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Inferno Empty Inferno

Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:08 pm

Inferno Y6ValO3


His first steps into what was expected and imagined to be the most inhabitable and excruciatingly painful of places were not very eventful. Instead, Aizen had stepped into what appeared to be a recreation of feudal Japan. There were, of course, a few key differences, first and foremost of which was the color of they sky. Instead of the light blue that was to be expected, when he gazed towards the, for lack of a better word, "heavens" he was met with a fittingly hellish sight. No blue to be found anywhere. The majority of the sky above his head was a deep red, unnaturally cracked with black. The buildings were more accurate to earth's own history, although still reminiscent of what one would find in a nightmare. Aizen was completely unconcerned with any of this. The majority of the thoughts on his mind were focused on the future, not the present. There was one, however, that bucked that trend. Oh, how magnificent it was to be free once more. To walk on his own two feet, on ground not of his own making. To move his body, which had lain dormant for centuries. To stand upright, when for the longest time he'd been confined to that damnable chair. Those days were over now. Never again would he let himself be restrained in such a way.

Aizen took his time moving through this alien environment, not wanting to wander headlong into anything which had previously been unaccounted for. He studied his surroundings intently, taking in every detail that presented itself. There was little to be gleaned from the architecture or the sky though, and so he continued to make his way forward. It was a certainty in his mind that he would soon be stopped, by who or what, he was as of yet unsure, but the time was definitely approaching rapidly. His freely wandering about would be frowned upon when he was meant to be imprisoned. He would deal with that when he came to it though. It was true that he always preferred to have a planned course of action, but that wasn't possible in every situation, especially this one. He'd been deprived of information for too long to form any accurate understanding of what exactly was held in store for him, but he wouldn't let that deter him. No, he moved steadily through this hellscape, willing to meet anything that dared stand in his way. That wasn't to say that he immediately intended to provoke a combative response. Quite the opposite, in fact. He had developed many varied and interesting uses for his Kido while he'd been restrained, but none of them had been put into practice just yet. While he would enjoy doing so, it would be foolish to engage in combat when he was, truthfully, unsure of the extent of his own ability. The bottom line was that if there was any way to talk, manipulate, deceive, or coerce, he would do so.

As he continued to move through this unique and interesting landscape it began to slowly shift around him. The building of feudal Japan were slowly becoming more and more modern, and he felt something in the air that he'd never had the pleasure of coming into contact with so heavily before now. Oh, but he knew exactly what it was. A smirk spread across his face as he felt the energy flowing from a place still quite a ways off. At the same time, he felt something else entirely. It was the energy of someone, or something, that was exceptionally powerful. Not intending to walk headlong into a trap, he halted his forward movement. He briefly studied the area around him, first to determine whether it was a suitable location for combat if it came down to it, and when he determined that it was, secondly to look for any advantage he may be able to leverage from either the terrain or infrastructure. Nothing immediately presented itself, which meant that there was nothing that ever would. No advantage could be gained from fighting here, but at the same time that meant that no disadvantage could be gained from fighting here. Acceptable. He held his ground.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:26 pm

Inferno 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: Inversion - Word Count: N/A

The depths of hell was considered to be a place of containment of souls who have been condemned by the world as being "sinful". These creatures come from various realms, but they all share the same fate as being entrapped in the depths of The Underworld. Yet, the one who presides over this world allows them the ability to roam as freely as they may. Caring not much for subjugating, it's ruler believes those who are allowed to taste this same flavor of freedom may find the path toward freeing themselves from this abyss.

But, being that this realm is treated as a place of liberty, it isn't without its subjugation. On the whole, the realm is used as a medium to otherwise house those spirits who have long since been slain to preserve the balance of the universe itself. Ergo, if souls were allowed to leave this place of holding with absolute freedom, existence would surely implode on itself with this facet of life and death being so sorely made out of order. Thus, it is why those who go against this order simply forfeit their path in the afterlife to the god and the winds of fate itself.

It's all a system put in place to ensure that life itself is maintained; even creatures as foul as devils and demons understand that.

Therefore, could one truly begin to not wonder why the ruler of such an unholy place would take interest in one of its residents flaunting their powers about without a care in the world?

It was certainly only a matter of time before The Devil Of Liberation found the vicinity in which Aizen Sousuke unleashed his power. And it is for this same exact reason that she stood forth in his path to otherwise observe how this encounter was going to play out from here forth. There was a smirk smeared across her face which otherwise indicated that the woman seemed somewhat amused by this interaction as well. The Demoness didn't expect for him, nor another infamous individual known as Ender, to emerge out of the abyss of The Underworld for some hundreds or thousands of years later.

In spite of that sense of entertainment the demon felt, the woman understood she still was here to do her job as this realm's overseer. She wasn't a fool: this devil already comprehended the fact that he was ready to leave. But was his soul truly ready to flourish back to the surface world above? Perhaps, perhaps not. It was rather redundant to send a shinigami straight to hell when they were already spirits who had lost their claim to life long ago. To Liu, it was just further insult to injury for Aizen's defeat. With that said, while it was a seldom affair for the creatures of hell to release their inhabitants, it was not something which was an impossible thing to achieve. Based on the merits of the spirits presented to a Hell Demon, their souls could face a permanent death, reincarnation or the simply restoration of their body back to the living realm.

To that end is why she then reached out her hand toward Aizen to hold his hand before pressing forth with the two questions she desired to hear answered before moving forward in this interaction:

"I figured you wouldn't have come out of that abyss for another few hundred years. If you haven't guessed it, I'm the big bad devil of this realm. And I have two questions for you: why do you want to leave? Second, what do you even hope to achieve leaving hell?"

Of course, the woman spoke as if she were speaking to a long lost friend in the way her demeanor came off. Each word was drenched in a sense of relaxed sentiment; almost to an unnerving degree considering her status in this world. Yet, even as that may be, she still expected these questions to be answered and simply waited for a response before determining how to proceed with this little dilemma that she was presented with.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:34 am

Inferno Y6ValO3


Aizen looked unemotionally at the demon standing before him. This had not been what he'd expected, but he gave off no sign, either verbally or through his body language, to indicate that. He had imagined the ruler of this land would appear a bit more menacing, but he didn't underestimate the being standing in front of him simply because their appearance was not particularly frightful. There was a reason she was in charge, that much he was sure of. He examined the demon carefully as she spoke, attempting to determine just how much she knew about him based on subtle cues in both her phrasing and body language, and in the end he decided she knew everything. Perhaps that was a power this demon possessed, or perhaps she was just very reliably informed, whichever the case happened to be it made no difference. In the end, none of it really made a difference. Known or unknown, his path would be the same. Occasionally he took small detours to make things easier for himself, but if that failed it was no real loss. A path to the end destination was always available.

He stood as confidently as he ever had as the demon continued to speak, and let it take his hand in its own. A gesture he didn't entirely appreciate, although he would not make a point of it. If it was possible to achieve his goal through diplomacy, especially here, of all places, he would do so. He would not bend himself, but he would make concessions that were more than acceptable to any reasonable person. As the demons speech began to wrap up he continued to study her with a slightly interested, but distant, look on his face. It had been a while since he'd communicated with another living thing, but he hadn't lost any of his wit or charm. Perhaps he wasn't as adept at using it as he'd once been, as that was something that you only achieved and maintained through practice, but it would all come back to him with time. Everything would come to him with time.

Finally, it was his own turn to speak.

"I do have a way of exceeding expectations... As for my motivations, you ascribe too many to me. I'm simply out for a leisurely stroll. I have no intention of leaving just yet. In fact, I was headed down, would you be so kind as to lead the way?"

His voice was deep, yet smooth, a strong voice. The same air of bravado that had always been there showcasing itself for the first time in centuries. It felt right. Hopefully everything could go as simply and easily as he'd described it above, but if not he was not afraid to test himself once more. That was a last resort, or course. At this point in time he didn't need to be making any more enemies, so chances were that he would first attempt to evade capture while still pursuing his goal. There were a few things he'd been wanting to try out, but he was sure he'd get that opportunity eventually. It would be unwise to show his hand here for multiple reasons, and so he did genuinely wish for a peaceful resolution to this meeting. If it were absolutely necessary though, he could be forced to action.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:18 am

Inferno 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: Inversion - Word Count: N/A

Hm. In the mind of Liu -- this could be a bit of a problem. A rather big problem, in fact.

There was something curious about the phrase of "going down". That could mean many things to a person, but knowing the type of person she was dealing with, this devil felt that choice of words meant he was interested in going further down the layers of hell. One doesn't come this far out into the wastelands of the underworld without some intent of leaving it. Ergo, Liu seemed to fold her arms after hearing that request as she took time to process that request. When she finally had an answered for him, she set her scarlet eyes on him.

"I figured someone with your reputation would have more lofty motivations. Life is more fun when you have some type of purpose driving you."

After taking a moment to stretch, The Hell Demon then shook her head as she got on with the next bit of her dialogue to say to Aizen after the pleasantries.

"As far as getting deeper into hell goes: I can't allow that. Call me crazy, but my instincts tell me you'll cause nothing but a ruckus for those in the other layers of hell."

Indeed, while Liu was a relaxed soul, she was not naive either. If someone who has been in hell for as long as Aizen had possessed an intent to want to explore it deeper, the only thought which ran through this devil's head was that he wanted some form of revenge for being imprisoned here. And given the fact she is aware that both her father and Deveta himself wants no visitors in their realms, it was probably in her best interest to prevent that from happening.

"If you can give me some kind of insight you've attained from being sealed in hell for so long, however, the chances of you going up are pretty well."

Those words seemed to infer that the hell creature was more prone to letting him see some type of light at the end of the tunnel in the form of allowing his release if he had an epiphany from all of his time spent lounging about the underworld. Of course, anything beyond that was off the table as far as her conscious was concerned. And if things decided to take a more violent approach, well, Liu was more than prepared for that. This was her world, after all. So if he wished to try that approach, The Devil was more than anticipating it and ready to pounce at it in any given moment despite how serene her facial expressions seemed to indicate. Since, much like Aizen himself, she'd rather this be settled in a diplomatic way; but knew the existence of which she lived in quite well having waged many battles in this pit of hell.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:08 pm

Inferno Y6ValO3


Aizen had imagined this could happen. It was one of the more likely scenarios he had considered, but of course he couldn't just take no for an answer so easily. He hoped he'd be able to find some way to convince the demon to let him by, but if not things could get ugly. He remained a blank slate however, not even a muscle twitched. Shortly he began to speak. He would just have to try again, hopefully this thing would see reason.

"Why would I cause trouble? I just escaped, I have no interest in being detained again, for any length of time. I suppose it would be foolish to let me journey further when I've given no hint as to what I have in mind though. I'll inform you of my intentions then. It may come as a surprise to you, but I have no anger. The reason I aim to descend is not for revenge, but out of curiosity. I wish to see for myself what hell holds within its fiery walls, and to behold the power that governs all of it. If you doubt what I say, you're welcome to accompany me on my journey. Although I do imagine it would take some time, can you leave this layer for that long?"

As always, he was attempting to extract as much information about his surroundings as possible, whether the attempts were veiled or obvious, he was probing for more information about both the demon in front of him and the normal operations of each layer of hell. It wasn't impossible for other layers to behave differently, but he imagined that they would have some key factors in common. He still fully believed that he could talk his way out of this, but was resolving himself more and more to resorting to some form of action.

"I do hope we can come to some sort of agreement. To be turned away at this juncture would be... unacceptable."

Aizen said this in a matter of fact way. There was no threat there, veiled or obvious. What he said was simply the truth of the matter from his point of view. To be turned away now was not something he could allow to happen, and in his mind the only possible outcomes ended in his progression. Whichever method happened to be utilized to achieve that end goal was ultimately, and in the long run, irrelevant, but in the short term it could save him some hassle. He paused for a moment before speaking once more, pursuing one last avenue before perhaps he would be forced to reconsider.

"You ask me what insight I have attained. I can tell you that I've considered many things, and that I've divined many truths, but I have more questions still. I ask only for the freedom to find the answers to them. Perhaps I demand it."

It was a calculated response. All of his actions up until this point had been calculated. Painstakingly planned in advance, for that was the way of things. Nothing could be left up for grabs. That was the mark of a great, no, a transcendental being. Nothing must be left to chance. Fate has no part to play in the machinations of a greater mind. A God knows all, is never surprised. A God does not rely on luck, for his plans are concrete. All possibilities are accounted for, and every situation plays out in such a way as to ensure progression, regardless of the path. A God knows no limits, no boundaries. To a God, tomorrow is as set in stone as yesterday. Not yet, but soon.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:02 am

Inferno 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: Inversion - Word Count: N/A

The instinct of Liu still did not budge when given the knowledge of information she had on this particular citizen of Hell. She knew how insistent the male could be if his will decided that an object to his path stood in his way given the stories The Demoness was made aware of during his war against the Soul Society. Ergo, this devil knew the same thing could more than likely repeat with Hell and comprehended that those in the lower layers of hell wouldn't be too happy if something like that managed to slip through her grasp.

"It would be naive of me to allow someone with your reputation to freely pass through to the bottom layer. I don't mind letting you out of hell, but it would be negligent of me to reach that bottom layer as what lays under this world is something that it's creators do not want tampered with. Most devils of hell will invite you themselves if they want a spirit to view their realm or visit them."

The words in which The Liberator of Hell spoke were still filled to the brim with a sense of looseness behind them which indicated she appeared to be relaxed with the situation at hand. And in a way -- the woman actually was. There were only two options which were unfolded to her given the male's insistence: the first outcome is that he would merely accept her words and decide to take his two chance at life by leaving this godforsaken realm. The second would be that he would refuse and would either stay in hell or attack her. In which case the woman had already plotted a myriad of ways to neutralize the threat if it should come to that. Although it was still not an outcome she desired, it was something she was prepared for none the less and felt confident in handling.

"You are, however, free to explore my realm however you wish if you have a hunger for exploring. I'm sure after waking up from your slumber there is still much of this world you can venture through and I'd be more than willing to answer any of your questions about hell itself given that I'm a creature forged by its blood."

There was then a pause when Liu took more time to listen to what her inhabitant had to speak of when engaging with the devil. The male spoke of having figured out many truths, but this still seemed to be -- off -- to the woman. Most creatures of the universe drew true strength from standing by their convictions in this life, so to have come forth from the depths of hell meant that Aizen did indeed awaken something with himself when it came to his will. Whether he was telling the truth or not was something which Liu could not discern and her better judgment still told her to air on the side of caution.

"Well, you can feel free to discern those truths to me and I'd still be more than willing to help you understand our world if you wish. But I cannot allow you any further than this, I'm afraid."

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:07 pm

Inferno Y6ValO3


He looked at the demon quizzically, yet he showed no real reaction to what she said. She had a somewhat smug look on her face, something he made note of, but had no real opinion of. He certainly couldn't argue that it wouldn't be naive for her to let him pass freely. She had said that she would let him walk freely however. That was not something he disregarded immediately. That wasn't to say that he considered it for even a second, but he was very interested that she would be so quick to allow him his freedom. He'd been prepared for and expected to encounter a lot during his escape, but this hadn't been high on the list. Still, he could accept nothing less than going downwards. Aizen was patient though. He wouldn't give himself away so soon. She'd given him the opportunity to learn more about his surrounding, and that wasn't something he was going to pass up so easily. He would stay by her side for as long as he could and find out everything he could manage to about this world.

"I won't be leaving, so I suppose I'll have to take you up on your offer. What can you tell me about this layer of hell? More importantly, what can you tell me about hell in general? "

He stood in place for a moment. The thoughts in his head flowed swiftly and gracefully from one possibility to the next as if they were rushing currents, yet he remained still on the surface. Biding his time seemed to be the correct plan here. He was completely at ease. The thoughts in his head did not effect him in the slightest. A skill that was more useful than could be imagined.

"I wouldn't be averse to seeing what this realm has to offer, either."

The more he could learn before he had to act the better his chances would be, which meant he wouldn't act until he was forced to, or until he found an opportunity he couldn't resist. He always acted in this way, it ensured that no overwhelming errors were encountered or produced.

Aizen waited for a response, still stretching out the limbs which had been contained for so many years. He swept the hair that had grown far longer than it had ever been in the past over his shoulder, one lock assuming the familiar position.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:01 pm

Inferno 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

The world became as black as the eve of the cosmos itself as the space around Aizen soon cut to absolute darkness. No longer would he feel the presence of Liu, but rather, he'd begin to sense something far more primordial stepping forth into this abyss unending shade. It was filled with a sense of constant hostility, rage, bloodlust, and contempt for everything which existed outside of itself. While pools of pride and intimacy to the creations of demon echoed in its heart, whatever was coming forth was drenched entirely in sheer negativity.

Nevertheless, after a few moments of waiting, whatever presence was lurking in the walls of darkness around Aizen promptly made itself present. With it's glistening blood energy lightning up the abyss of shadows around them, the heart of Deveta stood before Aizen as it's faceless head gazed toward his direction. When it locked sight with him the presence of a universal force swelled around them as the weight of the demon world itself could be felt screaming out of the body of this creature. And, if his memories served him correctly, it would be akin to a more sinful and contorted feeling that Aizen perceived himself when he felt the presence of the Soul King.

Yet -- it was rather obvious this was nothing like the Soul King.

Indeed -- this was the Heart of Deveta: Pharista.

Having been made aware of Aizen's awakening, this avatar of Deveta found interest in Aizen if only for his attributes stated during the conflict he waged against the Soul King so many centuries ago. And since this demonic essence lacked a way to speak verbally, it radiated a sense of telepathic empathy so that the shinigami could comprehend its thoughts, feelings, and logic. Visions of The Soul King would then ring out in the mind of Aizen; and when paired against the disdain The Demon God possessed for his fellow brother, it was obvious why he was interested in having a conversation with this relic of the past.

So, after sharing these notions of thought with Aizen, Pharista pointed it's hand toward Aizen and it telepathically streamed the words: "Are you ally or foe?" into his mind so that it could otherwise determine what set of actions it needed to take forth before determining where the male's future would be led from this point onward in the depths of hell.

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:48 am

Inferno Y6ValO3


As reality shifted around him Aizen raised an eyebrow. Interesting. He'd imagined the higher ups would have taken an interest in him, especially after he'd managed to break himself out of the "prison" they'd been holding him in. He'd also assumed something like this would happen, the timing was just a bit off. Perhaps he was more interesting than he thought. Regardless, his attention was now on this strange entity that had manifested itself before him.

As this being, whatever it happened to be, approached, Aizen could feel endless negativity, enough pain and suffering for a thousand years, emanating outwards from it. He was completely unaffected by this. What he did notice, and take interest in, was the incredible sense of power that he sensed coming from this being. As it approached he could sense the contact it was making with his mind, and did nothing to stop this. He was not concerned about any other entity influencing his mind. God, Devil, Death, Truth, any of them were welcome to enter. None of them would affect his own intellect or mental stability, that he was assured of.

It was, however, strange for another to emit thoughts directly to him, that wasn't something he'd ever experienced before. With that said, he got used to it almost immediately, and was able to understand exactly what was coming his way. Aizen took in the flow of consciousness that this being was emitting, analyzed it, understood it, and then deduced exactly what this being was.

So, he was in direct contact with the being that would, in due time, lead him straight to where his goals lay. That was a plus in his book, regardless of what this things intentions were. He was looking forward to the outcome of this conversation.

This being that was like the Soul King, yet substantially different, was one he'd have to meet. At the same time that their mental connection was taking place, he could tell for a fact that this second being, who could be none other than the ruler of hell, despised the Soul King with every fiber of its being. That was something he could relate to. It was something he could work with. Suddenly the thing before him let out actual words. It was strange, because he couldn't hear them, but they were certainly present in his mind, and they hadn't been put there of his own volition. With no pause whatsoever, he responded.

"I am your ally. A valuable one, at that."

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Inferno Empty Re: Inferno

Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:02 pm

Inferno 6EdIfMt

Artist: Northumbria - Song: Low Sun - Word Count: N/A

The world around them soon became nothing but a sea of red. The sky, the earth, the air; everything was consumed by this aura of malice that the heart of Deveta held for the Soul King. While Deveta, even in his primal state, still held a sense of reserve when it came to the likes of Truth; the Soul King was another matter as he saw him as a force which needed to be purged of from this world. If nothing else, those who shared similar beliefs were reasonable enough to be considered "allies" of sorts to his mind and it is what that Pharsita projected into the mind of Aizen through its emotional telepathy.

Which is why through the abyss of this torrent of contempt did the astral figure of Deveta emerge between the two of them. The purpose for this was to otherwise ensure that Aizen understood that ruler of this realm was observing him and listening to what he had to say. As his intents for him being released from hell had to coincide with his desire to otherwise resume his quest to wage war against the Soul King. It is under those terms that he could assist if Aizen so desired since it was not too long ago that Khala herself nearly brought the Soul Society to it's knees through her rampage fueled by Devata's own loathing.

It is why through these telepathic intents that both Deveta and Pharasita wanted to know one thing about Aizen at the moment: what was his intentions after leaving the depths of Hell? Was he to go on to wage war against the Soul King? Or was he intending to otherwise execute a different plan? It is these clear intents that Deveta wanted to be shared through this exclusive private network of thoughts, ideas and emotions that they shared for the time being.

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Inferno WVMWLOu
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