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Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:42 pm

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

The Quincy visibly practiced the name in silence for a few seconds, only for so long as it took Yoriko to finish introducing herself. Japanese as a whole still gave her trouble, and the names were no exception. At least, the woman's name didn't seem like it'd trip her up too badly.

However, she neglected to shake the Shinigami's hand. She glanced at the one offered to her for a moment, and her own gloved fingers twitched slightly, but never moved. She did return the gesture with a smile and more, though, "Yo-ri-ko, huh? It's nice to meet vu, too."

Then came the questions.

"Mein parents, mostly. I can azure vu, it vasn't eazy." Sylvia chuckled a little, thinking back to her training only briefly. Yes, she'd been talented, but easy was still the last way she'd describe the ordeal. A moment later, she finally gave in and rubbed her eyes with the pads of her fingers, and scoffed at the ache.

"Zo, vu vere zent here, too?" She inquired into the reason behind Yoriko's presence, though she had bent the truth a little. The Quincy hadn't been deployed, but if she could learn a little more about how the Gotei operated, it would be for the better. "Maybe ve can help each other? Hollow don't usually hunt in organized groups."

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Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:12 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A

The girl’s offer to give a nice handshake was quickly rejected emtirely, a look of confusion was on the shinigami’s face. What was her problem? She wondered It’s not like she was going to break her arm, regardless Sylvia remidied the situation with a smile.

"I’m still learning from my father as well. He’s a bit boring but once you get to know him he’s cool." Yoriko chuckled, though she was mostly joking about Henrex being boring he’s a nice father whose dedicated to seeing her grow.

"Yes. I was given information by the soul society about some hollows in this area here. I figured I’d take them out” She wasn’t exactly sure why Sylvia wanted to know her reasoning for coming here, surely there wasn’t anyone to give information besides they’re gone.

“Alright then, I’ll work with you.." Yoriko smiles, though this pact was going to be temporary she just wanted to get this out of the way so she can go back with her father. And although she didn’t want to admit it safety in numbers were important in any situation, even if the hollows didn’t hunt together in groups.
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Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:45 pm

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

"Ve schould combare notes." Sylvia thought aloud as the ache in her eyes slowly lessened. She thought she shouldn't use her Himmelsblick again for just a little bit, which would give them time to talk before resuming the hunt. The risk of self harm wasn't as great as overuse of her Blut Vene or Blut Arterie, but having irritated eyes when battle broke out again wouldn't exactly be an advantage.

She looked around while she continued, and kept her senses sharp, just in case.

"I vas told of only ein Hollow: ein deer with mysdical abilidies. Ven I arrived, zee locals told me of Schtoneback, vich vu killed." Her gloved hand disappeared into the pocket of her coat, and reemerged with a small silver disc palmed between her fingers. If she hadn't spotted any other Hollow with her Himmelsblick before, then they were either gone or hiding from her, somehow. A piece of bait would determine which.

"Schtoneback vas too veak to command zee others, und I never zaw zee deer." Her eyes came back to Yoriko again. "Und vu?"

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Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:40 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Song: Beautiful Chinese Music - Bamboo Flute | Artist: NA | Word Count: N/A
Yoriko listened to Sylvia and was told to “compare notes” so to speak, naturally it’s useful to see what each person knows about the current situation and what they were ent to do though most have different intentions. After listening to her mission briefing giving her full attention she replied with a simple shrug, the mission briefing she was given was simple with not many specifics on what kind of hollow she was dealing with. ”I’ve never heard of no deer, only the hollows that was wandering around the forest. I’m only just learning now about those Stoneback creature i took down”.

Once saying that the girl’s eyes focused on Sylvia’s eyes, the constant rubbing and small redness was got the girl worried after all nothing’s worse than a irritated eye. ”Hey is your eye okay? It doesn’t look right.” she asked worryingly besides it’ll be a detriment in a combat scenario, she wasn’t exactly sure which eye was irritated but she figured she could help if she was allowed to of course.

This deer creature however intrigued the girl, a hollow with mystical abilities? She assumed only hollows had the basic things such as bala and the destructive cero but hearing this was fascinating. ”Assuming we find the deer Sylvia the best approach would be to stay cautious try to examine its movements. And if it’s alone it’ll make things easier, though I cannot be certain. Yoriko said before shunpo on top of the tree above them, taking a careful look at her surroundings before returning to Sylvia. ”Are you okay to stand? If so we have to get moving
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Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:00 pm

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

"Ja." Her answer was simple, and she blinked a few more times to rid herself of the ache more quickly. The... Well, to be brief, the utter lack of information the woman could give her was appalling. Just how did the Gotei succeed if their forces went into situations so blind? She hadn't even done the most basic of information gathering back at the village...

"I'm fine." She reassured the shinigami and turned her attention to their surroundings once more. There was no use in waiting for any longer, she supposed. "Be ready." Sylvia warned her companion, and gave her a customary few seconds to prepare herself before crushing the silver disc in her palm, and it scattered effortlessly on the wind that was now picking up.

It was barely a few seconds more before the call of a hollow broke the new silence, then it was joined by more. More. Ever more beasts joined in the roar, and the quincy took note of their direction.

"Zey're coming..." She spoke aloud with her attention on the forest around them, and her head turned slowly. Finally, she raised her bow and knocked an arrow quickly, aiming downward at an angle. "From hunterground!" The faint blue lines reminiscent of her Blut returned to her eyes, and she fired her missile that disappeared into the earth below their feet.

"Behind vu!" She had caught a glimpse of the beast charging for them both from over the woman's shoulder, and warned her before turning sharply and firing in another direction entirely. She counted aloud, "Achtzehn. Neunzehn. Zwanzig." The number of hollow coming into view of her Himmelsblick was staggering. This wasn't a mere monster that had terrorized the area with its allies. This was a hoard. An infestation.

However, they... They were pest control.

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Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:00 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 JCRrxmK[/url]

Yoriko reassured the Quincy as she heard the screech of hollows heading towards their direction, she would prepare herself by taking a few shurikens and kunai in case. But suddenly a Slyvia’s attention was quick as she gave notice of a hollow approaching from underground and another approaching behind her.

Sylvia’s warning got her attention as she turned around only to see a hollow coming towards the both of them fast, then there was more approaching it was a horde of them luckily for the two of them with their combined strength they should be able to take them down easily.

If the hollow was destroyed beneath them she would quickly land on the ground and enter a stance first her legs would be twisted over one another to make it look, oddly enough, like a pair of scissors. With her front leg twisted away and her hind knee is dropped three inches away from her front leg and one inch above the ground The front leg is twisted away from its norm and the hind knee is dropped three inches away from the front leg.

The reason why she chose this stance is because it allows herself to appear as small as possible making a small surface area when being attack and covers her groin and lower portions of her body. Then she would would summon up another rock only this time apply a bit of her spiritual energy into it to make it somewhat durable, before making a punching motion to throw the rocks at the hollows once again and punch her fist towards the ground attempting to create a small fissure for them to fall in. However if that didn't work she would create another rock and punch it into the air, before making a kicking motion hurling the rock at fast speeds.

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Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:39 pm

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

The first of the new wave of hollow was dealt with relatively swiftly. Her arrows were making short work of dealing with each individual creature, but their numbers were still only growing. Behind her, Yoriko defeated the oncoming hollow in her own way, yet one that troubled the quincy.

Spinning around again, Sylvia loosed one missile at each of the entrapped hollow, destroying their masks and purifying the souls within. Her eyes followed the woman's movements, and she quickly learned what sort of motion produced which attack, so that she may then follow through with the goal of slaying each beast as it was staggered by the stones thrown at high speeds.

"Zere are too many! Restrain zem, or kill them guickly!" The quincy shouted over the growing roar of activity from the forest surrounding them. She drew back an arrow that radiated more power than the others before it, and loosed it towards a tightly packed group that had gotten nearer to the two women. With a large explosion of wind, the pack was thrown back, and further missiles purified each beast before it could return to its feet.

However, the pair were soon going to be overrun, at this rate. The hoard still grew in numbers, despite their attempts to cull it, and Sylvia was bereft of any arrows that could purify a group at once. If push came to shove, she'd have to favor her own survival over the well-being of these many souls...

"Below us! Ein small cave! Zere's zomething zere, but I can't zee vat."

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Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:59 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 JCRrxmK[/url]

It was an absolute horde, Sylvia doing whatever she could to as a huge gust of wind shook the forest knocking a few hollows down some purified. However like hydras with each head they slay one would grow back to replace it, even with her rocks pushing the hollows back the numbers were becoming to much even for her.

Without hesitation Yoriko created a clone as it the clone would then grab a huge chunk of land beneath her to create a hands of earth with a grasping motion the hands grabbed whatever hollows were in front of it with great force before the real Yoriko threw a small explosive causing a blinding light that would daze the hollows giving the two ample time to escape whilst she followed Sylvia towards the cave via shunpo.

The clone would also disappear in a puff of smoke.

While Yoriko did agree with Sylvia’s hesitation about going in looking back Yoriko didn’t care as long as it gave them a place to hide and come with a plan. ”Look. Whatever is in there is probably better than what’s here right now. Let’s go!”

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Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:08 pm

Earth, Wind... and Fire Couldn't Make It [Yoriko] - Page 2 GDQCzUl

The quincy led her impromptu companion to the mouth of the cave she had spotted with haste. Flying veritably on the wings of her hirenkyaku, she fired several more missiles into the beasts that came close or impeded their path. Already, she could feel the strain of their prolonged battle beginning to set in, and her hand had started to ache as a result of drawing so much reishi so rapidly.

At the mouth of the cave, they paused briefly to catch their breath and formulate a plan of action. The shinigami, however, seemed more interested in speed than strategy.

"If ve are not careful, ve vill be oferrun from zee back." Sylvia warned, and her golden eyes brimmed with energy as her himmelsblick searched the cave system quickly. It was small, and freshly dug out from the earth. This was planned, she thought. "Nein hexblozions, und be careful of zee cave falling in."

On another pathway of reishi, she glided further into the cave at speed, but only so far as to disappear into the darkness and out of sight of those peering in from outside. "Vu go kill it! I'll handle zee others." As though to further reinforce her plan to the other woman, an arrow shot past Yoriko and into the head of a hollow that had come charging at them both. More would come, and with the natural bottleneck of the cave, Sylvia was sure she could handle them all.

Deep within the cool darkness, however, something stirred. It could feel that its lair had been disturbed, and its mouth watered at the taste of a meal in the air. It opened its jaw, and a great, howling roar echoed off the soft walls of the cave.

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