Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:31 am

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Oi6vAdD


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

“I... I see.” That was, frankly, a great deal for Abalia to take in. She wouldn't lie and say that she was entirely comfortable with the touching, particularly that stroke of the cheek. Yet her own intuition, that sense all good officers of the law seemed to have for an atmosphere of right and wrong, truth and deceit, told her that she would be fine. That last bit at the end put her slightly on edge, or at the very least had her a bit discomforted, as she certainly didn't think much of her own “beauty” per se, nor was she much fond of having it pointed out. However, she could not deny that she genuinely appreciated how forthcoming about it Mirja had been. Not many were, and that did a great deal to build trust in Abalia's eyes.

So, after a few more moments to collect her thoughts, Abalia stood from her seat, looking straight at Mirja. “Truth be told, a part of me wishes for nothing more than to leave here, to give you a simple 'thank you, but I must decline' and never actually return. Perhaps that is the part of me I have always listened to, for as long as I can remember.” Lowering herself into a very deep bow, then, Abalia carried on, “But, I will do so no longer. I have my duties with the Gotei to attend to, but truth be told, I doubt I will be much missed if I come here whenever I am on leave, or off duty.”

Taking in a deep breath, Abalia found herself nervous even as she knew that this was almost certainly her best course of action. “I would gladly accept your offer of a room and work, if you are truly willing to have me. I will do my absolute best both in training under you and in any work you might ask of me. I cannot express what this means to me, Mirja, and so I will simply say 'thank you.'” It had been nerve-wracking just to ask that, that she could still hear that faint concern in the back of her mind, but no. She would stay, she would learn, and while she could not deny a bit of apprehension at this prospect, Abalia could not deny a feeling of what she could only call excitement.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:40 am


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirjasat back and swished her tail in a metronome as she looked to Abalia. The girl's heart was going thump pretty quickly, so either she was suddenly scared of Mirja showing her desire, or she was feeling something else. Maybe it was subconscious delight? She wanted someone to take the reins for so long, and now someone had? There was no need for speculation, however. It would get her nowhere. Just to keep the girl close until her true feelings came to light, weither they really were on Mirja's side, or if the other team had not yet knocked her teeth out with the ball, so she still batted for them.

"Fleeing with your tail between your legs - metaphorically of course, only I have the cute tail here - is acceptable. It's something a lot of people have done when faced with either side of my extreme nature. I'm a girl of great vigor and great sensuality. If you are staying here because you think I'll make a good teacher, then you need to stop that and go find someone else. There are a lot of them, after all. But if you are staying here because, despite everything that you know about me, you want to stay here, then you are free to stay" Mirja stood up from the seat and walked over to Abalia.

And then, it was so readily apparent that Mirja was tall. Not just big, but a woman with stature that made even men the same size as her feel small in comparison.

"Training can get a big enthusastic at times. But I trust you have the drive to survive whatever I throw at you. Nothing breeds advancement like adversity, after all. And if you want to stay here and learn, I could get you into my division. It's the Earth Affiliations Division. Offically, we deal with the diplomatic relations with all earth-bound allies. But it's a load of shit because so far I'm the only member and my diplomacy methods are horrific. I get confused and start stabbing people in the eyeballs with the cute tea spoons. If you join, we might get somewhere, this division and I"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7207
Age : 28
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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:33 pm

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Oi6vAdD


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Abalia found herself profoundly intimidated at both Mirja's presence and the weight of her words, and she needed a short time to collect herself. Did she truly wish to stay here simply for its own sake? No, she couldn't exactly say that. But, at the very same time, Abalia doubted that she would be accepting this offer so readily if someone else were making it. No, this was something that she genuinely felt would be good for her, for the sake of the experience itself.

“I do, indeed, genuinely wish to stay here. It may be difficult, and I can hardly say that I am looking forward to the advances you have told me will come my way. But despite that, I maintain my desire to stat and work here, and I believe that joining your division would be a good idea as well.” Abalia seemed to brighten, and she straightened from her bow to look up at Mirja.

Immediately, it was apparent that her usual subservient, reserved demeanor had taken a backseat, as her eyes were filled with what could best be described as a fiery determination. Her shoulders were held high, her posture was strong and confident, and while she was still undoubtedly nowhere near Mirja's level, the sheer confidence which she exuded in this moment might have at least fooled someone into thinking she was close. She was taking the initiative for once, pursuing what she wanted and believed in. This was the right path for her, and she felt that deep within her.

“Perhaps this is a hasty decision for me to make, and perhaps I should be taking my time to think on it. But I have been a methodical woman for as long as I can remember, never taking any risks or demanding anything truly difficult of myself, and simply hoping that I would succeed based on who I was. That I will do no longer, Mirja. That I cannot do, for my own sake.”

Coding in Template By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5975
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:58 pm


A Botched Arrest [Abalia, Mirja] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It seemed that the little Abalia had broken through, and was not going insane. Saying what she thought and what she felt with no restraint or thought of consequence, she just rattled off her desires and her beliefs and that was that, Universe better watch out because here was Abalia, taking no crap from anyone, and giving it streight. There, it became clear that the girl wasn't lacking in drive, only lacking in that drive having been tested. She needed to risk her life in a situation where going on was basically intennable, and only then would it harden into something that could spawn a Tulpa.

"Well, now. Hasty decisions are the best kind of decisions. If, you have a body like a mountian and a catchall regeneration technique, which I don't think you have, either of. So restrain yourself, my dear. Risks exist to be weighed, to be carefully measured against your ability and only gone against if you can see yourself succeed going against them. Don't charge head long into a rock face simply because you see it as a challenge you must over come. Observe the rock face. Watch it, see if there are cracks. And only then do you charge head long into it. Failure happens with the greatest of preperation, but it is almost garanteed without any preperation"

Then she drew her Zanpaktou and stabbed it into the air. Opening a Senkaimon back to the Soul Society.
"You stay here. Make yourself at home, meet the people, sign up for citizenship. There is a cute Quincy running around somewhere. Also King Hayden, but he doesn't take random people knocking on his door well. I'll introduce you later, he takes me knocking on his door a little better. Mostly because he doesn't have a choice in the matter" She then nodded to Abalia, and entered into the Senkaimon, to go deal with the logistics of Abalia's division transfer.

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