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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:46 pm

[THEFROST] wrote:
4u @MWD


Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Watching her as shuten's blade was only half-buried beneath the earth holding her dish on her right hand drinking more of it's contents. She couldn't tell where the kidoshook her head softly and held her sake dish in her right hand, swirling the liquid around. She took another quick drink and drew her sword with her left hand and buried half of the blade into the ground. She then took the gourd that was attached to the blade and set it aside; snapping her fingers as a small kido barrier manifested around it.

"Every four attacks she'll retaliate with her own huh?"
Ritsuko was coming up with many different tatics and strategies too use before Shuten would have a chance to retaliate against her; of course many involved using the enviorment too her advantage but it'd probably take forever to cover herself in the foliage too competely conceal herself.

"It'd be nonsensical to just shoot her right in the face without anything to follow up with, if i'm going to hit her I'm going to have to close the distance between us both" ritsuko admitted begrudgingly.

So that's what she decided to do at least blind her to gain a slight advantage over Shuten. She moved to her bag holding what appeared to be small green spheres if Shuten knew what the grenades would do these could cause trouble for both her and Ritsuko since they both utilize reishi. Before throwing the grenade she took a step back by gathering reishi under her feet and she pressed the black button activating the sphere and then pitched the sphere at shuten if the sphere made contact it'd disable shuten reiatsu for one post and if not it can at least give Ritsuko a means of concealing herself.

She made a mental note on how many moves it was before it was time to retaliate since she threw the grenade and took a step back using her Hirenyuko it'd count as two. Utilizing her reishi and chambering an armor piercing round into her assult rifle and firing the bullet assuming Shuten wasn't affected by the smoke she's be able too see the reishi infused bullet colored red; if the bullet hit it'd only cause a major would or simply a minor one depending on how durable she is.

"That's three"

Finally Ritsuko ended it with activating her regalia crossbow, her bracelet on the right arm had a faint glow of red calling upon her crossbow. Her crossbow weighed a mere 6.5 Lbs and had an adjustable butt pad. Additionaly it had a 4x32 scope, however similar too a regular crossbow she has too reload each time she fires it.

Using her right hand to fire the bow the arrows arrow’s kinetic energy is reduced by around 3-4% for every 10 yards it travels. Since it's a relatively medium distance the arrow would only hit at a fraction of it's normal damage.

Hopefully this was a good way too begin the fight.

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:02 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 604

Seemed that Ritsuko was using some sort of method to block Shuten's sight; at least it seemed so. She tilted her head to the side at this and quickly moved out of the area in which the grenades landed. Shuten spun her sword around in her hand, which was very light without the gourd attached to it. Shuten watched carefully, her sight slightly obstructed, but, not enough to prevent her from seeing through the smoke slightly. Not to mention, Shuten could also easily sense Ritsuko's energy. Luckily, she was able to get out of the debilitating smoke; it wouldn't have presented an issue, but, she still didn't want to bother with getting her energy constrained in any way. She then wondered what the girl may be doing, form the slight movements she could see, she was preparing for a third thing to do. Shuten took a nice long draw from her sake as she waited.

It didn't take too long before Shuten heard a shot ring out in the air. Normally, for most beings, this kinda thing flying at 5000+ feet per second would normally get them with ease. But, Shuten was the exact opposite of regular. Assuming the gun wasn't modded in any way, it still should be at the normal bullet speed of about 5000 feet per second; meaning that Shuten could easily avoid it. She used a very quick shunpo to avoid the shot, appearing right in front of Ritsuko just as she loosed the bolt from her crossbow. Shuten grabbed the bolt mid-flight and threw it into the ground. She put her sword on her back and got into what appeared to be a fighting stance.

"My turn then, right?"

Shuten grinned and disappeared again, appearing behind Ritsuko and forcing her to turn around with a single hand. In that instant after forcing Ritsuko to turn, Shuten would emit a sudden burst of energy; enough energy that Ritsuko may feel her breath grow short for a few moments in the presence of it. Shuten herself, however, was delivering a palm strike directly to Ritsuko's stomach. At first, the strike had the force of a 0-3 behind it; however, before the strike made contact, Shuten quickly toned it down. She did not want to break or kill the girl; this was a spar, not a slaughter. So, when Shuten's palm made contact with Ritsuko's stomach, it would be with the force of a 3-tier, but the speed befitting of a 0-tier. It wouldn't be extraordinary, but, it would certainly hurt and wound send her backwards at least a good 10 feet. She wouldn't hit any obstacles, but, she may hit that smoke-screen that was made for Shuten.

Shuten watched Ritsuko with whatever the results may be and waiting. She was still sticking to her rule; 4 actions or attacks from Ritsuko and she would implement 1 retaliating attack. She put her left hand on her hip as she drank from her sake dish again and looked towards wherever Ritsuko may be.

"You leave yourself far too wide open, your stance is poor, and you're not as observant as you could be. Keep your legs about as wide as your shoulders, give or take, bend your knees, and use all of your senses to their fullest. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, you name it; use it to your advantage. And especially use that energy sensing all of us spiritual beings have; it could mean the difference between life and death."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:22 pm


Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Grabbing the bolt mid-air and dropping it on the ground was forced into turning around staring directly at shuten however she couldn't react quickly enough due to the immense speed difference between the two as she focusing it on a singluar point on her body which was obviously the stomach once making contact she felt out of breath the feeling itself resulted from a combination of impulses relayed to the brain from nerve endings in the lungs, rib cage, chestmuscles, or diaphragm, combined with the force of shuten's palm. The speed at which she attacked was absolutely phenomenal

The overall connection with ritsuko's stomach and shutens palm sent her backwards
Ritsuko only suffering a few bruises and scars her stomach did hurt even with blut the durability she had was for a lack of a better word inefficent; luckily for she activated her blut vein and although it didn't stop the impact from happening it **at least** cushioned the blow.

Ritsuko wasn't going to just whine and complain about not hitting shuten besides this sparring is suppose to replicate how she would handle an opponent of this calibur on her own. Seeing her silhouette from the same smokescreen that was meant for Shuten as the smoke dispersed ritsuko stared at looking at Shuten with a her left hand on her hips and drinking her sake from the same dish as before staring giving her critique on the latest engagement.

Ritsuko wasn't going to give up though she's very persistent whether in a a desperate combat situation or even sparring. It was ironic even though all spirtual beings especially Quincies have the ability to sense spirtual pressure ritsuko however doesn't use it to her full potential and still utlizes her 5 basic senses which is the biggest disadvantage she has currently. Shuten was right in everyway she left herself wide open making her susceptible to attacks from all directions and she wasn't utlizing her energy sensing at all.

Ritsuko got up once again this time with a smile on her face she was all into this sparring and although the snide comments continued from both and a sense of thrill shot through her, thrill of the fight.
"Let's try that again"

Before she began to combat shuten once more she decided to put on her electric claws made up of pure reiatsu used for close ranged engagements she also activated her blut arterie to increase her punching power ontp of the electric claws albiet a small increase but it was better than nothing. Ritsuko started making slow steps left and right around Shuten. She couldn't approach carelessly, She would make a couple of quick steps forward, then backwards again, in order to distract her opponent. With each approach, she would read how Shuten moves in order to protect herself in any incoming attacks, in order to find an opening. After a couple of approaches, Ritsuko would finally make her first move.

Taking a step forward, she would bend her knee, bringing herself at shuten's waist height, from her left side. Her right leg would extend, attempting to kick her legs in a wheel-motioned way. If it would be a success, Shuten would lose some of her balance, if not drop on the ground. If she would miss, Ritsuko would use the motion of her spin as a push to stand back on her feet a couple of steps away from Shuten. "

The kick was mostly to make Shuten dodge and maintain some distance, instead of striking. If it managed to strike though, all the better. In both cases, Ritsuko would not let her gain any ground. She would proceed into a flury of blows counter attack. Her left fist would aim toward Shuten's right side. Though, expecting for her to block it, Ritsuko would gather her fist back at the last moment, extended her elbow, in attempt to cause some damage on her defenses.

If Shuten was going to dash forward at ritsuko instead she'd have to carefully read her movements bringing her fist ready to defend herself from shuten's flurry of blows.

[Just assume it was four]

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:52 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 821

Shuten watched Ritsuko carefully as she made movements towards Shuten; likely to attack. She certainly did feel that Ritsuko was not very battle prepared. Physically and equipment wise? Possibly. However, when it came to being mentally prepared she seemed to shift. Currently, Ritsuko was prepared in all sorts of ways for a fight; ready to battle Shuten without a thought for her concern. At least, that's what it seemed like given how she was attacking.

Ritsuko seemed to want to lead off with a rather nice way to attack when it came to hand to hand combat; a leg sweep. Basic and rather dependable when it came to striking. Shuten let the kick hit her leg, but, Ritsuko would be the one to feel pain instead of her. Shuten would feel a slight tingle, but, being a Suika meant she was a bit more durable than most Shinigami; her skin was literally thicker. As was her muscles, bones, organs, you name it; she was a Suika and that meant greater durability. She popped her neck and then watched Ritsuko carefully still. Sure, the girl felt a tingle in her leg from where Ritsuko kicked her, but, it certainly was not enough to knock her off her feet. Shuten then quickly used a bit of trickery to counter what seemed to be a feint from Ritsuko.

Of course, Ritsuko seemed to be attempting to strike at her right side, to which Shuten would obviously block as it only made sense to do so. However, Ritsuko feinted at the last moment and in a jerk reaction Shuten threw a Kunai at Ritsuko's arm. In the split second she realized this, it would already be too late as the bladed weapon would likely impale itself into Ritsuko's arm. Due to the disparity in their tiers, the Kunai wouldn't be thrown too hard, but, since it was a jerk reaction, the placement of the Kunai would be too exact and may cause Ritsuko's left hand to be temporarily un-responsive for a single post. After all, Shuten was an assassin; disable and kill. Unfortunately, her body worked on the disable part on accident.

Shuten groaned softly as she threw her sake dish near the kido protected gourd. She shook her head and sighed.

"Shit, didn't mean to fucking stab you..."

The Suika sighed softly before she realized Ritsuko finished her attack. She felt the need to not attack since she technically retaliated mid attack, but, she needed to make sure Ritsuko wasn't letting herself be vulnerable to attack. Shuten grabbed her sword and then threw the blade right past Ritsuko's left ear. The blade was not meant to hit, in fact, it wouldn't hit Ritsuko at all; the blade would simply coast past her left ear and cause a bit of confusion while Shuten quickly grabbed Ritsuko by the neck and pushed her against a tree; the same tree that Shiazen impaled itself into. Of course, the force at which she pushed Ritsuko would be enough to hurt some, enough to cause Ritsuko to either cry out or groan from it. The speed in which this happened would indeed feel blinding to the girl. But, Shuten was trying not to overwhelm her; she really was. Shuten grabbed her sword from the tree and continued to hold Ritsuko there.

Shuten's fingers coiled themselves around Ritsuko's neck, not choking her or issuing pressure that would be too uncomfortable, but, what would become uncomfortable as the feeling of a blade poking the bottom of her neck. Below Shuten's hand, the blade of Shiazen was softly poking Ritsuko's neck. The blade was clearly sharp; possibly too sharp for a sword. It wouldn't draw blood, but, the slight poking would be uncomfortable enough. Shuten would stare at Ritsuko with her purple eyes and then ask a question that was rather interesting to ask while she had a blade to her throat.

"Tell me, do you have someone you love? Or, at least, someone who loves you? Most everyone does. Parents, friends, love interests, family, you name it. Hell, there may even be a girl who seriously does love you; you never know. Oh, also, how's your hand? I did not mean to stab it like that; jerk reaction..."

Shuten stared into Ritsuko's eyes as she asked the question, well, questions technically. Why might she have asked them though? Why, it was because while someone can have amazing resolve alone, but, when you fight for someone; to possibly live for them and fight for them, it works wonders. This meant that Shuten was trying to get Ritsuko to think of someone who loved her, and Ritsuko loved them right back. After all, if she had someone to fight for, she may be able to push herself past her limits.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:58 pm

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 443

As her leg made contact with shuten's the gap between them was completely obvious as the pain was onto her instead of Shuten watching as she remained unphased.

Ritsuko quickly attempted a feint to give her an opening however she miscalculated as she blocked the strike from the right before getting a sharp object into her arm it was too quick for her to react causing her to lose a bit of feeling in her left hand the pain was she wasn't durable as steel only equivalent to a regular human sure it her pain endurance is great but it'd still sting a bit.

Ritsuko immediately looked at the blade as it marked itself onto the tree behind her the speed at which Shuten was going looked like a blur in Ritsuko's eyes and before she knew it she was pinned against a tree with immense force causing her to not only was she pinned against the tree but she was also unable to move her hand to retaliate.

She could only watch helplessly as Shuten wrapped her fingers around Ritsuko coiling around her neck like a python squeezing it's prey until it can no longer breath as the tip of shuten's blade poked the bottom of her neck a bit causing her to swallow nervously as sweat beamed down from her face. Getting a good look at shuten's purple eyes before she asked a question regarding people she loved whether it was friends, family or loved ones.

""Well I have plenty of friends and far as crushes there's this one Quincy in particular she loves me ever so greatly she's like the sister I never had in my entire life."

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:48 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 647

Shuten looked on at Ritsuko, certain that what she was doing was making the girl nervous; so she at least lowered her blade. She stared directly into Ritsuko's eyes as she looked at Ritsuko and then slowly put her down. She gingerly grabbed Ritsuko's wrist, the one she accidentally threw a kunai at, and looked at the wound. She inspected it for a couple seconds more before she pulled Ritsuko with her over to where her second gourd was. She picked up the gourd, expelling the kido barrier before her hand touched it, and then pulled off the top with her thumb.

"Alright, what I want you to do is think of her. Doesn't matter how you do so, nothing sexual. When you think of her, think of her as someone to protect; someone to keep safe. This means that, even if she does not need your protection; you would still protect her anyways. Get what I mean?"

She then looked at Ritsuko's wrist and sighed softly, gently pulling the Kunai out as blood followed the blade. She scowled slightly as she held Ritsuko's arm still, slowly pouring the contents of the gourd over the wound. It was not too bad of a wound, taking up only one charge of the gourd's contents and wouldn't even take a post to heal. Shuten then watched as the wound bubbled thanks to the Sake. Shuten then took her normal sake and quickly washed off the bubbles. Ritsuko would likely expect to feel pain from both events of a liquid being poured into an open wound; but, it simply felt pleasant. Of course, she would probably be surprised to find that the wound would be completely gone; no trace of the wound besides the lingering pain from the initial strike. Shuten then pat Ritsuko's wrist softly and let go of her arm slowly.

"There. Good as new. This is why I wanted to see your leg. Medicine can do a lot, but, hard to beat healing sake."

Shuten grinned and placed the top back on her Gourd of Souls; which contained her healing sake. She then gently placed it onto the ground and snapped her fingers; covering the Gourd in the same protective Kido. Shuten then walked over to Ritsuko and stood directly in front of her. She grinned at her and quickly placed her very own hands on her very on hips.

"Right then! Now that your wrist no longer has a wound on it and isn't bleeding, let's go ahead and continue. Like I told you before, think of the person you care for; or cares for you. Think that you must protect them. It may sound a bit ridiculous, but, if you are loyal to each other, the protection will go both ways. Regardless! Think of this person when you strike me; and strike me only once. I want you to hit me right here."

Shuten points to the center of her stomach; where a lot of her abs would be located. Which, of course, the muscles there were already tightened and prepared.

"Try to imagine I am trying to go after this Quincy, which I am not, and let that need to protect her build up inside you and then strike with all the might you can muster; I shan't counter or dodge."

Shuten grinned still, completely understanding the whole sister thing. Having a sister was pretty great, heck, Shuten technically had two; even if her twin was a bit very reckless. Shuten then simply kept her hand on her hips and waited for Ritsuko; to see what she may do and the power she may gain from thinking of this Quincy she talked about. After all, everyone needs some sort of resolve.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:37 pm

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 443

Lowering her blade down and staring directly into her eyes inspecting the wound she gave as she was pulled closer and was giving a initial healing sake.
Watching as she picked up her gourd from the side and expelling what appeared to be a barrier allowing the kunai to pull out with little effort; some blood came out from the blade but none the less she poured the contents from her gourd causinng the wound to bubble up and heal instantly. Ritsuko could still feel the pain but the scars from the initial stab still remain which is better than having a gashimg wound that paralyzed your arm.

Placing her hands onto her hips telling where ritsujo should punch shuten with all the strength she could muster up pointing to her stomach suprsingly for a small sukei her abs are really....well toned albiet similar to a body builder; showing where ritsuko had to punch.

Doing what Shuten said and getting a good visual representation of her lover facing certain doom as if she was in toshiko's perspective; she continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have taken to get back to civilization. Forcing her legs to push harder she kept her sprint, anticipating the relief of running away from there, Her breathing hitched in her throat making her already screaming lungs just about burst...

Just the thought of it happening felt similar to when her friend died by that gang, the screams of utter pain and misery while she was restrained watching the nightmare happen over and over again no matter how much hard she tried it'd be the same result. If Toshiko suffered the same fate ritsuko would be utterly angry, scratch that furious her blood boiling with pure rage fist balled up tightly and looking at the culprit or in this case shuten wanting to do unspeakable things beat her into a bloody pulp, torture them or hell make them feel the same pain Toshiko had and wanting them to suffer the same way she did with no mercy or sympathy.

This is all of her might, all the emotions and feelings she has towards Toshiko so mixed with using her bout arterie and inner rage to increase her power and her eyes focused on the target which is shuten's abs once moving her hips and torso to generate more force and momentum into her punch; she lifted her back foot heel up making sure to point her toes in the direction of her punch with her knees bent giving her punch extra power.

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:32 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 618

Shuten simply waited patiently for Ritsuko to gain some sort of an image of whatever may be occurring; whether it was thugs beating up this Quincy Girl Ritsuko was referring to or Shuten herself. Frankly, it didn't matter to Shuten as she was simply the punching bag and something for the girl to find her external and internal strength. Shuten then watched as Ritsuko seemed to bubble with rage; her breathing shifting and how she was acting doing the same. It was at least working, but, she was imagining something quite vivid it seemed; at least vivid enough to help in this situation.

Shuten grinned at Ritsuko as she finally squared up to throw the punch, definitely throwing her weight behind this one. Shuten made a soft 'oooh' sound as the punch flew through the air and slammed into her gut. Granted, it wasn't terribly strong; but it was sure as hell better than any strikes she had made so far. Shuten felt a small shock wave force the leaves of some nearby trees to shift; Shuten's Yukata shifting slightly as well. She nodded softly and lightly grabbed Ritsuko's wrist and slowly pulled her fist off her stomach. Ritsuko left a bruise the size of her fist on Toshiko's stomach; a small line of blood trailing down her waist. However, due to how Shuten's skin was, Ritsuko's knuckles were a little bloody. Shuten smiled at Ritsuko and gave her a soft pat on the head before picking up her gourd again and pouring the contents over her knuckles; immediately healing the wounds again. And, unlike Ritsuko thought, there would be no scar remaining from the wounds; just the left over pain.

Shuten slowly inspected her knuckles to make sure that it was only a surface wound before she let Ritsuko's hand go. She then moved her Yukata so the spot where Ritsuko punched, which was simply a bruise with some blood trailing from the top of it.

"See this? It's some progress, I swear. Maybe it isn't as extensive as you would wish, but, it is a great sign. Before, when you kicked my leg, only you felt the pain. But now, it was us both, and you dealt some damage."

Shuten smiled, truly meaning well and glad Ritsuko made some progress. She then poked the bruise on her stomach without even wincing, about to splash some sake on it before shrugging and putting her gourd back into the kido barrier; just something Ritsuko could see so she knew she was improving. Shuten then crossed her arms and smiled at Ritsuko.

"Good, I am glad that worked. But, I want you to know that feeling; to hang onto it and be able to bring it up in an instant. When the time comes and you do really need to protect her; you'll have the strength to. But, also, don't let it over power you. You can use it to fuel yourself in desperate times, or when you need to protect this person, but, do not let your rage overcome you. Besides all the silly reasons of rage overcoming someone, it truly does cause one to become unreasonable and sometimes lose control; which is what you need. Control is necessary as is the ability to be able to protect those you care for. Trust me, I have a twin sister; we don't look the same, but, we protect each other."

Shuten smiled at Ritsuko and then slowly lifted her sword onto her shoulder and she grinned.

"Ya still have three more actions or strikes; use em well~!"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:44 pm


Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The force of her fist making contact with Shuten's leaving a bruise similar to her own fist on her stomach it wasn't much but it was a vast improvement over the others times she tried. Her knuckles were bleeding due to the difference in power and thefact that shuten's skin was hard as steel. A nice pat on the head as a sign of appreciation before pouring her liquids from the gourd onto her knuckles wounds were healed instantly however this time there were no scars like the previous one she recieved from the kunai; albier just a little bit of pain but she'll shrug it off.

Shuten got a good look of her knuckles before releasing her grip and moved to show ritsuko the bruise she inflicted onto her; like shuten said it was progress and although it was better than having zero progress whatsoever hopefully she'll be able to inflict more Ritsuko had a small look of delight on her face the fact that she was able to bruise her was an accomplishment all on it's own.

Before listening to shuten's lesson about channeling that anger to further motivate when the time is right to protect Toshiko from danger, however she also memtioned that while it's good to have a reason to be angry whether it's someone hruting a love one or whatever regardless having too much rage causes one to lose focus and sometimes to become less rational and focusing on killing rather than hurting someone. That's what ritsuko is going to keep mentioning to herseld everytime anger overwhelmes her whether psoitive or negative it's better to keep a rational head.

However rather than healing the bruise shuten just kept it on to signify ritsuko's current progress it inspired ritsuko to try even harder hell even to the point of her knuckles showing bone. Ritsuko had three more actions to use on Shuten and she wasn't going to waste anytime with it.

Ritsuko decided to fake her out with a jab going towards the right side of shuten's head hopefully she'd extend out her hand twards her allowing for her to follow up with a devastating right hook. Making sure to watch shuten's eye movements to see if she'd follow up try to manipulate her defenses If that didn't work she'd try to throw a jab at her stomach once again making sure to aim towards her back elbow rather than the front causing her to at least flinch giving ritsuko an opportunity to throw a fast 1-2 jab to the body, and finishing it off with a big left hook to the head

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Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:17 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 785

Shuten simply watched Ritsuko as she prepared to attack three more times. Luckily, Shuten was allowing her a bit of a lead so she could at least attempt to hit Shuten once more. In terms of speed, combat experience, and over all ability to harm; Shuten was definitely more experienced. However, it was no lie that Ritsuko was good in battle and had her own experiences; it just didn't help that Shuten was also much, much faster than the girl.

Shuten allowed Ritsuko to throw her attacks, Shuten moving slightly to avoid the jab to the right side of her head; she then noticed the right hook and bent backwards, her body at a 50 degree angle to avoid the punch. Shuten then directed her attention to what Ritsuko was doing to follow up with what appeared to be another attack. The Suika let her body roll all the way backwards and she did a roll to avoid the first punch. By the time Ritsuko was about to throw the 1 2 punch, Shuten was on her feet once more. Ritsuko probably wasn't expecting this, but, Shuten caught her fist to prevent the one two punch, or caught both of them if Ritsuko alternated fists with the punches. Afterwards, Ritsuko then threw a left hook.

Shuten made sure to catch that fist, now hopefully holding Ritsuko's fists in lock. In a quick movement, Shuten switched her grasp from Ritsuko's fists to her wrist and then she moved a single leg forward. A grin slowly crept across Shuten's face. At least, it would feel like it was appearing slowly. Both of their bodies were likely pumping with adrenaline; meaning that Ritsuko would see part of Shuten's actions, but not all. Soon enough, Ritsuko would see Shuten do a kicking motion. From this position, a kick from Shuten would hurt, but, the kick never exactly came. Nope, instead, Shuten had used it to propel herself up and forwards, using Ritsuko's arms to pull her into the move as Shuten's thighs wrapped around Ritsuko's neck and head. Shuten then spun around a little to confuse Ritsuko and to put her of balance. After a few seconds she was now in front of Ritsuko, her crotch on Ritsuko's throat, or at least above the front of it, her thighs on either side of Ritsuko's head, and her calves on the back of Ritsuko's head. In mere seconds, they were soon on the ground, Ritsuko's head trapped in Shuten's legs.

The slam down into the ground would hurt well enough. Nothing was physically hurt, but, the poor girl would be dazed. If not for Shuten's thighs, in their surprising softness -- and the fact that Shuten was going easy on her--, Ritsuko likely would feel like her throat was crushed and her skull was cracked. Again, neither of those happened, she was just simply in pain from suddenly being slammed into the ground. Once more, she would not be physically harmed, simply dazed and unable to move.

Shuten slightly leaned over Ritsuko's face so she could poke her lips for a moment. She then simply stopped the leaning and looked down at Ritsuko; but not down on her. She hummed for a couple of seconds, not even thinking that Ritsuko may be in a weird position now that she was literally right next to another person's privates, and the fact that she was trapped by Shuten's legs; she truly didn't think about it.

"Doing okay there? This kinda move is normally done differently, to break the person's neck. Buuut, Ya know, I'm not trying to hurt you or kill you. So, instead, I just spun around your neck to set you off balance and then well, this! It's a good way to disorient an enemy. Hell, from this position, if I wanted to, I could choke you out and knock you out! But, that's besides the point. Listen, you're improving. And, frankly, I'm sure you'll do well later. Just, always try to make decisions that are good for you; and good for the person who you care for if you can. It's up to you."

Shuten smiled at Ritsuko, waiting for the girl to respond and tell her to get off. Frankly, Shuten did know her thighs, and legs in general, were really soft; so, she would just rest here. After all, she made sure to elevate her hips enough so that her crotch wasn't pressing on Ritsuko's windpipe. After all, this was sparring, practice, not an actual fight.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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