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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:20 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

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Broken, shattered, pain. Gods, she had never felt pain like this. Which, was certainly true she'd been alive all of about two hours, but still. There was an intense feeling that she had been alive a lot longer than she had been alive. Who the hell knew what that meant, maybe if she got past this point she could talk to some smart guy about it. But right now she wasn't going anywhere because both of her legs were leaking blood, and had several compound fractures. The leg bones themselves where snapped in over thirty different places per leg. Regardless of how strong her mind was, and how forceful she could be in terms of personality, they were just not moving.

And not moving was very very bad, considering Rakki was currently dying from intense Hollow poison. There was only one thing that she could do. Something that might not be needed since this city was probably definately got eyes all over the place that had seen a large muscular woman hit the ground hard - which didn't do her completely obliterated legs any favours - carrying the Elect, the frigging Queen Bee of this entire flashy shiny state.

But doing the thing would make her feel like she was worth something. So she took a deep breath, powered her lungs up with the full extent of her body and ignored the fact that this powerup made her blood leak out of her legs quicker, and screamed.
"HELP HER!!" probably not the best thing to be shrieking down Rakki's ear while she was in this situation, but hey. Was was a homonculi to do when cradling the reason to continue existing in her arms like this? Sit around and learn to knit? She was all thumbs, so that was out of the window.

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Fri May 18, 2018 9:04 pm
Not quite . . .Dying Perhaps. . . Discombobulated maybe? The myriad of emotions that went through nifs mind as she drifted from blissful nothingness to the throbbing sound of a screaming homonculus was jarring to say the least. Even so, her hand managed to make the journey to silence the girls mouth with her palm, before she exhaled and slowly moved her body. Rasotengai was a wonderful thing, capable of manipulating a body that was completely incapable of motion, and it was being used masterfully now, it seemed natural As if she was used to moving while injured.

”..I’m not quite dead yet, your yelling makes it hard to nap though.”

A soft, barren whisper that seemed to rustle like dry autumn leaves left Niflheims mouth as she exhaled. Hollow poisioning felt like death, however she wasn’t quite ready to kick the bucket just yet. Her regality shone through in this moment, her movements supple and serene as she managed to walk through the streets of the city of light as if everything was okay. Those that saw her waved, and she would nod back.

She had taken this little homonculus with her, carrying her even as her own body felt like lead, guiding her through the sanctity of her home as she exhaled slowly. It was sheer will-- tenacity that kept her expression calm, like glass. Even as the poison ransacked her body she kept moving because that was what she was supposed to do.

She would not speak of her ailments yet, instead she would continue to move. Walking until they entered the government building, and then sat down slowly in her desk. Only then did she set the homonculus down on her floor and exhaled shakily.

Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs LzZCuy7
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat May 19, 2018 5:48 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs 6EdIfMt

Rakki....even in this darkest of time, even now when she had no control over her own hollow-wracked body, was still doing cool Quincy stuff to move, to show her people that she was fine, and to bring both Ulv and herself to somewhere that could help. She had silenced Ulv's scream, and so nobody was any the wiser, just their Elect carrying a woman somewhere for Elect-y reasons. Ulv was overwhelemed by this, she knew that Rakki was obsessed with agency and would make sure to do things she could even if it cost her a lot, but it was another thing entirely to actually see such tenacity.

'I got something up my sleeve that could help you, but let's wait till Rakki has finished her princess moment. It's cute' The voice, the Hvit that had given Rakki the opening to hurt herself. Still, it was not the Hollow's fault, she was trying to help. And did indeed help from the way Ulv was feeling better already. Rakki took her to an office, and then put Ulv down on the ground. Hvit took this as a cue to give over her new trick.

With a shining flash of light, tight, thigh-high boots clad her legs, pushing the bones back inside, putting pressure on the wounds so she wouldn't bleed, and basically being a very stylish cast. White gold colour, and veins of light shooting up the side on occasion.
'Gift from a friend. You'll see him a lot more in the future' Hvit told Ulv. And then, the artifical wolf turned to Rakki.
"Umm....I know you are the kind of woman that likes to keep up with your paperwork, but is sitting at a desk really the best idea right now?" Ulv was aware that her projections were off, that Rakki wasn't as bad as she had expected, but it was still bad.

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Wed May 23, 2018 9:57 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

”It’s not about the paperwork.”

Niflheims voice was an echo of it’s normal regal demeanor. It was a husk, a dry whisper like the fading breaths of autumn before winters cool embraced caused everything to wither and go into slumber. Her eyes were so clear, and radiated like polished silver in the light with her own tenacity and will. As she watched the clouds through her window pass by, her lips curved into the softest of smiles, slightly sad--and bittersweet.

”It’s about the people, the race that has been tarnished and broken for so long. “

Her voice was hushed, and unable to be heard beyond the walls of this room as she let her face shift to rest in the nestled crevice created by her conjoined hands, her elbows resting against the wooden surface of her desk-- which was smooth, worn down and polished by the oils of a hand and the era’s that it had been touched. How many had come to this office, how many had touched it and written upon it? It was one of the possessions from the original base of the vandenreich. It had been hers, as a sternritter grandmaster. It was hers now too as an elect, hundreds upon hundreds of years later.

” When they see me, they see not only their leader. They see a promise, a promise that the darkness is past and what is left is the light they craved so much. That they will no longer be persecuted, no longer be shunned as monsters, reviled by all. They see the light at the end of the tunnel in which our race had been stuck in for so long. Huldric, Yhwach, all of our leaders have led them astray for so long and now they have hope. I am not only a girl, i am more than my flesh, more than my spirit.”

Rakki’s words were so burdened, and yet crystal clear--she knew her purpose. It was this purpose that drove her, and that shaped her for so long. Even here as the poison thrummed in her veins, even as she rest there, the fine threads of her silver hair glistening like a master craftsman's masterpiece of a lifetime, she let these words spill out. Her fingers tightening against the satin of her own face.

”I am the pillar that they look too, i am the rock that will brave the waves and break them into mere ripples. I am the torch that guides them at night, the hearth that they curl around in the cold. Yet here i am making decisions that could undo all of that, do you understand that i even if for a moment chose you over them?”

Her words were like a tide as she let her knuckles rest against the soft and supple surface of her cheeks, just below her eyes. Tears fell like raindrops and curved around the contours of her hands to stain that old wood desk with their droplets. Her exhalation slipped, as she spoke once more.

”You, who should be dead are not. You who died halfway across the world, who broke our promise and left me ALONE, are here and you don’t even remember. I will not die because it is not my time to die, i have so much more that i must do, for i am the only one who refuses to abandon the people which have done no wrong. Yet when i look at you, the hatred i feel, the sadness i feel, the disappointment i feel because of what you did, taking the emotions i had, filling me up to only leave me cold and empty once more, are only outweighed by the love that still lingers there.”

Her teeth ground together as she fought to keep the icy exterior, the shell that had been dealing with her for so long.

”why is it that i cannot help but be rash for you, why is it that no matter the pain you’ve caused me i still ran headlong towards you--the amnesiac who doesn’t even remember me!?!”

For once, the regal girl with a heart of ice just let her forhead rest against the cool wood beneath her heads resting atop her head as she mumbled faintly, only for herself to hear.

”It’s just . . not fair.”

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Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs LzZCuy7
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed May 23, 2018 10:18 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Ulv listened to Rakki, and could sympathise a great deal. To have a woman you cared about just die on you, and then come back after you had felt the harsh cold daggers of her loss. Well, it was something that must be heart-wrenching. And yet the Ice Queen was still passionate for Ulv, still charging headlong into everything as the first thing she chose, the first thing she did. And Ulv, well...Ulv was very much like Mirja in the way she responded. Waiting politely for Rakki to finish, Ulv then swept her up in those powerful, warm arm, and carried her away. So different to Mirja, it was not a cold and uncomfortable thing that mirrored her heart, but a safe and nurturing place to lay your head. The muscles just the right bit of support, and the intentions to wrap you in a warm towel and bring you back out of the darkness.

"We are going to have a very lengthy discussion about a lot of deep subjects and a lot will be said without a sociopathic woman with more issues than The Time Magazine getting in the way of them being said. But I am not going to sit here and talk casually while you are literally dying from hollow poison!" Whatever was gained or lost in the transition, it seemed this woman, this Ulv, was still blunt and to the point, just like Mirja. The way she brooked no arguing or resistance from the weakened Rakki, and just stormed off to the hospital with single-minded determination was something most deeply nostalgic.

"She made a lot of mistakes and paid for them, but they were mistakes that had to be made. She wouldn't have been able to give you anything emotional at all, and you would have lost her all the same if she had not done what got her killed. Only it would be a thousand times worse because she would still be alive and you'd never be able to reconcile with her, never have another chance like you do now. So please, just focus on getting better, and then we will have the long conversation about all of this. About To Expire is not the kind of status effect that benefits a talk of any discription" Storming into the hospital and getting the doctors to shake a tail feather with a confident and dominant tone, she looked back down at her Quincy love. "The world would cry to lose such beauty. Don't shed it's tears, Rakki"

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Tue May 29, 2018 12:19 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

”Then why bother, why be cruel?”

Her voice was clear, albeit weak as she asked softly to the girl who seemed bent on taking her to a hospital. Ironically enough the city of light did not have standard hospitals. Quincy were a people who utilized reishi as a human might breathe, or a shinigami would reap the souls of the dead and destroy the void that lurk within hollows. As Ulv looked for her “Hospital” what she would find would be nothing, and after awhile Niflheim would stop the distressed homonculus before she glanced at the lass and said with a soft, and serene tone.

”Just set me down under a tree, it’s fine really the poison can slowly be worked out of my system. I do not want you looking for salvation for me, these old bones still have far to much to do to die like this”

As Niflheim slowly waited to be put down, her eyes which shone like tarnished silver watched the clouds meander far, far above them in the winds of the upper stratosphere. The light beating down upon them refreshing as she let it soak into her pores, the warm permeating down to her very bones. This was nice, this warmth this feeling of connectedness which she had lost for so long was right as a soft chuckle left her lips.

”How can you judge her, when you are her? You have her faults, her imperfections and maybe you might have unique bits of sincerity within you but. . .”

Her voice trailed off as even now, she was utilizing the concept of C the control to imbue the concept of “detoxification” within herself, this would work towards slowly reducing and removing the toxins within her for the time being, which in turn led to a clearing up of her complexion. Now while she was still had quite the pallor to her, the rosy color to her cheeks had increased slightly, and a bit of the glimmer had been regained in her eyes. For now though all that was left to listen. . to see what kind of answer ulv would give her.

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Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs LzZCuy7
Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue May 29, 2018 6:04 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs 6EdIfMt

Ulv barged into several rooms and commanded several people to do things that they couldn't before Nif told her to just take her outside. A lesser woman would probably be chuckling at how Ulv was storming about with no progress and all temper trying to get her girlfriend fixed. But, eventually Ulv had to obey and take Rakki out to lay her by a tree. She seemed confident that that would fix her, and this place did smell weird so maybe there was something about the city that she had no idea about. Besides, it was nice out, so there was that.

"Hmm, I don't know. There is a lot broken in my Inner World, that I will need to fix before I will be able to say for certain, but I don't feel like Mirja. From what I can remember, she felt terrible. And it seems like, I have been given a chance to step back from that, look at it, and chose where to go with it. And I chose to go a different way. I will cometo you when I have the full picture, but for now, I think I can say that I am not Mirja. I am Ulv"

Having tried to explain it the best she could, she watched Niflhiem actually seem to get better. Which was interesting, maybe her darling had more up her sleeve than Mirja ever knew.
"I have her faults and her insecurities, yes. We share a soul that was plucked from the Soul Cycle and not given the routine wash, so many things stuck. Plus I was literally made in a tube so I had a blank slate which was perfect for the soul to write on. But I have a different way of seeing them, a different way of dealing with them. There is a slight touch of distance that allows me to deal with them far more handily than Mirja. I can love you far better because the concept doesn't terrify me like it did her"

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Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:14 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

As Nif listened to what Ulv said about how she was different. It. . . was an interesting notion. That because she was Mirja she had these emotions, these. . . urges. However because she also was her own person she didn’t have to act on them, that she could be removed from them and take a step back. However even as Ulv talked, Rakki was still working on healing the injuries that had been inflicted on her. These . . wounds were taking alot out of her, and they hurt like hell. . and yet, as she lay there against the tree and looked up at the strange homunculus as she spoke she couldn’t help but let a faint smile rise to her lips. Even if she was “ulv” there was a lot of mirja within her. However, the problem was could rakki trust her? That was a sentiment that she didn’t know, and as her lips parted she’d speak softly.

” Even if you are able to be better than her, . . . why should i trust you. . Ulv?”

The words she said were candid. Rakki did not wish to be hurt, she did not need to be second guessing the choices she made. That was what mirja had done to her, she had for the first time in ages wondered if her choice to love had been a correct one. That being more than simply the leader of the quincy might be a bad thing. Yet . . she strongly wanted to believe that what ulv was saying was indeed true. That there was more going on here than simply having been the same “person”. . because if what ulv said was true then maybe. . maybe there was still a chance after all. It was this sentiment that let the smile that faintly caressed her lips be more .. genuine that forced and strained.

Now though, even as Rakki spoke she was working on isolating the poison of the hollow energy within her using the C- the Control ability. Think of it like you would quarantine the sick to keep the healthy from getting ill, the principle here was similar in the sense that her “Detoxifying” Concept was going in and working on pulling the energy from the body, to then condense and expell it before it could do any further damage that it had already done. A byproduct of this would be the faint purple mist that was rising from her body, curling off of it in tendrils as she exhaled slowly, a bit more color coming back.

This detoxifying ability was exhausting though, because of the fact that it had to be precise, she couldn’t afford to miss any energy within her which could potentially lead to a relapse. So because of that a faint sheen of sweat would adorn her brow as Rakki let out a labored breath. Even now though, even as she was fighting for her life her mercury colored gaze would shift upwards to look at Ulv, waiting to hear her response.

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Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs LzZCuy7
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:23 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Love  other drugs - Love, and other drugs 6EdIfMt

Ulv was watching Rakki do her cool thing, and it was very interesting. Sure, they hadn't gotten to know each other at all, but seeing all the things that she could do really did bring a bounce to Ulv's devastated step. She did wonder how long these casts were going to last, who was powering them - because it wasn't Ulv, she had a thimbleful of spiritual power, barely above the average human being - and what happened when that person ran out of juice. Because these casts were keeping her together, not healing her. Hopefully, Quincy Hospital would work.

However, all thought went out of her head when Niflheim looked up, and asked the question. 'Why should I trust you'. Ulv's breath caught in her throat, and her heart stopped beating. Suddenly the world was too hot, she couldn't think, couldn't breath. She had to get away, get away...something about divers.
"I...well, you don't have to" she blurted out. Her words just, running away with her mouth. "If I can make it to the harbor before the casts on my entirely obliterated legs falls apart and I am left with no more means of travel than intent and determination, then you'll not have to trust me. I'll be gone and you can get back to being the leader of the Quincy" Ulv was hurt. Exceptionally hurt. Her eyes were welling with tears, and she just didn't know what to do. She wanted to love this woman for no reason she could really understand, and yet couldn't be trusted.

Ulv stared for a few moments, frozen to the spot, before turning to leave. The sheen of sweat and general aura of exhaustion made Ulv think that Niflhiem wouldn't follow her, but the woman was stubborn....

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Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:58 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

.” . . Oh gods above.”.

As her tired eyes had glanced up, she had been greeted by something other than this somber girl with auburn hair. The tears that spilled down the girls face were like slaps to Niflheims face. They caused her to flinch slightly in a way that not even the queen of demons had made her flinch. This . . this was what happened when she allowed her emotions to get the better of her it seemed. . . This pain that she caused ulv, the horror that seemed to lance through her like a knife as the girl spoke of leaving on shattered legs spoke of running away and going far far away. Niflheim herself honestly couldn’t stand on her own, instead she had been using ransotengai, a quincy art to stand, to hide from this girl how good she was moving. Yet even as Rakki reached her hand foreward, reached for this girl she was already looking at the girls back as she began to briskly leave.

What Ulv would not see was the blanched paleness that covered Rakki’s face as she tried to sit herself up. The failure to move, and the lancing pain that it brought to her. After all what she was doing was essentially forcibly circulating poison through her body to dissipate it. That was the effects of her detoxification, and it was excruciatingly painful. However as Rakki thought she did not have the strength to stand once more, she thought of something much more painful than the confusion, so much more painful that this poison that coursed through her veins. . And that was. . .

Losing her all over again.

. . And so once more, as p-10 formed on Rakki’s breast, a feat which almost made her cry in pain, she took that weary, broken body of hers. The body that was shredded on the cellular level by a hollows poison and made it MOVE. This would not be the end of this, and as blood dripped from the Elects lips she forced herself to stand. She forced her body to move by attaching it with ransotengai even though each movement brought her enough pain that a lesser woman would undoubtedly pass out. She had moved forward, slowly at first as the pain was hindering her motion. Slowly at first because she couldn’t figure out how to get the muscles that refused to work to move properly with the utilization of Rasotengai. However eventually she’d master those two and she moved forth at a run.

It was like back at the laboratory once more. She rushed forward, and rounded the bend even though she’d smack straight into a wall, her breath coming in heavy, heated pants as she’d force herself off the hard granite wall. Battered and beaten, she would rush forward until she caught the girl. There would be no words, merely the hot and slender arms of the elect coiling around the girls waist as more blood dripped from her lips and she collapsed onto her knees dragging the girl down with her into her bosom. For a moment Rakki would say nothing, she would do nothing as she fought with the pain that was wracking her body. Her face was as white as ghost because of her forcibly moving herself.

Yet a smile adorned her lips after she pulled the girl inwards. . Her mouth would move downwards and she would no longer say the words that came to her lips. Instead she had tilted Ulv’s head backwards and kissed her upon the lips. There was no need to speak when there was magic like this, when there was a touch like this, and so she touched. Her soft satin lips caressing ulvs as her tongue sought the sanctity of her mouth. It was such a raw, and primal kiss. One that would display all the emotions that Rakki had within her. The fear, and uncertainty, the confusion and the hurt, the wariness but more then that. The tender love that still remained within her, those emotions that had been scorched within her. And so yes, she partook in the sweet feeling that came with that kiss, and she would hold Ulv’s jaw with her weak hand, the hand that still trembled slightly until she’d break the kiss and plant another atop Ulv’s forehead.

After Her voice was so soft. . that it could be mistaken for a gust in the wind, and yet it was so sweet , so full of emotion. Her arms squeezed Ulv’s waist and drew her back down into her bosom as she looked down at her. One of her hands sliding up to gently run it’s fingers through Ulv’s hair. . What she said was the following.

”..Who said i wanted you to leave. . dummy?”

And she wasn’t letting go.

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