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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Left_bar_bleue126500/99999Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED]

Fri May 18, 2018 1:19 pm


Continue of this thread.

Few days had passed since Nize's encounter with the rabbit Hollow/Arrancar/Shinigami whatever that thing was. And it had been few days since the shame he felt being beaten even before going 100%. He realized there were many flaws in both his skills and combat tactics, things he could improve. Such it had come to the Arrancar, in his Gigai, being in S-Zone and preparing a training field for one of the skills, where he lacked the most, Perquisa. The Arrancar races special sensor ability, that was shamefully undeveloped for Split. The previous owner of this body didn't seem to need it, but then again, the previous owner was a naive fool.

As the last commands were entered, the training chamber lit up in bright light, signaling being ready for use. Nize had a fairly good idea how to achieve what he was going after, though, it came with huge dangers. Ones the male had no objections on facing. Checking last time the machine had been rewired to kill mode, hopefully no one will notice that until it would be too late or he came out and changed it, Split finally entered the machine.

And once he did they were gone. All his senses, hearing, smell, touch and such were cut off, being left only with awareness of his own body, how to move it and abilities. The void in which he had thrown himself in was bleak. The man walked, making no sound. He tried to find his limbs, body, but there was none. Just the sense he had one. You could say that was the only thing keeping Nize grounded. Finding an exit would also be impossible. He then extended his arm and tried to gather a Cero...Nothing. Perfect, everything worked as he wanted it to.

And such Split now focused and released a pulse of Perquise through the room. With it's power-numbing properties Nize did almost nothing. Felt almost nothing. He couldn't even cover small part of the room. Another try and same result. He focused more and now there was something, but no, it disappeared too fast. He took a deep inhale and then exhaled. It wasn't really necessary, but Nize had seen many doing so, when trying to focus on something hard. Another push and this time yes, he got a rough scan of the part of the room, with some kind of blocks being the obstacles. He did enter enough random variables, one being the layout of this field.

Suddenly the utter silence was broken by a single sound. One loud beep. Then silence again. It was warning for second phase. Split quickly pushed again, another wave and just in time as a disk-saw was approaching the males middle. He managed to dodge it just before being slit in half. Nize felt himself gulping.

Last edited by Nix Shraik on Sat May 19, 2018 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] RDLUVBj
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Left_bar_bleue126500/99999Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty Re: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED]

Sat May 19, 2018 1:52 am


Such, a dance of survival began. After avoiding the first disk, Nize felt something brushing his shoulder and then pain from that shoulder being deeply wounded. Yes, his Hierro was also one of the things being blocked from usage at this training field. With that warning, and trying not to pay attention to the Gigais pain as much, as possible, Split sent another pulse of Perquisa. Thanks to the before mentioned pain, it was a bit weaker and only just enough to avoid two more disks going in his way. Sadly, he didn't realize when jumping backwards the male landed just in the way of a smaller disk and with a grunt felt it burrowing in the flesh of his back. Good thing it was small and missed the males back-bone.

Without even waiting Nize again released a pulse and ducked once another saw was flying his way. This then became a dance of acrobatics, speed and Nize constantly sending pulses. With every moment the amount of injuries rose and, if not for Perquisa, he would have been dead. This also painfully well showed another problem the male had. He was lacking physical speed. Using constantly Sonido was his thing, but, as it was muted in the training room as well, Nize was left without it. And, lets say, it now showed. Muscles were sore, the injuries burning of pain and he was pretty sure his body was shivering. Both using Perquisa as a pulse and staying on defense was tasking.

Another pulse, scanning the part of room he had jumped to and he suddenly realized there was something on the ground, left for the taking. A sword. But from the same direction a huge saw had been flying at him and Split had only a moment to act before it would become really messy. Taking a leap of faith, or desperation, he rushed in that direction, dropping on the floor almost instantly and sliding down. Nize survived, his face meeting the hilt of the blade he was after. Grabbing it, sadly by the sharp end, he now had a sword to use. Nice.

Next pulse, there was a disk sliding along the ground, Nize just jumping in the air to avoid it. That made him open for another of big disks, catching his already bruised side and sliding through it like butter. It didn't spill the guys guts out, but hell, it hurt. Such, he then didn't land gracefully as planned, but hit the floor hard and for a second there, wishing just to stay and not get up. That was first. But survival was the only option for this to have any point, such, the male got up and sent yet another pulse. But this time, as it had covered another part of room, Split didn't let go and clinked for it to not turn off, but stay.

And let me tell you, it was hard, but as he had put more effort in using this ability then ever before he had a new understanding how Perquisa worked. And with that how to hold on it. And such, the room was suddenly shapes and forms. Still black, Nize could now paint in his mind how small part of it looked and that there were quite few of saw approaching him. But with eyes he now could retaliate. Sword clashing with metal, making it change direction or just drop there, the man made these pieces of metal fall, defending. Maybe his body was torn up, but the sense of accomplishment gave new strength.

Using the moment of piece, Split pushed, trying to now cover more grounds. Upon then he realized, right, he could utilize "Soul Drive" for this. The many souls, countless in his body were asked to assist, pushing these boundaries and yes, bit by bit, more of the room was for him to sense. To feel. There was something of a console. The silence was broken by another beep.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] RDLUVBj
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Left_bar_bleue126500/99999Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] Empty Re: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED]

Sat May 19, 2018 2:53 am


The Arrancar didn't wait to see how did the room decide to up the difficulty. He just ran straight for the box, avoiding blades as they came at him. With now being able to sense these saws, though, Split was able to both dodge and counter them. That is, until the box went into the wall, disappearing and disks started to change their movement mid-way like they had life of their own. Not only that, but the speed was also highly increased, Nize being...Well, fucked.

His Perquisa had many blind spots and, if a object was moving too fast, it had problems with catching up. While it was better then when the man was completely blind, Nize once again was able to feel how much of his physical stamina had already be drained. Dodging yet another saw, one again caught his shoulder, but rather injuring it, Split sensed something even worse. Rather, he couldn't sense his left arm anymore. The pain was immense.

Clenching his teeth and pulling his desire to just howl, Nize just pulled it all aside, feeling both his will and mental capabilities being light weight strained. Being in a Human body wasn't fun. Focusing on what he had to do, Split decided to change his Perquisas focus at the moment, changing it from enhancing the boys senses to boosting reflexes. And it helped. While he didn't have such a good grasp of the room, the Arrancar now had easier time avoiding the saws left and right, even if only one arm. The nano-Hollows were few of the rare things still active and they had enough power to close the wound, if not heal it, sadly. The area also muted their abilities.

Getting somehow back to his feet, allowed Nize now to take a moment to realize the control box didn't disappear, but rather was now changing locations. It was appearing in one place for few seconds, before disappearing and reappearing somewhere else just few moments later. Split tried to stall and learn any patterns, one appearing rather fast. At least his brains still worked. Now the male had to be two things, perceptive and fast. With jumps and sprints, back-flips and dodges, he avoided saw coming at him, while calculating where the box should appear. The complete lack of few of his senses still didn't make it the most easiest of tasks, not talking about the sorry state his body was in at the point, but he didn't really have much of the choice. Two smaller saw found their way in his chest, but not breaking through the rib cage. He didn't want to imagine in how much blood he was in right now.

With heavy pants and actually, close to passing out, the Arrancar arrived at the spot. Now he had to hold his ground long enough. It meant being a open target for those dammed saws. And the did come at him, Nize now focusing only to repel the projectiles with his sword and hoping the thing won't brake at any moment. Lacking a arm now was not only painful, but also really inconvenient. With every swing it was harder to get the next one in time, but he tried and it was rewarded, as the box formed behind his back. After defending from the last saw at that moment, he turned, pulled it open and smashed the whole thing. Sometimes there just isn't time to think.

And with that lights turned on, he felt his powers returning, everything disappearing in the training room and body falling just from how much of his physical stamina had gone. That and pain of having severed arm, dozens of deep wounds, few deep gashes in his back and chest, as well, as probably increased loss of blood. Next time Nize will go for a different way to train. Definitely.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] RDLUVBj
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <3 [SOLO TRAINING, FINISHED] 82q86I3
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