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They Call this the Big Apple? Empty They Call this the Big Apple?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:23 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

He'd made a lot of trips going around the world now. Tatsuya made one final promise to Tsubasa to discover the truth. To find out what happened to Mirja the day she died and leading up to it. Not much could be dug up aside from using old-fashioned detective work. Which is hard when you have a poor sense of direction. But you got to make due with what you have in the long end. Tatsuya was an unknown figure to many beings in this regard. He didn't showcase immense power or do anything unusual. His trips around this world they called the living had led him many places. His infamous scars were just scars here. Tatsuya's facial features had two defining ones one across his nose that had been deep enough from Damien. Then one from a few other battles came across his cheek and below his ear by a small bit. His body was marked up in several ways leaving people something amazing. But this city why did they call it the Big Apple? He didn't see anything to do with apples anywhere in this place. If anything it should be named the big crowded noisy city.

Tatsuya couldn't figure somethings out as he found his way to the park within it. Sitting down slowly he took in the details of the tree line. He'd been searching for Mirja's killer and what happened almost with an undying determination. He got to know her story and understand where she came from. She deserved peace and as did her adoptive brother in the long run. He'd likely close his investigation of it soon as he sat there. He didn't know what to make of this larger world as it seemed to have issues. Organizations and factions were everywhere and squabbles over land were a known thing. So how did this place and the people within it remain so clam? He guessed it was something he couldn't really put a finger on the pulse of. Tatsuya's body was muscled enough that any mugger or people who came at him would find him challenging. But his features did enough scarring off for people truthfully. He'd of been a handsome man if not for the majority of scars and Oda curse.

But that was the least of his problems really. Tatsuya rubbed at his jawline thinking about the situation clearly. The Unabara couldn't be brought back from this not as a Family. Perhaps as an independent faction or maybe they should just disappear into the pages. Tatsuya's inclination's aside the main issue was finding the information here. This place was under Shadow Fall's leadership. Aside from Demonic energy being pretty potent in this area, it seemed peaceful. The economy was in good shape and he didn't see people having sex on the sidewalks and acting inhumanely here. That is a point ahead of what home had to offer as that was pretty common. Unless a Shogun put things off limit those savages only had desires in them. Tatsuya could only lean back on the strange seat. It was made of a marble and so were other tables in the area. Such an interesting choice to make tables and things with. One would figure it would be a rather rough thing to make work for what you wanted.

None the less this journey of his would be ending soon. Destinations were unknown till the arrival at such a juncture. That was the thing that would stand out the most for him. The ending meant closure for Tsubasa's journey. But for him, it meant a beginning of his own to discover something. The Emperor was nowhere near close to them in power. Tatsuya was still the strongest fighter and in this place that meant nothing. It was like saying you owned a leather ball in a county full of them. The title's and reputation were null and void in this world. A small fish in an ocean of other beings.Such an exciting principal he could almost salivate for it.

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They Call this the Big Apple? Left_bar_bleue128100/999999They Call this the Big Apple? Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

They Call this the Big Apple? Empty Re: They Call this the Big Apple?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:14 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Sometimes the answers run to use and leave an impression, wait no this was a girl. She was a little thing compared to Tatsuya as he was muscles and size mostly. When she bumped into him it would be compared to hitting a brick wall. Tatsuya was a well-structured man as he reached down slowly and gently touched the girl's arm. His digits gripped her shoulder he lifted and pulled her to her feet with ease. "Don't worry about it, this place is crowded." He said smiling as he used the strength to place her down. The girl didn't feel like she was heavy to him though most people didn't. Tatsuya wasn't sure if she was looking for something though. He guessed they both held that part in common. Tatsuya's mahogany eyes looked her over. Stopping now on the large pair of scissors she wielded as a weapon. He supposed that was a rather common thing she must have gotten. Sachiko used a pair of chopsticks for a while. Though Kagami also had a rather odd desire to fight using only a ribbon for a while. So in terms of uncommon, he'd seen some odd shit. But the question was raised he was here to think about Mirja a bit further. To look at the world that killed her. "Mirja, you really did come to interesting places." Tatsuya said aloud not really thinking about it. Talking to himself was common since it passed the time truthfully. Sometimes he forgot that somethings were meant to be thoughts. But on the other hand who cared about the poor wolf girl. Ulv was the only one who'd given him a solid clue thus far. So now it raised a few questions were these demons poison? Tsubasa indicated they weren't all bad or trustworthy either. But from what he saw here they tended to their flock well. Never once did they consume these humans out of turn. The people moved like the days were normal and nothing was wrong. He could admire such a specialized way of taking a place in. Tatsuya's trust of the Gotei was limited due to his impressions of them. They didn't strike him as someone who could be trusted.

Tatsuya's gaze awoke more as he looked over the female. Taking in the demoness with more fine detail. The energy she put off wasn't similar to anything he'd seen a tone of. So was she a specialized kind of demonic being or something else? This wasn't his first time encountering a being of her race. It was a strange sensation akin to prickling across his skin. He always found this an enjoyable feeling as he stood in her presence. Tatsuya didn't have tremendous power to display or show off here. He didn't detect a threat from her yet or anything dangerous. She'd not come to do anything bad far as he could tell. As for when he helped her up it was almost like he put her to her feet. Tatsuya's strength in one arm had never been measured but one of his troops said often. Tatsuya's blows sound like thunder and cannon fire almost. The amount of force he generates when not trying too is highly explosive. "Still don't get why they call it the Big Apple, I mean it's more a noisy city with tall buildings.."

Tatsuya said remarking to the girl with the scissors he'd just met. Something dawned on him now a bit more as he looked at her again from the buildings. "I am Tatsuya Oda, nice to meet you." He knew some manners from the sticks introducing himself. Tatsuya didn't have the nature of most around here as he looked at each one. They were different and running their lives as though nothing was happening. Nobody even stopped to say why is a Japanese tv show guy here. Or why is a girl from Clock Tower Horror in this place as another one? Well regardless of these people were about as aware as a blind and deaf dog. It was interesting to bump into someone who had some power. It would make this more interesting in the long run. His hunger for answers was lingering on the surface, this girl would be interesting. He got the feeling of that just from glancing at her appearance. She was different from the sheep and even other demons here, the question was how.
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They Call this the Big Apple? Left_bar_bleue128100/999999They Call this the Big Apple? Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

They Call this the Big Apple? Empty Re: They Call this the Big Apple?

Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:20 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

While it could be said he was brick, he gently patted her head. He noticed her emotions change when he said the name. She clearly had a deep and meaningful connection to Mirja. Perhaps she was the one to ask about her and figure things out. He waited to make sure she was alright letting her use his chest as she needed. Tatsuya didn't mind a woman against his chest as it didn't bother him. As for her energy that felt more homely if he were asked, though the danger was alluring. To people around them, it was a line not to cross. He listened to her question about how he knew Mirja. Tatusya rubbed at his chin for a moment deciding how best to give the girl the short version. Somethings didn't come easy no matter how you explained it. How do you tell someone you taught the man who fought many Demons. Had killed hundreds without a second thought. Those sort of things didn't go away without a problem. They were the sort of things that required a delicate touch. Too bad he was lousy at delicate.

"I knew a member of the family she belonged too. He was deeply hurt and I wanted to find him closure."

Tatsuya could offer such an answer only barely when it came to it. He'd not mention Tsubasa to her or those around him here yet. His understanding of the situation required work. If her energy didn't scare it away his appearance would of. She had a potent energy that one could feel through their bones. This was, of course, something that couldn't be denied. But he'd been around such things so long perhaps immune wasn't the word. It was more he'd developed a healthy resistance to those sort of things. Tatsuya listened to the last question the girl had for him thinking before responding. She'd asked why he was looking into Mirja and it was a fair question. She'd been dead for some time and why would someone open these wounds. Tatsuya wished to provide one person closure and a family such. But he couldn't deny that it was a selfish reason.

"I'm trying to give closure to family and someone dear to me. To help him understand something he didn't look for."

Tatsuya said softly finishing the sentence as he wondered how much Mirja was the blame of this. Inami and Mirja's situation didn't feel right in his gut. Something happened within the Gotei, he smelled a rat. He wasn't sure of the details of the rat but something felt off. Was it politics behind the scene that hid beneath the surface of it all? Perhaps something more elusive was going on here when it came to the enemies. Was there a war within going on here as well under the noses? Tatsuya would need to find something to begin his study of it. He couldn't be sure but something about the situation felt wrong. Tsubasa wasn't the type to leave a fight unfinished no matter the person. That was his take away, so the only option was to drag this thing into the light. Kicking and screaming if he had to do so that would be the case. Tatsuya didn't mind being on the bad side of the Gotei or anyone that much.
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