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Thu May 23, 2019 11:05 pm




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Claire admired the other woman's form as she changed. She did this with little to no concealment, so it would be quite obvious what she was doing. After this she merely let out a giggle out how well behaved the younger woman was being. She enjoyed that much more than she had any right to. Once the other woman had redressed herself, Claire took a moment to examine her outfit. It was truly spectacular, as was to be expected of something of its price. Claire was not one to hold out when it came to buying nice things, after all. Having taken in the sight of the other woman, who was now fully prepared to join the festivities, Claire smiled warmly. Her guest looked much more presentable now, and would be able to fit in reasonably well at the table. Of course, the collar might make her stick out a bit, but that couldn't be helped. Besides, she enjoyed looking at it.

With those thoughts in mind, she began to lead the way back through the castle, towards the banquet hall where they would begin to enjoy their meal. Along the way they passed several servant girls, all remarkably bust, and even more remarkably skimpily clad. Once or twice, Claire bared her fangs at them in a sort of frightening yet sexy show of appreciation. Eventually, they reached the largest room that they had come to yet. There was a large table in the center of the room, a large number of chairs, both with cushions and without, a few couches, and, most intricate of all, her own throne, which towered above every other piece of furniture by an almost staggering amount. Claire wasted no time, leading the younger woman directly to the throne, and gesturing for her to sit in the seat directly to her right. It was an honor that she should be proud of, not many were able to inhabit that seat. With that taken care of, she sat down herself, and called over one of her more trusted servants. After inquiring about when the food and drink would be brought out, she turned back towards the younger woman to her side and began to speak.

"Well,now that we've gotten through all of that, why don't you tell me your name, Dear?"

As she said this she projected a substantial amount of emotional manipulation. None of it had much of a specific effect, but ever bit of the burst she'd just released was meant to, in concert, reinforce all of the suggestions she'd already put forth. She was laying it on a bit thick here, but she felt like having fun. No harm would come of it, either way. At least, not at this level.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Fri May 24, 2019 6:14 pm



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Elyss didn't react much to Claire's wondering eyes on her form. There is little she can do when her mind is being forced to think things she normally wouldn't be thinking in a situation like this. She felt no embarrassment. There is only... pride that Claire's eyes so eagerly ate up her figure and look within the dress and heels. If Elyss were in her right mind, she would not be so easily swayed by the expensiveness of what she dons, and it is highly possible she would react disapprovingly of being dressed up in such a manner just for the other to have something good to look upon besides a latex maid. Not even her screaming feet seemed to bother her, and that is truly an issue.

Ulv has told her time and time again she could leave whenever she wished; stop any interactions she did not enjoy, but here. Claire is not showing such care for her. This woman has no care for what Elyss wants or feels, and it is to the point that not even Elyss' mind is safe from the other's demands. This is... enslavement at its finest.

There is no real care for the woman they pass, for Elyss only have eyes for Claire in her state of mind wishing to only please the woman before her following each step as best she could. Is that jealousy? Yes, she feels slightly pained when Claire shows the others any kind of attention.

'No fair...'

Though, soon, they reached the dining area where everything seemed set up for a feast. Elyss actually has no idea if there are to be others besides Claire and her here to feast, but that mattered little. She is quick to take her seat beside Claire feeling a sudden need to do whatever is asked after the question.

"Elyss Kishimoto."

She answers quickly and clearly before falling quiet waiting for the next question.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Fri Jun 21, 2019 10:06 pm




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Claire had noticed Elyss's discomfort as they had traversed the hallway, and had, in fact, delighted in it. It meant that everything that she was doing was working exactly as planned. That jealousy was exactly what she had wanted to cultivate. After the other woman had taken her seat, she let this thought drift from her mind, however. Very shortly afterwards, she listened to the other woman tell her what her name was. It was a cute name, and seemed very fitting for the woman before her.

"Elyss? What a beautiful name, darling. It suits you very well. I hope you'll enjoy your time in my castle as much as possible. I also hope you enjoy lamb, as that's what we'll be having. In a few moments more of my subjects will begin to filter in. I do hope you can behave yourself."

She smiled sweetly as she uttered the last sentence, looking deeply into Elyss's eyes.She could already tell that her emotional manipulation was having a profound effect on the woman before her. She hadn't expected such a reaction, but she certainly wouldn't complain about it. After she'd done this for more than a few moments, she cradled the other woman's face in her hand.

"You're very pretty, you know. Almost irresistible, in fact."

Claire winked seductively directly after she said this, then very slowly moved her own face closer to Elyss's, and planted a light kiss on the woman's lips. She held this position for around a minute, really milking every bit of response she could get out of Elyss, and then, reluctantly, she ended the kiss. Shortly afterwards more of her subjects began to enter the room, taking their place at the table. Then, almost immediately after this, the food and drink arrived. As she had said previously, the main course was Lamb. There were, in fact, other foods to be had, though. Chicken, turkey, pork, etcetera. There were no vegetables though, as she was strictly carnivorous. The drink they'd been brought was a very fine, aged wine.

As this happened, Claire began to question Elyss once more, although this time she was more interested in what the other woman desired.

"How would you like to spend your time here, I wonder. I'm sure I can accommodate you if you simply tell me what it is that you desire."

At the same time, rather misleadingly, she let out a significant amount more of her emotional energy, in the form of emotional manipulation. The entire goal of this emotional manipulation was to implant the idea of servitude into the other woman's mind. Claire's fangs began to show as her smile grew wider.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:08 pm



Room in Romania - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Her name? Beautiful? Such a thing would normally cause Elyss to shy away somewhat and disregard such a compliment. Her name has been called pretty before despite her own harsh thoughts on it. With her mind so intoxicated with outside influences demanding her desires focus on the woman who has taken up the role of ‘Mistress’ as of now, Elyss could only lightly blush and blink with clear confusion and gratitude; a strange mixture of emotion to appear on her soft face.

There is no other words from her though as the menu is brought up. There is only a nod as she was told to behave; her inner battle with the many intrusive thoughts waning, and she is losing every second; her free will vanishing with each passing moment. Even her normally extremely dark eyes seemed a bit lighter in intensity as her focus on the outer world muddied, and the only solid object that mattered became the woman next to her who’s eyes captivate her intense power.


Elyss’ mind repeats such a word bouncing it repeatedly feeling happiness and fear at the same time. There’s a slight jolt as her cheek is touched but no action to move away or into her touch occurred as Claire neared. There is no reaction as she is kissed; Elyss simply sitting still and allowing this to occur despite the warning signals in her mind that are quickly dissolved by the strong suggestions within her. After about 30 seconds, resistance became futile and Elyss’ eyes closed while her mouth leaned into the kiss with a soft passion before the kiss ended leaving Elyss looking confused with cloudy eyes.

‘What just happened? They were just kissing?’

Elyss moves a hand to her lips, then, to her head before looking at the food before them. A gnawing at her stomach occurred then. A meal seems quite enticing right about now, but any action she wished to take is halted by Claire’s voice; a sudden heavy fog rolling over her mind as she loses focus on the outer world to an even greater extent; the only being that seemed clear the woman beside her asking her what she desired while here in this castle dressed so lavishly.

Elyss turns her head slowly back to Claire; a small fake smile on her lips.

“I wish to grow stronger; strong enough to protect pe… to protect… you… to… serve… you…”

Her words come out her mouth awkwardly as the emotional manipulation takes hold of her mind commanding her thoughts are polarized and gravitate to the idea of Claire; an idea she finds strangely addictive. There is a tilt of her head as she blinks before focusing her gaze on Claire. She did not seem disturbed by the fangs. They are... alluring...

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:45 pm




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Claire laughed internally, as eventually Elyss began to return her kiss. She then smiled at the response she'd received, and placed her hand on the other woman's head, ruffling her hair gently. After having heard this she realized that her plans were coming along even more smoothly than she had imagined that they would. Still, she had no ill intentions towards the young woman seated beside her. In fact, she had the best of intentions. This would most likely not be immediately understood, but in the long run, her intentions would be brought to light.

"Such a good girl"

At the same time she also instilled a rather large amount of emotional energy into these words, so that they would be perceived as some type of reward to the other woman. Once she'd finished that task, she began to speak once more.

"I would like it very much if you would protect me, which goes hand in hand with serving me, something that I'm sure you'll be the very best at.

Her smile widened as she said this, growing ever more enticing.

In fact, I'll help you grow stronger so that you can do so, doesn't that sound nice?"

She let those words sink in for a few moments while she waited for the other woman to reply. Almost absentmindedly she added an afterthought.

"Feel free to begin eating by the way. Just behave while you do so. I'm sure you know of proper etiquette by this point in your life."

After she had said this, Claire began to help herself to the food that had been lain out before her. The lamb was incredibly succulent tonight. A rather fitting coincidence, as her other lamb was also quite succulent. She kept these thoughts private, however, and simply waited for Elyss to begin speaking once more.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Sat Jun 22, 2019 8:49 am



Room in Romania - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Her hair is made an example out of; the second casualty of her person. Though, can she say she disliked the hand that ran smoothly upon her scalp demeaning her slightly with an act one would do to someone they see as… a child to them or maybe an insubordinate? That is a thought that barely was able to form in her mind before she absently found herself leaning into said hand much like the kiss. The time between reconsideration and obedience has drastically decreased; proof that all the suggestions she has been plagued with have grasped her mind firmly with a firm, yet gentle, hand. Elyss barely had thoughts about the meaning of any of this with the demand that she follows Claire being drilled so heavily into her subconsciousness. Could she see the future being set before her? No. All she can see at this very moment is her Sueki mistress.

“Thank you.”

Her voice is somewhat hollow repaying the kindness being shown to her by Claire’s forced hospitality. Even more subduing energy is being filtered through her, and the fact she hasn’t become vegetabalized by the mass of it is surprising. Though, there is no escape from these words filled with power unless some heroine or hero were to crash in and save her, but that is an unthinkable outcome, for was she not brought here by the very woman who took her in? Why would Ulv return claiming to be a saviour after bringing her into the clutches of this vampiric woman who now seems to want to gobble Elyss up and steal her from all who wished to be her friend? Who needs friends when you have your Mistress?

“I will… do my best… Thank you for helping me… serve...”

She mutters a bit quietly after learning that protecting and serving go hand in hand, but deep down, she felt like she’s always known such. Deep down, she feels that she’s accepted this a long time ago, but it feels awkward like the suggestion is brand new and has always been her dream since birth; clashing ideals tearing her up within. Though, this is not wrong, is it? She is being given growth. This is no different than with Ulv is it? Ulv, however, gave her freedom to do as she pleased, right? She can feel her thoughts on the massive woman changing within her own mind; warped by Claire’s wishes as her mind starts creating false memories and opinions of others to make the idea of serving Claire more and more of a reality that she can agree on.

She says nothing as she looks down at her food before her. Despite her hunger begging to be sated, she stills herself. Proper etiquette? Elyss’ eyes darken as she recalls her life growing up in literal trash with no idea of when a meal came, and when one did, there was no etiquette. There was only the mad devouring to stop the pain. Can she really eat with a skill she did not have? Though, to make Claire happy, she feels her body tense with the slow movement of grabbing a utensil. It was as if her body moved like a machine forcing skills she did not have to work slowly allowing herself to eat in hopes that she is not reprimanded. Still, she does sloppily cutting at her meal with evident struggle before bringing a slice to her mouth.

It is all for Claire though. Always for her mistress.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:58 pm




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"You're so very welcome, my dear. I'm more than happy to."

After having said this Claire observed the other woman attempt to conduct herself properly in the company of royalty. She was almost able to resist the small laugh that was building up inside of her. Almost, but not quite. Like the sound of small bells ringing, her peals of laughter echoed throughout the dining area. She hadn't expected her guest to be the most elegant woman she'd ever met, but she had expected more than she'd received. Still, she did not anger. It was extraordinarily obvious that Elyss was trying her best to do as she was told, and that was as much as Claire had ever asked for. It was as much as she could ask for. Still, it wasn't quite up to par, and so she spoke up.

"Like this, Darling."

After she said this, Claire deftly demonstrated exactly what it was that she was expecting from her guest. Her movements were gentle and fluid, yet filled with confidence. Perhaps a strange description of the very basic act of preparing ones food for consumption, but it was an accurate one. A description which applied to every action she had ever taken.

"I imagine you can do it. Or would you like me to prepare your meal for you, my little lamb?"

There was, of course, a reason that Claire always prepared a meal for all of her guests before she began to speak with them in private. It made them lazy, and the taste of their blood benefited greatly from the recent nutrients. She expected to take more than her fair share of blood from this one. She considered it a more than worthwhile trade for Elyss. In fact, it would have been a more than worthwhile trade for her simply due to the fact that she had been graced with Claire's presence.

She sat with absolute confidence after she spoke. The air of royalty that had always graced her becoming ever more apparent. She had taken very well to owning this country, and all those who witnessed her magnificence were inclined to agree.

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Room in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Room in Romania

Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:54 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

This isn’t difficult. Elyss’ mind is being weird. Instead of simply eating normally, she seems to be stuck in some unnerving loop that causes her to question every move she makes wondering if it meets the expectation given to her. What does eating properly even mean? Her mind has tricked itself into believing her usual methods of eating were too barbaric for a situation like this, and now, her mind couldn’t fathom eating as she always does near Claire even if no problem would occur from it. Though, when Claire takes notice of her incapability of continuing normally with the task given to her, she finds her face flushing immensely as a ping of guilt courses from her core outward. She feels like an immense failure, and such feelings, even before Claire, has always caused her much stress and anger.

Once Claire shows her exactly what should be done, Elyss finds her stubbornness rearing its ugly head despite the suggestions wafting in her mind numbing any logical thinking that doesn’t pertain to following Claire’s orders. With a huff, she shakes her head furiously and stabs her fork down into her meal and begins to eat in a way that is near how Claire had shown, but is obviously being brutalized by her aggressive personality that pops up whenever she begins to get emotional. At that moment, it didn’t matter that she sat next to Claire; some queen of some race she knows nothing of or whatever. It didn’t matter that she is suppose to be appeasing her current Mistress. What did matter is that she’s pissed, and she feels like showing that she’s pissed. She can’t take it out on Claire because of the limitations in her mind making such an idea ludicrous and impossible to ever follow through on, but everything else around her is free game to her sudden outrage.

“I can handle my own food. Thank you very much, Mistress.”

Yes. Her voice came out harsher than was meant due to her frustration, but immediately, she recoils knowing that she probably disrespected the woman beside her and finds herself freezing a bit before going back to eating as if losing care soon after, but her movements are more fluid and less spontaneous as they were when she decided to attack her meal. There are no words further as her mind berates herself wondering just how Claire would take her drastic mood shift.



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