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Thu 28 Mar 2019 - 12:13
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Praying Shadow Word Count: N/A

With eyes that were bloodshot, a heart ready to rupture, skin pale as the flesh of the dead and breathing labored; alone in this fragile state did one of the supposed strongest beings in the world sit in an unmarked ship far above the earth's stratosphere above Japan. The anticipation of World War Four brought some with hope, others with anger, some with sorrow and for the Executive of The Lux Orior -- Fear. Fear was the only thing running through his mind as intense visions of his former failures started coursing through his minds like a painful barrage of regret, anxiety, and terror.

There were so many millions if not, billions of people that he had let down in the ashes of WW3. Thinking back to the seas of lifeless bodies, cities that were once the beacon of technology slain to ruin and the overwhelming sense of helpless that comes with watching a world you once called home become consumed in hell is nothing less but horrifying. To watch as your family, friends and all that you knew become reduced to nothing brings forth a sickening feeling in the gut that makes you want to vomit when remembering that such a tragedy is about to befall you again.

With recollections of the Australian Conflict running through The Yuudeshi's mind, the destabilization of the earth's wellbeing was all that he could have attained in a war he thought would bring the planet to a closer state of being peaceful and safe. It didn't matter how much blood he shed, how hard he worked or the amount of good intention he had in his heart; every action that he took ever since the mark of World War Three resulted in more grief, pain and hardship for himself, those who rely on him and the planet as a whole.

So what chance in hell did he have to try and alter the tides in a repeat of that same cataclysmic event which threw this world into this state of utter disrepair to begin with?

Tears of frustration tried to break way through the male's eyes as he clenched the cold steel floors all around him. He didn't want to feel this sense of powerlessness, this aura of failure and total dread bleeding in his heart. The man was a leader to so many people that looked up to him, a person who had invested a great deal in the past to the efforts of bettering the planet and was held in a high enough regard to lead the forefront of earth's strongest organized force.

Yet -- it wasn't enough to break through this veil of anguish and terror in his heart. And it is for these reasons that The Yuudeshi Network sealed the male in this isolated space. It was extracting and utilizing the resources of his mind and body to begin the next wave of attacks, but his mind was far too unsteady to wield the immense and unforeseen weight of its imaginative properties. It all came down to having a stronger sense of personal reality which was solid, steady and filled with a sense of belief that its personal reality could influence the world in a positive way. Ergo, if Shadin lacked this crucial element to attain his power, he was nothing more than a dangerous cripple which could hamper the efforts to further these war efforts rather than help.

And it is for this reason why in the vast emptiness of empty space did such a loathsome energy begin to bleed out into the world. As, if one were to look above the skies now in Japan, all they would see is a shimmering white light which represented the powers of the lone Yuudeshi signaling its isolated call to whoever would listen. Perhaps it was a sign of help, maybe it was a cry for attention; but the man honestly did not have an iota of what to do next. He knew he held so much potential and power, but every time he tried to live up to it -- it was all failure.

So why act?

Why summon his power?

Why bother showing his face?

It was just going to be a repeat of everything being lost to him in this world. And perhaps it was selfish, perhaps it was cowardly, but his mind was so consumed by this grief that it couldn't work through and process a reality where everything was ok -- and that made any and all attempts to fix this planet so pointless. And thus, with this logic, he couldn't raise his blade. How could he if he knew in his heart of hearts that he was -- weak and scared?

Reflecting the state of his ruptured mind and heart, the Yuudeshi then began to vomit up a pool of blood as his imaginative powers reacted to his negative reality. His body was beginning to break down, falter and sicken from his shattered sense of being. If one were to view him now, they'd see that his bright clothing was raddled in crimson stains as his body was leaking fluids all throughout the gray-lfeliess floor around him. A hole near the center of his heart was now beginning to open to otherwise reflect this void of inner belief, while the forehead of the Yuudeshi bled profusely and his breathing began labored.

With his hand held tightly across his chest, the male tried to think of a way out of his mess -- but nothing was coming. Only waves of blinding pain surged in his body as he could feel his grip on himself becoming weaker, weaker and weaker as this reality of powerlessness entered into his mind. And as the seeds of failure rooted themselves in his personal reality, The Yuudeshi almost resigned himself to this fate of death. As, if nothing else, perhaps death could allow himself a way to attone for all the mistakes he has made. As his life for these past two hundred years -- has been nothing but a waste.

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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Thu 28 Mar 2019 - 22:48
Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

What a twist, at this point war was inevitable. Chifuyu was no fool and it was on the horizon, it was merely a matter of planning and preparing whilst she still had time. Even if she designed plans to have fall backs and work simultaneously there was always room for error, unforeseen variables that would appear. That was what was probably her greatest fear, the ignorance or inability to see the whole picture. Had that own mistake, no incompetence been taken into account then maybe she would've tried harder and someone she loved deeply wouldn't have died.

Like a beacon in the sky Chifuyu answered, not appearing immediately. In time, she didn't teleport or utilise all of her power to arrive and give her father the attention he sought but it was also a matter of her being preoccupied, so what was appearing was a body with little to no energy but her own will in the husk of a clone body.

"Is this how you want to leave this Earth?"

Having entered into this space Chifuyu's own appearance was quite basic yet her presence had its own aura different from his personal reality. It was a realistically a simple question she had posed to her father but it had a challenging tone. She had never experienced the wake of previous wars, the degradation. She was just born into this broken world but she resolved to fix it - no matter how much of herself she had to give up.

"Killing yourself won't accomplish anything, it'll just leave everyone in a worse position. Me especially."

Speaking quite matter of fact about the situation she switched her tact, even though she felt that speaking in her normally flat way would have more impact but comforting would probably help. As bad as she thought she was at it and so she approached the defeated figure of one of the strongest men on the planet and gently ran her hand through his hair of someone she cared about - like Azure, this was a man she didn't want to die.

Such a small amount of those there were when she thought about it. But what could she say to make it better or hurt less.

"You're just one person... It's not your fault."

She spoke in sync with a thought, closing her eyes while wondering if putting her faith in that thought was the best idea. Had that aspect of her failed her yet? No. But was it right of her to rely on it...

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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Thu 28 Mar 2019 - 23:37
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Gate Of Steiner Word Count: N/A

The sounds of explosions and yells that cling to life which scatter across a battlefield were millions of miles away from the perception of the broken male. The only thing which echoed in this void of space was the labored breathing of The Yuudeshi and the footsteps of his daughter. He had not expected her to arrive at this place, so further shame only grew upon his face in the form of a grimace as his bloodied gaze caught sight of her figure as his body continued to release more of these crimson fluids on to the floor.

" could I want to leave like this?"

Those pained words exited in the form of a raspy voice which uttered itself meekly throughout the empty room between the two. All the while, the feeling of blades slashing against his throat washed over the elder Yuudeshi as he tried to speak, but he knew he could not lie to one of his daughters. No matter if the greater part of him wanted to disappear and die from this miserable reality, staring someone you love in the face could not allow one's self to be reduced to nothing. So, if out of his faint love did his personal reality kept itself attune to this existence as he felt the heartbeat of his dear daughter. He owed that to her, at least.

"...I understand, but I can't......."

Soon his vision filled with a sea of red, and that is when the male threw up another chunk of scarlet fluids from his mouth as he began to almost choke on his own vital essence. This sense of loss within his heart was growing far too much for him to bare as his reality became more disjointed and paralyzed. Drifting through the centuries, all Shadin really had to show it was a city that was on it's way to being ruins, a mountain of bodies slain for nothing and the ashes of his own organization in ruins. It felt as if the harder he tried, the more failure chained his spirits. So what logic was there to fight if continued strife brought little relief?

"No matter the war, I've witnessed every action I make end in failure ever since that day when World War Three first started. For centuries I've fought against this, but what progress have I truly made?"

At this moment, he honestly couldn't think of a thing he has done which has swayed the planet toward being altered back its pristine state. Back in its prime era of peace in a time where he could call himself, it's protector and hero. Just how far had that vision of his past been eradicated from his grasp? Those sunny days, those jovial times and that youthful optimism alluded him. The raging flare of his younger self was but a distant memory to him as he kept reimagining what his younger form would think of him in this state.

"No matter what I try, I'm powerless. So I'm very tired, Chifuyu."

As much as it hurt to admit that, he could not give her any false illusions of grandeur about his state of mind. And it hurt him so much to tell her this; so much so that it ignited a sense of burning from his eyes as they bled their scarlet tears. The angelic essence which flowed in him could not sustain his existence in this world if he continued to go against his element of diligence Yet, he could not see a way out of all of this that ended well for himself, the planet or the others he cared for. It was all a black void which ended in more tragedy, pain, carnage, and death for many centuries to come.

So why should one subject themselves to such torture? He had given this planet everything he had to give and it still wasn't enough. He sacrificed his integrity, love, purity, ego, time, money, body and all of his soul to the gods themselves -- yet it still amounted to nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, there were others on the planet doing more than he could ever dream of in such a short amount of time. This new generation of protectors really did not need him in his mind, as he was beginning to understand he was nothing more than a relic of the past, and these sentiments bled out in his aura as it was hard for Chifiyu not to pick up on these telepathic emotions which seeped into her mind.

"The instant I begin meddling, all that happens is punishment from the divine and more suffering is birthed into this world. I've had my time to shine, my opportunity to try and many chances to shape this planet....and my karma has come to reap me."

Every word was a strain, but he spoke them anyway as he fell into the arms of his daughter. As she ran her soft fingers through his hair, the Yuudeshi gave her a weak embrace as his body soon began to become so cold to the touch. His ego, his persona, his will; they all were so exhausted that he sincerely could not see a way to tap into that greatness which once burned like the damning flare of the sun itself.

"I understand I'm one person.....but I've failed as a leader. The only thing I can do now is give my life to others and let the next generation do what they may with my ashes....I've failed."

Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  WVMWLOu
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Fri 3 May 2019 - 4:30


MIDORI Sugiura

Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

Defeat was a form of loss, an unshakable stain on one's soul that could never easily recover. To any warrior, especially those with the intention of good beating within their hearts, being defeated was comparable to suffering a wound that could never fully recover.

In a word, it was damnation. If you wore the symbol of heroism on your chest, if one's aim was to ensure the safety of the world, what explanation was there for them to cope with when they fell short?

When your good intentions ended in failure and you desperately cling to whatever remaining hope there was? Could you fully ever come to closure, knowing that, even with your best efforts, failure was but a step away?

An exercise in futility or an exercise in insanity? Could one possess the will to consistently rise up from defeat? Ruminating upon such thoughts, a raven-haired woman roamed the streets of Tokyo, gazing up at the stars within the sky.

It had only been but a few days that had passed since she returned to earth and clashed with Ulv. She was uncertain of what her feelings were towards Ulv, but she had been taught a valuable lesson that day. It did not matter how relentless or remorseless you were, the true symbol of a warrior was acknowledging the fear and persevere through the obstacles that stood in your path.

"Fear is not evil, it is knowing your own weakness. And once you know that, you can become strong and gentle. "

Midori had initially detested the woman; there was no denying she was a pain in her posterior and yet... her words were spoken with conviction and kindness and it led the remorseless heroine to a train of thought she had never considered ever since she returned. Personal tragedy is a part of life one could not avoid, no matter how fervently one prayed or wished.

The only path you could choose to rebuild was to support one another in unity. The past was the past. The betrayal with Kin Iramasha, her sister in a coma, and the state of the world... all of it no longer affected her. No longer would she doubt herself or lament the life she had lived up until now.

Her mind, to an extent, had been freed from fear, and the only path left to her was to reunite with the love of her life, a generous man who admittedly always extended his heart as if it were a habit. Shadin Yuudeshi. To say she was frightened by the thought of seeing him was beyond an understatement. She was terrified. What would he say?

To be certain, it was not as if she had disappeared for an eternity, but she openly chose to travel to hell and spent years cultivating her skills as a warrior; even before that, their relationship had grown distant because of how much work Shadin had to do to protect the only planet he had called home. Perhaps, she feared, he may have moved on. She would understand and definitely would not detest him for it. Even so, Midori Sugiura still adored and loved the man known as Shadin Yuudeshi. Even if it ended in failure, she had to see him again. Look into those fierce eyes, ruffling his white locks of hair, and embrace him. Tell him that she would be better this time and not be left behind in the dust.

As she was lost in her thoughts of how she would reunite with Shadin, Midori witnessed a shimmering white light that represented Shadin's power signature within the sky. There! That was it! Shadin must be located there, she thought. Focusing her senses, Midori could sense that there was a ship above the stratosphere of Asia.

Hurriedly, she pushed through the civilians staring up at the sky and initiated the process of transportation through her Vima, a skill she had cultivated for centuries as a warrior and soul-evo.

Of course, the focus was key. Midori had traveled far enough to where she could still see the light, yet was far away enough not to be distracted by the civilians.

Closing her eyes, she focused her mind upon that ship within space and used every iota of concentration to transport herself there completely. Soon, she would see him again. She would reunite with her husband... and they could catch up on lost time. Within a few minutes, her body was teleported and reappeared within the ship.

Turning her eyes to analyze the ship, her gaze would finally fall upon Shadin, whose face was being caressed by a woman she did not quite recognize.

Gazing upon his visage in such a broken down state had made Midori's heart burst with guilt. His eyes were bloodshot, his mouth bloodied, and he seemed to be a man who was worn down by time itself. What had made him this way? Was he struggling with his own emotion? Was that light within the sky a call for help? There were so many questions. With a palpable gulp, she straightened her shoulders and walked towards Chifuyu and Shadin. Gazing at the both of them, she kneeled down to face Shadin and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm home now... do you mind if we talk...?" It was a request. She had no right to force any questions, so she only desired answers, answers that could help her ease his pain, for seeing him in this way was the most heartbreaking thing she had ever seen.

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu 16 May 2019 - 12:02; edited 1 time in total
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Tue 14 May 2019 - 17:32
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Gate Of Steiner Word Count: N/A

The words of Chifiyu started to become a blur when the presence of Midori materialized in the depths of this hollow space. It is this pulsation of energy which otherwise ceased the further degradation of his body as he appeared to cease his bleeding, regain color in his face and his energy otherwise came to a stagnating point as the shimmering light glaring above the earth started to dim and fade to a stabilized level. There were still pulsations of lingering instabilities, but they were halted as the core of Shadidn's personality leaned ever so heavily on his wife.

In fact, when his blood eyes turned to meet his beloved, this new reality was hard for him to process. There had been so much grief, anguish, anger and then acceptance which came at the loss of his wife. So much blood was shed to prevent that tragedy from ever occurring. From the thousands of corpses which he stood upon, to the trillions of dollars spent to perfect his abnormal growth of power; all of it had it's the foundation in that abysmal catastrophe which was World War 3. Which is why to see Midori here on the cusp of yet another global crisis was rather perplexing for the male's mind to register.

Still, even in his state of disrepair, there was no hate for her. He had searched many centuries to find this woman and to see her before him only brought a smile even in the midst of his greatest failure and despair. Feeling this sense of affection still pumping through his cold heart, the male felt compelled beyond even his own injuries to stand on his feet once more, make himself proper and embrace Midori in a hug as a stream of tears started to flow down each of his cheeks.

"....we can talk until the end of the time, Midori."

Those words were sincere to The Yuudeshi as he only wanted to hold, feel and hear her voice once again since it there had been so many years lost to time. She missed out on so much growth, development and maturing in the male that it was most certainly going ages to catch up on everything that had occurred in the past few centuries since he had last seen her. Yet, none of that mattered to the male. All that mattered to him was that she was here now and he was no longer alone in that void. So, all he could do was cling on to this sense of stabilization, warmth, and love that his heart and mind felt so deprived of throughout this many centuries in the shadows of his grief.

"I've missed you so much........I really don't care what you ask me as long as we are still here together, Midori."

Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  WVMWLOu
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Wed 15 May 2019 - 7:47
Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It was a rational self-control that kept her arm from crystallising and attacking Midori, mainly because it was both an intrusion but at the same time she had enough time to deduce her identity and that was all it took for her to know that she didn't need to attack. So as the figure made her appearance and she silently stood impassive and trying to somehow fix this issue and solve the emotional burden of her father she realised how truly inept that she was still at emotions.

Logically it made sense to give up the pillar mentality, palm off power and create a collective team instead of taking the burden wholly upon himself but simply giving one of the many ideas she had to solve the issue wasn't helpful. It didn't help him at this instance. Seeing Midori appear and their interactions was painful, to be aware of Midori but having never met her. To understand the value he placed in her and compare it to her own situation.

She knew she never could have this, a reunion someone she valued like that. That boat had already burnt on the horizon and life turned to dust. But that wasn't the only thing, she so simply solved this issue. Her presence alone could bring some sense of stability where she couldn't do anything but stand there and watch while try and help from a distance.

Feelings of failure in this situation had her tremble a little, but she had since created her own means of dealing with them but still being able to see this reunion upset her enough to feel hollow inside after she processed her disappointment in her own inability to bring comfort after all this time.

So using this opportunity Chifuyu quietly removed herself from the situation to deal with her own feelings. Confident that her step-mother was leagues superior to her in this kind of field than she was and so her extension that was more than a clone than her broke down and quickly left no trace of it have ever being there when they were preoccupied and she didn't expect them to be interrupted by her leaving. She could deal with anything later if it came up anyways.

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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Thu 16 May 2019 - 13:02


MIDORI Sugiura

Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

( ) (Please listen to the posting music~ <3 )

There was so much to comprehend as Midori's mind attempted to rapidly process the series of thoughts that fluctuated through her head. Chief amongst all of them was the frightful state her husband was in, bloodied lips, bloodshot eyes, and an expression so deeply rooted in despair that it tortured Midori's soul. To see the one man she ever truly loved in such a state was heartrendingly painful.

Perhaps, her mind concluded, as she recalled the spiritual symbol within the sky, it was a call for help, after all. However, before her mind could confirm a proper conclusion, a beautiful sequence - as if from a fairy tale - occurred. His body seemed to subconsciously reaffirm itself as he gazed upon her, the once-ghastly visage he held before no longer held itself within this reality. His very soul seemed to regain all of its colors as he rose from his feet and lovingly embraced her.

At that moment, nothing else truly mattered to Midori Sugiura. The trials she had endured in hell to attain strength, the devastating tragedies that overwhelmed them, none of it was even a blip in the radar of her anxious mind.

Fear had dominated her thoughts ever since she returned, that perhaps for one sacrifice to attain great power, she would likely lose the affection of Shadin Yuudeshi. What man could ever accept a wife who selfishly chose her own desires for strength over their family?

To Midori, all of the sacrifices, all of the trials that callously tested her mental psyche, every single objective within her mind was made with the thought of protecting him, their family, and those they loved with every fiber of their soul.

That emotion of anxiousness had gracefully eased, a proverbial weight lifted from her spirit. Protecting this man was all that ever truly mattered. To know that she still meant so much to him, to see how his visage had transformed so instantaneously was an affirmation which required no words, no verbal confirmation.

"I've missed you so much........I really don't care what you ask me as long as we are still here together, Midori."

Warm tears trickled down her face as he held her within his arms, her eyes were no longer fierce but fragile, like a child in need of a mother's love after a difficult day. She paid no heed to how many tears were falling from her eyes, or whether she would stain his shirt. Nor did she pay any heed to her body as solar energy within her body expanded around them, wrapping itself around her and her beloved. Sunlight of warmth cascaded around the room, Midori expressed herself through these rays of light that surrounded them. The sunlight was filled with her love, her admiration, and her renewed will to never leave his side again. She would remain here for as long as he desired, for eternity and even beyond eternity.

"I love you... " She had uttered those three familiar words as if she were saying them for the first time. "To see you that way was terrifying. I thought you were dying... " she sniffled, trying to collect herself as her tears flowed freely.

"I promise I'll never leave your side again. You endured so many years of pain and bloodshed to protect this world but for one moment, all I desire is to protect you. " She returned his embrace, holding him tightly; never desiring to let him go. It was so dreamlike, to be within his loving arms again and yet it could not be all the more real.

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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  Empty Re: Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]

Wed 7 Aug 2019 - 12:39
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Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Gate Of Steiner Word Count: N/A

That feeling of embrace was something which was powerful to experience to the likes of The Yuudeshi. In this void of space and hell, there was a fire that had still existed and allowed for the pulsations of passion, admiration and will to resurface within himself once more. It is why his aura started to shift from something that was so robotic, cold and distant to that which felt fiery, whole and complete again as he started to rewrite his own personal reality to otherwise stabilize his body back into this world and prevent himself from bleeding out of existence.

Indeed, there were a trillion different ways this meeting of lovers could be described, but Shadin preferred to keep his sights at the moment. Loving the feeling of touch, the sense of sound from her voice and the emotional insight to appreciate this graceful meeting after a long series of ungodly failures. Success came to him from seemly nowhere and all that bothered his mind seemed like such a distant memory at this point. It is why as he began to run his hand through Midori's hair did his anxiety, tension and dread dull to a whisper as he observed the earth. He was well aware of the state the planet was in with this hellish battle, but he knew he wouldn't be able to serve it well if he himself wasn't in a great state of mind to cope with the stresses that were sure to come.

Ergo, he turned his blood gaze back to the likes of Midori with a gentle smile as he started to form two wings on his back. They glistened with the light of the sun, held the warmth of a familiar home and brought with it memories of nostalgic love as his essence felt this sense of bond from his partner. So how could he not bring his angelic essence to the surface and regain portions of his humanity through this blessing? It's why he then stood on his feet, forged a mist of honey light around them and set his sight on Earth.

"....we will protect each other. I don't care about anything else or the pain or promises. That love is all I need, Midori."

After taking a moment to look back to her, he then started to radiate a swelling of power which echoed the hums of a loving choir in the depths of this quiet and empty space. It was peaceful, but this slither of happiness was going to be used to spread more salvation across the earth as there was so much more to do.

"Let's go home to Karakura and get ourself away from this hell. The world needs our heroic love, don't you think? You can ride my wings and we can take the scenic route there as there isn't anything in this dan existence that is going to be a threat to us with this feeling back in my heart."

Centuries Of Failure [WW4 Event]  WVMWLOu
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