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[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty [WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open]

Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:21 pm

[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
Somber amethyst eyes glowed in the darkness, lidded and distant as they stared out the window of the skyscraper. A fine crystal goblet of wine lay within her palm, the crimson liquid within swirling in lazy circles, befitting of the Queen's lackluster mood.

" The armies of the world march as one huh, I wonder... " Inami's thoughts remained as always, her own as she glanced at the map that lay stretched across the massive mahogany table before her. Her body stretching forward, her left hand reaching out to rest an index finger atop one of the many strategic pieces she had sprawled across the map.

"If they win, how long will it take for them to begin tearing each other apart?" The queen couldn't even muster a smile as her finger with the faintest amount of pressure knocked the piece over. Inami's amethyst eyes watching the place marker as it rolled across the map.

Then Inami's eyes moved towards the big fat X she had in the midst of the Mediterranean sea; It marked the region in which inevitably chaos point would come to rest.

For Inami, she truly was no longer worried about the war itself. She was worried about the implications of fallout that would stem from it. She was so tired of fighting, she felt that there had been enough of it. The rage she had felt when she was misguided and incomplete had long since faded into an abyss so black that it would never be capable of surmounting the pain, and weariness that lingered within her heart.

For a moment, the queen utilized her cognizance of the environment around her to look at the massive amount of hell miasma that she had taken from shadow falls reserves using her wartime privileges prior to leaving for the world of the living.

When she had fought mana, it had been for the injustice her sister had done, for the wrongness in the way her sister had led demonkind. However, now... there was far more at stake than what she could afford to treat negligently.

The emptiness she felt, the weariness and hurt that she felt. None of those things were what mattered. Demonkind had far more at stake, and that was why the Demon Queen vowed she would do what she must to help end this war. Not to win this war, nor to lose this war, but to allow her fellow demons to safely escape the carnage, to keep them from dying excessively.

That was the decision that resonated within inami's heart as she plotted the course she did. She would end this war, stop the remaining bloodshed before it could even happen.

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[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] LzZCuy7
[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] BtXe12b
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[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty Re: [WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open]

Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:04 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Sounds of crutch tapping would audibly echo in sync with the sound of his footsteps, the crimson-haired man walked in a seemingly nonchalant way, his eyes barely paying attention to the rest of his surroundings as he continued walking down into one obviously large skyscraper and towards the energy that he wouldn't forget - the energy of an Asthavon.

He knows full well that he is walking right into enemy territory but that never cease to stop him right at his track and cower in fear.

Being in Europe and in the midst of what they call a "world war" reminded him of a conversation that he had with a certain person when he was in Hell. Until now, he laughs at the fact that this world is full of hypocrites. People would fight each other, trying to justify their actions left and right by saying that its for the sake of world peace but when fundamentally, they're no different from the people that they call a villain.

By branding someone or something as the bad guy and convince the masses that they are a threat, that their ideals opposes what the world or "justice" wishes for, then the actions of what they call as heroes, the good guys or protagonists would justify their actions as providing punishment for one's wrongdoings because they are.. good guys.

Sou despises this kind of world. This world that drowns in its own ideals, where people fight and declare you as an enemy when your actions do not fit their ideals nor tastes.

What has this war provided? Not peace. Not a resolution. Only more control and territories to take over. Yes - for one's selfish reasons. A shitty war, a shitty world.

However, Sou isn't here for any of that fame: neither fame, territory or strength. His reason being in Europe? Settle some personal debt.

Well then, it's time to pay someone a visit.

With the stomp, he sends himself flying across the air and into one of the windows of the skyscraper, crashing right into the building and if his calculations aren't wrong, right where he assumes the Asthavon is from the faint energy that he were able to pick up earlier ago.

"Pardon my intrusion. Now then.."

Sou, upon landing into the building, would amplify and send vibrations across the entire building from the moment his feet touches the floor within the building, causing the entire structure of the building to be weakened from the amplified force of his vibration and walls would visibly crack with a loud, audible sound of concrete simply cracking, and sometimes snap; a sign that the entire building wouldn't be holding on its own much longer.

Afterwards, he would continue to stand the place where he had landed. His eyes nor his body language displayed any signs of fear despite being in front of one of the Asthavon's and instead, stood there in place in an almost nonchalant way as if he just entered some friend's house.

"I'm not here for a negotiation or some friendly talk. I'm just here to repay a little debt that I owed to you little fucks."

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[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] Empty Re: [WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open]

Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:58 am

[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914
"How quaint, it looks like you crawled out of where the world put you." Amethyst eyes glowed in the darkness as they looked towards the red-headed man who walked her way. A sigh left her lips after she heard the next few words which escaped his lips, the faint clink of her wine-filled goblet being set aside as she stood.

"Very well, if that is your wish." The queen said, as without warning, or so much as a fraction of time to discern it happening, Inami's body rapidly accelerated at speeds that would make it appear as if she teleported in front of the nightmare.

Moving in a straight, linear line, the queen's open hand would impact the face of the nightmare, it's blackened surface encased entirely in her threads to enhance her bodily defense considerably, while at the same time it would seem (at least for sou Yuuki) as if all traction in the world had ceased to exist. While the titanic force, far greater than anything Inami could ever conjure, would smash into the man with nation-rending might.

The removal of traction would have a primary effect at that immediate moment, by removing the capacity of the nightmare to gain traction upon the ground, it would on top of giving the nightmare virtually no time to react, greatly inhibit his capacity for attacking. This meant the man would be unable to utilize most of his body if he was attempting to gather strength. It would also increase the already absurd difficulty that he'd face dodging the series of events that transpired.

The force of this blow, combined with the linear speeds that enacted upon the two, which had far exceeded in that brief period of time the upper limits of Mach 6 speeds, would end in Sou-Yuuki being propelled into the ocean with enough force that the impact of his body alone would force the water outwards with enough force that thirty foot tidal waves would inevitably batter the coast of France and Spain.

The question, however, was how did these actions happen? This would come from inami's own monstrous capacity to influence her environment. Let alone a city, the queen was capable of gathering influence from far grander swathes of land to utilize at her own leisure. This would be where the force came from, by rapidly accelerating kinetic energy within tens of miles surrounding her location, and focusing it upon a single focal point: the surface of her palm, she was capable of generating the otherworldly force which sou was greeted with. On top of this, the queen's control over the kinetic force was two-fold. Another 2% of her energy reserves went towards sapping sou-yuuki's own capacity to generate his kinetic force, this would greatly reduce any damage given to her for the brief period of time of this motion.

For the sudden lack of friction in his immediate area? That was another skill at play: Law removal. Inami had removed the conceptual law of resistance, and thus this meant that all that kinetic force which had enacted upon sou was capable of doing so, unimpeded by any naturally occurring counterforces. The end result? Given theoretically what slowed an object down was all the difference resistances it would naturally face when falling: Wind resistance, friction, air pressure, etc. However, because in the mile radius between the ground and her abode she had removed it, the result would be sou Yuuki's uncontrollable acceleration, which would continue until the male smashed into the water, which had been at the outer most edge of the domain of her technique.

Now was this something that Inami typically would do? No. The utilization of law removal on such a tangibly felt force as resistance itself had drained from her roughly 4% of her reserves, these were reserves which included her own necropolis system, and the demi-network which she had integral access to.

Now, was there a chance for Sou to mitigate this? Yes, there would be a chance, but given the fact that the queens sudden acceleration, which had been aided by her utilizing a secondary influence over the realm around her to bolster her speed and then amplify it by many folds through making her body the receptacle for all that rapidly accelerating kinetic energy before it transferred, meant that she had for all intents and purposes crossed the few meters between them in a period of time that was nearly instantaneous.

None of the damage that would occur to the nightmare would be of the queen's own doing directly. The impact of Inami's palm could have caused some sizable bruising but that would be all due to the mechanisms of how her attack functioned. The vast majority of damage would have occurred from Yuuki smashing into the ocean once he left inami's domain. The rapid deacceleration which occurred as friction, water pressure, and resisting forces enacted themselves upon the nightmare would be titanic, as seen from the result of the after-effects of the displaced water on the coastline.

Inami's somber gaze lingered upon the nightmare, the blackened threads that enshrouded her arms slowly beginning to weave themselves across her body. Energy would begin to roil like a blackened smog against her palms as she said softly to the nightmare.

"I had wished we could become friends, I guess that reality cannot come to pass."

From the queen's palm, energy would become a tangible force, a cackling lance of raw demon energy condensed within her palm, it would grow exponentially until it was roughly fifty meters in length.

"I face you then as Inami, one of the four overlords of the demon world. I will instill into your bones what it means to be Queen of the nation of strength. "

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[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] LzZCuy7
[WW4 EVENT] The paths they've chosen. [open] BtXe12b
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