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The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
Joined : 2013-11-18
Posts : 1436
Age : 32

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Platinum Points:
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue25/100Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (25/100)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:17 pm

Enter The Arrancar

I. Basic Information

» Name: Kutabare Gesuyaro
» Age: Approx. 2000 years; visually 14
» Gender: Male

» Association: Espada Numero Cuatro

» Appearance Image:
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] LdmGeGW
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] EEJgN00
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 94 lbs
Hole Location: Mid-collar bone
Tattoo Location: Left Ear

II. Personality

» Personality:

Looks can be deceiving, but not in this case. Kuta looks young and acts young. He has his moments of pure adulterated maturity, but most of the time, he is wasting time and full of glee as a young child may be. His brain is in an existential state of development due to his death at a young age. Thus, his decision making can be terrible, his logic can be obtuse from the norm, and he can be a bit of a rebel. All due to his frontal lobe not being fully developed, despite his existence of over 2000 years.

His moments of wisdom typically branch from his days as a hollow, before he took on a humanoid form once more. When they do happen, they seem to be profound. Typically these moments are drawn by strong emotion, but they can be random at times too.

It doesn't take much to offend this one, like any child. Call him short and watch the steam plum from his ears and nostrils in anger. It's rather simple, and his retaliation will likely result in combat. Whether it be a swift swat to the dome or a clash of blades. One is bound to happen.

With this, he doesn't take kindly to others "being bullied" and can be somewhat defensive of those that he is close. This "bullying" has no sense for race or person; he's a child at heart and believes all should "be treated properly." Even the good isn't all that good.

Let's continue with the childish antics, shall we? A pea for a brain and a boulder for a skull, it's difficult to steer this one away from his ideas and beliefs. While an evil foe, he has some rather good values. Sure, he breaks them all the time with his actions, but that is due to duty.

Whiny little runt. Don't ask him to do much, because once you do, he is going to complain about it until the task is complete. Then once he has accomplished the task, he will continue to moan and groan about how tired he is. Once that is achieved, he'll continue to bring it up for years to come. Long story short, he's reliable but knows: he will complain the entire time.

Spoiled is an understatement, even in his two millennia of existence he has managed never to go hungry. Whether it be as a human, hollow, or Arrancar. He has always had everything laid before him. He considers himself to be lucky in that aspect, but he's not exactly the most grateful. He believes that it is well deserved and he is rather entitled.

Overall, the synopsis of Kutabare's persona can be briefly described as a child that has lived in luxury for far too long. He is a self-centered, entitled, lazy, low-life that enjoys doing nothing until something appears to be worthwhile. Typically he is a snot-nosed brat that can do nothing but whine and cry about the smallest of issues, but when push comes to shove, he will drop the act and pursue his goals to the finish.

III. History

» History:

An existence full of luxury and good health, the Gesuyaro Clan were the cornerstone of Japan's prosperity in the Kofun Period. His father, the innovator of a vast array of agricultural tools that reaped the lands for their wealth. His mother, a fortunate enough woman to had stood by his side for the years that arrived ahead of his fortune. With Japan being a newly recognized country for their fertile lands, matters like rice was a significant force to be reckoned with. A necessity that every human required, meaning those that went without would be upset if they did not have tools that were a deal more beneficial to their profits. Promptly, technology became a feudal affair for Japan, and only particular territories would sell their product to other lands. This type of intel would bring those that specialized in weapons to arms to claim the knowledge they sought.

Kutabare would be but a wee lad, a few notches on his vessel when the wars would commence. Mobs of men would set fire to their fields before their harvest to devastate their profits, requiring the farmers to relocate and find fertile soil once again. As the mere proprietor of the tools, Kuta's father would remain safe until the enemy's intel became increasingly concrete and they acquired the man's whereabouts. Proceedings to fruition, the family, would acquaint themselves with tragedy. His father pleaded for mercy for his kin. In response, the enemy would promise a mirrored lifestyle, free of adversity. That was if he agreed to make allegiance with them instead, providing them a more advanced line of tools. Being cornered, the head of the Gesuyaro Clan would admit and commit treason to his previous allies. This decision would perpetuate the family into vast danger as his existence was given a bounty, dead or alive.

Kutabare spent his younger years oblivious to all that occurred outside the confines of the estate they lived within. His puerile mind had minuscule care in the world for this world affairs. No, he was much intrigued by what was to come before the ventures to his utter demise. What consequences and rewards led by death, or was it abysmal? His fearlessness of the afterlife made him gutless against anything that meant held a hint of danger. His selfishness was providing multitudes to this, as he wished to continue upon the soils of fertile living. This would come to be the ultimate truth when his home was set ablaze in the former ally's siege on their estate. The great flames would quickly engulf the entirety of the estate.

As the catastrophy materialized, the child remained hush within his room, his mouth agape. His mind never scrambled for actions to correct the situation or do anything at all. Screams and wails could be heard in the distance as pillars crumbled and the structure caved.

"It'll all be over soon enough..." A whisper broke the air before his mortified visage; the words aiding him to absolute demise. "Why..." He muttered, his body was crushed beneath a dilapidated and charred beam that led to the zenith of the home. His last waking moment etched an image of his blackened mother's corpse piled beneath the debris, her beauty lost...


Life as a plus was short-lived. With the heap of human life transitioned to death, it was a buffet amongst the afterlife's creatures. With phenomenal haste, the monsters surrounded the area and laid waste to all but one that seemed unphased by the havoc. Blood speckled the land and led it deeper into ruin, reaping nuisances before them, the Hollows crept, assembling in satanic matrimony to deliver the boy to his final vision — the menacing weight of their sins lingering within the air. The boogeyman was real, after all. "Do you not fear us, child?" The pack's leader hissed.

"I am scared of you, but... I'd also like to play with you. You guys look fun." The lad stated tenaciously. The Hollows cackled at his repertoire, bellowing a yawn proceeding his speech. "Are we going to play or no?" Insisting as he rose erect. In a blink's time, the Hollows swept him away and whisked him to a deserted land, covered in an eerie grayscale. The Hollows devoured his soul, depriving him of his humanity. Time crept lackadaisically as his mind took transit to insanity, wails of agony reaped the land, but no one responded. Soon, his hollowification would be complete. Obtaining a quadrupedal body a replication of a ram-- a very tired, unwilling to do anything ram. No hopes, no dreams, nothing. That was until hunger embellished his being. Instinct throttled blood through his entirety, giving him power unaccustomed to his previous life. His movements were swift and to the point, not wasting a moment so that he could return to relaxing once more. So it began...

As time carried on, his reputation would soar among Hueco Mundo. His intelligence of the realm remained null in his dreary existence, as the enlightenment of his new regalia burrowed. His movements were unanticipated, swift, and unyielding. Hunting was easy. Hollows of his stature, some higher, were incapable of tracing him before their expiration. The velocity of his limbs and the durability of the horns that turned about atop his head, he was able to render his foes useless in the blink of an eye. He'd only feast on the weak. He knew his place, but as the future unveiled itself, he'd feel a rise in his strength.

Over a millennium, he held no comrades, values, or aspirations. The unprecedented hunger that consumed him drove his purpose, and it amounted to the void. That all changed as his capacity for spiritual pressure reached its climax, solidifying and harnessing the power to his advantage in a miraculous transformation. His body became taut and strength resonated in every molecule that navigated throughout his body. Consequentially, ambition filled his soul, a sense of duty unfamiliar to his intellect. He sought territory, and to do this; he would have to defeat any that opposed him. This fresh experience within this vessel brought a sense of maturity that he hadn't felt before.

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Uq1QGVF

Weather obscure to Heuco Mundo followed the beast on his escapade amongst the unfertile lands. A faint drizzle with tremendous amounts of lightning. The humid heat of his existence met the cool air causing the heat explosions that plummeted the Earth at tenacious velocities. Kutabare's popularity upon on the land skyrocketed gaining his footing within the hellhole. Gaining knowledge from those that bent the knee as he hunted them. A militia slowly formed corresponding his actions. The Vasto Lorde grew kind to the power that he held. Akin to invincibility, his body resonated a feeling of unstoppableness. There were many things that he was still uneducated of.

Stumbling upon relations with Shinigami, their terms with one another consistently less than exceptional. The smell of their flesh tingled his snout far too much for him to ignore them merely. They were wrong to infiltrate his land. Without failure, the occurrence would find repetition centurial. Only to meet their crude, calculated demise. Amid his bouts, knowledge of their infrastructure, of their people, and the ranks and divisions were bestowed upon him through contextual data collection. Yearning to coincide upon an opponent could match his velocity and power. They never arrived for their fall brethren.

When word reached him that Shinigami had infiltrated the land and rushed Los Noches, he grew intrigued. He knew that those that were gracious enough to be chosen by Aizen were leagues above his standing. He'd stand no chance. Thus, he retreated from the situation, gathering intel as it correlated. Envious of those that were chosen, he sought the strength of this transformation.

To do so, he sought out the greatest of the greats that plagued multitudes of territories within Hueco Mundo. Losing himself in the bloodshed for some time, he acquired more followers and fed on the weak that weren't strong enough to hold their own alongside him. A few of his foes stood out to him on these different occasions. A Vasto Lorde, like himself, that contained a tidal power of the seas. This female claimed to be Poseidon, residing in a domain that was riddled with water that followed her everywhere that she traveled. Among her was an assortment of varying sea-like hollow that ranged in strengths. Her forefront members held advantage close to his own. The sea deity of Hueco Mundo requested an alliance, but Kutabare saw this to be an excellent opportunity to test his strength. Thus, they waged war with one another.

The two territories clashed, the battle waged for days before the two forces had annihilated one another. Kutabare stood solely, his troops desecrated. While her two justiciars and herself prevailed. Commencing combat with both of the Hollows at once, the powers collided. The skirmish carried on for a substantial duration; the two powerhouses cratered Kutabare's body with their immense strength. He managed using underhanded tricks to get the two to clash with one another on several occasions giving Kuta the upper hand in the fight in the end.

"You're done! Go back to your Queen." Kutabare hissed, he stood in a feral stance his body rising and falling with the breath of fatigue falling from his mouth. The blood of his foes dripped from his extremities, his own cascading down his naked body from wounds all over. The two Hollow snarled in resistance before pressing back into him. Lightning crackled from atop his dome, his body radiating with an unworldly pressure that sent the two exhausted Hollows to their stomach. Squirming in a final effort to die with pride for their majesty as their bodies were carved into a bloody mess by the electrical force he sent upon them.

The high and mighty Poseidon sat upon her throne, watching as Kutabare rejuvenated himself feasting upon the corpses. Still fatigued, he called her from her throne. "Now, you. I'll put an end to you and your reign, your power will be mine." Threatening her with a fatigued tone, his speech impeded by heavy breathing.

"Rule this land with me." She beckoned to him. Kutabare refused, charging her at her throne. By the time he'd reach her, she would sink beneath the waters, and the land would become dry once more. Vanishing, without a trace.

His journey would continue after recovering fully and feeding on the bodies left behind. Only this time, he would be alone. His forces being completely depleted, he was an easy target for any of the other Vasto Lorde among the land. He had grown in power from taking in both forces as well as the two power-house Hollow. He could feel his power surge significantly. He would make sure that he would be the force that brought her down. He didn't pursue her. No, he instead sought out the others that ruled the land — wishing to obtain the ultimate power of Arrancar.

Upon his venture, he would come across an Arrancar — a fraccion of the Eighth Espada at the time. In their battle, he would obtain the information that he desired. He was informed about the mysterious device that Aizen used so long ago to make a Hollow become an Arrancar, but he was also told that he could rip his mask off. As their battle carried on, he learned the strengths and different powers that Arrancar held. The Arrancar using his Ressureccion in their fight to even the playing ground against Kutabare. It wouldn't be enough to bring him down in the end, but he would learn the taste of an Arrancar. It was far more satisfying than that of any other that he had tasted to this day. It felt like prosperity.

Years would carry on before he would come face-to-face with the Queen again. Both gathering up their forces once more, only slightly less. He would once again wage war with the Queen, but this time he would waste no time on the fodder and charge Poseidon immediately.

"POSEIDON!" Kutabare roared as he leaped at her, bring his horns to her abdomen. Shattering the throne and carrying her off of her throne. His speed was leaving her with an inability to respond to the attack. It was clear that her strength was far higher than his, but his speed seemed to trump her in that factor. Not being able to read his movements at all times, as though his Sonido was at a more advanced level than hers was. The battle between the two caused phenomenal devastation to the land, unleashing their powers to the fullest. This would draw the attention of other powerful Hollows into the mix, those that survived the destruction of their abilities would join in the fight, causing an even greater calamity.

Their efforts carried on for days, more combatants coming to surrender their lives to them. They would regain strength and continue fighting, but he was able to use her attacks against her. Water being the conductive surface that it was. He saw the fight as destiny; she would be the strength that he required to obtain his goal. As the battle finally came to an end, he mustered the strength to rip his mask from his face. All that came with it was his old attitude. He knew no different, though fragments of his past glimpsed before him from time to time. He returned to his sloth-like manner but sought a higher way of living.


Attaining his youthful body and persona once more, he slaughtered his fledglings in a test of his new power. His yearn for feasting on flesh vanished, but his willingness to commence battle rose. While a lazy being once more, he felt he had a purpose that he needed to fulfill. The land was owned by those that had no claim to it, and he sought to take it back. First, he would have to gain some experience with the body he now held.

He learned the capabilities of his sword, and in time he would come to find he could restore the explosive power of his Vasto Lorde form. It was much more complete now. The pinnacle of his being was before him. Thus he would use this power to assert his dominance upon Earth. Taking himself to the streets of Los Angeles he quickly began to wreak havoc, in hopes that he would draw out the supers of the area. In which he did, he came across many Human, Quincy, Shinigami, and Vizards that sought to protect the realm from his chaos. The sheer number advantage they had against him brought him to a near-death escape. He was able to test his strength against a wide assortment of enemies, but not in an entirely proper manner. It would prove sufficient enough for him to challenge the demon's that held his capital captive. Sliding out of the realm with a Garganta and taking time to recuperate his strength before he would infiltrate.

As his plans began to fall into line and he was able to set fear amongst many Hollows to gain their allegiance, he started to move in. As he did so, the place would be set into ruin. While a part of him wished to carry on and investigate, he was soon sought out instead. A man that led the Espada to the separation from an organization known as Shadow Fall. He told him that he was rebuilding his ranks.

Thus, he had no other choice but to join the winning team...

IV. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities:

Cero: Unlike the typical Cero, Kuta's Cero has an elemental-esk of lightning to it. It moves at an accelerated rate from that of a normal Cero, the size of the Cero pending yet he can accelerate the pace of travel by almost half. The attack is launched from the horns of his mask instead of the typical launch from the mouth. Being that the blast comes from the highest point of his body and with such speed, recoil is imminent.

Bala: Similar to his Cero he can produce a Bala at speeds higher than the typical. With a Bala, he receives no recoil due to the size. The strength of his Bala much weaker than the average, reduced by half.

Hierro: An Arrancar's natural born defense, making his skin resistant to less than equal strength to his own. His Hierro carries the unique ability to conduct electricity upon impact. Making attacks to his body from a point-blank range a more overwhelming task.

Sonido: Sonido is Kuta's greatest feat, he has trained it to become the driving force of his power. He is known as one of the fastest beings in Hueco Mundo and perhaps the many realms. His Sonido is unique to him through more than just its high speed. The typically ripping sound of a Sonido for Kuta is adjacent to that of thunder, and the decibel of this ability is much higher than a Sonido.

Pesquisa: With the help of his mask, his Pesquisa is atypically more accurate than the norm. Using his horns as a fork to collect more accurate readings on the whereabouts of those around him.


V. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Tormentaries

» Zanpakutô Appearance: A black-tinted blade that is etched and stained with an electric yellow lightning design. The guard's outer edge matches the color of the lightning on the module and fans out into four rounded plumes with a bright white interior. In the white interior, are two large triangles with a smaller triangle between on each rounded edge. The hilt has a yellow base wrapped in a high-quality white material that is substance wicking, making it challenging to be saturated by liquids.

» Unique Power:
Sloth: Once a lazy, good for nothing child unwilling to even save himself, let alone anyone else, from a house fire; Kuta possesses the ability to make those he crosses swords with feel sloth-like.

This is achieved through his lightning-fast movements. Upon revealing his zanpakuto, his speed increases drastically(x10); this is not only with the evolution of the blade but also his entirety. His vitals increase to alarming rates, his speech is affected; all things about him are concerned. This increase in his bodily movements makes even the smallest movements in his hands and body move at a rapid rate. His body vibrates at such a speed that it increases his durability and emits static electricity motioned around his blade but doesn't connect with anything but his person.

With the distinct risk factors to his physical health, his sword does not stay outside of its sheath any longer than an attack, defense, or movement. Otherwise, he could very well risk death. These effects cannot take place without contact with the sword, however, and can only be applied to himself.

VI. Resurrección

» Resereccion Name: El Dios Aries

» Resereccion Release Phrase: Conduce tu presa, El Dios Aries

» Release Actions: A swift unsheathing and raising of the blade, pointing to the heavens.

» Resereccion Appearance:

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] 4lQksAl

His height remains the same, but the proportions of his body grow drastically. He loses the ability to stand on solid land, as his feet become turbines made of a crystalline structure.

» Resereccion Abilities:

% to Post Ratio:

General: With the change of his bodily structure, he gains a tremendous amount of strength and defense. His battle prowess is heightened, and he regains the mature state of mind that he once held as a Vasto Lorde. He becomes more of a caster with the ability to also engage in close-combat fighting to gain distance from his opponent once more.

He obtains a large circular bone-structure (Columna Vertebral) that floats behind him that is used as an hourglass for his form. It also harbors the ability to perform Ceros and Balas and can be used for other skills. Thus, all actions within his Resereccion will deplete the longevity of his fight within the form. Sacrificing a piece of the bone-structure(his time in his form), he can amplify the power of his Ceros, Balas and other abilities by up to a maximum of 80%. Thus, this is based purely on how long he has been in his form and how quickly he wishes to get out of it.

As he switches to this form, lightning consumes the area in various spots in a ten-mile radius. The lightning strikes vary from 40-60 blows per the duration of a post over the entire region. This lightning can be consumed as a life force for his Resereccion or can be manipulated and redirected as an assault if in a 1-mile radius. He is not able to infinitely restore his time in his form or endlessly supply an attack with the lightning in the surrounding area. Consuming electricity must happen once at a time and at a different location each time. Each strike consumed will regain him 5%, and absorption can take place twice every post.

Enhanced Speed: His speed remains the front of his power, with the help of the turbines beneath his feet, he can move without Sonido to obtain Sonido-like rates.

Sonido Aries: Sonido Aries is a Sonido that amplifies his ability to use Sonido at a much more frequent rate(approx. twice as much). While a higher proficiency, it also drains the longevity of his Resereccion by 5% each use. Thus, using it, sparingly is most wise for him.

Lighning Manipulation: Kuta can perform attacks with the use of lightning. These attacks can be produced from his hands or his horns and can be amplified in strength by his Columna Vertebral. As of this moment, his powers are limited to balls of lightning and directed lightning strikes. Similar to Cero and Bala, just with heightened energy and a more highly distinct lightning element to it.

Aries Grande: Using his Columna Vertebral, removing it from his rear and to the front, it can be used as the muzzle for a large scale attack. Gathering the lightning that is devastating the surrounding area from the entire radius, he can replenish the "hour-glass" to a full state once more to obtain the full strength of this attack. The attack requires a one post charging time(uninterrupted) before the cast to muster the power to commence it. During this post, he will be entirely open for attacks, as is rendered unable to move his arms. He is free to change position, but not defend. Once this time has passed, a massive wave of energy sweeps the land as though an aftershock from gathering the enormous amount of power from the surrounding area. This aftershock is strong enough to blow over large vehicles and provide severe damage to any structures in a five-mile radius.

Following the aftershock, the Columna Vertebral begins to rotate and spin rapidly. This creates the visual of a sphere as it starts to spark with electricity. Inside the field, a globe of electric energy begins to expand and grow before it explodes in size as it raises above Kutabare. Lightning carves the terrain from its heat and sheer power in a 300m radius as the sphere rapidly expands to 50m in diameter. This sphere can be launched at an arced trajectory of 10 miles, meaning it slowly falls due to how it spins. When the attack has met an object, it will immediately implode and expand. The heat from the lightning melts the land and anything it touches and reeks devastation up to a five-mile radius. The radius of the attack is dependant on the density of structure, wildlife, vegetation, etc. in the area as it is merely a high heat explosive force that has been highly condensed and released in an instant. Thus, the more resistance and heat is transferred to multiple surfaces, the faster the attack dissipates.

Once the attack has reaped the land, Kutabare falls out of his Resereccion, and his Zanpakuto returns to his side. Winded from the attack, he may have enough energy to continue fighting a bit more, but it is highly unlikely.

Defensa Contra Rayos: Exerting 50% of his "hour-glass" Kutabare uses his Columna Vertebral and has it move in a vertical motion with him inside of it. A field of lighting encasing his body and fortifying it with a skin of energy. This energy sends out bursts of lightning upon being hit, and the skin remains for the remainder of the time he has left in the form. This ability renders him unable to recharge his "hour-glass" until he removes the defensive state.

This ability can be used as an offensive ability as well if he so chooses to fight in close combat rather than long range. This will render his fists to have explosive lighting pulses upon each punch that apply a considerable amount of heat and a shockwave of explosive force. This ability will remain for a duration of 5 posts or until called off.

More TBA

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Perquisa: Advanced
  • Sonido: Advanced
  • Cero/Bala: Adept
  • Hierro: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by CPKallday on Sat Jul 06, 2019 12:29 am; edited 11 times in total

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Sbb1I7e
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Re: Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:14 pm
The issue here is that the claim made as to his speed is way too big for what's actually written about this. There isn't much to go off of for his speed being so high other than this ability mentioning that he's so fast. I'd either expand on the speed or pare back on how immensely fast he is.

My main concern is that there's a number of things that relate to the amount of lightning he summons, chief among them being the ability to consume the strikes, but there's no indication how many total strikes there actually are. The other issue is the ability to travel to those lightning strikes. Is this teleporting or just moving even faster? The wording is unclear, and the ability will likely need to be toned down if the total number of lightning strikes being summoned is high.

Additionally, the percentage-based increases and decreases are better displayed in duration by posts rather than simply giving percentages, especially as durations of things like Ress are measured in posts in the first place.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
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Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Re: Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:20 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Hazard Ranks
  • Power: C
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: A

Tier: 3-4
Hazard Rating: B
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Re: Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:05 am
[adm]Moved back to WIP.[/adm]
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Re: Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:51 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Hazard Ranks
  • Power: B
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: A

Comments/Notes: Forgot about the Villain Burst during my initial grading as well, so that one's definitely on me.
Tier: 2-1
Hazard Rating: B
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] Empty Re: Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B]

Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:48 am

Kutabare Gesuyaro[HAZARD RATING B] 8Bvy1N8


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