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Lord of the Understream
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Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:07 pm


For a great deal longer than he'd have liked, Mischa was playing the waiting game. Waiting for the word to execute, waiting to let the world finally come to know, in a much grander, much more fearsome stage, just who the hell MIscha Judavialdi was. In this downtime it was only careful, steady, and precise planning, and not too many in the hollow army matched him in this expertise. The arrancar wasn't the most achieved and exceptional strategist, but he was certainly one of the most efficient and daring. So daring, in fact, that as the commander of this troop, he took to the battle at the helm.

On his mark, innumerable gargantas ranging towards absurdity manifested all around the base of this Shadow Fall outpost, hollows escaping them in droves of tens of thousands, each one carrying a small, inconspicuous device holding a portion of Mischa's spiritual energy. For Shadow Fall, as much as their power was accumulated and established in these endless sand, Hueco Mundo was still hollow-dominated territory. The fact that this outpost wasn't prepared for something like an organised attack was a testament to their complacency, and in this fact Mischa found a more personal reason to involve himself in this war. Not because he held a particular hatred against the dogs of Shadow Fall, but because you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and to him that meant an old dog was weak--and in Hueco Mundo? The weak must die.

"To the dogs of Shadow Fall, this is the official announcement for your demise. Surrender yourselves or be eaten by your regrets for not having complied--maybe some of you might turn into hollows in the process. At least then there may be some salvation."

It was absurdly straight-forward, perhaps cliched, that Mischa turned up in front of the outpost, surrounding its entirety from all angles, on ground, in air, and even underneath the sands. Such that, for someone who prided himself--overwhelmingly so--on his efficiency, intelligence, and aptitude for being in control, it was a bit underwhelming for such a person to have his world-debut be this simple. Which is why it wasn't this simple--but, if, as he'd hope, this outpost turns out to not surrender? Then they'll see why the confidence in his confrontation was really just sealing their fate. Of course, ultimately that would depend on their response.

They Will Know My Name [WW4 Start Event] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:49 pm
[mod]Going to close this thread up in 24 hours from a lack of response. If you intend to post, put a reserve post down and let me know in discord.[/mod]

They Will Know My Name [WW4 Start Event] 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:25 pm
reserve post. Ill join ones suzu is up and going should be soon
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Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:37 am

alone small girl walked out from the base, her silver hair glistening in the light of the moon. suzu kept her spiritual pressure suppressed for the moment down to a safe level for all, An attempt at diplomacy as fighting her brethren was not truly of any real benefit to her or shadows fall. holding off mobilizing any others. without a doubt some of the hollows would know of Suzu, others may stupidly confuse her as a human girl if not trying to sence her energy. she had no mask nor a hole, she carried no sword and yet she walked out as if the army before her meant nothing with a smile on her face. she did not really care about him referring to all shadows fall dogs, but there was one part that was of interest.

" I am Suzu Hebi, the Trecera Espada. If your here for our 'demise' as you say, we can not comply. however, I can make a counteroffer to all of you. you may go back from whence you came unharmed. If you choose to stay then there will be no choice but to use force. Given this is an 'official' matter as you put it I must act on the behalf of shadows fall, there for your lives will be forfeited. I strongly advise you to consider your opshions. "

her chary pick forces of shadows fall consisting of demons and hollows alike were merely waiting for a signal before making their appearance. the signal being Suzu letting her energy flow out normally. with her vast spiritual pressure, it would greatly inhibit the movement of most that felt it as it would crash down on them along with it seeing to disrupt energies within the area. with the sudden force of her hitting them, it would be likely quite a few would fall to there knees if not flat on the sands. this is what Suzu was planning on. if hostility was shown she catch them by surprise, her smaller forces chosen to maintain a decent level of mobility. with there focus on speed and physical strength. on that moment of surprise, they use their respective racial traveling ability to enter the fray. ruthlessly attacking the hollow forces with a kill on site order to thin there ranks as quick as possible. this is not to say she did not have larger forces in waiting. but calling on them now would be of no benefit if they could not move adequately around her.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:36 pm


".. the fuck?"

Mischa's voice came out in genuine confusion. Somewhat was bound to respond, that was certain. What the arrancar wasn't assured of was a young, human looking girl, obviously an arrancar to some degree given her spiritual energy, but still. Actually, no, it wasn't even the fact that a young girl came out that caught Mischa off-guard. It was the fact that this girl was Suzu Hebi--someone he was more than aware of given the infamy of her and her husband. That, and the fact that to his knowledge, she hadn't been active for several years now. Just, completely off the grid. Was Shadow Fall keeping her under the radar on purpose, or did she recently come out of hiding? Actually, it'd be easier if he just asked.

"Greeting, Suzu Hebi. I am Mischa Judavialdi, a leader of the Hollow King Nagato Tengan's army--it's only right that I introduce myself. All things said, I don't think we'll be reconsidering our options here. If that's all for your speech of resistance, I'd think our time for talking was over now. But before we get a rise out of the sands, I'm really interested in knowing: why have you--"

Before Mischa could finish his words, an oppressive release of energy came out from Suzu's lithe body. It seemed like her intent was to apply pressure to his forces, but instead of discouraging them in the slightest, it served to excite the arrancar. In Hueco Mundo, the strong eat the weak, and the only way for an arrancar to prove themselves strong is to climb their way up, and toss down the people above them. Her release of strength was like a lightbulb was to a moth.

In response, Mischa released his own energy in fervor, and though it was certainly in smaller quantity than his opponent, it was more than enough to abate the oppressive effects on his forces, counteracting the pressure that inhibited their movements.

"I think I got the answer to my question. Certainly, you're a fair bit stronger than me--but you're definitely weaker than what I've heard. I guess you really have been off the grid after all, hiding away under some rock. Welcome back to the stage, Mrs. Hebi; I'll be sure to send invitations out for your funeral."

By the end of his sentence, Mischa's eyes turned pitch black and his irises shifting to a crimson red. At his will, the devices holding his energy in the hands of innumerable hollows surrounding the compound shot out a sound wave. As this wave rippled through the compound, the buildings, hollows, and demons within it were subject to an immense amount of vibrations. Even their surprise attack at Nagato's army was all for naught; their jump to attack was instead cut short by the vibrations pulsing through their bodies, decimating the forces without warning.

Entire bodies erupted into explosive pools of blood, the buildings on the compound with weaker structural integrity began breaking down into rubble, and the stability of the remaining enemy forces were likely largely inhibited from using their energies comfortably. Even Suzu should feel some level of discomfort and instability in her control over her energy if she didn't prepare any defenses for herself. For stronger forces remaining from the initial sound blast, another barrage of terror awaited them.

Half of the devices holding Mischa's energy suddenly expended the rest of their contents in the follow-up. From their positions surrounding the compound, multiple ceros shot off. Considering the preparations, none of these actions really expended any of Mischa's own on-hand energy; these devices were charged prior to the actual event, all with enough to fire full-powered ceros. And with Mischa's signature method of constructing his ceros, with a unique structure that enhanced their efficacy for smaller amounts of energy expenditure? Something like his full-powered cero was really ten times as powerful as any of his peers.

Without a doubt in his mind, Mischa expected the mass majority of any remaining enemy forces, any remaining builds and structures, really anything else in the way of these blasts to be reduced to nothing. It was in his expectations that, at best, only 25% of the forces defending the compound would remain--by far an amount more than easily dealt with by the hollows under his command. As for Suzu herself? No question about it, she was Mischa's prey, and his alone.

"I hope you don't flee, all things considered; I'd really like to have your head for a trophy."

They Will Know My Name [WW4 Start Event] 8Bvy1N8


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Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:12 pm

So he is here on behalf of Nagato? Suzu found this amusing, inlaws were known to be a bother within human society and it appears the same can be said within other races. She stood there smiling as Mischa gave his welcoming to her. "Hiding? Ono engaging in public events was of no interest to me, time was better spent in the labs and with my family. I may be a little out of shape, but nothing that exercise won't cure."

Suzu watched as the energy from the hollow army started to produce sound waves, her red eye sparking a bit to Analyze the energy. using her soundless Sonído to appear up in the air near the hollow forces. with so many points of origin, the wavelengths acting in complementary to each other amplified the overall strength. this was basic physics being utilized for a powerful offensive ability. but avoiding it was just as basic. with them surrounding the base it was the focal point, all she needed to do was move to the outer rim of there formation, where the wave would be the weakest and her Hierro would be more than enough to stop it from dealing any damage. She did not seem to care about the death of the underlings, not so much as turning her head back to see the carnage.

as the ceros started to take form she addressed the hollows directly. " fire them at your own forces and kill each other." Mischa may be surprised as the hollow army seem to turn on itself. their ceros shooting out not at the base but at there own ranks. if Mischa stayed standing with them he too may get caught up in the blast of it all. most of them being erased as the ceros swept over the sands, the few that survived starting to fight amongst them selfs. this was all due to Suzu's mark of the hollow. It forcing them to obey her orders, Mischa being a strong Arrancar would undoubtedly be unaffected.

Floating back down to the ground Suzu's body started to change in size. becoming more like a young adult than a child. her feet landing down on the ceros scorched and bloodstained sands. as she started to stretch. " Such a waste of life, but it was unavoidable I suppose. So how has my father in law been doing? A king now is he? want to take my head back to him on a silver platter? It would make quite the trophy that is for sure but separating it from the rest of my body would be like defacing a piece of artwork, I can't let that just happen. "

Getting a small idea that she knew would most likely yield little results, Suzu still wanted to see how he would react to it. " Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat." with that she would use her Sonído to close what distance there was between them. her left hand extended out at him as the right charged a bala. "Bakudo number nine Geki" if managed to bind him down she would be surprised, but not attack just yet. giving time for him to talk or seeing how long it would take him to break such a simple binding kido. In truth, she picked this kido solely on him calling her a dog of shadows fall and found the idea of using it amusing. with his level of energy she did assume he knew what the different kido's were thrue past battles, but how would he react to seeing a fellow Arrancar openly use one? with its incantation no less. she looked for him to avoid it altogether or break free of its hold almost instantly. with her overall speed, not just that of her physical body but her mind she was prepared to fire off her bala at close range when Geki failed. keeping track of him as she was studying how he moved his body.

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Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:55 am
[adm]It's been awhile since the last post. The participates must either continue posting or contact staff to decide how to move forward.[/adm]

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