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Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman Empty Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman

Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:12 am

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

This wasn't a journey for Tsubasa anymore he needed to see something. How outclassed was he who devoted his entire life to swordsmanship by one out here? He'd heard murmurs on the lips of people the name of the Soan family. A clan fo sword fanatic's who was born and died by the blade alone. Damien was a member of the clan's ranks it would have seemed. But another one existed known as Stefan Soan, he was a former leader of an organization known as Monsuta. Not much was known about him aside from his outstanding use of a blade. Tatsuya had spent fifteen hundred years learning the sword and everything he could with it. Accomplishing feats at home that seemed massive. He was the strongest warrior in those lands, but out here he was a small fish in an ocean. It excited him to find out he wasn't the strongest anymore. Talent is a lie in itself, he wasn't born a good swordsman. He spent hours training with weapons and practicing. Fighting on battlefields and refining his technique over and over again.

He didn't understand the man Stefan though that well. Differing reports and even Tsubasa knew little of the man. He didn't have Tsubasa's speed or so-called natural talent. What he did have was something he considered better in all aspects. The willingness to learn and put forth the untold amount of time to improve. He knew the issue or at least part of it had to do with a reluctance to draw his sword and use the powers he was born with. Tatsuya understood better than most that power must be tampered properly. Each city he roamed through it was the same you'd just missed him or something along those lines. The truth was at this point he simply just kept walking through countries. Europe was the name of the place he was in. But he didn't know where exactly he was since he wasn't good at keeping track of those things. So at this point, he could have been anywhere and unaware of it. The place did seem a bit more empty over all this time as he walked from place to place. Stopping only to practice his routine a bit with a sword as he did have time to do it.

Finding his way to a beach he stretched his arms outward and sighed a bit. Letting his hand lightly touch his zanpakuto's hilt. He drew the blade softly from its sheath revealing the quality and make of it. Its hamon line glistening in the light revealing itself to be very similar if not known as a Muramasa blade from Feudal Japan. With a mirror-based hamon line. Breathing control began slowly as he made sure to use his nose to ventilate the air properly. Before delivering a strike that sounded like an explosion going off. His sword swing was proper and one practiced thousands of times a day. The wave as it crashed was broken by the slash. He didn't aim at the landscape or people but out to the open sea. The strike had been a vertical cut that shifted into a cross slash down from the right shoulder to the left hip of his invisible target. Going through motions was alright as he readied himself again for another strike.

Tatsuya was known for raw strength alone and his search for the strongest Swordsman would wait for now. He had to keep himself sharp if he was to meet this man. It would be rude to bring anything less than one's best before such a person. Swordsman understood it better than most of what was required of them. A blade didn't lie as it was a window to the soul of a person. Showing the depths of their heart and even more the clash of ideas for all around them.

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Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman Empty Re: Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman

Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:19 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's gaze looked disappointed at his swordplay there. It wasn't nearly clean enough or remotely what he wanted. His strength was overwhelming the blade and it took away. Tatsuya was physically a rather potent force in that regard. His swordsmanship while above his protege for the most part. Did lack the finesse portion of things. He didn't get the chance to fight good warriors or swordsman to refine his edge against. He fought against savages and that's what dulled his edge. His eyes peered at the blade as though thinking about it. Every strike required a thought or a hundred to think about. It wasn't just something you dove in without consideration. Swordsmanship wasn't fancy techniques or such nonsense it was goals and results. Kill or be killed was the name of the game back home. So the results were important there also. Tatsuya sighed softly running a hand through his hair as he envied the caliber of enemies Tsubasa must have faced. He was dealing with a small fry and people who didn't push his limitations.

But his thoughts weren't his own for long as he snapped from them. This man who stood before him wasn't normal. He could sense it, this was one who didn't go by the standard means. "I am, I am guessing that makes you Stefan Soan the legendary swordsman. News get's around fast I guess."This man did have that vibe about him something reminding him of Damien. But times a thousand almost. It made him want to laugh and scream out loud that he finally found one. Someone he could face and likely not even come close to beating. In terms of swordplay, this guy was well beyond him. "Sorry for the abrupt nature of this, but let's have a duel. I want to see the swordsmanship of the best in the world." He said his mouth grinned almost like a dog showing its teeth. Tatsuya was excited as he turned to face the man now exhaling a breath slowly. Controlling his breathing because he expected blows from this guy wouldn't be light things.

His normal stuff would work, styles were irrelevant before someone like this. What it took was something else otherwise you'd fall. Stefan Soan was something no one back home remotely came close too. Tatsuya was their strongest warrior and if this was the case. They were utterly screwed because of the mental blockage. Hopefully, it didn't prevent a good battle. Sachiko would have been scolding him for not introducing himself better. For being a sword nut who only wanted to fight strong enemies. This was how he communicated and fought with people. Tatsuya didn't have answers for everything. But one key thing was noticeable for him this was an entirely different ocean. Big fish at home were like minnows before those here. Most would have cowered or lost the will but he wasn't most. Tatsuya only got excited when finding out stronger enemies were out there. Stefan was confirmation of one thing for sure, the man was much stronger. He didn't read reiatsu or see signs of it in the clouds.

Warriors got a sense of when they are outmatched. And let's just say this was the equivalent of a minnow fighting a shark. But that was exciting in that of itself, Tatsuya knew he was out of his league. But that was the best place to start learning something. If you want to beat the best you have to see it first and foremost. Tatsuya would fight the most challenging warriors he could during wars. Despite being outmatched and outgunned almost every single time. How far could he take this duel if Stefan felt willing to humor him? He didn't know if Shikai would be a good idea. Due to the size and destructive force perhaps it was better to rely on his swordplay alone. Maybe Dragon Slayer Mode would be his best choice in this encounter. No couldn't blow his chances of fighting the man all at once. He'd need time to feel him out and figure out what style the guy used. It would be a hell of a lot more difficult then any sword wielder he'd encountered thus far. Tatsuya may have taught Tsubasa but that didn't make him better.

It just meant he gave pointers and understood certain things. This was simply one of those things. Sink or swim was the name of this game he'd do his best to swim against Stefan Soan.

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Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman Empty Re: Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman

Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:30 am

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

The suitable answer for the man holding the title of the strongest. The pressure the moment he gripped that weapon was fantastic. Nothing compared to facing a strong enemy before him. But this was different even though that wasn't the traditional weapon. He knew well enough that the man was going to be difficult to defeat. In terms of swordplay, a couple spots were good locations. But how many allowed him to defend after attacking. Did he overwhelm the man with immense power bringing it down on him? No that wasn't even a good joke, this guy's body was in fantastic shape. At best he guessed he could try and fight him with what he had. Like a child trying to beat a grown man's ass was the best way to describe it. Tatsuya brought both arms to wrap around his zanpakuto's hilt. So the choices were pretty simple in this regard he could try a horizontal slash. And use raw power or he could try vertical. The man didn't provide many openings and this could be described as sort of interesting thing.

Even Tsubasa and many other's he'd clashed with had openings. This feeling of a lack of openings was a problem. So the waiting around wasn't gonna get anything done. Tenacity was one thing but he intended to be aggressive against Stefan from the beginning. He grinned a bit at the tension in his neck as he pivoted forward. Deciding to use his version of kierudo, but something was strange. His swordplay hadn't witnessed many strong enemies. Bringing down his blade the sound similar to a cannon went off as it came down at an angle. To cut near were the neck and right shoulder met. He always aimed to kill when it came to a battle of this nature. Nothing else suited him better and he'd fight till he couldn't any longer. He suspected this to be blocked, however. Though he'd not of been surprised of the man to stop it with his body or energy. Stefan hadn't shown any reason for Tatsuya to know such a thing. But the man had this air about him that couldn't be defined in words. His reputation as the world's greatest swordsman was known.

This meant he had to be stronger than the one who created that crater. Meaning that the man could do totally bonkers things as though second nature. As his blade came down what sensation would he feel? Would he feel the familiar cutting sensation or something blocking it? Would the weapon of choice be aimed at his ribs or something of value there? It mattered little he was ready to showcase whatever he could to the man before him. Even losing a battle like this would give him a chance to get stronger. It didn't matter how often he lost he would return to fight him again and again. Swordsman was prideful in a way, but Tatsuya didn't care about those things. This was a matter of seeing how far he had to go. How low on the ladder of swordsman was he? Had Tsubasa truly surpassed him in the only thing he cared about? If that was the case then perhaps this would serve him well. To break the shackles that bound him in such a pathetic way before everyone.

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Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman Empty Re: Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman

Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:21 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's first understanding of the difference in skill and power became clear. He'd been subject to weaklings his entire life. It took quite a bit of strength to not lose the sword entirely. He'd of lost it and his footing completely if not careful. That was the problem he had his footing and stance were crap. The attack wasn't good either, in essence, he was starting to see it. Tatsuya's hand wouldn't let go of his sword despite being knocked wide. He was going to lose balance for the sake of not giving up his weapon. This was going to be costly and he knew it as he took the shots. They were heavier then he expected. As he winced for a moment feeling his body take in the damage. It wasn't much in terms of raw power so the question was what kind of stance did the man have. His right arm suffered damage also though he breathed in slowly. The arm wasn't broken it seemed though it did hurt. Tatsuya was used to pain and handling it as best as he could. He didn't speak now as he realized his mistake. That strike in a traditional sense was too easy to deflect.

He was starting to get what the man meant as he gave instructions. Tatsuya got the sense that normal things wouldn't work against him. Did he take the damage absorbed to unleash a blow now or wait? Hesitation was a fatal thing if one wasn't ready for it. This guy could read moves in advance so that meant he'd need to get creative. Tatsuya's vertical slash was not going to work and a standard horizontal slash was out. But maybe something a bit different would be suitable for the situation. He'd not to watch his positioning and do this carefully and keep distance. He'd need to use his length and size to a degree while also being careful. He'd pocked some strength from the blows he took but only a bit so far in the tank. As he faced Stefan he stayed two arm's length away for the moment. Before pivoting forward and not entering striking range he sent a thrust. at Stefan's left side. Not aiming directly for the torso but the area on the left near the arm's resting location.

Now he could increase the power of the thrust but it had little point. As he suspected Stefan would dodge or catch it. So the second his blade reached its destination he slashed horizontally with immense force enough to send most enemies staggering away. Or flying away in some and indeed most cases. At best this would like just make Stefan's wrists tingle a bit. If he was lucky anyways that would be the outcome. It must be noted this isn't a wide horizontal slash but one meant to use force he'd manage to absorb to hit Stefan with. Even though the blow range is short if it fails he's prepared for his punishment.

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Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman Empty Re: Seeking the World's Strongest Swordsman

Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:23 pm

The Dragon Rising

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's body moved as he felt something off about his movement. He couldn't prevent what happened from happening. But it began to dawn on him a warrior was different from a soldier. When did he stop being a soldier and start being a warrior? Right now seemed like the perfect time if he were asked about it. His gaze watched that tunnel, speed and power were vital of course. Stefan would be faster and stronger for now, but his eyes closed as he inhaled. He'd been disrespectful not coming at this guy with full power and speed. Trying to feel him out and see what he had, but even if he hadn't. Technique and skill with the blade weren't the most important. It was raw skill and use of those skills at the present moment. He got a failing mark across the board, just an old soldier who'd forgotten it. He didn't get knocked or moved this time as he had come to grips with it. That technique was stronger and meant something else. He breathed out a sigh as his reiatsu began to burn the area around them. He couldn't continue to dishonor himself any further in this regard.

He needed to stop being a soldier and evolve into a warrior. He turned around bringing both hands together as the area around them began to burn and the ground began to melt beneath their feet. His eyes focused in on Stefan as he didn't need to speak. He understood the lesson Stefan was trying to teach him now. It hadn't worked previously partly due to his sheer lack of skill. He had no way of predicting Stefan or matching his speed. Ten steps further would have to be the planning processes for this. Tatsuya held his sword similar to a kendo stance, points, and familiar things crossed his mind. The first mistake would be assuming he followed traditional kendo rules. Tatsuya never did such things as he raised his sword forty-five degree's and moved forward. He used a pivot forward but reserved a move just in case. He would need to be several seconds faster. As his blade came down a blast came out of force. Similar to before releasing a massive destructive force.

The area in the blade's path had been ripped asunder but nowhere near as long as Stefan's. His raw force couldn't match the other swordsman as the blade came down. He managed to control it prepared for the next move as he would withhold his plan till the last second. If he was right Stefan would do something about this boring style he'd taken. A basic forty-five-degree angle strike downwards for a Men strike was a basic. But it didn't mean it was an easy one to hit even though he performed the slash as quickly as possible. With as much force behind the blow as he could to the point of turning the area behind Stefan and around him into rubble. Even if by some miracle his plan worked he was only a fledgling Warrior. A veteran Soldier perhaps, but a warrior was something different. So too was a leader they had to consider things differently. Being a warrior meant mountains of experience in a whole different arena. It meant a growth type that would be new for Tatsuya. That spinning thrust just missing was Stefan humoring him and giving him a lesson he acknowledged. The distance it created and the moment of waiting for him to realize all things he understood. Stefan was teaching him what it meant to be a warrior right now.

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