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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:03 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

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Ulv, could see. See what was happening in her heart, and see what was happening to herself as she walked away, her casts clinking against the ground as she walked. Fool, was she, to decry Mirja for her fear of this emotion. The wolf was right to fear it. It brought only pain, and suffering, and an intense feeling of loss that she would never recover from. She didn't even know where she was going, and the possibility of wandering around until her casts faded and she collapsed helplessly, was a real one. But she just had to move now, she couldn't, stand still.

Unfortunately, standing still was exactly what she was made to do. She was grabbed by Rakki, and kissed so tenderly. Her heart, previously stopped, suddenly started thumping, swift and heavy. The side-effect of that was that between the enhanced cardio-muscular system and it's 600bpm speed, it sounded like there was a radical drum solo echoing from her chest. Her body flushed with the blood, turning her a soft red, and hiding her blush. Or, rather, making the blush across her entire body. Rakki's lips were so soft, Ulv could kiss them forever.

And then, her high-calibre ocular nervous system picked up the small tell-tale signs of Rakki's immense pain. Suddenly she started to panic, and her body seemed to grow warmer.
"Rakki! Gods you are such a stubborn idiot! I wasn't going to leave you forever. It's just a crazy situation, tensions where high, things were said. But, you, hurting yourself like this. Again. are always...hurting....for me..." Ulv gasped, her body getting hotter, amber lines of light spreading across her arms, and glowing brighter by the second. Covering her body, the lines glowed with the power of a million candles, and then Ulv burst into flames.

A Brilliant, amber flame covered her body, warm without scalding, and soothing despite it's light. The floor, the buildings, even the sky itself seemed to be illuminated into the best form of itself, unblemished and perfectly crafted. And Rakki, who was touched by the Flame, would have a great blossom of emotion within her, as well as feeling the posion inside dampen and lose it's potent edge. The flame was a thing of such great hope and supernal perfection, that what it touched couldn't help but become the best version of itself. And Ulv, who was at the center, had a measured and polite response.


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Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:46 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

“Even so, i could not let you leave.”

The soft hoarseness of Rakki’s voice was coupled with the paleness of her features. Pain was an almost all consuming feeling that coursed through her. She paused for a moment as she watched the girl that was before her. Why did she act so irrationally most of the time when it was regarding her? That was a concept that she did not know. However as this girl fretted, and worried, and seemed like she didn’t quite know what to make of Rakki’s actions the elect exhaled and spoke to her in a tone that was. . . for once bemused, sweet even.

”If i let you leave me, then when would i expect you back? Mirja was a stubborn lass, who simply did what she needed to do. You are very much the same, and so it’s much easier for me if i keep you here, in my arms, in the sanctity of my home. Until i get better if i keep you here then i will have the time to slowly learn what is different and what isn't but ultimately.

Last time i let the person i loved leave, they ended up dead. Some demon queen killed her or so i’ve heard and every day it eats at me. It makes me wonder if I shortened the leash would she still be alive? It is a hollow in my heart that i thought i would have forever, and still somehow i’ve found you. Do you see why these superficial wounds, this superficial pain is. . negligible?

For so long i’ve done what is needed of me. I have been the perfect ruler, I have not let myself be impartial. I simply exist to lead the quincy to the future that they deserve. Now, I’m deciding to be selfish. I do not care if you beat me, i do not care if you beg me. I do not care if i have to take this body and let it rip itself to shreds to get to you. I am tired of taking the backseat approach. You are not going anywhere. Understand me?”

Her words seemed to be full of vigor as she exhaled and stared into Ulv’s eyes as she spoke the last bits of her words. Even as the girl lit aflame, the leader of the vandenreich would simply hold her closer. What was pain? Pain was doing nothing when something could be done. She had already failed so horribly before, and she refused to let it happen again. She would fight proactively now, and she was not letting this lass leave, even if it killed her.

Because after everything she had been through, and everything she had experienced she had learned one thing. She was tired of running, and she was ready to be a bit more selfish in her life. Starting with Ulv that is.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:04 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

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The flames, didn't burn. They didn't burn her, or Rakki. They were warm flames, comforting and like a lover's caress. They would fill both of them up with a deep drive, a determination and most importantly, a Hope for the future. The negative emotions were still present, but off to one side as the introduction of these new emotions took center stage. Her mind erupted with emotions, and with memories. And so, when Rakki finished talking, Ulv planted a most passionate kiss on the Elect's lips, pouring the new emotions of this flame into the act.

"Rakki.....No. You are so crippled with your own doubts, but think for a moment. If you had forced Mirja to stay, if you had shortened that leash, then Mirja might have stayed for a short while. But then she would have grown restless, resented the prison. You know as well as I do, she would have broke something and left. Nothing you could have done would have prevented the chain of events leading up to Mirja killing herself. Except, maybe killing Ceal before, Mirja met her. The Demon Queen didn't kill Mirja, Mirja killed herself. There was a situation, Mirja didn't have the emotional scope to deal with it, leading Ceal to try the easy way out, and take her own life.

Mirja, didn't agree with this, and so used her Runes to bring Ceal back from the brink. That power ripped her to pieces, in a very gruesomely literal fashion. At that point she was screwed either way. She'd either never be the same again because she had driven a friend to suicide, or she'd die. And she couldn't handle the first option, so she chose the second"

Ulv, still on fire, stroked Rakki's cheek, and gave a sultry grin.
"However. I can certainly find some merit with a beautiful woman like you keeping me here. And while I doubt you have anything I need to properly enjoy such an imprisonment, I am sure we could make do~"

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Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:56 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Doubt. . yes when had she ever been so indecisive? As the Ruler of all quincy paused and looked at the girl who had said these words. At the flame which blazed from the girl, at the light which thrummed spectacularly she could not help but remember. Why she had let mirja go in the first place. When had she become so fragile and weak? When had she thought that her duties had ever gotten in the way of her compassion? When had she ever doubted this path of hers? The life that she was to lead.

The elect paused, and as she was kissed back the faintest of sighs escaped her lips. It was as if the pain, the agony. The hatred and the fear that had filled her heart after mirja’s absence had faded as she felt the softness of Ulv’s mouth against her own. The gentle pleasure, the warmth and strength that she could gain from it. Even after ulv began to speak once more of how it wouldn’t have worked, the faintest of chuckles escaped the elect’s lips as she silenced the end of that speech of ulvs. It was a soft moment of passion, where the elect’s tongue sought the sanctity of ulv’s own, gently slipping past the defenses of her lips, to coil in the inner spaces of her mouth.

The elect’s kiss was powerful, it was full of the frustration, the fear, the myriad of emotions that she had rolled up in a knot within her chest. The elect, despite her state had enough strength to knock ulv to the ground and lay atop her, enjoying the warmth that stemmed from this one kiss, as if she could suck all that determination, that goodness up in a single moment. Yet, like all good things, it would end too soon as the elect gently broke the kiss, and cupped ulv’s jaw with a pain-ladened hand. Her words ringing with conviction.

”I want to keep you, but you have so much more to do don’t you?”

The elect smiled faintly as she continued.

”Even now, this feeling in my chest has not changed. Ulv, these feelings that i feel have not changed. I trust you, and i will find you, even at the edges of the globe. “

She faintly kissed the girl on the lips once more as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, face pale with pain as she said faintly.

”Because i guess that’s what love is about, waiting for the one you love, and finding them once again.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:12 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Woah now, this is not cuddling. Rakki put Ulv on her back - a good thing as well because with a groan, Hvit could no longer sustain the casts and they dissolved into nothing, an exhausted Hollow drifting into the deeper reaches on Ulv's mind to rest - and then there were kisses. Rakki had a heart of ice but a body of fire, and Ulv could definitely feel the passion inherent in her, even as the flame that she had ignited spluttered and died. Nothing lasted long in this ravaged body, a shattered speck of what Mirja was one capable of.

"I'm not going away right away. Unless you want me to handstand or something cool like that. But yes, I am not a budgie and I do need to go out there and find who I am. I can not stay here under you for the rest of my life, as pleasant as that would be. I have to help people, as you help people. Be a pillar of greatness for those that can not stand by themselves, as you do. But at the same time you really need to find yourself an heir or someone that can take over because you are way overworked and as an old granny, you deserve a retirement" Ulv giggled softly as she made the qup about Niflhiem's age, and then just snuggled in.

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Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:26 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

”Handstand? Now wouldn’t that be a treat?”

The elect seemed to sigh as she leaned in, kissing the side of ulv’s neck in an almost possessive manner. Sure she wasn’t the savante that many people her age had become. She had not been with anyone in any way more than a soft kiss, or a subtle caress. However it didn’t mean that she hadn’t researched, and thought about what it might be like. The way her perfect teeth skimmed across ulv’s soft flesh, the way they would press down just enough to stimulate, but not enough to leave anything more than a faint red bruise as her hot breath gently cascaded across ulv’s neck as her breath left her parted lips with deliberate softness.

The quincy had taken her time, kissing up ulv’s jawline before she had paused above the girls lips once more. Her breath soft, her eyes studying the muscled girl beneath her. Nif’s eyes often could be said to be a floodlight into her soul, the stormy grays, the neutral silvers, but right now her eyes were a platinum, luminous with her own emotions and determination as she said in a soft voice.

”I will eventually find someone. For right now though, in this moment. . well.”

The elect’s energy, or the remnants of it formed with the intent of an image. Her abilities were capable of many things, being bound by the elects own intent. Concepts as one would call them. Tangible idea’s or items that could be brought to fruition by the might of her mind, and the pull of her power. Right now though the elect was using this concept with the imagery of her room, and their current location, with the intent to “swap” with them as the centralized anchor. Now what this would do of course, going off the concept would be very similar to teleportation, swapping their location on the cobble stones for the soft surface of the elects room, a safe-haven that no one else other than her had entered.

The four-posted bed with curtains was a remnant of a time long past, her room was a hodge-podge of era’s, a mesh of cultures, and nationalities. The quilted covers probably over a hundred years old, and yet everything was pristine, ordered correctly and taken care of. For now though all this was secondary to the girl that lay straddled upon the tired girl beneath her, the elects mouth inches from ulv’s as it would come down to kiss her once more. She didn’t see a need to finish her previous statement, it was much more self explanatory as she kissed the girl once more, pressing down into her.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:40 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"Totally could do it as well, you know. Pop on my hands, shattered and painful legs splaying in the air like a Wacky waving inflatable arm flaling tube man, and scurry off to wherever I am going" she exclaimed, letting out a laugh of laughter before the molesting happened. Very good molesting, Ulv's toes would be curling right now if they weren't broken into eight pieces already. Instead she could just bit her lip and grin broadly at the sights of Rakki finally getting into the mood. But, with the whole thing of nearly dying several times, meeting Rakki, running here on blasted legs, and then the whole argument that followed, and having lost Hvit's support after her casts were dissolved, Ulv was exhausted.

So exhausted that when Rakki pulled her change of scenery trick, Ulv hardly commented, and just wrapped arms around her Quincy.
"Mmm, do that. You..." and before she could finish her sentence, Ulv was out like a light, her hold on Rakki weakening and her body dropping into a deep slumber. She had a cute, light snore that was endearing without being annoying. And the whole appearance of a muscular woman so serene and satisfied, was a good one.

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