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Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:31 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

It was quiet as Takehiko laid there and felt pain through his body. What did it matter dying here he'd freed those women. Someone came up behind him sighing a bit. But she brought her hand to his back and ran it across the skin. The slowly small crawling feeling went beneath his skin. Pops that were gruesome fell from his back leaving blood. The camera wouldn't see this woman no device would find her. Because for a moment a butterfly landed on it and the boy had vanished. He was still in the facility as the bug moved away. Only lasting a few moments as recovery had begun for the novice. Takehiko had much to learn about being an assassin. Being a silent force that could kill people. Someone who could sneak in without being detected. But in this situation, he wasn't there all the way. He wanted to forget about reality. To be lost in that moment for what he did. All the way sinking into his despair further. Jezebel wore a look of disappointment for now. Though she didn't know Abigail's game it wasn't her business. She'd selected a hiding place within the building that no place monitored a blind spot in the security.

Abigail Portion: The male's eyes gleamed a bit a conniving one. So she could be bought of course she could. All beings could be bought from a standpoint. Her sales pitch was good too, enough to make him rub his hands together. Nobody would touch them at this point anymore. They could easily get away with what she did. She'd shown herself far more capable than these grunts. Also if she taught them he'd have a gold mine. Maybe he would finally be free of the demonic clutches he found himself in. "Name your price, I will pay whatever you believe you are worth." His attention had drifted from the screen. Which the butterfly covered allowing the boy's escape. Before his eyes shifted back towards the screen noticing he was gone. He rubbed his chin pondering if the boy could have survived that. Clicking his remote changing the camera angles quickly to see.

Gone it seemed and without a trace, her doing perhaps? Did she stall so her partner could escape? His eyes stared at her as he considered her for a while. She had greed in her eyes something everyone had. So why not simply play it out and see what price she demanded. The women remained fearful but silent and didn't act to her touch. She didn't jerk away for fear. Fear of the shock that remained to wait. Her body quivering in terror of the electricity she knew would come. If a single movement were made. "Well trained dogs aren't they, not talking or even barking in protest." He let a cackling laugh out as he smirked and watched. She'd made the most excellent sales pitch, so why worry about things? She would be coming to his side soon and giving him plenty of rest. Even the brat wouldn't be a match for him if he returned. Though he considered the boy a pawn, someone he could buy perhaps. Maybe he was worth something to someone. Finding him and bringing him back could make him more money. Drooling at the prospect of even more power he could only eye Abigail now.
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Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:53 pm

Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 FM423gF

She continued to grin as her brown eyes flicked to the screen for just a moment, following the man's gaze. The butterfly was Jezebel's calling card, of course. She had gotten the boy to safety, but she could still use this to press her advantage further.

"The boy is a master of magic, in his own right, but he's not gone. He can't hide his reiatsu for shit in that state." Without any outward concern for the Kuchiki or his servant, Abigaíl reached over and pulled the remote from the man's hand. Even if he fought her, no human would have the strength for it, so she played with the device between her fingers for a moment.

"I want one-third of everything you make, for my services and information, and an additional twenty million in hazard pay should I ever need to play the part of bodyguard." She turned on her seat so that her back was fully to the man, and continued to play idly with the small device.

"I will also take over as overseer of the women's treatment and handling. The cages and abuse are, admittedly, pathetic. All you're doing is damaging your own goods and cutting into what profit you could be making. Drastically."


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Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:09 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

His body felt the pain slowly vanishing as Jezebel had finished. Jezebel's butterflies were healing him. Takehiko's eyes opened slowly as he held his zanpakuto slowly to himself. The one secret he had left to himself as he listened quietly. Jezebel silently informed him that they may have been in danger. Since she suspected that Abigail may betray them. Thus why she'd come early to collect him quickly. Takehiko wanted to defend the woman to say she'd never. But his body ached so much as his injuries closed quickly. Her poison healing his wounds fast with those butterflies. Slowly he felt a sense of realization. She was betraying him, everyone was betraying him. Nobody was staying by his side anymore. Why would they, he was so week and meager in his strength? He now understood why Byakuya was the way he was. His expression slowly began to lose emotion. Takehiko slowly became his uncle at this moment. Cutting off his emotions as he viewed them flawed. Every time he put trust in anyone they stabbed him.

Why would Abigail be any different, or Jezebel and the Unabara? If everyone was going to turn on him in the end. Why bother showing emotion or connection to people? This fundamental flaw had led him astray so often. When he killed people he should feel less than nothing. Anger was meaningless and so was the rage in truth. He did not need these things any longer. Cut them off and cast them into oblivion emotion and naive ideals. His voice changed slightly as he exhaled once. "How long?" His eyes had turned into something akin to his uncles. Wide-eyed innocence was gone as a realization had come. This was the face he would wear from this moment forward. Abigail would turn traitor so why bother trying to connect? It would be better if he just never let anyone in again. He didn't know how long he could act like his uncle Byakuya. Be a robot was all he could think at this moment. Cold and metallic, unfeeling as the dead until the day he joined them.

Abigail Portion: The male rubbed his chin thinking about her offer, oh he had the money to do it. That part was easy enough fighting her for the remote. That was a completely different matter entirely as he didn't care. She brought up good points of industry and how to fix things. She'd not be bad hiring in this case. Slowly a devil-like grin formed as his hand extended from the chair. "We have an accord." He was willing to give her all of that so his operations continued undiscovered. She took the remote to kill the boy soon. Or maybe capture him, he was pretty enough to be a slave. Some people were into that entire thing. Though the question of how he moved did interest him. Maybe a magic slave would be useful in some sense. Dollar signs were the only important thing here. This made the most sense and would be a good power move for him. It would bring him closer to the boss and out of the thumb of that demon. This would work very well and the woman had no idea. Just how small a player he was in the operations.

She could help him propel to the upper echelon of the people running this syndicate. They would view him as a valuable resource aside his money now. The first human to sit on that dark council. The Kingpins of the Underworld all waited for someone like him. Since the watchdog was in prison they had nothing to fear. That legendary assassin had kept them at bay for so long. Now that the stories were over. Nothing remained to bring him any trouble. He was going to be a god with this woman by his side.
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Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:38 pm

Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 FM423gF

Her smile widened about from ear to ear as she listened to the man agree to her terms. The Kuchiki had nearly spoiled everything with his childishness, but she? She'd not only salvaged the mission, but earned a place among the enemy. Now, she need only bring the show to a satisfying finale.

"Good." Abigaíl set the remote down and stood from the desk, taking her mask in the device's place as she did so. "Call off your men, and I'll handle the boy. We can discuss this in better detail when I get back." She allowed him just a few dozen seconds to do as he was told, then placed the mask upon her face, and with it, let her terrible presence wash out and fill the facility with its dread power.

Taking her zanpakutō from the door, she opened the portal and stepped through again without another word. Her reiatsu, billowing and unrestrained, was all the talk she would need for now. The only sounds that traveled down each hallway alongside her were the faint swishing of her clothes as she stepped, and the horrible bite of her acidic blade as it cut through the chill air.

It didn't take long to find the weakened boy and his aid, and when she did, a show she did put on for everyone watching. Her corrosive touch pressed against the door he had hid behind, melting and bending the steel over the seconds until it fell with a deafening crash on the floor.

"War..." She couldn't tell either of the pair what her plan had become, but possibly, the code name would give them some sort of hint.


Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:07 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Slowly his hand drifted towards his sword now as she arrived. The smell of the door burning was clear. Slowly a cascade of butterflies flowed around them now. Blocking the view of the camera for a moment. A flurry of them erupting around the area. Jezebel pulled something from one her butterflies shadows, showing a corpse that looked exactly like Takehiko. It was a gigai very well made for such a situation. "Young Master stand down, she's fixing the situation. Use this to cement your cover, I doubt he'll be able to tell the difference. I'll use some hidden threads to mainpulate the body...and butterflies to fight as his shikai for now." Takehiko's body rested as the gigai smashed outwards from behind the door. With butterflies flying around him. Acting like his sword now performing as puppet master. Jezebel brought his sword up now. Getting ready to defend himself this fake body. She didn't know how they would meet up again truthfully. JEzebel was a former assassin and came prepared.

Takehiko couldn't move his own body as Jezebel tried to move her powers along. Thankfully the leader couldn't sense spiritual pressure. Takehiko had killed everyone else making this performance easy for the cameras. Jezebel's purple eye looked down at him. It seemed he'd begun to realize the problem which was good enough. Jezebel would be the contact form here on, not Takehiko. His present status would ruin her mission. The rules of the engagement had changed drastically here. War had done shock and awe and this worked well enough. But Jezebel had other problems as two figures wouldn't take this death lightly. "Do not tell him his name or let him see a face...If Byakuya finds out...he will come and seeking blood." Jezebel offered one final warning to Abigail. Before she opened a Garganta, pushing Takehiko through it. She would handle the other as he was in prison. This aspect couldn't be forgotten lightly by anyone. As that one remained ever-present in some minds.

She slipped herself into it waiting to fall backward, making sure she timed everything for Abigail's advantage. So when she struck the moving corpse no trace of strings of reishi or butterflies remained. They'd slowly dissolve as though his sword broke.
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Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:59 am

Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 FM423gF

Fortunately, the redhead was more than savvy enough to catch on to what was happening. Abigaíl smirked behind her mask, but said and did nothing that might give her away to the man watching from behind his screens.

Swiftly, she did, however, feign to block and cut away several of the butterflies that came too near, then gave chase to the boy as he ran down the hall. She and her sword both hissed menacingly as a step brought her to his side, then her blade bit deeply into it. In one powerful stroke, she had broken the false zanpakutō and its master in two, and sent the latter's head rolling.

Nary a minute later, Abigaíl returned to the office victoriously. The false head rest in her palm, where her corrosive grip had rendered the face all but unrecognizable, and her savage weapon had burnt the wound shut so as not to bleed. If the gigai were anything like those she'd seen and used herself, there would be no telling its true nature, at least, by normal humans, and she had a plan in mind if questioning turned towards that.

"The boy is dead." Her voice hissed from behind her mask, and she casually tossed the decapitated head onto the man's desk. That same hand rose calmly to remove the monstrous visage from her face, and her power fell back to resting levels. Lastly, her zanpakutō was returned to its sheathe.

"Now," she continued with a satisfied grin. "How about a drink to celebrate our new partnership?"


Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:21 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

A couple of days passed before any incident and the Kuchiki had vanished. No trace of him could be found. Jezebel didn't consider for a moment of going to hunt him. She didn't have time for his emotional tantrum or whatever. She had to consider alternatives and Abigail had provided one. She sat on a tree with her leg's dangling down. Her frame covered by a winter blue coat. With winter shoes and a hood up. On her index finger sat a singular amethyst colored butterfly. She'd returned and sent her calling card. Knowing that Abi would be keen on keeping watch for her. The woman softly heaved a breath. The young master's transformation was troublesome. But so too was everything else going on. She also had to investigate a million different matters. Ichabod had begun activating the Mod Souls now. Takehiko vanishing had troubled the old geezer. But that was expected in some ways, she missed her master though. Master Pestilence was so efficient and everything so clean. The old days were such fond memories as she looked at the facility.

She could get in, that wouldn't be a problem. Could even have killed the welp and every person inside. Poison was an easy enough thing to introduce through air vents. Fascinating really as she waited calmly. Nobody came to look at her or inspect her. Because of the simple fact, they couldn't see her. Elaborately using a kido. This kido morphed the light and suppressed whatever was behind it. In short, she wasn't visible by any means. Her butterfly would guide Abigail when she decided to follow. The man had bought the deception rather quickly. Jezebel didn't ever buy into things fast. She wanted an update on how it was going. But also to make sure it was an elaborate ruse. That would be the most problematic of things. They were down Takehiko and though she could make up for him. She got the feeling something else was going on. Something the boy didn't speak out loud about. Her fingers trailed along with the edge of the journal copy she made.

Though it held minor details nothing concrete, her eyes glanced across some notes. He'd made some progress it seemed in a few areas. But why not use them here at this moment? Distraught was likely the answer she mused as she sat behind her veil. Waiting for the arrival of her friend. It was time for them to discuss many things. She imagined Abigail had questions, about the other three. Not just Pestilence anymore.
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Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:30 pm

Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 FM423gF

It had been several days since the raid gone wrong. Several days since Abigaíl had joined the criminal organization as a bodyguard for this facility's leader. Several days of watching the worst kinds of abuse be carried out, and trying her damnedest to correct these actions, under the guise of doing what was better for the business.

However, it wasn't all that bad, once she had gotten used to it. The pay was fantastic. She could meet new people almost constantly. Nobody questioned her more... exotic appetite. Did she say the pay was fantastic? Because it was fantastic, and prior plans had already been put into motion with her ill gotten earnings.

Tonight was not about that, however. Tonight was about the mission, her true mission. The butterfly that now guided her across the chill, snow-covered ground had been message enough that she knew what to expect. Jezebel had returned for an update, the first since they'd faked the Kuchiki's death so that she could win the boss' favor. Out here, in the snow and the moonlight, there were less patrols. It would be an excellent meeting place.

"Red?" Abigaíl decided against using the woman's name, just in case. She came to a stop underneath the tree which the butterfly had lead her to, and waited for a reply. She was much better dressed for the cold this time, though wearing the same equipment as the would-be soldiers always made her feel... wrong. It was almost like being in the Gotei all over again.


Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:02 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

She slowly brought her index finger along the kido, ripping through space. As the effect fell apart around her. She offered a warm smile sighing a bit before coming down. "Sorry about all the cloak and dagger, figured I would play it safe." She didn't know to what extent the new guard was. So not wishing to do anything overly dangerous. Jezebel merely allowed her skills to play it out. Fighting head to head was Takehiko's thing, not hers. But she wondered how much that would soon change. But this wasn't about him it was about Abigail. Jezebel sensed the woman had questions. The boy would undergo his evolution elsewhere. But what would Abigail say? Red was a cute nickname reminded her of older days. She smiled gently as the butterfly fell on her shoulder. "So how is it looking, need anything?" She looked at Abigail with a curious gaze. Jezebel was used to cloak and dagger. She could do this in her sleep and likely had at some point. She smiled a bit as she looked back to the facility. Problematic was the way things had ended in this mission.

Ichabod and Tanaka were handling that matter. She was left to Abigail as they believed Abi would relate to her more. They both were former members of the Gotei Stealth Force. Granted her's was long ago many many years. But those years had passed lone ago. She merely mused what Abigail may ask for. She had many jobs to attend this evening. So it wasn't exactly odd for Ichabod and Tanaka to leave things to her. Tanaka was a master of Old war and Ichabod of Tsubasa himself. She herself held the secrets of Famine and Pestilence. Though she swore fealty to Pestilence when he rode. But now it was a new era and generations turn. New riders were emerging to carry the family forward. Jezebel could accept that as well as anyone else. That times were changing and growing different from normal. Abigail was a sign of change in some ways for the better. Takehiko at the moment represents the degradation of the old.
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Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 Empty Re: Two Vizards Are Better Then One

Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:46 pm

Two Vizards Are Better Then One - Page 2 FM423gF

She returned the redhead's warm smile with her own. It felt good to see a friendly face again, after being cooped up underground with far more assholes and rapists than she'd cared to think about. She'd already had to kill two men to make a point, and to keep those few without any spiritual awareness from thinking they could take her in a fight. A large number of those with some sort of sixth sense had felt when she'd killed the Kuchiki, and had left her alone, for the most part.

But, enough about that.

Abigaíl chuckled just a little and, at first, answered the woman's question with, "a blowjob would be nice." She was far more stressed than she'd admit, and the nature of this facility wasn't helping the matter, at all. Especially, having to watch the leader have his way with multiple women every day was growing tiresome. But no, the mission took priority over her comfort.

"He doesn't suspect anything, I don't think. I actually don't think he can even see spirits, to be honest." How he had come to be in such a position of power without something so basic in these days was beyond her understanding. "He's already established a new warehouse after we'd sacked the last one, but I haven't had an opportunity to take a look, yet.

"He's not the head, either. More like... He runs this single operation, like a finger on a hand. I haven't met the others, yet, but there's a meeting coming up soon. With any luck, I might convince him to take me along, given his ignorance of spirits." The venom on her tongue was obvious to anyone who cared to listen further than her words. She was despising this man more with every day, and wanted to cut off his head herself.

However, there was another matter she'd meant to ask about. "How's he doing, by the way?"

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