it is time to take this man to a place that she hasn’t been to in a while.

Set down, she couldn’t help but reach and patted his cheek. He’s like a giant labrador. Elyss wonders how she even knows what a labrador even is. Must be her memories that spontaneously bother her acting up again. Arkin is so excited just for basic interaction that it highly amuses the redhead. However, if he wishes to hear a bit of her life, they must quickly arrive to their destinations.

“Come on.” She’d say moving off knowing he’d be right there with her. There isn’t much chatter from her as she guides him from their location from the more regal portions of the Rukongai to the market area which quickly changes as they enter the desolate areas. Elyss is obviously a bit on guard entering this part of the Rukongai throwing her head around out of habit from when she used to trudge through this place, but soon, they reach a big wooden building that had a Western cowboy look fused with ancient Japan.

“It’s still as I remember.” Elyss mutters to herself before waving Arkin to follow her inside into the somewhat busy Tavern seeing not many but a bit of people getting drunk so early in the evening. At this point, Elyss is hit with a large amount of dejavu as she recognizes a few faces here and there guiding Arkin to the counter at the back of the Tavern.

“What would ya like?” Came the voice of an elderly man who was busy wiping down a glass with an old towel before he looked up and had a moment. “Oh… Oh… Elyss?” His old eyes seemed to light up and turn a decade younger as he places the glass down and moves quickly from behind the counter to the redhead capturing her in a hug that she returns.

“Oh. Elyss, it is you, isn’t it? Ah hah! It’s been so long you youngling!” There is a bit of a commotion behind Arkin as an elderly woman steps past him.

“John! Whatcha making so much noise- Elyss!” None would have imagined the woman moving as she did towards the two hugging before wrapping her arms around them both. “Look who it is John. It’s the best security an elderly couple could ever hope for.”

Elyss through all of this had been silent, but the small warm smile on her face easily shows how she feels about this situation as he gaze moves to Arkin. At that, the elderly man couldn’t help but notice and throw a look at Arkin himself.

“Now, don’t tell me after so long, you return here with a male companion. Martha. I think our little fireball found herself a man.”

“A man? I didn’t think there was one able enough to handle her.”

Both of them chuckle as they look to Arkin much to Elyss’ dismay as her face changes a shade of red. “He’s not my… He’s just a friend you two. Someone I met after leaving.”

“Bwah. Don’t get shy now young missy. Come on to the bar. You two must be thirsty. Martha. Ya gotta go get them orders. You two have to stay till closing where we can talk more.”

Both the elderly couple let go of Elyss before moving back to their stations leaving a flustered Elyss with Arkin. Elyss doesn't even bother to acknowledge their teasing words as she starts moving to the bar to sit and get a drink.

“Come on Arkin.”



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Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:50 am

The Odinson

The old where to be respected in a world where the young often died, and despite knowing he was probably older than both of them combined, he would treat them good. A smile came onto pale features as he leaned down to give bow of them a both, before standing at his towering full height. As they disappeared he'd look to Elyss to notice she had blushed, that toothy grin of his growing as he began to take a seat not commenting on it. She was awfully cute for someone who loved to be thrashed about, and do some thrashing.

He'd take a seat at the bar, before looking to Elyss. "They are nice, good folk. It looks they think we are, how they say, tied together." He'd comment offering her a small jab with his elbow before both his forearms came to rest on the table. A small smile replacing the toothy grin, electric blue eyes going to focus on the old couple when they brought drinks.

End | The Immortal


Drinks on Me... Or you.  JfH75kA
Drinks on Me... Or you.  H8Tyk70
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