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Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:52 pm
Was the rumour true?

This was the question on Ryuzawa's mind. It had been on his mind since he had first heard, and that had been about a week ago, though he had only now gathered both the time and the courage to try to find out.

That rumour: Byakuya Kuchiki, master of the venerable noble house and veteran of the Winter War, had returned to his position at the head of the family, after an inscrutable absence. As a person, he was an enigma wrapped in a mystery; as a Shinigami, he was lauded as one of the most dedicated, experienced, and prodigiously skilled in the history of the Gotei. It would be an honour among honours to meet such a distinguished man.

That was, if the rumour was true. Determining that was Ryuzawa's purpose for lurking at the edge of the expansive grounds of the Kuchiki manor. He carried a sketch pad and trio of pencils, and ostensibly was sat in view of the front gates so that he could draw the beautiful facade. In truth, he was using the convenient excuse to observe when the gates opened and see who might pass through, hoping for a glimpse.
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Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:49 pm

28th Kuchiki Head

Word spread around the Seireitei like wildfire.

So, it wasn't much of a surprise that the return of the 28th Head of the Kuchiki Family would be a story that would engulf the Seireitei in short time. Thus, it wasn't much more of a surprise that people would be present at the Manor, aiming to see him and maybe -- for some -- get a few questions in to figure out where he had been, and what his plans were in the future.

All who managed to get what they wanted to say out would be left with silence. It was...overwhelming, for the most part. Being away for so long, only to be bombarded with people wondering where he went. Ergo, over the coming days, Byakuya would be accompanied by servants, of which would be tasked with keeping the various curious people away from him.

Over the course of the next few days as the excitement died down, Byakuya soon dismissed the servants from their task, now able to have some breathing room and take a both metaphorical and literal sigh of relief as he was able to walk among the Manor peacefully once more. So, stepping outside, Byakuya felt himself relaxing as he walked throughout the Manor.

A small burst of nostalgia went through his mind as he approached the place that so long ago, he would train by himself. Devling more into his past, he remembered the times where he would walk with Hisana along the manor. A tinge of sadness occupied him at this -- remembering the woman that he loved, long since dead. Although, the nostalgia was ruined quite a bit by the rather...unplesant memories of Yoruichi in their youth.

Regardless of that, it was safe to say that Byakuya felt leagues more comfortable now than he had throughout the past week or so. But, there was always something that would come up and make the day...unique. Today? While Byakuya certainly wasn't looking at him, the presence that the young man gave off was something that brought the Kuchiki's attention towards him.

"Come out, now. I know you're there."

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Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:28 pm
There - the gate was opening! From his comfortable distance, Ryuzawa watched, and tried not to appear as though he were staring. He cast the odd glance at the page of his sketchbook, where the tall walls and beautiful trees of the compound's exterior were somewhat distractedly taking shape. He looked up again, to find that the opening gateway was... empty? Strange. Back to the page went his eyes, and he raised his pencil to the paper -

"Come out, now. I know you're there."

He lifted his eyes again, and from seemingly out of nowhere, he found a tall, lean, black-haired man in a high-collared haori approaching him. Almost immediately, he felt a lump rise in his throat that he struggled to swallow down; this man and his reiatsu simply radiated authority.

"I-I-I-don't mind me, sir!" he stumbled over himself to get out by way of a response. "Simply drawing the front grounds, and watching to see who comes and goes." The young man looked exactly as uncomfortable as he sounded, as though he feared to be accused of something unsavoury just for sitting there. All the same, he managed to press through to the important question on his lips.

"Forgive me, are you... Lord Kuchiki?"
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Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:58 am

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: DBZ - Song: Tapion's Theme

It seemed that there were still people that excitement still ran with some. While that did prove annoying to him, he remained stoic, gazing at the young man in front of him with a burning, judging stare as he listened to the boy explain himself. He eyed the pen and pad in his hands, an eyebrow raising for a moment before his eyes narrowed. Above everything else, he looked incredibly suspicious.

Getting so close to the Manor, as well as hiding the way that he had was not something that Byakuya saw as just someone who wished to draw the grounds and watch for people exiting and returning. To him, it seemed to be something akin to sabotage. So, at the thought of this, a hand subtly began to move towards his side, pale fingers softly wrapping around the handle of Senbonzakura.

As the grip of his hand tightened and the man readied himself to draw the weapon, the young man asked him a rather interesting question -- asking if he was "Lord Kuchiki". The hand on his weapon slightly loosened as the look in his eyes returned to intrigue -- as opposed to accusingly and hostility -- before his hands returned to the places at his sides, briefly nodding before he finally spoke:

"I am Byakuya Kuchiki, Twenty-eighth and current Head of the Kuchiki Family. I am the former Captain of Squad Six of the late Gotei 13."

The man stood just the slightest bit taller as he named who he was, and who he had been -- the accolades of a time long since passed. His eyes slid shut as he fell silent, taking in a silent, yet deep, breath as his eyes opened once more.

"...Yes. I am 'Lord Kuchiki'."

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Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:04 pm
Apparently, that answer was unsatisfactory. So unsatisfactory, in point of fact, that the approaching Shinigami was reaching for his sword oh heavens how did this happen I'm going to die here. Being asked for by name, though, gave him pause, and Ryuzawa took the opportunity to let go of the breath he'd been holding in a sigh of relief.

It turned out he had just met the man he was looking for - and had very nearly gotten stabbed by him. Maybe that would be a story worth telling, when Ryuzawa had a chance to stop being scared of the thought.

"I see!" Somehow he didn't sound quite as worried as he had looked just a couple seconds ago. "I have to confess, sir, you're a large part of the reason I'm here. When word began to spread that the head of the house had returned to the manor, I had to see if I could catch a glimpse for myself.

"I'm a bit of a student of the Gotei's history, you see - the Winter War in particular. I see that conflict as a major catalyst for the changes that turned us into what we are today. It's quite a pipe dream, but... I would love to meet the veterans of those battles, and learn from them."
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A Return to Form? [Byakuya] Empty Re: A Return to Form? [Byakuya]

Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:57 am

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: RWBY - Song: Home

As if his name and accolades were a remedy, the young man's nervousness and fear were instantly cured as Byakuya finished, leaving him only to blink once in response. A spark of pride stirred in his chest at the compliment -- him being the reason that the young man had even come here was...well, flattering.

Thus, his eyes closed for a moment as he heard the man out. His interest in the Winter War was something that was honestly rather intriguing. In all his time since the fateful event, not once had he come across someone who was not only so open with their interest, or even interested at all. Most had already learned about it themselves -- whether through the Shinigami Archives or through some form of rumor or legend.

However, his dream -- while a bit unlikely nowadays -- was still plausible. He should know, after all -- he was one of those very same veterans. So, Byakuya's eyes opened once more as he looked at the man, his steel gaze unmoving and truthful as he spoke his next words:

"That dream of yours may be closer to fruition than you realize."

A moment of silence engulfed the Kuchiki Family Manor before Byakuya spoke once more.

"After all, you are standing in the presence of one of those veterans."

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A Return to Form? [Byakuya] Empty Re: A Return to Form? [Byakuya]

Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:27 pm

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

With a Zanpakuto still pointed in his face, Ryuzawa was almost too distracted to calm down enough to catch what the Captain had said to him. When the implication struck him, he stared slack-jawed for a moment and stumbled over his next words, trying to capture a measure of composure.

"I-I-I would be honoured if you would accept me, sir! Ah, at your leisure of course - I don't want to intrude on your time at home." Ryuzawa clasped his sketchbook in both hands behind his back, and as was only proper, offered a deep bow at the waist. He was in the presence of nobility; he couldn't throw away this opportunity by forgetting the most basic pieces of etiquette!

"My name is Ryuzawa," he said. "Ryuzawa Hogosha, Second Division. It's my intention to learn all I can from individuals as accomplished as yourself, sir - please consider me as a student!"

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A Return to Form? [Byakuya] Empty Re: A Return to Form? [Byakuya]

Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:02 am

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: RWBY - Song: Home

While this was something that Byakuya expected from the older days, he was not entirely unappreciative toward the reaction that the young man had. Letting out a sigh in response, Byakuya withdrew his weapon, returning his Zanpakuto back to it's sheath.

At least he had some level of decency, manners, and etiquette. However, the time of which this would occur was something that he did not have any worry for. Rukia was away, for the time being, and there was nothing immediate that needed his attention. Thus, rather than replying, Byakuya closed his eyes and stepped away from the young man, bringing some distance between them as he turned back toward Ryuzawa.

"Before I consider anything..."

An arm rose from his side, simply holding the limb out toward him with his hand opened and palm facing the young man.

"Show me what you can do."

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A Return to Form? [Byakuya] Empty Re: A Return to Form? [Byakuya]

Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:51 pm

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The Zanpakuto returned to its home, and Ryuzawa felt his lungs draw a quiet breath of relief almost before he told them to. He watched with an expectant look, which fell just a little to see Byakuya turn his back and wordlessly start towards the gate. When he stopped and offered his challenge, however, Ryuzawa's expression picked right back up.

Just like that - an invitation to prove his worth! The young Shinigami immediately straightened up.

"Of course!" He moved half under consideration, half under eager instinct. His left hand closed around his saya, his thumb pushed his katana free, and his right hand carefully drew it to come to rest at his side.

He took a moment to examine Byakuya's posture. Totally relaxed - it'd be called a fool's guard if he had his Zanpakuto in hand. But that would never mean that the veteran Captain wasn't prepared to strike an attacker down. The question, then, was how best to approach this in order to see an attack home. Some seconds of quiet thought passed before Ryuzawa arrived upon his answer - a diversionary opening attack to cover his advance.

"Hadō four!" he announced as he started forward, leaning into a run to close the distance. He raised his empty left hand, index finger pointed at Byakuya - his opponent, imagine that! "Byakurai!" A crackle of sound, a bead of pale blue light, and a bolt of electricity leapt from Ryuzawa's finger, aimed right at the centre of Byakuya's back. One way or another, he was likely to dodge this, and Ryuzawa could see which way he went and follow up. He ran with his katana at his side, ready to sweep forward in a wide horizontal slash in pursuit of wherever Byakuya might go.

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A Return to Form? [Byakuya] Empty Re: A Return to Form? [Byakuya]

Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:35 am

A Return to Form? [Byakuya] 6EdIfMt


Artist: RWBY - Song: Home

Byakuya's gaze could only be described as untracable. While, in reality, the Royal Kuchiki was analyzing the young man, carefully planning various strategies and ways that he could approach most, if not all manners of attack from one of his own kind. The act of drawing his sword merely narrowed the options down. As Ryuzawa quickly cast Byakurai, Byakuya's hand began to move, simulating drawing as the bolt of spiritual lightning flew towards him.

Releasing the built-up energy, Byakuya focused his current efforts on the Kido spell as his body began to emit a crimson aura, something that his opponent's spell would soon emit alongside it.

Suddenly, the Byakurai stopped moving. Through his skill, ingenuity, and creativity, Byakuya was able to use the simple Bakudo spell, #9 -- Geki -- and focus the effects of the spell on the particles of spiritual energy that approached him. Without even taking a step away from his position, Byakuya repeated the movements.

As Ryuzawa approached him with his sword swinging, the royal simple repeated the spell, amplifying the strength, making it far stronger than before. This would likely ensure that the young man would be caught in the spell and paralyze him entirely, with his weapon mere inches from his age-old haori.

"You are too loud. If you wish to make a diversion, make an enemy have to guess where you are -- silence your energy."

Turning around with narrowed eyes, Byakuya remained stoic and calm as he continued.

"Use a spell that will have some level of threat to an enemy."

Byakuya raised his hand in front of him once more.



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