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Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye Empty Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye

Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:53 pm
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
"Hmmmm..." A hum of deep thought rose from Kay's throat, tapping her fingernail upon the hard, metallic desk of her fifth period English class. While a closed fist held her head to rest comfortably on the hard surface, the girl wasn't exactly very comfortable at this moment. Her reddened eyes held their gaze upon a promotional paper, one of a deep blue background with a bunch of fancy lines of colors scribble onto it. It was a flyer, a flyer for a new arcade store that had recently opened in the central district a few minutes away from here. The girl had found it earlier this morning in her mailbox, and while normally she would throw this sort of thing away, this one had caught her eye. Apparently to celebrate their opening week the entire arcade was having a fifty percent off deal on all their games.
People normally could spend a fortune at an arcade, so halving that seemed pretty inciting, especially since she hadn't gone to one of these since she was in Germany... Well, last time she went to an arcade she got so mad at a crane machine that she pushed it over and broke it... But, now she was older and more mature and would never let something like a crane machine ruin her fun.

Only problem was, her mother needed her after school. This was one of the only days where she had neither gymnastics or ghost hunting clubs, and on those days it was usually a 'all hands on deck' evening to get everything in top shape for the next week or so.
If she wanted to go to this arcade, she would need an excuse.
@rebe ● notes here ● word count

Last edited by ArgonianMade on Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye ArgonianMadesig

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Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye Empty Re: Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye

Fri Jun 14, 2019 3:12 pm
Even a man who has nothing may give his life
English, the class was a little harder than most for the indvidual. Math and science could be memoriezed but the intricate language of English simply had to be practiced to death, not to mention it was a truely horrific language where nothing made sense and as soon as you thought you understood something, the teacher would say that the 'rule' was only effective half of teh time. Yet that didn't mean she wouldn't study, pencil scratching away at the low grade paper to reformat into flash cards and pretty notes later there was a periodic interruption of her thoughts in the form of some rather dishevelled nails on the desk behind her tapping away. The redhead had sat behind her in English since the start of the year now and her antiques had gotten on her nerves atleast five times a week.
That wasn't to say she disliked the girl, oh they were friends, yet when it came to classes she preferred to spend her time in a productive manner rather than annoying those around her. A sigh escaped as the young girl tore a small page out of a notebook and started to slash some words onto the page. Heavens above perhaps from the font Kay could figure out the incessant tapping was annoying the other ghost friend. 'Kay, whilst I do adore the orchestral tapping I was wondering if there was something on your mind.' Paper folded neatly along the lines and it was slipped backwards onto the desk behind.

She had no plan to counsel or anything, but hopefully a couple of notes being passed around would at least cause the unabating fingernail tapping to cease, honestly it seemed that the girl was trying to tunnel to Germany or something. If sitting in front of her in class meant Faye could study the girl was going to ask to be moved for sure. No matter how close friends were if they went to different universities then the friend group would surely distance, for that meaning at this time there was nothing more important than learning in the classroom whilst she was stuck here for the next twelve minutes.

@ArgonianMade ● shit i forgot how to rp
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Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye Empty Re: Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye

Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:57 pm
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
English was fairly boring. Well, perhaps in a different way for Kay then her fellow classmates. The students in Japan had English drilled into her head since they first started going to school. To them the language was nothing but another class they had to pass. But for someone who already spoke the language quite well though it was repetitive, unnecessary. She could fall asleep in this class and still pass if she wanted. Not that she would, of course, she wasn't about to land herself in detention for something stupid. Like seriously, who would be numb skulled enough to fall asleep in a classroom? Ridiculous.
Some would say the red head still needed to expand her English vocabulary though, which was indeed true along with her annunciations. But English was a hard enough language that it was excusable as long as she could hold a conversation decently.

As the teacher droned on about correct punctuation in writing Kay continued the subtle nail tapping, having a hard time trying to justify taking this side trip on the way home. Kay only stopped and looked up when Faye quickly slipped a note onto her desk. Looking at the teacher in front to see if he was paying attention the girl was thankful he was currently too busy writing stuff upon the board to notice. Kay grabbed the folded paper, opening it under her desk to read. Kay felt a little bad that she nail tapping had been noticeable, but it's not like she was doing it on purpose to annoy her friend... Uh... Acquaintance? It was so hard to read Faye sometimes that she was unsure of their relationship. But by the way that she was asking if anything was up it seemed they were on friendly terms nonetheless.

It was upon pondering these thoughts that an idea popped into the red head's brain. Her red eyes brightened happily, grabbing the pencil on the desk to reply just below Faye's question.
'Do you wanna go to the new arcade after school? There's a great deal going on right now. :D'
After a few seconds of scribbling Kay would wait until the teacher turned around once more before flicking the refolded paper back to her. With a pretty good aim it ended up landing upon the corner of Faye's desk.
@rebe ● notes here ● word count

Last edited by ArgonianMade on Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye ArgonianMadesig

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Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye Empty Re: Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye

Mon Jun 17, 2019 4:31 am
Even a man who has nothing may give his life
It seemed like the incessant nail tapping was done, finally. Now there was just the boy to her left who seemed to be sharpening his pencil until there was nothing left and another girl to her right scratching a flower into the desk. How delightful she could barely wait to get out of this hellish classroom. The lull which had finally managed to settle across Faye once more was broken, cornflower eyes solemnly followed the descent of a scrap of paper as it descended onto her desk. One day they would surely get detention for all this note passing, either that or her English grades would fall so far the girls mother would ground her. Flicking open the folded paper she smoothed the creases, eyes still softly wandering across the teachers board at the front of the room a pretense of her concentration and dedication to the lesson. Did she want to go to the new arcade after school, she'd been to one before, epilepsy inducing lights flickering every time some kid managed to beat the high score of some old school pinball or space shooter game. Newer machines bearing sounds and entire speaker systems with responsive voices applauding the efforts of those who should be studying or at club practice. Yet with all that said it was not a negative place, there was a feeling about those places that anyone was your friend, no one was off limits or out of reach. Mind wandering from the English lesson the consistent scratching of the pencil outlined some of the English language rules they were going over into her notes, the deal was nice, saving a bit of money here meant that she could buy another key chain or one of those collectible hair pins.

Interesting enough the other club member often got on her nerves yet Faye felt relaxed enough around Kay to forgive her just as easily, moving forward was the best after all. Holding grudges only hurt yourself and not whoever you hold a distaste for, that was the quote she'd seen on social media at least. The paper had little room left now for a response, not that she needed much, Faye was not in favour of sending a lengthy reply via easily intercepted classroom note throwing.
'You owe me a snack. Meet by the bicycle racks after school when ready, I need to drop something off at the administration office before we leave.' A final fullstop at the end of it felt like quite the nice ending, no need to worry about any smiley faces or small talk taking up the rest of the lesson, a little less elegant than the 'former baseball star' Faye flung the note behind her in the vague direction of one annoying maiden. Perhaps it'd keep her distracted enough for the rest of the lesson so Faye could wrap her head around the different uses of the same word in such complex sentences, the antagonizing language was like a three-year-old put a puzzle together using pieces from eighteen different sets.

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Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye Empty Re: Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye

Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:02 am
i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
She waited like a fat kid in a candy store; not very well. The red head flicked her pencil between her two fingers rapidly, the point tapping onto the desk, much like her finger nail was before. Either she had forgotten about Faye's annoyance or she was just egging it on. Most likely the first option, knowing the girl.
Big red eyes peeked over Faye's shoulders, craning her neck to try and get a better look at what she was writing out. Of course, being a few feet away she couldn't really see anything but the corner of the paper... But it didn't stop her from trying.
After another few moments her club member passed the paper back, to which Kay grabbed it back and opened it up. She agreed! Granted, with a cost involved, but it was worth it to not go at this adventure alone.
A big, goofy smile spread across the girl's face. With a newfound excitement bubbling up inside of her Kay stashed the paper under her notebook and went back to pretending to pay attention.


A few brain-numbing classes later and they were free.
Kay leaned back against the stone wall leading to the outside of the school, arms crossed, lazy crimson eyes scanning the crowds of kids leaving the school for a familiar tuft of blue hair. She never had a bike in Japan, never really felt the need to. Everything over here was so close together that you could practically walk to where ever you needed to go. But, for some reason Japan seemed to love bikes, even more than cars. Maybe it was pollution? She wasn't sure. There was so many cultural differences trying to make sense of them all would give her a migraine, and she didn't need one of those before looking at brightly colored screens for the next couple hours.

Unluckily, she did get a few weird looks from students passing by. But whenever they caught her attention she would just stare at them back until they turned away or passed. She was used to the stares, if her colored hair wasn't weird enough just the fact she was a foreigner was. Well at least they didn't care about the rest of her appearance like most others would.
Granted... She also didn't seem to acknowledge that she looked a little like a delinquent, waiting menacingly near the bike racks as she was.
@rebe ● notes here ● word count

Do A Barrel Roll ♠ Private, Faye ArgonianMadesig

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