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Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:17 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko's eyes had been stunned for a long time at what the Butler had manifested. How was this even possible to have a sky underground? "Excuse me, mister..." He said as the Butler turned smiling as he spoke now. "Young Master, I'm Ichabod, the families caretaker." He said softly before giving a slight bow as he looked towards the home. Maids and other people began to emerge from the dwelling of different ages. Various caretakers and behind them were figures who gave off enormous reiatsu. Takehiko's eyes about bugged out of his skull from the amount of energy coming off them. Three other doors remained beside the one he came from. Likely those other paths lead to this location in of itself. What was this place's purpose being underground and hidden from others? Ichabod walked over examining Abigail closely now not sexually. His interest was her build as he rubbed his stubble gently. "Indeed, this will not do. Tell me, Miss, do you intend to join our family? Your current prowess will have some troubles depending on the route you join."

Takehiko moved over to protest as he knew that woman very little. "Mister Ichabod, I don't think that's how families work. Why re all these people here anyway?" This was enough to get the elderly gentlemen to turn around. Glancing at Takehiko's body now he studied him up and down. Putting a hand on the Takehiko's shoulders and gently checking it. "Young Master, are you proficient at Kido? " Takehiko's eyes blinked as he was touched randomly. His body wasn't the most built thing nor were his muscles developed entirely. He nodded acknowledging himself to be gifted in kido. [color=purple]" Very well Tanaka will finish that aspect up I think well enough. A man with dark hair who was built with a flexible yet extremely muscled body came out from the staff. He wore a cook's outfit with a piece of wheatgrass between his lips. Ichabod looked over towards Abigail now his stern eyes looking through her.

"Do you have the resolve to become a Horsemen of the Unabara, to become kin to the Young Master? The question was posed without a hint of doubt in his words. The Criminal Underworld knew not of the rebirth going on here today. Only these two knew as Tanaka stepped up his spiritual pressure was on par with a higher level then Takehiko. Not only that beneath those clothes was a battle-hardened warrior. As his eyes scanned them the entire staff was frighteningly strong. They would beat him in moments he imagined when it came to it. It was becoming clearer that the Family of the Unabara weren't normal. The Kuchiki family were different from this. How did one put it into words, a few Kuchiki were exceptional. But this entire group down to the servants were frightening. The cook his arms told the story of just how strong he was. He came to stand next Ichabod ready to fight in an instant. Yellow eyes looking over Takehiko careful molding him as he stood.

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Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:52 pm

Old World - Page 2 7L69wmz

A lot happened in just a short period of time, to say the least. However, it was what the butler said directly to her that'd caught her attention the most. First, he had challenged her resolve, then he... offered to make her a part of the Unabara clan? To tell the truth, stunned didn't come close to how she was feeling now.

"Join the Unabara, huh?" Her teeth shown behind her smile, as Abigaíl's mind worked all the delicious possibilities. Money. Power. Perhaps she could even stop hiding from the Soul Society, if she played her cards right. It worked just the same as on Earth, right?

As though she wasn't tempted enough by the prospect of being a noble again, the Kuchiki's objections were kind of cute. What right did he have to stop her from accepting this, anyways?

"My prowess is just fine. What would I gain by accepting, may I ask?" She spoke sternly and loudly, though she wavered some under the weight of the sudden presence of such strong reiatsu. If she wasn't careful here, she might need to make a swift escape.


Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:18 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki


Takehiko felt a hand rest on his shoulder before dragging him away. Tanaka was taking his pupil to begin their activities. " Come on cub, let's see what you've got. " Takehiko wanted to struggle underneath the chief's iron hand. But that wasn't an option so he merely stumbled along the way. This was going to be a tiring day he imagined if anything else. "But, my guest I shouldn't leave her unattended. He said trying to argue a point but Tanaka had none of it. No games or any time for talk as he was dragged into another area. Tanka promptly tossing him forward where he almost fell on his face. This wasn't going to be easy in any regard. Takehiko breathed trying to relax. Using a powerful breath inside of his body. Before beginning as he measured the man now thinking carefully. "Far too long to strike confidently pup." Words snapped him out of his thinking as a fist slammed into his rib cage. Knocking out the air out of Takehiko's lungs.

He almost crumbled before making a half hazard swipe at Tanaka's form now. The man had already withdrawn. "Listen up pup, you aren't in a stance or ready for anything. Thinking too long is a good way to die." Takehiko's mouth felt heavy as he didn't know what stance to use. "Tch really, no stances or ideas on it huh. Fine, let me show you, something boy." Tanaka came over slowly bringing Takahiko's arms and legs to a karate pose for now. It would be a starter course as he observed. "Now, punch show me what I am working with." Takehiko did as instructed throwing a punch in the air. Trying to make it crisp and clean as he heard a sign. Tanaka threw one and returned to his position. The different in punches were night and day. Tanaka had a clean and fluid follow through with even his breathing matching up. Tanaka had been taught by Takahiko's father how to fight barehanded without a zanpakuto as a mod soul. So expectations were high for this young man who stood before him.


Ichabod merely smirked as the boy was dragged away against his wishes. Tanaka had a personal stake in the boy's training making this personal. So it would be rough days ahead for the young master. His stern gaze fell on the girl who sheepishly now asked what benefits. " We do know about your previous attempts to enter the upper floors of the Shack." Ichabod said revealing a knowing smile. That she came here seeking something though riches were what she sought she'd be mistaken. "Understand well Miss Abigail, that our wealth is of little use in the modern world. We are watchdogs of the Criminal Underworld as previous incarnations since time immemorial. Ichabod pulled a pocket watch opening it and looking at the time. The Unabara could easily reforge themselves in time. But the question was she to be a cog in the pieces that did so? Or would she be a hindrance in need of elimination?

Closing it he clapped his white hands together and a female emerged. Walking from the area with glasses across her nose and crimson hair. She walked forward scratching her nail across the tip of her index fingering. Slowly crimson blood emerged from her finger. "We can grant you power, Jezebel will show you what we have in mind." The female nodded letting her digit slowly hover above the ground now. As the drop fell from her finger it hit the ground quickly eroding it. Eating away at it in mere seconds as though the earth couldn't handle it. "Jezebel was taught by the previous Pestilence, so her blood is very much acidic to life outside of her body. " He said softly as Jezebel's eyes peered through revealing a green color. Staring at the girl measuring to see if she would survive the training. "What will it be Miss Abigail Espinosa?"
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Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:35 pm

Old World - Page 2 7L69wmz

Abigaíl almost waved teasingly at the Kuchiki as he was dragged away, but stopped herself for the sake of keeping an eye on the butler. He, at least, had been watching her for several centuries, by his own admission. It was a little disturbing, truth be told, but not nearly so curious as the redheaded woman who stepped out from the shadows to show off what they had in mind for her.

"Swear I've been that in a movie, somewhere." She chuckled some, to ease her own worries. However, the two who remained with her didn't seem the jovial type, so she cleared her throat and forced a more regal, commanding posture. She didn't quite know where the butler knew her parentage from, but hearing it always reminded her of better times and expectations.

"So be it, I accept." Her eyes remained on the redhead and the hole in the floor in front of her. "Besides, Pestilence has a nice ring to it."


Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:12 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki


Takehiko felt his body ache from that blow still to the ribs. Tanaka stood tall a few feet from him. Merely scratching his beard with anticipation as he considered the moves. Takehiko prepared to move but stopped himself short now. Something had dawned on him as Tanaka's eyes narrowed a bit more. "Hesitating, that's two lumps boy." Tanaka seemed a bit irritable as he looked as Takehiko shook his head. "No, just considering what I can do carefully. " Takehiko said as he watched Tanaka's eyes soften. Patting him on the head the cook exhaled. "It's not rocket science, you are throwing a punch. Think of it this way, what you are trying to accomplish as a wall you gotta bust with your fist. " Takehiko blinked a few times and closed his eyes. Inhaling using a controlled breath from his taichi training. His lungs filling with air as he considered the obstacle before him. Takehiko knew nothing of the Unabara or their methods. He knew Kuchiki because it was what he was taught.

He didn't learn of Unabara anything until this very moment. But the wall before him seemed less like a small one. But more akin to a dark shadow looming over him now. Takehiko considered it and everything it meant as he assumed the stance he was shown. Basic in karate fighting as he throws his punch. Feeling it snaps through the air slamming into something. His eyes opening feeling he'd struck Tanaka's palm in this case. "Alright, a good conviction in the punch. I'll teach you, how your old man fought. But first we need to work on your body, it's too pathetic and scrawny to do anything. So we are hitting the weight room." Takehiko's eyes blinked as Tanaka put an arm on him and dragged him into the manor. A room with a moving floor and several tools one would find at a gym. This would be the new place he would be working out from here on. "First thing is to build a body, then mold it into a weapon of Hakuda. This ain't gonna be a fast process kid you are gonna want to die."

Tanaka tapped his training regiment when he started on the wall. He'd memorized this and left it for Takehiko to read.


Jezebel took the lead from here on shooing off Ichabod before he could do anything else. "Sorry love, that creepy old bugger is much like his master. Right as rain only when that mans about I swear. " Her accent sounded like a being from England. She removed her glasses as she walked towards another side of the large structure. As they walked she would see many plants and other things growing. "Careful around these plants love, they are all deadly poisonous, some homegrown at the estate right ere to make people suffer they are. " She was a strange one Jezebel, made to accommodate Pestilence in that regard. But as she finished her trip she came to a table where she pulled a vial from her clothing. Setting it down now as she began walking away. "Just a minute dear, this is gonna be a rough thing you are undertaken. " She mashed several plants up touching them freely.

Seemingly immune to the poison like effects of the greenhouse of poison. She mixed them with fluids before bringing another cup. She put the one cup in front fo Abigail easy to reach and the other further out. "This brew here will train yer innards for what's to come. You are gonna have to drink this and the antidote over and over. This is the most toxic substance with millions of different plants and poisons from snakes and other things mixed into one beverage. Only one antidote exists and that's here in this cup. Master Pestilence was a regular wizard with poisons." She said pointing to each respective before gesturing to them both. Explaining the process of the training for this. If she drank this it would feel like her entire body was struck suddenly. Hitting her nervous system first with effects on each portion.

The poison would cause hallucinations and other things within it. She would have to reach the antidote which would soothe and calm the systems. But this would be a shock to her body causing physical wretching and other things. "Lastly we'll conclude with a bath in the poison springs. " She said smiling as she sat down sipping a similar beverage to prove something. She wasn't bothered or even slightly hurt by the poison. She was immune to poisons of all kinds. By constantly exposing herself to them she awoke to this person.
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Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:11 pm

Old World - Page 2 7L69wmz

Abigaíl followed after her new guide, into a room waiting just for them and filled with exotic plants the likes of which she had never seen before. The sickly, yet somehow sweet and savory scent of the green inhabitants struck her as the redhead explained the process she was about to undergo. It seemed so deceptively innocent, almost.

"If you say so," she spoke with a small shrug, and stepped to the table with its two cups. The substances in each looked absolutely vile, but she'd already agreed to all this, so quickly, she picked up the first cup and took a sip.

The bitterness aside, it was the burning sensation on her tongue and lips that nearly had her spit the liquid all over the redhead. With a pained grimace, she swallowed, and set the cup back down again. Then, she cracked a brief smile.

"It's not so ba-" Before the brunette could finish her words, however, the room began to spin. Fire built in her stomach, and scorched her veins clean. She nearly doubled over, and only remained upright by her hands on the stable surface of the table. She tried to retch, and throw up the toxic stuff she'd just drank, but nothing would come.

As the seconds passed, her vision began to turn black. There was naught but ringing in her ears, growing louder by the moment. She swayed, and tried to reach for the second cup, but her fingers could never quite find purchase of the ceramic.


If panic hadn't taken her yet, it surged like a tsunami through her very being at the sound of the voice from the back of her mind. No, she hadn't thought this through, at all. She retched again, and her reiatsu swelled to combat the toxin. Her brown eyes turned black and gold, and her very breathing seemed to echo in her chest and throat.

The traces of a white mask began to form around her face, but it was inside the woman's body that most of the change had occurred. Her powers of high-speed regeneration worked tirelessly to undo what the poison had damaged, as she reached for the antidote and swiftly downed a small portion.

The antidote took several seconds to truly begin working, and once the room had stopped spinning, Abigaíl forcibly regained control just in time to violently retch once... twice... She spat up a mixture of the vile substances onto the floor on the third.

"H-Holy shit!" She breathed deeply, and never took her hand off the table. The room's spinning slowed with time, but she wasn't sure she'd ever get that taste out of her mouth. Not to mention how close she'd come to... to...

She had to drink more?


Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:08 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki


Her eyes softened as she saw it knowing that feeling well. Jezebel had been one of the few who could understand it. She gently laid her hand on the table as a black reiatsu covered it. Slowly appearing was a mask of a vizard, the mask similar to that of a harlequin. Making it different from others as she let her reiatsu out now. Revealing herself to be much stronger then Tanaka himself. Jezebel began cleaning her glasses before slipping them over her eyes. "It's a hard thing, that we three face. That abyss looking at us at all times. Takes so long to decide how it will be too. Do you conquer the abyss or become friends with it? " She picked up the beverages taking them away now. Knowing full well that this girl wasn't ready yet. She wouldn't likely want to remember or pick up that mantle. Jezebel gently extended her hand now. Creating a Garganta with little effort as she sat down now. Giving the girl a chance to run if she so chose it.

Her accent had faded into something of nothing. Jezebel revealing herself to Abi was for a single reason. So the girl understood a light did exist. "I won't tell Ichabod about this, you may run if it's what you want." Jezebel dusted her dress off her digits running along with her mask. Before it disappeared into a black cloud of smoke. "It's strange being the one in this chair. It's been a long time, but once I sat in that chair. Given the choice top run by my predecessor." She said it softly before removing her glasses and checking them for spots. "Takehiko Kuchiki, on the other hand, doesn't have this option, so make the most of the choices presented to you Abigail is all I can say." That was her word on the subject which for what it was worth didn't mean much. He was trapped in their world and wouldn't be returning to his home anytime soon. Takehiko didn't realize the nature of the den he stumbled in. But someday he would know it well and Jezebel's heart did go out for it.

Leaning closer she decided to give her real name at least once to someone. "I am Rehana Suekichi, remember my name for you may be the last one to ever know it." She smiled and assumed her British accent again and merely dusted herself off. "Well my lovely it's been wonderful, but need to get the tea done."
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Old World - Page 2 Empty Re: Old World

Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:26 pm

Old World - Page 2 7L69wmz

She wasn't capable of much more than listening to the redhead's words, at first. The room still spun, and she could feel the scratching at the back of her mind, furious that she'd been able to take control again before any damage could be done.

The support, as genuine as it seemed, was appreciated. Once she felt able to stand properly without the table's aid, Abigaíl straightened and took a step towards the newly opened Garganta. However, she paused, and looked at the woman with a troubled expression. She needed to thank her, for not forcing the process on her like they seemed to be doing to the Kuchiki. No amount of power would be worth losing herself to that... that... to her other half.

No words came from the frightened woman, though. With but a nod of her head, she turned and ran into the Garganta, raising her hand to her face as she did so. Despite what'd just happened, she would still need her other half's aid to safely traverse the realm beyond, and her tainted reiatsu poured out just before the portal closed behind her.

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