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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun May 28, 2017 9:06 pm



Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A| Artist: N/A | Word Count: 500

Ritsuko had always wanted to see a world where everything knew its place. Where everything knew what it could do, and could work together to expand beyond its own personal world. Soul reapers had believed their soul purpose was to protect, and Hollow's had believed their soul purpose was to feast. But what if something beyond that could be achieved? That is what Ritsuko wanted to know. What if, the world was more then how even we had perceived it?

She continued on as Inches of low tracks had been left where Ritsuko's boots had flopped through grass and mud. The forest had a slight drizzle touching the ground, the trees had coverage greatly reducing the amount that had actually come through. This had made it absolutely wonderful for a perfect little stroll through it. With all the thoughts that went through Ritsuko's head, she found it very calming to walk through a forest. A place where everything worked in harmony with no hurry at all, yet everything was accomplished just how it needed to be.

The recent attacks on Jamaica had made it difficult to control her emotions but she always found the ultimately blissful serenity of these walks to be a proverbial reset button for her.

However, this was not Ritsuko only goal at this moment in time. Her red jacket and blue skinny jeans, stained with dirt was going to see far more stains in the near presence of the Quincy.

She was out here to increase her own strength, as well as increase her psyche. She felt as every shred of information and control over her body she retained, her mind gained that much more serenity.

However, she was never actually quite sure if this peace at mind was indefinite, as there hasn't been a moment in time in quite a while that she had to test that theory. Ritsuko's extensive rifle had bobbed in every which way.
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Wed May 31, 2017 6:22 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 520

A soft yawn, the crunching of leaves, drips of a strange liquid falling to the ground, and a Suika indulging herself on some lovely sake in the middle of the woods so she can relax some. Shuten drank upon her Sake quite slowly, only taking about two swigs per 10 minutes; so, it wasn't like she was chugging her booze or anything. She was simply enjoying it. Shuten yawned softly as she let herself flop over, allowing her sake to spill out of the dish and onto the ground as she wasn't too bothered about losing the sake; she had an entire gourd of the stuff on her right hip. Of course, the sake didn't get on her, and wouldn't get on her in any sense; it just simply soaked into the ground or disappeared as soon as it touched the ground. Shuten yawned softly as she flipped up onto her feet, scooping up her dish quickly and strapping it next to the gourd on her right hip.

Shuten stretched and simply resumed walking through the forest, making sure her Yukata, which had no bottom half, was still tied around her waist and wasn't falling off of her shoulders. She yawned softly and continued walking until she felt another in the forest; one that was not of shinigami, demon, or Iramasha origin. Well, that's because this person, whoever they were, was a Quincy. Shuten tilted her head to the side for a moment before she let a soft "hum" escape her throat. She then started to walk in the direction of the energy; her own energy likely present for the girl, but, thanks to Shiazen, Shuten's Zanpakuto, her reiatsu wouldn't feel quite as ridiculous as normal; nor would her energy in general.

Shuten continued to walk until she was about 15 feet away from the person, hopefully able to get a look at her through the trees. Sure, 15 feet wasn't much, but, it was at least a nice distance for caution in case this person was hostile. Then again, with the past between the Quincy and the Shinigami, something... bad... could result from this, but, hopefully it would not go such a way; Shuten didn't exactly like fighting all the time after all.

Shuten looked on to the person, who she now identified as a girl, as she followed her. Luckily, even like this, Shuten was able to hide her presence a little. Her reiatsu and latent energy was still a dead giveaway, but, it was at least decreased; FAR decreased. Eventually, Shuten appeared about 15 feet in front of the girl, her Zanpakuto on her back and her hands on her hips; where they could be easily seen. She waved to Ritsuko, who was the girl of course, and gave a smile.

"Heya! I'm Shuten Suika; who might you be? Oh, also, whatcha doing in Karakura Forest? Don't find many wandering around out here after all. Maybe some demons and some hollows, but, not usually a Quincy. Just a rare sight is all."

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Wed May 31, 2017 8:12 pm



Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

The Quincy had trained in many ways before. She had trained in an boot camp when her days of being a Quincy were much more minuscule. She had trained with an variety of generals to increase her abilities. Hell, she had even punched stones before to strengthen her fists for further hand to hand training, and to condition herself for fights to come. But today, Ritsuko was going to let nature take its course. Slipping off the sort of sash that was holding her rifle , she had caught the weapon falling into the dirty grass, and used her left hand to balance it across her shoulders as she neatly folded the sash into a square, that was longer then it was wider, and then tossed into a branch to avoid getting it more messy then he had to. She despised having to clean her uniform every day, but it was for the best.

At that moment, a moderately small person came out of the woods, and she had identified it as a demon?

She was quite sizable compared to her own structure, she had beautiful pale skin with demonic-like features such as horns with a sword and small gourds around her hips perhaps something to quench her thirst?

Regardless the woman introduced herself as Shuten with a small little wave and upon seeing those demonic horns Ritsuko immediately took action.

Leaning her gun against the tree of which the sash was on and and slowly pulled it out aiming her sights on the demon before firing a few warning shots into the bark of the tree around her the weapon was a gas operated, semi-automatic rifle of modular design. It utilizes an aluminum alloy upper receiver, with polymer pistol grip, trigger, and magazine housing unit which is attached to the upper receiver using cross-pins. With a 16.5 inch barrel equipped with a Red-dot sight.

Ritsuko wasn't going to take any chances after all the last encounter she had with a demon almost cost her entire right leg.

"Don't move a muscle"

Moving closer towards her as the rain continued to pour down making her hair wet but she didn't care at all for now her focus was determining whether or not the demon was looking for a fight or just strolling around.

Too be sure she wasn't going to attack her Ritsuko asked the stranger one simple question to determine her alliigence
Tell me Shuten...what organization are you associated with?

If the woman was apart of a good organization such as Vastime or the Gotei Ritsuko would drop her gun and apologize for the mishap. If not then she'd shoot without question

Last edited by MWD on Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Wed May 31, 2017 10:54 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 367

Shuten groaned as within seconds of appearing, the girl shot at her; all of which would miss her, of course, but, it was still annoying. Within nearly moments of the shots being loosed from the barrel of Ritsuko's rifle, Shuten quickly pulled her sword from her back and quickly used three rather large blasts of energy from the sword to force the rounds to stop mid air, basically matching them with said blast of energy that would have the same speed but in the opposite direction. Afterwards, Shuten would pluck them out of the air and drop them to the ground in front of her; a sigh of exasperation leaving her lips.

"Sheesh! And people say Quincy and Shinigami aren't at their throats anymore; I swear... oh wait, you think I'm a demon huh?"

Shuten flicked the horns sprouting from her head and then broke out laughing, clearly relaxed despite just getting recently shot at.

"I can tell you I am not a demon; 100% Suika. By that I mean I am a Shinigami. So, you have no reason to be afraid of me hun; lemme guess, had a run in with a demon that nearly seriously fucked you over?"

Shuten smiled well meaningly, displaying her Zanpakuto without any threat to Ritsuko. She then placed her blade on where it normally would stay; on her back. She smiled at Ritsuko one last time before she sighed softly and started to walk towards Ritsuko. While her movements didn't speak danger, the tone of her energy alone did; only from the power itself. Yet, she had no ill intent towards Ritsuko at all.

"So, tell me, who are you? I'd like to know the name of the person who just shot at me; or at least gave me warning shots."

Shuten smiled once more, meaning well of course, but, she was mainly trying to tease the poor girl. But, it was meant well as she placed a hand on Ritsuko's shoulder, giving her a soft pat on the shoulder before taking a single step back and relaxing some; waiting to see what may happen.

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:18 am



Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 350
The bullets fired from her barrel and went passed the woman a nd off into the distance, probably hit an animal by now as it screams in agony as too what the hell just happened. Regardless ritsuko was a bit angerec that her shots missed but what suprised her greatly was that the woman was able to stop her bullets mid-air using her sword and firing whatvapeared to be energy blast resulting in the bullets being plucked and finally dropping onto the soaken ground.

The woman called herself a Suika or in this case a shinigami and not some demon looking for a fight; after all if she was a demon she'd attack Ritsuko on the spot without hesitation. Ritsuko was immediately relived as she sighed in utter relief, the evidence was obviously there in front of her a zanpaktou was all she needed too determine her alligence and for that ritsuko immediateky apologized for the misconception.

"My apologizes for firing at you Shuten, the name's Ritsuko by the way it's nice to meet you" Ritsuko responded with a nervous look on her face, it felt embarassing too just shoot someone who didn't mean any harm
especially a shinigami

Shuren immediately asked whether or not the firing was because of a recent battle she had with a demon and she was right in target almost like reading her mind. Ritsuko rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously "Yes you're right i gotten my ass kicked by a demon, i guess seeing horns sort of just remind me of that horrible incident i had with him."
What suprised her even more was the fact that he let her live without finishing the job was it out of self-pity or was she spared because of respect? Whatever the case Ritsuko wasn't going to let it happen again

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:06 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 608

Shuten chuckled softly and gave Ritsuko a soft bow before she placed her right hand on the girl's shoulder, her pointed nails evident but they did not pose any threat or injury to Ritsuko. She yawned softly and stretched a little before speaking once more, another chuckle escaping Shuten as soon as she stopped yawning and stretching.

"Again, I don't blame you; it's a cruel world out there. But, here's what I suggest, don't look at what a person has on the outside; try to look into them. Try to see the exact quality of their energy; and, believe it or not, those who are normally "evil"-like normally won't have energy that you want to be near. For example, most demons have some sort of air of destruction or foreboding around them; or at least something of the sort. While those like me, who are actually good and want to protect others, normally don't have energy that is quite like such. Of course, there are exceptions when it comes down to what the person's powers do in the end, but, it's still a better way than firing off shots at a person you just met; if I was a demon, that really could've ended badly. Buuuut, I'm not!"

Shuten smiled and let go of Ritsuko's shoulder, pulling the dish from her side, filling it with sake, and taking a long draw from it before she looked back towards Ritsuko. It would be clear to Ritsuko that Shuten was drinking alcohol; if the gourd at her side and on her sword were not enough of an indicator there. However, if Ritsuko was to thing she would smell the terrible aroma of booze; she'd be horribly mistaken.

Ya see, while Shuten may be an alcoholic, or considered one, she has standards of how she smells. In other words, she sure as shit isn't gonna smell like a drunk bum. She's going to smell nice despite drinking booze; hell, even her sake will smell nice! Regardless, Shuten did not smell bad at all; if anything the scent would be alluring. But, only for a second before Ritsuko would likely just appreciate the nice smell and move on with whatever she may be doing here.

"Also, I am sorry you got so badly hurt by that demon; there are always better I'm sure. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more good demons than normal, buuut, eh, wishful thinking. Oh, do you still have any lingering wounds from that conflict? Also, why might you be here in Karakura forest? It's not often I see people here that aren't hollows, other Shinigami trying to get me to go back to the Seireitei, or the random occasional demon."

Shuten grinned, truly, this girl was a weird one; and certainly seemed like she was talkative and liked booze. However, what was interesting was that despite the fact that she was able to stop Ritsuko's rounds from hitting around her, her levels of energy and reiatsu seemed surprisingly low; low or very well tamed. Of course, it was certainly the latter. Shuten's reiatsu was restrained by the gourd on her Zanpakuto; using her reishi to create her healing booze so it could constantly have those healing properties and also to create more if it ever ran out. However, if there was one thing Ritsuko could be certain about Shuten was that she was not evil, was not going to hurt her, and was certainly not a demon.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by darkfunnel on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:10 pm



Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 350

Ritsuko watched as Shuten chuckled in utter amusement and giving her a bow too show consideration towards her, ritsuko wanted to respond but before she could o so shuten place her hand onto her right shoulder feeling her nails make contact with the fabric of her clothing yawning and stretching in the process. Her nails were a bit strange but it was probably sense style of fashion.
Shuten was right though if she was a demon this situation would've ended up alot differently, with ritsuko probably on the ground covered in blood as she takes her body down into hell itself for eternal pain and suffering.

Regardless she gave her a bit of advice on individuals and how not too judge them to quickly rather learn about their energy and how to differentiate those with good energy and those with bad. This advice was beneficial as each word coming from Shuten's mouth was immediately processed into her brain like a college professor teaching their student a lesson.

Before smiling and removing her hand from her shoulder pulling out what appeared to be a dish from her side pouring alcohol into it before drinking what suprised ritsuko was that she didn't smell like the typical drunk homeless man she sees on the streets of karakura at night. In fact it was the exact opposite, although the smell only lasted for a few seconds before leaving her nose.
Ritsuko wanted too ask what kind of alcohol was in the gourd but she had more important things too do like answer the questions she had for her.
"The only injury i sustained was a broken leg and a few bruises but besides that i'm fine, besides there's nothing medcine can heal these days."

"I was just out here clearing my thoughts on the whole ordeal thinking of new tatics too beat him if he returns again besides i'm using this opportunity to train my body to it's upmost limit"

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:36 pm

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 418

Shuten smiled at Ritsuko, glad she understood and wasn't trying to shoot at her again. She yawned a little loudly, before covering her mouth and continuing the yawn. She cleared her throat as well and then put away the dish she had poured sake into earlier, having already drank the contents of the dish.

"Training you say? An interesting place to come for training. I'm surprised you didn't go to your friends for such things; everyone has them and I'm sure they would have helped you. Ah, but anyways, why did you come to Karakura Forest to train? I'm sure there are better places to train that this place; the most you'll run into is hollows, occasional bums, and trees. Oh, and apparently me!"

Shuten chuckled to herself, seemingly enjoying her strange joke before she cleared her throat again and then looked to Ritsuko and studied her; not entirely sure what to think of the girl. Potential? Certainly. She had good eyes, a nice energy to her, and it seemed she was steeled in more ways than one; and last of all, but not least, she was determined to improve. Shuten smiled softly as she looked upon this girl, a girl that was determined to become strong. Whether the strength was for the defense of others or herself was for Ritsuko to decide, but, Shuten couldn't simply sit by and watch a soul develop alone. She grinned and crossed her arms, looking directly into Ritsuko's ice blue eyes with her own deep purple eyes.

"Alright... so you wanna train right? Well, no better time like the present and no better person to train with right now than me. So, how bout it? Also, if you want to push your limits to spar with me; go for it! You'll need to if you want to prove your worth; to grow and train. SO! Ritsuko, train with me! Let's spar and I'll make sure your limits are pushed; and I swear to you, you will feel stronger. And, I will also teach you an important lesson of knowing when to depend on yourself or on different factors; like friends."

Shuten's grin grew wider after she spoke, her arms still crossed across her chest, her eyes boring into Ritsuko and focused on her; it was only a matter of time until she got her answer, and hopefully it would be a good one.

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:59 pm



Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

The Sukei continued to yawn and put away the dish where she poured the sake in where it went exactly she'll never know but regardless Shuten was interested in training her and that was going to be beneficial to her and showing shuten the combat skills shenlearned from not only growing up but in vastime as well.

Ritsuko answered her question as too why she picked the forest out of all places to train with a tone of utter clarity.
"Well the forest is a great way to utilize my abilities without having innocent civillians harmed, my abilites aren't destructive at all but having a woman shoot a gun around will probably leave people worried and call the police. Besides i don't want cops all over my back following me like i'm some sort of a vigilante."

Ritsuko did chuckle at the remark shuten made, it'd be pretty ridiculous too see a homeless guy looking around karakura forest to train women; the hollows are probably weak out these parts but it was a way for those who excel at camoflague can attack her without even noticing so it was nice too have a person like shuten too help her out.

Ritsuko watched as Shuten eyed her up and down like a drill sergeant and their recruits perhaps observing her overall appearance and powers while she did admit her powers were good they had room for improvement such as all training regiments. She's not the kind of person who believes she's the greatest quincy in the world she was just like any other person whether shinigami, quincy, or even arrancar. Although they all have different views and preferences on the world they all have one thing in common...the purpose of getting stronger and improving their skills.

One thing Shuten got right was that she's a good a teacher despite she had alot of charisma and had a look that said "This chick has potential and i'd like to see her improve not only physically but learn a valuable lesson as well."

Her eyes burning with a fire of determination and spirit
"This is going to be great! You certainly won't be dissapointed Shuten i'll make sure this is an enjoyable spar for the both of us."

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Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] Empty Re: Go Big or Go Home [Shuten]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:27 am

The Sake Demon

Shuten Suika

Go Big or Go Home [Shuten] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Starlyte - Song: Titan - Word Count: 412

Shuten chuckled softly as she grabbed the dish from her side once more, filling it up with sake and taking a rather large drink. She wiped her mouth of whatever liquid remained on it from the sake and then she grinned at Ritsuko and licked her lips softly.

"Alright then Ritsuko. Training session it is, and we may as well train right here in the Karakura Forest; lovely place since it's empty enough. Go ahead and do whatever hun, attack, mentally prepare; I'll be ready. Oh, and do know I will reply to every 4 attacks with my own attack; be they 4 punches in a row, 4 kicks, so on and so forth~! But, I want you to put all of your power into the attacks you make. However, make sure to ration them out appropriately. You don't want to burn out before the conflict ends. Also, after the battle, I want to see your leg. Medicine may be able to do wonders, but, it's not quite flawless. Well, at least not all the time."

Shuten looked at Ritsuko, truly concerned about the girl's well being when it came to the fact that she nearly lost her leg. It's a sad thing she wasn't called in or at least told something about this event; she could've saved Ritsuko hours, perhaps days, of suffering from a broken leg. Shuten shook her head softly and held her sake dish in her right hand, swirling the liquid around. She took another quick drink and drew her sword with her left hand and buried half of the blade into the ground. She then took the gourd that was attached to the blade and set it aside; snapping her fingers as a small kido barrier manifested around it. She extended her left hand to Ritsuko and extended a single finger; her index finger. She made a coaxing motion; a sort of "come" motion with the single finger. Shuten wanted Ritsuko to attack first, after all, she didn't want to scare the girl. That, and it would be best for her to attack first; after all, Shuten was to ascertain her powers, not accentuate her possible inexperience and likely low amount of energy. Shuten smiled at Ritsuko, her eyes boring into Ritsuko's eyes.

"Alright Ritsuko, any time you want to come at me; go for it. I'm ready and waiting."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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