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The Cookie
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:30 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Europe. Home. The two words were in harmony in her ears as the first thing that come up in her mind was Russia, a place that was and still is her home until to this day. She longed for her home but before crossing the border and into Russia, the girl took a break in one of the nearby lands close to her motherland.

It was an early morning where the sun just started to rise from the mountains and shine throughout the land. As the darkness was illuminated, so was the girl -- her long, smooth white hair and snow-like skin became more apparent under the sunlight, dressed in a uniform with a captain's cap over her head and a katana that hangs on her waist.

Verniy intentionally woke up early from her sleep just so that she could admire the view of sunrise in Europe. She was gone for awhile and wanted to at least take in the view in the continent where her home is, so she stood there in silence.

Sun is a beautiful thing.

It just warms her heart.

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:36 am

Question Mark [PRIVATE-LILLIAN] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

You'd think portaling between realms would be easy as pie, right?

Well pie isn't easy. Pie takes a lot of steps, a lot of trial and error to get right. To make it taste all good and warm. Calypso will probably be in the making shit pie's equivalent of travelling between realms for a long, long time. Her thoughts were normally here and there and everywhere, but portaling required her to be more focused with her thoughts. Did she adhere to this standard? Nope. Hence why the girl was leaving Demon World and ended up opening a tear into the no longer so mundane realm, though it was a pretty bad angle, and the young demon ended up taking a good tumble as she walked through.

Normally when Calypso didn't get the place right, she'd just fall on concrete, or sand, or the sea. Nah, the material she fell on top of was a girl this time. She yelped like a wounded dog as she suddenly fell out, crashing into the lifeform below her, groaning softly as she then tried to get up off of whatever warm, girl-shaped object she fell on top of, just to look upon her and, if there was a way to blink loudly, Caly was probably doing that right now.

'..Ohmigosh she's so cuuuuute!' Was funnily, the first thought she had in her mind until another whiplashed as her mind caught up with what the hell just happened, eyes widening, 'Oh shit, I fell on her!'

Alarm quickly hit her face as she immediately pulled herself off the random girl whom she ungracefully fell on top of, "Oh gosh oh shit oh fuck, are you hurt? Are you okay? I'm so sorry! Do you need help getting up?"

As if it were the normalest thing in the world, what looked to be a scarf somehow unfurled by itself, a red cloth-like hand extended to the girl, pulling her up if such a sight was accepted, Calypso embarrassingly rubbing her face in the remaining part of the cloth, "Oh gosh oh gosh i'm real sorry..!"

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The Cookie
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Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:44 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Thump. The sound of someone crashing into her as she was admiring the view of sunrise. Verniy didn't have time to react to it since a portal came out rather suddenly and was forced to experience the crash from above unexpectedly. The fall knocked the cap on her head that kept her hair well together and covered part of her face, which now left her hair completely scattered into a mess and exposed her face in full view.

Verniy laid there silently, waiting for the person that fell on top of her who seemed very surprised to have landed herself on another girl. It took only awhile before she finally got off of Verniy and eventually offered a.. cloth? It surprised her for a bit when she saw a magical moving cloth offering its help to get her up again. It was early in the morning and she didn't have much of an energy to stand up, so she reached her hand to the soft cloth-like hand to be pulled back up.

"Its.. okay.."

In a soft voice, she answered immediately when she was being apologized at. Feeling that there wasn't any malicious intent behind her fault, Verniy didn't find anything to apologize for.

Verniy's hair was in a big mess from the fall but somehow, she didn't mind too much about it and picked up the cap that fell off next to her, placing it over her head again to make sure that her part of her face is covered. Apologies aside, her mind and eyes were on something else - the magical moving cloth.

She was interested in it since despite her travels, she had never seen anything like it before, someone with a magical cloth like Aladdin's magic carpet.

"That.. What's that..?"

Eventually, Verniy pointed her finger at the scarf around the girl, curious to know what it was and how does it work.

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:33 pm

Question Mark [PRIVATE-LILLIAN] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

She was quite worried that the girl had gotten hurt, but thankfully she seemed alright; Caly felt her grasp the scarf-like tendril, in which seamlessly helped her up, retracting back to it's master with ease, looking almost like it was shrinking, as Calypso's embarrassment cooled down, her face coming out of her scarf as she saw how terribly messed up the girl's white locks had become from the collision as she placed the strange hat on her head. Calypso seemed to squint as she was puzzled for a moment as to why she didn't just will her hair to fix itself, before quickly reminding herself that majority of people's hair wasn't their sentient flesh simply refined into hairs to give the illusion of a head full of locks.

"..Oh, this?" The scarf seemed to point at itself, as the girl smirked, "Oh, it's just my emergency arms." The scarf proceeded to completely unfurl as Calypso turned her back to the girl, revealing that rather than simply being wrapped around her neck, while there looked to be a small obsidian chain revealed by the scarf no longer being directly present, just above it there were two partings of her flesh that seemed to stretch from her neck, seeming to fade from skin into the scarf's material.

"It's just in case I need to react quickly and I can't get my other tendrils out, heehee~. It's actually pretty useful."

The scarf waved friendly at the girl, for a brief moment seeming to have a few random blinking eyes appear on it, just to vanish as quick as they appeared, Caly calmly wrapping them back around her neck and fully facing the cutie, though she seemed a bit worried.

"So, I mean, are you okay? I didn't hurt you too bad did I? Can you regenerate quickly? I can help you if you can't!"

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The Cookie
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Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:20 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Verniy was very interested in this.. magical scarf and the girl doesn't seem to mind showing her when she asked about it. When she was shown that it was more than just a scarf around neck and is actually part of her, Verniy wasn't.. afraid or disgusted by it at all like a typical person would when witnessing something like this for the first time but she was more like a kid who saw Santa Claus for the very first time -- she was rather infatuated with this "magic scarf that happened to be part of this girl".

Later after she noticed the scarf was waving at her, Verniy shyly waved back in response.

"You have.. a very nice magic scarf.."

When the girl was expressing her worries about Verniy having any injuries from the fall that happened earlier ago, she tilted her head to the side and looked at magical scarf girl in confusion.

"There's.. nothing wrong with.. me?"

It came off as a question since she had forgotten about what happened earlier ago since she wasn't the kind of person that remembers these kind of encounters. To her, typical encounters like this was normal in this supernatural world and she happened to get used to it. Then one thing came to mind.

"What is.. your name? Magical.. scarf girl..?"

For some reason, it was an alias that was suddenly stuck in her head. She was engrossed to how the scarf worked and responded to her and gave her a strong first impression that it was the first thing that came to mind when she asked about her name.

"I'm.. Верный. You can call me.. Verniy.."

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Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:16 am

Question Mark [PRIVATE-LILLIAN] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Caly was about to correct her about the scarf being magical, but by how the girl before her presented herself, along with the emotions she bore indicated, that perhaps she wasn't the... Fastest of people. Wasn't an issue to her, so she just played along with it instead of correcting the girl, "Oh, thank you~! I don't get many people complimenting me."

She had the sweetest of smiles on her face as she was relieved Verniy was fine, at least, that's what she indicated with her calmer demeanor and even saying nothing was wrong with her. She'd sense the feeling of pain and the array of emotions associated with it, so she was certain she was fine, but she did sense that the girl was enamored with the entire idea of her "magic" scarf.

She softly chuckled when she was referred to as 'magical scarf girl'. Reminded her of a titling of some cute, pretty girl shows she had unearthed, that used a lot of weird pretty magic and had as magical, if not more, animal companions. Sometimes Caly tried to imagine what kind of animal companion she'd have if she were in such a show, hopefully a dog, she liked dogs and wanted one so badly, but knew she couldn't care for a puppy.

"Oh, my name's Calypso Asthavon." She then suddenly looked rather worried, "..But you don't gotta feel afraid of me, i'm not really much like my family.. Opposite of them actually. Don't worry at all."

She then placed her hands on the the now introduced Verniy's shoulders, her eyes sparkling as she was suddenly swept with excitement, "Your name is so pretty~! Verniy, Verniy! Whoever named you has good taste. Wanna see something cool? Too bad i'm showing it anyway!"

She took a hand off the girl's shoulder, presenting it as if something was supposed to be there, and suddenly... Tiny, golden, rune-inscribed wings peeled off her hand, a fine dust causing them to shimmer softly. It was a small moth that spawned in her hand, having a rather calming aura to it.

"Tadaah~! Isn't it cool? It's alive and everything!" Her hand slightly retracted as the insect didn't do much aside from twitch it's wings, as if it's position in her hand made it at ease, "But don't eat it, it's not food, and I don't think it really tastes like much."

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The Cookie
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Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:58 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

She seems nice, she thought. Although Verniy was reminded of a friend of hers with a similarly approachable and friendly personality, she didn't mind that much since her experiences with that kind of bright personality gives a sense of being at home in Vastime and this girl's personality induces that exact feeling.

One thing that was unexpected is that she introduced herself as an Asthavon. Despite what she heard of them, she was.. very friendly. Would a magical scarf girl be a good person or bad person? Verniy's confusion was soon swept away by Calypso's excitement and surprised her when she said that her name was pretty when she introduced herself, which was very rare for someone to compliment her name at all.

Verniy was silent for awhile. She couldn't keep up with up with Calypso's pace and she didn't pay any mind to it. It was how energetic a magical scarf girl would be, right?

When Calypso had shown her a golden moth, she was.. very intrigued by it.

"Calypso. Moth. Magic."

One of her finger pointed at Calypso and the other at the tiny, golden moth that appeared as she spoke.

Verniy didn't have any tricks to show since they were all very destructive but seeing how a magical scarf girl could do such magic tricks, she was a little happy to see something like that after a long time and thought to herself that maybe, she isn't that much of a threat in the first place.

"More.. What more.. can you do?"

She couldn't express it through her face or the tone of her voice but she tried to express her interest through words alone. She wanted to know what more can she do.

What can a magical scarf girl do?

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Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:25 am

Question Mark [PRIVATE-LILLIAN] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Caly was a little wary from the girl's lack of reaction. She did sense her interest and such through the emotions associated with it, but, she wasn't very strong about it. Calypso was still questioning if this girl was just slow, or tired, or not used to talking, or something. It wouldn't matter to her why Verniy seemed like that, it was just some raw curiosity, and curiosity never hurts, right?

So when she presented her little creation with such excitement, she looked to Verniy's face for any change in reaction, all she really picked up was an increase in interest, but not nearly the amount she expected. A little sigh in defeat, she was going to secede in her attempts in wowing due to the rather low toned reaction, her pointing at the moth and her. She still smiled warmly, even if she seemed a bit 'not there', she was still really freaking cute. So cute she wanted to hug her a lot, but Calypso still had her bearings and wouldn't necessarily poke into someone's space just like that.

But then, Verniy asked her what else she could do, which surprised Calypso. So she was invested enough to ask for more, so if it was more she wanted.. Then more she shall receive!

"Okay! Uuhhhmm..."

The only thing she could really think at the moment was to make herself cry, which would be rather interesting, wouldn't it? Thus she shut her eyes tight, strained, til copious golden tears began swelling and pouring from her eyes. She pointed at her face gleefully, despite the globs of shimmering amber pouring from her cheeks.

"H-hey, look~! These are my tears, but, I use them to help people feel better!"

She sniffed gently, then tilted her head, "So hey, I got a question, what can you do?"

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The Cookie
The Cookie
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Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:16 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Verniy was a little.. worried. It had always been something that she was awkward with around people and sometimes, a problem because she lacks any ability to physically express herself. Words and actions were her only means of communicating her feelings over to someone else even if her face seemed empty and hollow.

Although she asked for more magic tricks per say, Verniy was surprised when she teared up - honestly scaring her more than a surprise. She thought her lack of physical reaction were the cause of her tearing up as she hesitantly reached her hand towards Calypso's head for a pat to quickly calm her down, though being a 4 feet tall girl herself didn't really help that much as she struggles to tip-toe her way up to her head.

To Verniy, it was impressive that she can shed such beautiful, amber tears - and even gleefully so whilst pointing her finger towards Verniy.


If Calypso allowed her to do so, Verniy would try to wipe the tears off of Calypso's face with her fingers.

"Your tears are.. beautiful.. but please.. don't make me worry like this even if.. they make others feel better.."

Verniy didn't know how to handle the tears of other people, regardless of their intentions because it scares her, not being able to read the mood, understand people's thoughts or what they might do; a fear that is difficult to get rid of because of her past.

"What.. can I do..?"

When Calypso had asked what she could do, she wasn't sure how to respond. She had done magic tricks herself in the past to earn a living but never something too impressive.

However, she gladly obliged. In return for her selfish for asking the magical scarf girl for her own magic tricks, she felt that there was no reason to refuse even if it wasn't all that special.


She lifted her hand up just right beside herself and in an instant, space seemed to warp and distort on top of her palm - even audibly snapped as the distortion was unstable without her weapon to control it.

"I can't.. do anything else.."

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Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:50 pm


Enter Calypso


Question Mark [PRIVATE-LILLIAN] 6EdIfMt

Calypso's wide smile slowly sunk into neutrality as she realized Verniy wasn't having fun; she sensed her more.. Sadder emotions float from her. Was she upset that she saw her crying? But Caly wasn't crying because she was upset, she was doing it to show her something neat! She immediately stopped the flow of tears, feeling Verniy's fingers brush her cheek, as she looked concerned at the pale haired lass.

"Oh no no no... I wasn't sad, I wasn't trying to make you worried! I'm sorry..."

Her hands were cupped over her mouth, concerned for this girl's feelings as she had accidentally seemed to upset her. She wanted to just give her head pats and tell her everything was just fine, but she decided to show something that she could do. Calypso made sure to pay extra close investment and attention to what Verniy was going to do, to spare the poor girl's already hurt feelings. Her eyes widened however, when she saw the space above her palm momentarily warp and twist, the young demon's mouth becoming agape as she released an impressed, 'Ooohhh!', clapping excitedly.

"That's so cool, Verniy!" She praised her strongly, putting her hands on her shoulders, very very slowly and gently as not to scare the girl, "What do you use that for?! Is it some kind of spacial manipulation or something?"

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