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Power Play - Page 2 Empty Re: Power Play

Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:26 am

Power Play - Page 2 Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: 876

Claire listened silently as Mana spoke, thinking over the situation carefully. It was true that her feelings and ideals were a consequence of the current state of the world, and she could very well be a much different person in another's shoes, but that was true of anyone. She couldn't condone or support everything the demon's had done, but many humans most likely felt the same way about her kind. What was presented to her was both exactly what she wanted along with a proposal that ran contrary to everything she'd thought, felt, and planned up until this moment in her life. It wasn't a decision that she could make lightly, but it was one that she had to make quickly. She imagined the consequences and benefits of both options as extensively as she could manage in such a short amount of time, but she was pulled from this exercise quite thoroughly when Mana violently punctured her own heart. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, although she wasn't completely shocked. She didn't imagine something like this would do any real damage to the demon. Still, she wasn't quite sure where this was going, and for the moment she was more focused on what was happening currently than what might happen in the future.

As the blood flowed from Mana's chest to the ground in a way that she had never seen before, Claire became even more interested. Obviously this was some kind of magic, but she hadn't seen anything that this reminded her of in the past, so she was still quite unsure of the purpose of this display. All the while she continued to listen to Mana talk, and even though she wasn't exerting any influence with her power she could still feel the emotions around her. With the introduction of the green energy swirling around them the purpose of this action became immediately clear. The demon had manifested her hearts desires into the area around them, where they were much more easily comprehensible. She was able to fully ascertain the state of the other woman's emotions, and having done this she was no longer so concerned. This seemed to be something she would have been able to understand even without her power, but with the raw stimulation she received because of her innate ability to sense emotion and desire the effect this had on her was orgasmic, quite literally.

Pleasure washed over Claire's body as her hands began to drift towards her chest seductively. Her left hand found its home rather quickly, although her right hand seemed to have taken a detour, first tracing a line upwards from her inner thigh. In the final moments of ecstasy she let out a deep and sultry moan and slid her hands back down her midsection until one of them met Mana's. She didn't react negatively to this, as she would have when this encounter began. Instead she remained in contact, even accepting the kiss to her hand from Mana. She wasn't at all satisfied with it ending there though. As the Demon Queen continued to speak Claire began to slowly interlace the fingers of their left hands. Finally, it was time for her to respond to Mana's proposals. She much preferred the new, gentler smile that parted the demon's lips, and felt an urge to press her own against them. She restrained herself, for the moment. One last passionate utterance left her mouth as she began to speak.

"Mmm, well that was pleasant. I'll accept your alliance, with a few conditions. If it ever becomes an obvious danger to the survival of my people to continue to ally themselves with you then I can't maintain it. Secondly, this land is completely under my control with no outside influence, indefinitely, undeniably, and irrevocably."

As long as there were no objections from Mana she would begin to move closer, reaching her free hand towards the demon's and once more interlacing their fingers. As she did this she spread her arms until they were much more intimately face to face. She felt her own chest press against the other woman's as she did this. There was definite pressure in this contact, but it was certainly not an uncomfortable amount, in fact she imagined it was quite a pleasurable sensation for the both of them, and knew for a fact that she was at least half right.

"I'll accept your other offer as well, although I do have one final condition."

She closed the distance between their faces even more after this statement, until their lips were only inches apart.

"I'll seal our bargain with a kiss."

She had maintained eye contact from the time Mana had established it, but as she pressed her own lips against the other woman's she finally closed her eyes. Claire was an incredibly passionate kisser, something that most would say was obvious. Almost inevitably she garnered an equally passionate response when she became intimate with another, and at the moment she was both curious and eager to find out if this effect would occur now.

Afterwards she would slightly increase the distance between their faces and return the demon's previous smile.

"I hope this alliance will be fruitful for the both of us."

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Power Play - Page 2 Empty Re: Power Play

Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:40 pm

Power Play - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Without You - Word Count: N/A

The feeling of touch was something of an electric drug. The nerves in the body shot off pleasurable sensations of ecstasy which made a person lose themselves in the deep waters of another's warm embrace. To this end is how the perception of The Demon Queen's foul sense of touch could become something of an addiction as far as Mana was concerned. Indeed, as the Sueki Queen found herself becoming all but touchy-feely while coursing her hands across the pale ghost skin of Mana as each of their hands interlocked with one another, The Royal Asthavon knew that she herself could indulge in the carnal pleasures of finding excitement in another's body.

"Becoming quite familiar, aren't we, darling? Not that there isn't anything wrong with that."

Coy as ever, Mana couldn't help but poke fun at the circumstance in which the two Queens found themselves thrown into by the whims of the world. Of course, The Demon Queen's gem eyes never were the type to astray themselves from the vision in which they saw. And for this reason is why her emerald gaze fixed itself on Claire as she started to utter forth her conditions for the deal of their alliance. The first part of this arrangement Mana saw no qualms with. After all, if a deal isn't favorable for herself, The Demon Queen saw no reason to stick around and continue to get burned. 'Tis only a matter of survival instinct in her mind.

However, the second part of it was rather curious. Not because there was a strong attachment to this land, but rather due to the amount of investment held by Shadow Fall in this country. If there were no external influence, then one can assume that most of what they've built up in this nation may be discarded. Which, while grand as it may be in fantasy, probably wouldn't be the wisest move in terms of keeping the nation stabilized and strong. It is because of this line of thinking as to why Mana then interjected with her own thoughts on the matter to address these issues to be:

"It only makes sense that one would wish to retain the rights to back out of a bad deal. I myself have similar intentions if our own kind finds some type of endangerment from this arrangement."

Poised and calm, the placid smile of The Queen's relaxed demeanor indicated that there wasn't much hostility or pressure to be found behind her face. In fact, there was even a sense of closeness as Mana felt the larger bosom of the Sueki before her brush against her chest. It all ran back to that lightning filled shock of touch which all living beings with a pulse for lust yearned for. So, it was primal instinct and natural craving which made The Royal Asthavon begin to trail her hand across the breast of Claire before focusing in on her inquiries.

"I haven't much of an issue with you ruling this land, though where would that leave most of what we've imported and invested, dear? I wouldn't be too hasty to remove that as an ally since I wouldn't want the people we work alongside to be left with nothing."

Though, perhaps that question may just have to take a moment to rest and wait. For it seemed Claire grew even more worked up being in the presence of the murky depths that was Mana's embrace. Dissolving the boundaries between them, The Sueki sought to have the lips of the two Queens press against one another to savor the taste of this most foulest creature. There wasn't a negative reaction to be found from The Asthavon. Quite the opposite one might say. The gem green glow around her body grew to a vivid olive for a brief moment as the sounds of many children giggling echoed out in the world around them to express her delight at this moment.

"Of course, if you haven't a problem with that, I feel we can move things along quite quickly after this, don't you say?"

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Power Play - Page 2 Empty Re: Power Play

Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:19 pm

Power Play - Page 2 Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: 370

There was no protest from Claire as the Demon Queen moved her own hands along her body. This encounter had taken quite an interesting turn, and that was underselling it wildly. A devious smile crept across Claire's lips as this happened, in the end she was pleased with how this had turned out. It seemed that Mana did have more to say however, so she waited patiently for the other woman to speak. When she had finished Claire thought for a moment before she responded. She was thinking not only of how she would respond, but also if this was the best place to continue this discussion. Perhaps they should wait until they were somewhere more comfortable for the both of them. Finally, Claire did begin to speak.

"I can see your point, but perhaps we should iron out the fine details somewhere a bit more... relaxed. In my castle perhaps? It's not far from here. Or in yours if you'd prefer. I've done much more with my power today than I do normally, I could use a bit of a rest and a more inviting atmosphere if you're so inclined."

Claire wasn't entirely spent, but it was true that she was feeling some of the effects of having gone so overboard today. She may not be back to one hundred percent for a few days, but that didn't mean that her abilities wouldn't still be extremely potent. She imagined she would be fine if Mana turned down the invitation to retire to somewhere more cozy, but she certainly did hope that it was accepted. Not least on the list of reasons because she was craving the time to take a moment to bask in the rich emotional energy that was radiating over her, a feeling her body didn't seem to want to let her succumb to on the battlefield, for obvious reasons.

Her own body was still pressed tightly against Mana's, so she could feel every small movement the demon's body made as she slowly inhaled and then exhaled. It was actually quite comforting, strangely enough. She let her eyes trail downwards before once more returning her gaze towards Mana's own, maintaining eye contact while she awaited a response.

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Power Play - Page 2 Empty Re: Power Play

Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:33 pm

Power Play - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Without You - Word Count: N/A

If one were to indulge in the minty hot flavors of this evening, they'd find themselves unable to not give a smirk or two when the warmth of its ecstatic pleasures ran through their veins. And as to was the devious smile of Claire no different from this reality. It was a gesture which was not lost on this Queen of depravity as she fully gave a wicked, wide-toothed grin of her own back in exchange once all of the pleasantries between the two been finished and gone with the wind.

"Perhaps being out and about in the wild open isn't the greatest choice of venue for talks such as these. Very well...."

There was a snap of the fingers given after Mana's soothing voice echoed out into the reality around them. All it took was a matter of moments to conjure up a sigil beneath the two of them which was drenched in demonic energy. As this cluster of magic radiated a bright gem green glow, those emerald eyes of Mana darted themselves toward Claire once more as she started to have the two of them descend into its murky depths.

"...since you are getting your first wings as a person in power, I'll take you to a place where I got my wings in this realm: jolly ol' England~!"

And with that, there was no need for any further word. As it would take only mere seconds after those words were uttered for the both of them to be consumed by this vortex. Once they were within the depths of this collection of demonic magic, they'd be transported to The Queen's London Pae to further get accumulated with one another and begin feeling this most peculiar relationship out like the pair of freaks they were.

Power Play - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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