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Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:37 am

Ghost Freak

Yasuko Ishikura

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Las Vegas The Safe Haven  ZestySophisticatedDavidstiger-size_restricted

Those were the words the young girl said to herself after witnessing the devastating attack on Karakura Town on the television. Just the visuals alone was enough to make the girl shake, demons from another realm slaughtering innocent people without a pinch of remorse, law enforcement doing whatever they can to push them back. She could just picture herself being in that town after the aftermath.. within those streets she would be the only beating heart, the only being of warm blood and flesh. The walls around her were would once be doubtless home to many in the fairly recent past, yet now it was an unfamiliar maze to all. Almost like a light that fell on the words that spoke to nobody, unaware that their audience had vanished, or that the streets lay silent beneath no boots at all, save his. It was as if God had stopped time, removed all the distractions so she could see it for real, see how it really was, what it really was. And in that moment all she wished for was another beating heart in the deserted city, another being of warm blood and flesh, one more pair of shoes to walk next to her.

The girl left the building stepping outside to see local officers and other law enforcement

"Attention. All civillians must evacuate to Las Vegas to ensure safety." one officer said with a megaphone in his mouth, people of all ages were being put on buses one by one and immediately she went towards the closest line and waiting to get on. In the meantime she's heard rumors of a man who owned a Casino within Las Vegas which was now considered neutral territory in which people looking for a place to escape all of the violence and seek refuge until the inevitable war ends. That's where she needed to go, after all she's never made contact with both Sonny or Rasuca in weeks and receiving word from Dr.Hebi himself to lay low it was probably a good idea to go there since she's on her own at this point.

As the line got shorter she faced a local police officer who was looking at the girl with a neutral look on his face, but she knew deep down he was scared as well.
"Identification please." the officer would ask opening his palm towards the girl, "Y-Yes sir" Yasuko would rummage through her bag and pull out an identification card, though it was her school card it was better than nothing.
The officer would give a firm nod and gesture the girl to get inside and have a seat.
The bus rocked from side to side as she traveled on these unfamiliar roads, many people's brains afforded the time to daydream or rest. There are those who chatter, their voices rising and blending together in the sweet ritual of friends. Some absorb themselves in music, others drift into worries that will erase themselves on arrival, when their body rejoins the world of moving and speaking to others. And so it goes on that way, all of us together and separate, feeling all the same turns and bumps.

A few hours later the girl would arrive at Las Vegas and once she got off the bus she immediately went towards a particular casino that caught her attention, it had to be the one she was sure of it.This looks like the place. she said before taking a deep breathe and exhaling, walking towards the casino noticing a few guards in her way. They both looked down at the girl with a menacing glare.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:07 pm



Las Vegas The Safe Haven  6EdIfMt

Steiner had come to Las Vegas to meet with Yaksha after the attack on Karakura and his return from the island where had received a harsh beating from Ulv. He had intended to learn of a place where he could go to find someone worth training with, but upon arriving in town he had learned that the Hollow was not present. That he had gone somewhere far away and that no one had any idea where he had gone, after all he was the boss, and the ruler of this city and no one questioned him. Still, Steiner was quite a bit perturbed by this, and had decided to stick around the city in hopes of seeing Yaksha's return. He, however would not find Yaksha, and instead would find himself enjoying some good old Las Vegas cuisine, but he would distance himself from the culture. He was no gambler and he didn't enjoy petty magic tricks.

He found himself wandering the streets at one point after eating what he could only describe as vendor food when he spotted her. She looked out of place in this whole place, like a lost lamb that had strayed far away from its flock, and now looked confused and scared. He watched for a second as she walked up to Yaksha's casino and was instantly confronted by the guards to this particular casino, they were clearly hostile, as they normally had all types to deal with, but in this case even more so. The young lady was out of her element and Steiner decided to step into the situation, glaring at the two guards who would know Steiner from the times he had been there before. They nodded, taking a step back, and deciding to mind their own business as Steiner would turn to look at the young lady.

"A casino is no place for a young lady...besides, you look kind of desperate, and you sure as hell don't want to go into a casino with that are you doing here?"

Steiner asked with concern as he looked at her with kindness, trying his best to make her feel at ease with him.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Las Vegas The Safe Haven  OlBPPj4
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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:58 pm

Ghost Freak

Yasuko Ishikura

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Yasuko was out of her league, these guards wouldn’t let her in no matter how hard she tried. She wanted to just give up and leave but where else could she go? Karakura’s probably destroyed by the demons and her parents we're most likely dead..all her life she’s been resentful towards them and felt annoyed by their very presence as if they were a fly buzzing in her ear as she tried to swat it away. They were the only thing that made her actually happy in this miserable life despite the girl not actually showing it. However before she could even take a step back and find somewhere to sleep for tonight a strange presence was felt behind her, as the footsteps approached closer she saw a man.

The man before her had a sort of welcoming demeanor and had all the height of a man but none of the bulk. There were probably muscles under his shirt, but not bulky kind men can get from years of weight lifting. From the front he could be anywhere in his late twenties to early thirties, but he looked all teen to her. Perhaps european heritage? Regardless she decided to tell the man a semi-truth of her arriving her in the first place.

“I'm looking for a hollow named Yaksha. I've been told by a few...friends that this was a place where I can stay and hopefully train with him.” Yasuko said with a Honeyed tone of voice. If he examined her closely he could see a small phylactery hanging from her neck, it was a silver hexagonal tube, shaped such that it fits comfortably in hand. The exterior was well kept, lightly etched with odd patterns, but otherwise not terribly remarkable.

“Besides, I don’t have anywhere else to go.” she said as before her mind flashed back to her glimpse of the television, all the violence and bloodshed of innocent people was enough to make her tone of voice to brittle. With her head down her dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; her hands clenched into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against the grief. A lone tear traced down her cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. She wept, tears streaming from his deep yellow eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from her throat, trying to look away.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:05 am



Las Vegas The Safe Haven  6EdIfMt

"A young girl like you is looking for Yaksha?"

Steiner said as he looked at her with a bit of a tilt of his head. He supposed this was a new era, with every generation looking to make connections, and find allies in even the strangest of places, but he was a bit concerned about this girl. She gave him some weird vibes, not in a negative way, but in a way that seemed a bit more in line with a person going through some kind of mental distress. She seemed to be...upset about something, but what wasn't there to be upset about these days? Karakura was trashed by demons, a war was consuming the world, and people were dying everywhere. These sort of things were becoming the new social normals for this world and while that was sad, it was also to be expected from the times that they were currently in. Still, he supposed some form of paternal instinct took him over as he knelt down, and looked her straight in the face.

"What happened to your home that you would think about staying with someone like Yaksha? I know it isn't my place to pry into your business, but this place isn't necessarily the best place for a young lady to be living."

He eyed her phylactery and noted the weird marking on it, unsure what language it was, or even if it was a language at all. It was her personal keep sake probably and he decided best to not question it as he didn't want to make this situation any worse for her.

"Besides, Yaksha isn't here. I've been here a few days waiting for him to get back and so far nothing...not a glint or scale of the lizard wizard."

Steiner said a little jokingly as he stood up to take a look at his surroundings before putting his hand on the little girl's shoulder. He smiled warmly and then began to speak once more with a soothing tone that only a father could create.

"Look, if you need somewhere to stay, I have a hotel I'm staying at for the time being... I could give you the room. I'm not much for stuffy hotels or the lavishes of civilization...I'm more of a wanderer and one with nature sort of guy."

Steiner then put his other hand on his face as he realized he had made a proper blunder before letting out a laugh.

"Sorry, I have yet to introduce myself! I am Steiner Franz, Hero of Honor. What is your name?"

Steiner said beaming down in a way that could evaporate most people's worries.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:56 am

Ghost Freak

Yasuko Ishikura

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

“I see. Well that made this whole trip to Las Vegas pointless… She said with a heavy sigh, all that effort she put into coming over here to receive training for her powers whilst having the chance to lay low as Hebi ordered was all for nothing. However she stared as the man knelt down to her eye level giving a father deamonor and attitude towards the girl which was a strange thing in her mind, but after hearing the man introduce himself and his “title” he probably called himself to stroke his ego but that probably wasn’t the case.

"Hero of Justice? If I didn’t know any better you’d got that title from a video game." Yasuko said in rebuttal to his so called title but in a jokingly manner, besides she’s never heard anyone call themselves that besides at those cringy larp conventions. But regardless after hearing his name and gentleman behavior she decided to introduce herself to Steiner, her voice a bit more silvery than before a smile appearing on her face.

“My name’s Yasuko Ishikura. It’s nice to meet you Steiner. She said smiling, and after hearing his offer of giving the girl a place to stay at a hotel nonetheless it struck her by surprise. The girl couldn’t help but give the man a nod for his generosity. “I thank you for doing this for me. Is there anything I can do to repay y-” she stopped her sentence midway and thought to herself for a minute...Yaksha isn’t here so perhaps this man can help her with a predicament regarding her powers. After all it wouldn’t hurt to try.

“Actually Steiner. I have a favor to ask...I have been seeing these spirits wherever I go. And this object absorbs the souls almost like a catalyst, would you help me find my purpose in life?”

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:46 pm



Las Vegas The Safe Haven  6EdIfMt

"Actually the leader of the Heroes Guild calls me that...well its a title...never mind. I'm way too formal sometimes for my own good and it is not my intention to weird you out."

Steiner said with a nod of his head as he continued to wonder why she had come all this way to see Yaksha, he couldn't sense much spiritual energy from her, but there was a decent amount. Some untouched and some odd energy resonating from her pendant of sorts, he wondered just what sort of tricks or abilities she had that he wasn't aware of. He doubted they were nefarious, but in this day, and age no one could be too sure about who was a good or who was bad. Still if he got scared away from helping a young lady just because of some vibes that she was giving off then what sort of hero would he be? A bad one! So instead, Steiner would help her in whatever way that he possibly could.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Yaksha and I have met before and I was hoping he could help me out too, but it seems he is on some kind of leave or another. And none of his underlings seem to have the faintest clue of where he went or when he will return. Worrying to say the least, but you got to deal with the cards you are dealt."

He said as he eyed the two guards nearby who nodded their heads in agreement. It seems they too had been dealt a hand of sorts, what sort of hand Steiner couldn't guess, but that was not his concern. Instead he decided to focus on helping the Yasuko with whatever she needed help with. If Yaksha wasn't here to help her, then why couldn't he step in, and do his best to be of aid. Besides, it would clear up Yaksha's plate if he helped her out here, and would greatly help him get his task done quicker if he didn't have to worry about Yasuko. So in a way he was helping himself and her, two birds with one stone as some people would say.

"Its nice to meet you as well! As for what you asked about...finding a purpose? I don't know if I can be much help in that regard, but I guess I could try my best to guide you in some capacity. After all, to turn you away wouldn't be the nicest thing to do...especially after you came all this way and the guy you were looking for isn't here. So....lets start with a basic questions. What sort of powers do you have? And what do you mean that the pendant you have uses spirits as a catalyst, in what fashion does it do that?"

Steiner asked these questions in an almost whispered tone as to not alert anyone around them to their conversation. He was unsure of how much about her abilities she wanted public after all.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Las Vegas The Safe Haven  OlBPPj4
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Las Vegas The Safe Haven  Empty Re: Las Vegas The Safe Haven

Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:52 am

Ghost Freak

Yasuko Ishikura

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Hero’s Guild? Now that definitely sounds cliche, but she wasn’t going to tell him about the strange name choice. But after hearing him comment about embarrassing her or overwhelming her she couldn’t help but smile. “No it's okay, after what I’ve experienced in Karakura high before the whole demon invasion this is nothing.” She would say as she could vividly remember a child come into her school before being swept away by Sonny, a strange fellow with more bones than flesh but he was a chill guy for a skeleton..regardless Steiner’s interest in her capabilities made her a bit nervous after all she’s only had these strange powers for a few days and still hasn’t scratched the surface of it all.

“You know Yaksha? Seems to me like you go way back.”

After being asked about what sort of powers she acquired Yasuko gave an honest answer as it was no point in lying. “Honestly I’m not sure, but based on what I’ve seen it probably has to do with the idea of darkness. I do know that every time a nearby soul is around my pendant begins to beat like a heart and as I get closer and closer it beats faster. Until it literally absorbs it into it. Perhaps I can use these souls as a means of summoning? Then again I’m only speculating.” She whispered quietly, strange how the man was so calm about this whole situation but I guess he’s used to seeing stuff like this in his lifetime.

So Steiner, tell me. What gets you out of bed every morning? What motivates you? She asked with a brow raised peakly interested to see the man’s response to this question.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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