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Lord of the Understream
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Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] Empty Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event]

Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:33 pm

Vastime to the external world was quiet today.

A number of days beforehand Vastime has entered into an intensive isolation one could say, save for the occasional export merchant ship they where totally quiet for the most part. To the outside world business kept moving as usual nothing quite astray. Even those who may be weary of Vastime couldn’t for the life of them penetrate the radio silence, whatever was done extensive methods where taken to make sure nothing would escape their wordless state. But within the realm of Vastime, and across the seas, was a thrumming of activity like that of a hornets nest disturbed.

Military bases where abuzz as men and women alike seemed to be moving crates, doing inspections and preparing for some type of mass deployment. Red face sergeants yelling for their troops to move about, a well order regiment of vastimian troops beginning to board their vehicles to destinations unknown. Massive artillery guns who barrels seemed to dwarf skyscrapers poked into the sky, engineers and artillerymen working in them simultaneously to a tune the guns to targets thousand of miles away. More importantly was the fact they where where attuned, and now they seemed to be waiting for their marks- waiting for some type of order to be given.

Across the seas, the ocean was dominated by the Vastimian navy. In their three years of naval dominance not a single nation had challenged them in their patrol routes. Over the years those patrol routes became more and more close to nations, ally or enemy. In the Mediterranean there was even an exercise performed months ago which caught the eye of the queen, but nothing came if it. But now those ships where formed once again, their staggered stance more alert than ever. The small collection of ships once seem where now different, a strange energy radiating off of them with a blue hue.

Across the globe in the Americas ocean near the Caribbean was indeed another fleet, their patrols topped forming a blockade. By the time their normal patrols where noticed to have stopped they would be a thick line of ships circulating the eastern and western coast of the united states. In hindsight one might ask why this wasn't intially notice it and it was simple: Vastime for three years straight had lulled their enemy into a sense of complacey with their presence from Mana's interactions with the Abalia, to the comfortability they had with Vastimian ships protecting the seas from piracy. Now, with their hostile intent bared to the world SF would find their coasts across the globe cut off from supplies. And with the watchful eye of the Vastimian Navy, it would be hard mobilize a counteroffensive to match their power as it stood. They would need to make an attack against some of the combined might of Vastime's Navy, and that was a daunting prospect to begin with.

In one moment, one quick fleeting moment, the silence which had overtaken Vastime was broken in the rolling sound of artillery fire. The cacophonous boom which cracked across the continent of Africa was a series of empowered artillery strikes with the power to sore from continent to continent, targeting every major port in Europe owned by SF or America. The rolling thunder which was Vastime seemed to be heard around the world as one unilateral message was sent to every commander within SF controlled territory:

Lay down their arms and surrender, or face the combined might of The Iron Banner.

And with that, Vastime had officially declared their war against Shadowfall. The full military might of Vastime had mustered and as the world gaze upon it, they would see legions of men and women preparing to invade the lands of SF. Their navy dominated the seas, and now boots would soon dominate their lands as well.

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Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] 8Bvy1N8


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Fri Feb 01, 2019 2:26 pm

Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

In the stratosphere of Europe there was a crimson light which could be akin to an angel seen shimmering in the landscape of all nations on this side of the earth. In a matter of moments, the nations under the control of Shadow Fall on the European side would have the environment shift when the first attack on their coast had been initiated. They had more than enough time on their end to go into their war-time defenses as they could detect the projectiles heading toward their way and counter attack by amplifying the amount of power in the Demi Network to produce multi-layered domes across their cities to otherwise shield them from being assaulted so easily.

To believe that Mana wasn't leery of the Vastime fleet is one that a fool would believe. It's not that she discounted them, but it's that she made them quite aware that she was watching them by the fact that she herself had visited them once before. The Demon Queen did not assume they would be the first to attack them, but she was prepared and knew the Demi Network would have to protect against some kind of threat. There wasn't much that she could do for the American side of things given the attack was planned for weeks in advance under her nose, but Europe was her motherland and the center of Shadow Fall's power and they weren't about to give this land up without a fight.

Ergo, if any side had desired to engage in more in-depth command with Europe nations, further firepower would be required as all Shadow Fall troops were now positioned in a place of being in wartime scenarios. Their borders were being closed down, teleportation was shut down and they were assembling their aerial, naval and spacial fleets across Europe to prepare for enemy forces to begin attacking them at any second.

In the meantime, in the waters that Shadow Fall controlled, The Vastime Naval flight may find themselves scorched with fire. The reason for this is because of the fact that the regions which Shadow Fall controlled could alter, shift and manipulate the environment to their whim. And while they could not do the same for the waters they held in Australia, any ship that found themselves coming close to the waters of Europe from this point onward would be devoured by flame and the world would notice nothing but blood fire erupting from the sea.

To make things simpler to understand: Shadow Fall had contorted all of the coastal areas around their cities into fire to prevent easy access on top of their demi network barriers were now being pumped with absolute energy to force their enemies to work together to break through if they were intended to invade these nations. In the meantime, if nothing was done, the Vastime soldiers attacking would find themselves consumed by the sea of fire as the water itself had dissipated and all oceanic life was destroyed along the routes which Shadow Fall possessed.

"You are going to have to try harder than that to breach our defenses......."

That single voice of both Algos and Mana echoed to the Vastime empire to signify that they were aware of their assaults and could match the firepower blow for blow. It was going to take the collective might of all their military power to stand a chance against them.

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Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:07 pm

Shadowfall, always quick to react. Like a hornet's nest disturbed choosing to attack, the best defense was a good offense in their case. But there was one thing which Vastime had become good at, one key detail which was the lichpin to their formation and the existence of their nation as a whole. In some ways today would be showcasing that ability to the utmost potential, as on the decks of their ship there was an extreme energy seemingly radiating from each vassal. As the demi-network deployed over the the sky beginning to stop some of the artillery, they would find the empowered shells able to pierce some of the network to the surprise of some within shadowfall.

The enhanced metal and energy source which empowered this metals, an alloy they had created many years ago called Vastilium had the properties of being able to absorb and repel many energy types. It was a hallmark of Vastime due to the fact they where a nation of powers, humanity with their potential unlocked. With that being said the collection of shells which did manage to rage against the network was minimum- due to the fact the strife across the world would certain strain SF's own resources. So in select areas they would find the shells exploding causing massive damage to some of the naval bases within Europe's vicinity, rendering fleets to ash and flame.

As for the Vastimian Fleet, dubbed the Northern Fleet, they had their own problems to deal with. The sea of fire which seemed to flicker for a moment, the indication of a large shift of energy. Aboard the vassal sirens would ring out, as squads of men and women wearing VBU Variant 2 Dragon- the standardize armor of Vastime. The alloys which adorned the armor seemed to help with them beginning to synchronize their powers along with the collective psonic and willpower empowerment of the Vastimian Network. In a wave of scronized movements the ships would begin to quake as a ripple of energy shot from each ship connection- before exploding outward.

This effect would be relatively simple, the disciplined movements of the military seemed almost inhuman with the percision they acted with. The Vastimian collective energy would be strong enough to snuff out the flames, but more important create a zone of protection and influence. Due to their condensed energy, the collective slayer gene in their military, and Vastilium ability to absorb latent energy they where able to repel the Demi's-Network influence in the section of sea they inhabited. Normally this would be unthinkable, but aboard the ships there was also a collective of artificial intelligence working in tandem to destribute the energy among each soldier and their purpose.

In summary, Vastime excelled at exerting their powers to counteract or displace others own abilities. Due to their extreme military discpline, collective power, and the vastimian network they where able to effectively push out the demi-network to the European coastline. The large naval force seemed to shift before each soldier would perform a giant wave of their arms, tightening their arms to release the 'spell' to the AI and Vastimian network for control. In short, creating a self-sustaining zone of influence.

But they would need to actually start move to the coastline, if they hoped to invade into Europe they would not be able to keep attacking from afar. So with a few ordered words the Navy would begin to push forward. The former sea of fire now simply a calm sea, and the atmosphere around them now controlled by Vastime. With only a few movements Vastimian aircraft where beginning to take flight, their intentions to secure a beach head to land their armies.

On the ships, there was a gathering of units all beginning to chant something. Their words in a strange dialect and tone, but the budding of power was easily able to be understood as the voice of Hayden was heard.

"Think not of yourselves, think not of the coming battle, think only of the glory to be won today. We shall not lose, and we shall not accept anything less than vengeance."

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Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:43 pm

Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

An ocean of fire, men and women with wills stronger than steel or iron, and a banner to unite them all against the enemy. Shadowfall, a group of demons that cared for nothing but themselves and only for the total domination of the world. It was them who Vastime was here to attack, here to take them down. Kimitsuki was here as well, as a demon who wished for change, but also as a soldier of Vastime who did not want things to continue like this for the people of Earth. She had seen the suffering, the absolute bedlam that was caused by shadowfall. She wished for it to end, so people need not die for terrible causes; but also so demons like herself could be treated like they wanted to be, not like trash.

This was why Kimitsuki herself was on one of the ships, as ordered by Hayden most likely, and exuded her presence upon it in a way that her allies were not hindered, but any enemies could be crushed by her presence if they were anywhere in range of her presence and, well, weak enough. But, currently, Kimitsuki was doing nothing more then exuding her fiery presence. But, she was afraid that presence would have to become more apparent when the Ocean was turned into flames before her; the demon starting to summon her own fire to try and other liberate the fire before her ship or use her fire as a sort of shield from the other fire. But, such a thing did not come to pass as the clever men and women of Vastime were already working on it.

While shells rained down on the shields that protected Europe, which had likely been powered by Kimitsuki's energy and those around her, the fire that would stop them from advancing was wiped away as if it never truly existed on the ocean; a calm sea was all that was left in its wake. However, Kimitsuki had a feeling if they could simply bring those flames up once, it could be done again; which is where the shields that were now around the ship, exuding Vastimian influence, likely came in. However, this was not over. Aircraft was taking off from the ships, and the need for them was clear; a path to carve out for them to get boots on the ground. Kimitsuki let out a soft chuckle as she heard the chanting and Hayden's voice. Before she met Liu, going to war would have scared Kimitsuki. But now, she was simply ready to fight for what was right.

With that, Kimitsuki reached to the hair that was covering her right eye, using a hair clip to keep the hair bound back so she could see with both eyes completely. She had no reason to hinder herself as her probably much to long hair whipped in the wind; her small braids here and there whipping with it. It was only a matter of time until they reached the cost and the area was secured for their soldiers. And with it would completely start the war that Vastime had declared on Shadowfall. Glory was to be won by them; and victory was what all of Vastimian would have. Kimitsuki would do her best to make that a certainty. After all, Kimitsuki had the utmost confidence and faith in the men and women of Vastime.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:39 pm
[mod]"After a prolonged naval invasion Vastime has secured into place the western coast of France, thus beginning a land invasion and incursion into European lands."[/mod]

Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of War [WW4 Start Event] 8Bvy1N8


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