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A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty A Trial of Gotei Status

Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:40 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya had considered and thought about things a lot longer than most. He didn't know where the path fell or how things would go. His experience and age made him different from most as he knew time could make differences. In his homeland battle was akin to awakening and taking breathe. His hand's held imprints of his sword from the sheer amount of time spent training. He didn't release his spiritual pressure without reason. Often times handling things with a sense of caution. But it wasn't that as he'd done things most wouldn't think of. Tatsuya had once taken a sword to the gut to close the distance. It hurt like hell that much was clear. But something about pain and getting it excited him. His body tingled and he could feel closer to answers. He'd fought plenty before arriving upon a choice. To go to Tsubasa's place though he'd been told he would be tested. People always did like their tests and lists it seemed. Couldn't judge them for it really as Oda weren't much different in that sense.

He rubbed the back of his neck sitting at the meeting location. What sort of trial did he have to surpass just to join? He wasn't seeing himself near the level of Henrex or those here. His power hadn't found its path to unleashing yet. The keys to those shackles remained rather firmly planted shut. For now, at least that seemed to be the case and situation of it. Discovering the end of Mirja Eeola had been enlightening. Seeing the world for what it was had opened his eyes that Oda couldn't survive out there longer. Had one of these beings made the choice to come it would have been ugly. They'd not of been able to hold off Henrex let alone anyone stronger. He sensed that from Stefan and other's rather drastic measures were needed. As a Shogun people counted on him at home to be strong. He'd not realized how close they had been. Since battling Damien it was clear he'd stopped to focus on swordsmanship. Or some barbarian like the method of it from his homeland. He'd learned to fight with a sword from a rather intense principal. His body absorbed all done to it and let him grow as a warrior.

The beating from Stefan helped him unlock more of his power. Also, it helped in a few other ways along with his duel with Angel. Meeting her after Stefan had been useful. He began to remember thing's he had long since forgotten about. Things that were down to the sensation he felt in the blade that traveled through his fingertips. Feeling like the extension of his arm was traveling to the blade. These were what made him feel most at home. But this was a journey no longer belonging to Tsubasa. It now was his own and his student had left him a rather clear path to climb towards. He knew that the harder part of things would be providing something for others. What could he provide to this organization was a mental question. But for now, he'd await the representative coming to test him. What would the test be was the question in mind? Only time would explore the reality in its conclusion.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:28 pm

I'm being serious here!

Co-Captain of the Stealth Force


Rules and procedures were not words which came to mind when the average person thought about Kuro Okami. The man tended to over-interpret orders, and he had been reprimanded more than once in his time with the Gotei for violating some minor code or detail. The state of disarray in which he wore his captain's uniform was a perfect example.

The garb was dyed dark in numerous places, covered in stains. The stains centered at the Captain's stomach and chest areas. It was also riddled with cuts and burnt patches. Kuro could have commissioned a cleaner uniform... and yet, he never bothered to fill out the paperwork.

This uniform would be the most noticeable thing on the Shadow Shinigami's outfit when he finally emerged. Above Tatsuya's head, a falcon cried. On the ground, the shadow that falcon cast behaved... strangely. A dark line extended from the nearest building, a circular shadow stopping in front of where Tatsuya was standing.

White hair emerged from that pool of darkness, one hand shielding the eyes that emerged from the sunlight. For the figure that emerged, it appeared the light was unbearably harsh. The ruined Haori that the newcomer wore flapped about as he lowered his hand, adjusting to the light. His eyes focused on Tatsuya for a moment, before letting his gaze wander, looking this way and that.

"You look... younger than I thought you'd be." The voice of a young man greet Tatsuya. At last, Kuro appeared in full, lightly tugging at his own sleeve. He finally pulled the sleeve back, revealing his black and charred flesh of his upper torso on his right side. Undoing the garment with both hands, Kuro discarded it. His eyes glanced at the sky, wincing slightly once more from the light, before looking back at the Oda standing near him. One eye widened more, gripping the folds of his punishment force outfit. Pulling it back with his charred arm, Tatsuya could see a horrid scar, half a foot long on the man's chest.

"...A Captain Commander... did this to me..." Kuro informed him, closing his eyes as he released his cloak, concealing the wound once again. "But.. I still believe in what the Gotei does, their mission... They're my home, my family.. No matter what demons we harbor... no matter how much I have to... sacrifice." Kuro's eyes shifted, pulling out his blade. "There are two ways I can give you the recommendation that you're looking for..." Kuro turned the blade over in his hands, focused entirely on it, no longer looking at Tatsuya.

"You can show me your ability in combat..." Kuro stated dispassionately, looking Tatsuya over, before finally meeting his eyes. Kuro's black orbs betrayed no emotion, just a sort of... hollowness. Like he had not slept in days, but had no issue with that. Or... that he was intensely ill. A minute spark entered into his eyes as he continued to speak, putting both hands on his Zanpakuto's hilt. "Or... I can scar you. Try to... well, kill you... Put your body into a near-death state, without delivering the killing blow... See how well you can take it. how much you believe in what the Gotei does... If you still want to join the Gotei after going through that... I'll support you for any position you like. You'll always have my backing." A kind of darkness filled his gaze, but not a malicious one. An.. expectant one.

As he spoke those words, he appeared to be disinterested still, on the whole... but it was like he was just barely holding back a depraved expression. Not on purpose was that state being held back; but by Kuro's own ethics. This is what Kuro had been thinking about leading up to this meeting. Tatsuya could go through the process normally, or he could become emotionally attached to this place, what it stood for... at least...

That was how Kuro saw it...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:51 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

So this was his tester his eyes studied him closely. Taking in each detail of the scar and even knowing it's delivered. Tsubasa had done that and it didn't take him long to realize it. He listened quietly and calmly to the man who said he would wound him fatally as an option. So injury was the path to joining the place he was in luck. He could have fought him and taken on the strong man who wore the garb of a leader. That wasn't within doubt to Tatsuya as his orbs stared. He appeared younger as he slowly undid the top of his kimono revealing a body of scars and injuries which should have ended in death. "It's an interesting thing, despite my youthful appearance. This body betrays it so often with its image which frightens so many." Tatsuya could already hear his zanpakuto roaring up a protest about it. Fighting wasn't the answer in this case or place. Tatsuya's strength would be misplaced here. He was a durable man and could take punishment. The buildings and what not in this area weren't sturdy and lives weren't. Tatsuya had always been observant of these things and made sure to use his power in the right circumstances. So it was going to be a test of his resolve and taking of pain. He'd never jeopardize something as precious as lives in this area. Farmers and many people relied on crops and other things. People with power had to exercise it properly. Tatsuya learned that lesson the hard way long ago and chose his battlefields meticulously. He paused for a moment looking upward as he closed his eyes. Tsubasa had left a scar on this man and organization. His purpose in joining was to see just how far behind his people were. His followers and loved ones needed it, as he began to steel himself. Tatsuya's eyes opened as he looked at Kuro. "Go ahead and strike me, my power is ill-suited to fighting in this location." Tatsuya said those words calmly as he'd been hit. By beasts such as Tsubasa and Damien among many others. Did that mean Kuro would be lacking in his prowess to damage him?

No not in the slightest sense of it, this man could wound him. He could hurt him and beat the living hell out of him. Tatsuya grabbed the image precious to him in his mind as he exhaled a breath. Pain, when you got right down to it, wasn't that important. It was something people lived with day in and day out. Nothing else was important when it came to it. Tatsuya's entire life was pain and suffering. He didn't project it to others but instead endured it himself to protect from it. His eyes didn't lack an emotion but had a burning fire in them. Motivation to take the beating coming without giving in. The question could be asked why he elected to take hits instead of fight. Tatsuya's body was a canvas of scars and injuries from wars and battles. He'd fought his entire life to survive and prove himself to someone. Kuro was kind enough to give him the second option he'd be happy to take. Some could call it a fear or a coward if they wanted.

Strength wasn't shown by just being a swinging sword or something of that nature. Occasionally you had to be a mountain before those around you. To protect his beliefs and ideals it was best to grab on to something. Sachiko and Kagami needed him to be strong in this situation. He didn't rush and grab power like Tsubasa his student or Damien had. He wasn't born with a natural talent or a gift for anything. He was a man who worked and trained till every fiber of him fell over. Skin fell off his body from the training and exercises he did. So when this chance would come the hardened warrior didn't mind it. Being a Bulwark for the Gotei wouldn't be something hard as he studied their laws. They were simple and perhaps something he could use as a Shogun. To show people of Oda how to truly change and evolve from the dark age. That would be his step and goal he took through the long run. Tatsuya didn't have a high I.Q or insane levels of intelligence to rely on. He wasn't going to be the strongest of the Gotei.

That wasn't his ambition, his ambition was to leave a mark on this world and place. To positively affect and change lives for those struggling. To give them one glimmer of hope beyond the gloomy skies. To show them the sunrise that could be if given the slightest chance. Compared to that a few more injuries a couple more times almost dying. That was a good trade-off for him, these are the flames Kuro would witness of resolve. Tatsuya was more than willing to take pain and injury upon himself. To let the Rukongai bare witness to his trial of the entrance to this place. He didn't care where he ended up or how it came about. Rank and position meant nothing to him truly. He'd work as hard he always had no matter if he was merely a grunt or a leader. Tatsuya was what one could call a workaholic who would do things till the end of time. Hard work would always overcome the brilliant genius in his book. Prodigy and such words were stupid things that didn't have much meaning.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:37 pm

I'm being serious here!

Co-Captain of the Stealth Force


Kuro blinked, seeing the scars that the man had. Someone, or a lot of someones, had missed their mark. Looks like a lot of sloppy work to me. The Captain thought to himself, examining them much more closely than most people would probably have been comfortable with.

For Kuro Okami, the question was not one of terrain. He was a Captain of the Stealth Force. He could operate in nearly any conditions, attack under any circumstances. His skill with his particular form of shadow technique was a sight to behold. A sight that Tatsuya seemed eager to see.

"Understood." The man who was considerably shorter than Tatsuya replied, putting both hands out in front of himself. There were not many things which could really capture Kuro's attention. However, the sight of a figure willing to undergo pain for what he wanted... that captured the Shinigami's attention.

Purpose. The man had a purpose for what he did, the way that he acted, the pains he was willing to go through. Kuro could not decide if he felt glad or upset over that fact. In truth, he lacked the words to properly describe those feelings. His heart beat in his chest as he looked at Tatsuya, with his full focus.

Kuro developed habits, more out of necessity than purpose. The raw killing intent that Tatsuya's ego was rocked with was a perfect example of one of those habits. Kuro did not do it consciously; but the way his mouth grimaced, his body tilting forwards, his battered and beaten Haori billowing about in the wind.

Tatsuya's thoughts may have been of hope and the future, but the presence of the Shadow Shinigami may have been enough to snap him out of that. Kuro's fingers worked around his blade, unsheathing it with Iaijutsu as he released the handle, tossing the balde up and into the air.

Kuro's hands fell to either side of his body, still looking directly at Tatsuya. Both eyes examined every fiber of the man's being, before finally acquiring his target. He was here to inflict pain. He was not looking to torture. That meant that drilling was out. He then considered a multiple location attack. Maybe something that created scissor-like blows along the man's wrists, lips, and ankles, while dealing the most potent blow directly to his stomach.

That was the option which Kuro would have preferred for such a situation; but he was dealing with a trained individual. Finally, he made a decision.

"Everyone leaves a shadow... Akai no me Kuroi.. Inu."

Kuro's hands both opened, as the sword falling onto his head dispersed, flowing as a dark cloud into his shadow. Out of the shadow, two more clouds appeared, and in both of Kuro's hands now lay a dagger. "...and now..." Kuro looked upwards towards the sky, crossing both arms over his chest.

The shadows in the area shook, Kuro's own shadow sliding up his legs, covering his entire body. The dark mass continued to build from Kuro's own energy reserves, writhing and struggling to escape his mental control but unable to break free.

At last, Kuro felt it; the shadows beginning to slide back into himself. At that moment, he threw both arms to the side, attempting to perform hoho rapidly. Captured within the high speed movement, the dark energy erupted, black streaks shooting out around Kuro's body like bolts of dark lightning. For several feet around Kuro's body, the ground shattered, as if smacked.

At last, the red color of the star-shaped scar on his forehead came back into view. Standing there, bolts of the dark energy continued trying to escape from Kuro's exposed skin, but appeared to be reined in by something, returning to the man's body each time.

Kuro's lips actually formed into a smile, looking at Tatsuya as he moved his shoulders this way and that, appearing like some huge weight had been taken off of his chest. "I've decided to use both my weapons in the attack. This is the last time I'll ask: are you certain you want to go through with this?" Kuro's typically dry tone actually seemed to have a bit of... life behind it. Like eagerness. He seemed genuinely happy about Tatsuya's decision, and just wanted to make sure he was still alright with it after seeing the state in which Kuro would be attacking him...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:40 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

His eyes were like a stone this killing intent was something to behold. It was staring into a void of something new and perhaps old. Tatsuya's warrior days were beginning and he didn't know when he'd finish to his goal. But his expression was hard like many warriors could be. He'd chosen pain over combat and perhaps someday he'd face off against Kuro. "I have one request, strike anywhere on the front of my body. Marks on the back are dishonorable for a swordsman." Tatsuya said his lips curling into a grin. He had a nickname back in the old lands he hailed from. The Outlands Madman, he was willing to take punishment and pain. To endure unspeakable amounts of it to the point he was drenched in blood. Did he need to clasp on to hope and something akin to fate to survive this encounter? Kuro would bring him pain and use both weapons to do so. He didn't know if the Captain understood his meaning. But if it was declined it was fine as well, he'd been impaled from behind before. This was what was needed to get his name on the lips of those who mattered. To show he wouldn't only fight people but do something even more. He would step into the darkness and face the void. His eyes held a resolve and almost level of preparation for pain few had. His body wasn't normal either as those eyes would find out. It was time to see what kind of destiny he would have in this world. Fifteen Hundred Years was something that could define a man after a while. But this was a chance to show them all the resolve someone from his land had. The chance to make an impression for Sachiko and Kagami. So that when they came to this world they'd come on good graces. He'd not move from this spot as he stood awaiting the pain. The feeling that had been put on his body for so many years. Cut his limbs off, blow him up or even impale him everywhere. Tatsuya's resolve wouldn't be broken so easily by mere pain. Men had to learn to endure hardship and this was no different. No different from swinging till his hand bled from it.

This was reality knocking and ready to show him. He'd had a match with Stefan to open his eyes. This would open them further and allow him to see. Just what it was his body could accomplish here. Willingness and accepting pain were rare traits in people. Tatsuya knew few back homes who would take a blade to the gut. But he was willing to be impaled and even lose limbs if need be. That was the strength of devotion to this new path he held. His resolve and lack of kido skills were an issue. Many mocked him at home for not having skill in kido and only physical attributes. He wished to see how many different zanpakuto's and techniques were here. It was all very exciting for him as he kept himself calm. It was almost impossible to shield excitement from his blood. His body felt as though it was boiling from it all. The pain would be inflicted soon and perhaps give new scars to his canvas. Tatsuya didn't mark himself or request this kind of punishment.

This was the tales of his homeland written across his body. Scars dating back to being but a child. To some coming recently from misadventures with his troops. Even so an age-old one across his nose from Damien. Tatsuya did have a long journey of discovery ahead of him. Fighting people stronger and faster was always exciting to him. Boredom was the main downside to New Honoji. That land didn't know the truth and reality of this world. He was a combative man who fought most of the time. Though lacking kido and skill in that field he was developing himself. Changing and growing stronger on this journey if only slightly. He was beginning to see horizons previously not there. Kuro was someone he'd likely lose in combat too, but it would prove an exciting fight. That was something he couldn't help but acknowledge. Strong enemies and a world vastly unexplored await him, all he had to do was be beaten to near death. To show that he had the teeth to grit for this pain to come. He'd of gladly given up limbs and perhaps organs for this.

Tatsuya's resolve was a staggering thing and the hardened body stood ready for the onslaught that Kuro had promised him. Unblinking and unwavering steel like demeanor would await whatever assault would come. This was by far an acceptable outcome. He was ready and willing to dive deep into pain and suffering and see what waited. What depths of pain could Kuro bring him, would he stab out his eyes. Rip out his tongue or perhaps take fingers and toes off. This would be an interesting experience for both of them. Kuro would learn the depth of pain endurance Tatsuya held. Not to mention levels of Focus to turn off the pain. To Focus so intently that pain seemed almost forgotten. This would be his moment to show the Gotei Captain just what type of man he was. Most men would fold but he could only anticipate and await with a smile on his face. Few men could smile during coming pain, it wasn't pleasure or anything like that. It was just the way of Tatsuya.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:44 am

I'm being serious here!

Co-Captain of the Stealth Force


No hits in the back...? ...Even though it's much better designed for taking punishment, particularly compared to the stomach or crotch... Kuro's eyes closed for a moment, before giving Tatsuya a small nod as he continued building up his energy. He was plenty used to cutting down others. That was the reason he could feel the difference from this man. He appeared to have resolve. In some ways, that made Kuro's skin crawl. Perhaps he was envious of it. A shadow was created by an absence of light; but light was created by a constant outpour of warm energy...

As the black waves of energy surged outwards from Kuro's body, he examined his body once more. There and... His eyes slid over the side of Tatsuya's stomach, before moving down to his left thigh. There.

Kuro had faith that this man would not be slain by his attack. The blow in his leg would be completely genuine; nothing reduced. The one in his stomach would drive against as many nerves as possible, but only graze the organ itself. It would be using Kuro's dominant hand, however.

At last, the man was ready. His dark eyes gazed at Tatsuya's, meeting his gaze directly as his shadowy energy began to dim the light around them, one single foot pressing forward. Kuro's bloodlust surged forwards, his eyes narrowing as every muscle in his body tensed, and then loosened. Like a cat preparing to spring, he was lining up his assault.

Not a single word was spoke as his legs pushed off the ground, shadowy substance surging around each blade in his hands. This surging energy pushed back down in on itself, forming very clear blades. If Tatsuya were observant enough, he would be able to notice tiny sparks of darkness coursing off Kuro's weapons. This was from his shadow manipulation sharpening and reinforcing his weapons as he charged.

At last, Kuro's right foot planted itself on Tatsuya's left side. Both arms drew the weapons back, the black energy now directly in front of Tatsuya as Kuro's whole body flared with shadow.

All around the Shadow Shinigami's body, the electric-like shadows surged back into his body, as he weighted himself down. The muscles in Kuro's arms bulged out, the physical prowess of Shadow Shunko pushing through the extra weight as Kuro drove his blow home.

One blade shredded against Tatsuya's stomach, the reinforced shadow that possessed the blade ripping about like a chainsaw. This effect was only a few millimeters around the blade itself, Kuro's control on full display.

Meanwhile, Kuro's other hand descended with purpose, both sharpened weapons ripping, tearing, and cutting at Tatsuya's flesh. Kuro's enhanced weight would prevent his weapons from getting pushed back just by Tatsuya's defenses, Kuro's arms straining.

Most likely, if Kuro's weapons pentrated correctly, he would shortly after draw them out. If they could not make it through, the energy would surge harder around his body, dragging both weapons about three inches across Tatsuya's body, causing extensive damage on the outside of his body.

Once the act was complete, Kuro would withdraw, taking two steps back. The shadow had dispersed from his blades, though he did not cease his interpretation of Shunko. Most likely, some amount of blood would be dripping along his swords, onto the concrete of the ground below. His red eyes searched Tatsuya, awaiting some kind of action, some kind of response, looking at the man who most likely was now severely wounded.

"...You shouldn't have to worry about getting a disease... shadow doesn't get dirty."


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Trial of Gotei Status  Empty Re: A Trial of Gotei Status

Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:37 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

With his request accepted only a single thing remained. Tot take the pain promised and endure whatever came. But Tatsuya didn't claim an ordinary status as the man planned his attacks. Tatsuya decided to hold a conversation with him, it was for arrogance but a genuine desire to know. What was this Gotei and what were those people here like? He knew of what Tsubasa told him but the pupil's eyes had been tainted. The descriptions given couldn't be taken for anything more than simply the tales of a bitter man. Tatsuya couldn't look at them as much beyond that in the scope of it. "Tell me of the Gotei, what are they like?" Tatsuya didn't care about pain or even really mind it that much. The pain wasn't something physical but something beyond that. The true pain would be the failing of those dear to him to go backward to be spit on by his people. To so completely falter near the beginning of a journey and lose himself. His muscles contracted and held as he didn't blink about the leg. It didn't mean the leg didn't hurt or cause him pain. It was certainly the case as his body ached from it. But this was only a beginning in the prologue of pain. There wasn't anywhere near the epilogue or climax of this. The pain was something acceptable easily endured. "What are the famous Court Guard Squads like, we hear of you in the outland." He finished his statement as the blade met his chest and cut into him. The first thing Kuro would feel is the skin specially designed for such. But Susanno as Tsubasa called it fell. The next part and this would catch Kuro's attention. His muscles were perhaps the craziest thing. His skin's density and body was almost like dragon scales. His muscle every step of the way would be catching Kuro's blade as it cut. It would cut but only stop every few seconds. Tatsuya's body was tough and been put through situations few others had encountered. His expression remained strangely enough to calm and perhaps keeping a demeanor few others could.

Blood dripped down his chest as the mark joined hundreds of others. Tatsuya's face remained cool and somehow used to it. This was a training in some ways to prepare his body. Punishment and enduring the worlds worst was something. He could be the man in the front protecting dreams. "Ah, it's...nostalgic you know...I once fought Tsubasa and Damien as a younger man. Both long surpassed me in power. He said standing up straight as his body bled a bit more from it. He didn't mind the pain as he grinned a bit. " resolve to bring Sachiko and Kagami a future remains undaunted." His eyes held a resolve that was strong. It was like gazing into an inferno of prowess merely waiting. Tatsuya held fifteen hundred years worth of experience. His knowledge and journey were written on his body. "You see, Okami-san. I can't write books or invent fancy gadgets. My legacy is entirely based on the actions I make..Good, Bad, or perhaps somewhere in that middle. Show me that edge of death Okami-san, it's been long since I've viewed death's visage. " Tatsuya said softly.

He didn't mean to get so chatty with a man who'd come to test him. Tatsuya's manners were good despite being old fashioned. He did show respect to the Captain of his Division. Tatsuya couldn't do much else but endure whatever pain was going to come. Kuro did not ask him questions or say anything aside from infections. Tatsuya didn't mind infection or pain in that regard. He wasn't going to sit silently as he wanted to know. What was this world he was emerging himself into? What was he diving into and what sort of impact would it have. Tatsuya's expression remained unchanged. This was going to be good for whatever it was worth. Sachiko and Kagami would yell at him later for this action he chose. But people lived here and had lived in this region. He'd not put there homes and crops to the torch just for a test. That wasn't how Tatsuya would act in this regard.

Innocent civilians would bring about no honor. They weren't meant to suffer the after-effects of battle. The goal was to create a place that this didn't happen. His power was unsuited to the aspect of fighting here. This was a promising adventure and perhaps he truly would see death's face again. Tatsuya had a perceived notion of what it looked like. Though he guessed perhaps it was just that a notion. Often times his body held out longer than most peoples. Something about his sheer desire and hold on the pain itself. Allowed him to push despite the difference in power. He was willing to stand here and take punishment. So this land wouldn't burn into cinders around him. Amaterasu despite her beauty and love was dangerous. She was far too potent for these homes. Volcanos are a beautiful thing but only are seen in tragedy. Perhaps that would be the legacy he left behind as well. One of the tragedies that would become a guide for those after him again. He'd failed one student and friend from those days thus far.
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