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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:22 pm

Menos Forest. Home for countless Hollows and Arrancars alike. Here weak hides from the strong, as it is the most loosely controlled area of whole Hueco Mundo. Here Hollows are wild, unrestrained, free and miserable. Their instincts run with no control desire to eat and fear of being devoured leading their everyday life. Between the cold stone trees Gillians wander, lost and forsaken. Bottom line of Hollow feeding chain are waiting to join these beasts. Arrancars rarely go down here and Shadow Fall even less frequently. Even the metallic upgrades of the lost souls see it below them to visit their once brethren. It for sure is the bottom land of Land of Hollows.

So many would find it surprising seeing an Arrancar wandering these lands. In swift swoops he was jumping from branch to branch, from tree to tree. There was silence and dedication in his movements. No faltering even for a moment. The man seemed to have a set goal to where he was heading, even if it didn't seem so clear for others. You see, for Nize Forest of Menos was a treasure trove of different powers and abilities. And it was the perfect place to gather material for his growing experiments. None of them pleasant or nice. Nize before would be against such attitude against the residents of Hueco Mundo, but this soul had no such reservations.

Today's prey was a speed Hollow. Faster then him, it was quite a hassle to catch it. Even now it managed to already outrun it's hunter, who didn't loose track of the prey only thanks to tracking technique he managed to attach the creature before. But that was also slowly running out of energy and soon would disappear. Nize had nothing else to do then activate his "Soul Drive". 20% mark made him burst like a rocket, coming closer to the hare-like Hollow. Sensing the approach of it's hunter the beast turned around, white bone ears and scale armor on the body lighting up in light blue color.

While one was to run after speed of such beast, completely another thing was to fight against it. Nize now knew how it was to fight against him, as his target was almost impossible to hit. And those hits that landed, bounced right off, leaving almost no damage. Nize Split was not amused. Careless step, bad sensor abilities and a sharp Cero claw brushed along his back, not enough to really damage, but enough so it would hurt. The force took him by surprise, it being used for the Hollow to land another attack, and another, and another, going at him with rapid speed.

As the number of bruises grew, Nize's system warned the male of the increase in injuries he acquired. He didn't want to use Soul Drive, as it haven't been completely tested yet. So such, when the dammed Hollow tried to hit again, Nize didn't attempt to attack again, but focused his energy into the ground, black chains of hardened Cero emerging from the ground as the hare was about to assault Split's waste. They wrapped around it's petite body layer after layer, Nize slowly feeling something more then a memory of emotions. It was slight and muffled, but yes, he felt pride. The male smirked, as he leaned closer to the struggling beast, but the moment of joy was ruined, as blast of energy landed against his back and made the male land in the closest tree. With a grunt Nize got up, feeling again something new. Shock. Cause there, next to in chains bound Hollow, was another identical copy.


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Nix Shraik on Fri May 18, 2018 10:55 am; edited 1 time in total

Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Re: Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:08 am

Well, for Nize that was definitely unexpected. But he didn't plan on this to stall from being victorious. With a mental command chains binding the hare assumed flame-like form, exploding just a moment later. It wasn't something big or too devastating, but hopefully did cloud his enemies vision just for the Arrancar to manifest two black guns, each for one hand. Splits Perquisa didn't sense the enemy behind the curtain of smoke, but then again it could be because it was really shit. Soon, though, the male was proven wrong, as sense of the before mentioned Hollow returned, dammed beast appearing right next to him. He was ready for that, pointing his gun just in the right moment to release pitch black Cero at the already damaged creature. Another one appeared above him at the same time and was met with a blast of same type from the second gun.

Using the moment for his advantage, he used Sonido to appear above both now slightly damaged Hollows and releasing five black metal rods from his arm. They impaled the ground around both beasts, white strands of energy linking with them. Nize now could sense his enemy being paralyzed. Using this chance, he then landed, burring palms in the white sand and gathering Reishi below them. "Cero Volcánico." Ground below burst in black flames, soon turning into a pillar of pure Cero, devouring the two creatures. After this only black hole in the ground was left, even Reishi in the air being burned out. Nize scoffed, feeling pang of disappointment. There was no need to destroy these things, but it seemed survival instinct in him was stronger then he had thought. It was sure day full of surprises.

But it was only the start. As he turned around, three identical Hollows were watching him, their scales glowing in faint, blue light. Starring completely motionlessly. "Oh fuck!" The silence was broken with his loud exclamation and followed with the sound of low growling. Slowly the bodies of all three hares grew in size, their scales turning sharper, claws growing in size and appearance turning more of a giant armored rat then rabbit. There was droll now dripping out from their mouths, red glowing from the empty eye sockets.

The beasts pounced at the same time, Nize barely managing to dodge their combined attack. Soon as that, though, one of them released barrel of small needles in his direction. With a motion of hand land under his feet morphed into a wall, which was half-way pierced with the miniature projectiles. There was teal liquid dripping from it. "Poison. Great." Something flickered in Splits sense and another wall behind his back formed just as another wave of sharp, pointy objects was released his way. He probably needed to stay at home.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Re: Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:11 am

Nize was yet again shooting through the Forest of Menos, this time being the one hunted. There were now seven of the Hollow beings pursuing him, the male being battered and slightly injured. Nano-Hollows were doing their best to heal him, fighting poison in his veins at the same time. It wasn't any critical, but for sure didn't make the situation any better. The male would never imagine his lack of sensory abilities would become such a pain in the ass, knowing his enemy wasn't energy-wise even so much more stronger. They were just fast...And a lot.

That was another thing. He had seen twin Hollows. Even packs of Hollows similar to each other in powers and appearance, but these. These were identical clones. Was the creatures true ability cloning? If so, how many of the replicas he can fight off? And how many could one make? It would be more than unconventional, if it turned out he had ran on some Vasto Lorde. But these were usually monitored closely by Shadow Fall. There was no time thinking about it, though, and he needed protection now. Another flaw, that was now showing very well. He clung to one of the black trees, pushing it's particles to loosen up and re-shape around both of his arms. Soon two tower shields were equipped, each protecting one side and just in time, as the males hunters appeared soon enough.

Another wave of needles were fired in his direction, Nize making a pirouette to deflect most of the projectiles. The heavy shields made it harder to do, but with his strength the Arrancar was able to pull it off. Still, some got through, hitting mostly torso and not going through his Hierro. Then one of them clung to Split's shield, trying to rip through the shield and to get to him. Those claws looked a bit more threatening. He had none of it, as such a small gun appeared on his right shoulder, shortly releasing countless small, bullet size Balas. They cleanly went through the rats head, leaving almost nothing behind it. The dead body almost instantly fell on the ground and disintegrated in black flakes. "Interesting." Was what he thought, before blast of Cero was released from multiple directions, hitting his body yet again.

He could feel how the intense Spiritual Power tried to crush him and good he had two shields for both sides, though, in close range they helped little. Nize decided to endure, closing his eyes, while gathering energy for Cero of his own. Such, as the bone crushing energy seized, Split had splintered wrist bone, in place of two shields he had two guns now, releasing multiple black Cero's all around him. It was a flaming inferno, air now being smoldering hot and many tree's laying on the ground. And it seemed some of the rat-thing had been put down, others just taking their place. There was this feeling they had no end to their numbers. "Alrighty then..."


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Re: Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:56 am

Nize set the settings of "Soul Drive" to 40%, his body going through immense surge of power. All the mechanical veins lit up with bright blue color, his eyes shining like two torches. He let two pairs of pure energy wings form on his back, being blue as well and resembling those of a dragon-fly. His feet seemingly melted into black mist, just to quickly reform into mechanical wheels. Lastly, he focused energy in his palm, the creatures scattering upon feeling the pressure of Gran Ray forming, but it didn't fire anywhere, but compressed solid, morphing in pitch black sword.

It took only a blink, maybe less, and Nize wasn't in his spot anymore, but rather on the other side of the rat pack. Stillness. And then they crumbled in black flakes. Each and every one of them, their bodies being cut in pieces. Their Reishi tried to escape, but Nize pulled it inside of him, feeding his energy reserves with the remains of the clones. The nano-Hollows were then pushed outside in a immense spiritual pulse, boosted by "Soul Drive", to find each and every Hollow that matched his enemies spiritual signature. And there were quite few of them.

It didn't matter, Split was now on the clock, the new power coming with a crucial drawback. Such, he was dedicated to move fast and steady. One by one he hunted down the odd Hollows, their numbers reaching few dozens and spreading through whole Forest of Menos. But Nize was fast. Fast and deadly. Anyone, who tried to stand in his way met the same fate, the ex-espada not joking around. He was looking for the original. One, who was spawning all these replicas. By the amount of their dead Reishi consumed he was sure now they were clones. Watered down versions of the original. Something he would know at the very start, if the previous him had decided to actually invest time in training his detection skills. Sadly, he didn't.

The rat-things still caused problems, their speed being now more of a nuisance then a problem. Though, as fast, as he was now, the system was warning about the growing pressure from all the souls, that gave their energy to him. Split wasn't in any risk yet, but he had no idea how long the battle could drag, once meeting one who was spawning all these creatures. There were only few left until, finally, Nize found it. The creature was hiding in artificially made cave and air around was almost unbreathable. The Spiritual Pressure of said Hollow and Reishi of all the killed Hollows here just being too much.

When entering, it got even heavier, but now Nize was 100% sure he was in the right place. The cave was big and wide, becoming huge, when reaching the main chamber. It was quite neat, with rock carved table, something of a chair and bed, things similar to clothing scraps replacing mattress. In there, with legs crossed on ground, sat the Hollow he was looking for. Humanoid, covered completely in white bone plates. Head in the shape of a rabbit, with bone ears and everything. It's back was covered in multiple large flower buds. The Arrancar guessed from them the copies came.

"Welcome Nize!"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Re: Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:25 pm

"Welcome, Nize!"

The Arrancar froze in place, surprised by a childish voice leaving the Hollow. Was it someone from the previous Arrancars past? No, there was no memories of this particular creature. But maybe it was someone of who he didn't know. Yes, that could be the answer. Just a creature remembering someone higher standing then itself.

"What? Do you really not remember me? And I thought it had been the right soul in control this time."

It spoke again, slowly getting up to it's feet. Seemed this Hollow was shorter then the male actually expected, being five foot six, maybe. Now Nize could see it's extra long part fingers, part claws. The thing dragged them along the hard shell of the white mask, making loud scraping noise.

"Sadly, I can't really say, that I remember you. But you may feel free to freshen up my memory."

Even now Split felt no drastic emotions, carefully monitoring his bodie's state and the thing before him. Yes, there was slight surprise, and something akin to recollection have been prodding his mind since the Hollow spoke, but nothing more. Not yet, at least.

"Maybe this will make things clearer."

That spoken it pressed the nails into the hard surface, shattering it. The Hollow's body broke apart, in place now standing boy, same height, blue eyes and golden blond hair, short and curly. He had thin lips and wore what seemed as Espada's uniform. Only remains of his mask was now the ears. There was no way mistaking it, it was now he. And he was an Arrancar.

"Nothing? Maybe this then?"

Nize was in now surprised. Not lightly, but fully surprised and it was overwhelming. The Arrancar then just deepened this surprise by grabbing one bone ear and breaking them off completely. His outfit changed, pale skin gaining a bit of extra flush and outfit changing to that of Shinigamies black robes. Split just blinked in confusion, as the boy approached, now taking the sword at his side and breaking it in half, his clothing changing to one of those humans wore.

"Still nothing? Shame."

With that said his pours released mass of white substance around the kids body, quickly hardening into the Hollow form before.

"You aren't ready then."

With that said his clawed hand went for a direct attack on the Arrancars heart, but was met with a black blade just at the last second. Splits survival instincts had kicked in, head pulling through the overwhelming emotion at the last second to save his own life. But the rabbit was gone already and he felt it's claws going through his back. Wings took most of the damage, dissipating with the blow.

"For someone speed based, your sensory skills are way too slow."

Something Nize had concluded himself today on his own. This Hollow was even faster then the beings it had spawned before and much faster then the Arrancar in his enhanced form. Some blows were managed to parry, some not, leaving nasty gashes and he never knew from which side the enemy will attack, as it was just so fast. Not even thinking about offense, simply not having time for it. He had to enter Ressureccion.

But he never managed. As the black smoke and Spiritual Pressure started to gather, weight of thousands of pounds fell on his body, pushing the male down on ground. Like a doll his hands and legs were spread apart and feeling of hot, searing metal went through his palms. There was no way in moving his body or seeing what was happening. A deeper, slurred voice then spoke.

"Fight is over. We go! There is no use of this."

A whine then followed, ignored and then Nize felt something patting his head. He wished he could rip off the owner of that hand.

"Alrighty~ We go, but you better do remember, okay? We all want you with us!"

Another low, slurred command from someone, high pitched whine and then quiet. With it the weight and pain was released, Splits senses returning to their fullest. He could feel blood pumping in his brain and "Soul Drive" was reduced to 1% on the spot. It left even bigger exhaustion, both physical and mental. What just happened?

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] 82q86I3
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Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED] Empty Re: Rabbit Hunt [FINISHED]

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