Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Breaking Bonds (Tsubasa Unabara) Empty Breaking Bonds (Tsubasa Unabara)

Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:01 pm

Breaking Bonds (Tsubasa Unabara) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

This great prison was a fine place to rest himself from it all. To remain away from the world by and large. It no longer fascinated the former pale rider. He no longer desired to involve himself anymore. Seeing Tsubaki happy had been enough for him to settle down. Prison made him sleep soundly like a baby but one thing did earn his awakening. News from the grapevine of guards that his former protegee was dismissed. Now that brought about a bit of attention to him, guards muttering nonsense perhaps. Well, that simply would not sit idle with him. What was a man to do when it came to it? The Gotei had excellent security that part was certainly impressive. But slowly he generated a charge through his body creating static. This didn't use reiatsu, his body had always been akin to an eel. He just never mentioned it or told people otherwise. He'd let this build up now as he considered what he could do now. Slowly it began to heat up charging his bindings across each one. He didn't need reiatsu to begin this process.

Incantations and locks of so many higher tier kido. But one thing was missing really, someone with enough power to know something. Tsubasa began releasing a current of black electricity through his body. Slowly dispelling the kidos and dislocating his wrists freeing them from the cuffs. Reaching down he undid the leg shackles as well. Tossing them aside as he knew what came next wasn't easy. He needed to find a way for them to open his cell. Well, some training as an assassin was good in this case. Stepping backwards he melded into the shadows of the cell. Letting his frame no longer be hanging from the ceiling. Oh, hiding was a simple matter for him his spiritual pressure was gone. But now wasn't the time for such delays or problems. He wouldn't be able to get his zanpakuto he imagined easily. The guards came routine to check things that had happened. Looking in the cell the man saw the chains dangling free. No man remained with them, this patrol had given him moments.

Before the man could react a hand reached between the bars as Tsubasa's infamous speed came out. Gripping the sword at his waist he pulled it free now. "Tell me, is it true that Captain Astillon was dismissed from duty?" His words were cold and calm. The man who slept in this dungeon without doing anything had awoken. Pulling the sword free he looked at the man who let an mhm sound out. The confirmation of it was rather potent it seemed. Tsubasa sighed softly not sure what the old man was thinking. But it wasn't important really in that case. He had a job to do, he would let Henrex take his head. It could mend whatever bridge had formed. Least he could do for everything he'd done in this world. He could summon Byakko that part wasn't hard really for him. "I see, sleep now I must get going." Gently he released a kido putting the guard to sleep. Not allowing for an alarm to be triggered he softly sighed. The man had keys since he'd remained asleep this entire time.

Setting the sword down since he didn't think it was needed at this point. Releasing a current of electricity he called the keys to him through magnetism. Gently he unlocked his cell now walking out gripping the sword. "Come Byakko, we must go see him and offer what any useless father head." He said to himself before taking the sheath off the guard. He checked the male's pulse happy it was still good and steady. Had the kido failed he would have released a discharge to knock him out. Time was of the essence and leaving was important at this point. He had a limited amount of time that much was certain, to begin with. Tsubasa reached down stripping the guard now, memorizing his name and such. The Gotei Guards wore a cloth over their heads and were commonly around a certain power level. So with this in mind, it would do for his benefit to make things look a certain way. Dressing up he covered his head and put the other man in his clothing. Doing this with surprising speed as he did so, able to quickly change him and the sleeping man.

Quickly cuffing him and returning to the routine he observed now. The noise wasn't always needed for these things. Letting his spiritual pressure go down far lower than normal. He matched the male's but also cloaked him to make sure it felt different. Everything had been taken care of, so now came the fun part. Flash stepping from here would be a problem. Byakko had returned to him partway through the jail replacing it with the other zanpakuto. Thankfully neither sword was the modified either. Leaving but a single thing to go on, exiting to see Henrex Astillon. Someone would come he imagined to challenge him to battle. Though childish as it was, he'd released the pent up energy finally. So his body had stabilized in a manner of speaking. Absorbing a God's power and the Core of an entire world to stabilize it. Did a number on him for the longest of times. The Soul king's instructions had been followed.

He'd once been a member of the Zero Divison, his body still held the Oken. It was carved into his being by the Soul King. Something that hadn't been taken away when he rejoined abruptly. Though undesirable he could use it to go to the Palace. And go from there to the Living world via a senkaimon. But that was in case of the worst-case outcomes. Combat was undesirable for him really in this situation. But this bridge needed to be mended and quickly. So even if it meant making himself a far greater crime in the eyes of the Gotei. He would do this for his child because all parents sacrifice for their children.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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