Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.)

Wed May 10, 2017 11:44 pm
Charlise continued to sob on the boy as he comforted her. She hadn't ever had this kind of contact in her entire existence. It felt... Lovely. Something else rose from within her; relief. Finally being allowed to let it all out, to be, well... Human, in a sense. The emotions were so overwhelming she almost couldn't handle it. She didn't even think of the spectacle she was causing in the general area; crying girls weren't exactly the norm in the modern era.

Of course, she was then pulled to a woman's clothing store, stumbling a bit at first with the sudden pulling. Soon she was walking through the store with him, soon she was being pulled on to a dressing room as he had made his selection. She then was given the impression to well, go inside and try the clothes on. She did as told, walking into the little room, fiddling with the latch until it made a click noise. She sighed gently, guessing that meant it was locked.

Soon she removed her dress (being a rather complicated process considering the amount of things tied together.) but paused for a moment, looking in the mirror at herself. Her eyes watering quite profusely was second fiddle to the large, empty, gaping hole in her chest. When she first woke up she had the hole, and didn't understand how she was still alive. She slowly reached her hand into the hole, just to make sure it was really there. Indeed it was, considering her hand was coming out the other side, and she could clasp and unclasp it. She sighed, instead focusing at the task at hand.

Through her watery eyes she stared at the outfits. She took one glance at each maid outfit and simply cringed. Was modern wear this... Frilly? These outfits were fit for little girls but... Not women. To her knowledge women had to dress properly, but not too outstanding or outlandish. If she wasn't royalty or of importance she'd be taken for a fool. She tossed them aside, rubbing her eyes as she sniffled a bit. Her raw emotion was ongoing indeed, but it was beginning to wear thin. She held onto the dress, giving it a thorough examination. It was a rather lovely reddish brown, being quite plain in design. Nothing too flashy, nothing too outstanding, at least to her. Perfect. She soon was putting on the dress until she heard a slosh... Splat! noise behind her, like someone had swished water around then dropped it.

She slowly turned around to see what caused the noise, looking around before her vibrant gaze fell to the floor when she heard the noise again. She quickly caught her breath when she saw the source of the noise.

This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 F818432f934318f6db63182f349580a7eb2bd1bf_hq

It was a tiny... Creature that Charlise couldn't identify. She'd never seen anything like it in her entire life. Whatever it was, it was trying to rise off the floor in a floating motion, but continuously failing. It got a little closer each time, but still returned into a puddle formation on the floor, but less like water and more like jelly.

She quickly turned around, attempting to ignore it for now as she examined herself in the mirror. She sighed gently, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the short sleeves. She looked to the jacket, flinching when she heard the noise again.
"One second.." She mumbled, slowly picking up the long sleeved, kind of cute jacket. It had rather large wood-like plastic buttons and it was a dark shade of red. She thought of it more for a boy to wear, but she slowly slipped it on, staring at her reflection.

The outfit pulled together, quite well actually. With another wave of relief, she even felt... A little happiness. She felt good with her appearance for once, well, not particularly overjoyed, but much better than being in that worn outfit. She slowly looked back to the creature still attempting lift off on the floor, almost getting it's small, fragile body off the floor. She bent down, taking the rather wet and squishy creature in her hands. It was so tiny it could fit into the palm of her hand, but not too small to be viewed. It was a frail thing, still attempting to move by itself, though this time Charlise had heard a gentle yet distorted coo. She didn't know what it was, but it was gently wrapping one of it's little appendages around her pinkie, very gently, as if conscious thought was put into not hurting her.

"K-Kaito?" She unlocked the door, beckoning the boy in, "You... May want to see this. I am decent, though."
Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
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This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue8700/99999This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.)

Fri May 12, 2017 9:51 pm

Artist: Umineko noro no Naka ni - Song: Final Answer - Word Count: 540

Once he had heard the latch click on her changing room Kaito walked away for a moment to talk to one of the sales people as he’d hold a fairly complicated conversation on the world and how it had changed. It was pretty amazing how advanced technology had brought them forward, but yet the simplest things still held more value than the advancing world of technology, and how it affected people. As he’d chuckle and hold the conversation looking at the dressing room making sure she hadn’t just walked out he’d see something move around her feet, but he wouldn’t make it obvious to the other person something strange just had happened, more than likely they wouldn’t be able to tell if the person was just delusional or if there was something really existed in the stall besides Charlise. To be blunt, he couldn’t tell if it was just some water she spilled or a being, but it did leave a water like residue on the floor, and that was the major thing he had noticed, he’d smile hearing her call out to him and said to put a hold on the conversation as he’d walk back to her, it wasn’t that far away.

She had said she was decent and as he walked into the stall with her, and closed the door he’d look into the hands of Charlise looking at the jelly like creature. ”Strange… Did this thing just come into existence just now?” He’d inquire taking a picture on his phone and while it was similar to other kind of jellies, it wouldn’t pop up on it’s own. Then Kaito smiled for a moment and spoke. “Do you think this is a part of you? Maybe something you created?”[/b] This was a jump, but at the same time it wasn’t. He could tell she wasn’t fully human, so she had to have a power or something that gave her reiatsu. Otherwise she would have had to come from a dimension like the Sugiurans, and that was very rare to even happen in the first place. ”Can you figure a way to dispel it, when I go pay for the clothes, otherwise we’ll have people screaming that a creature was brought into their store.” He’d say with an amused smile, but he was also supporting her with that smile something that would bring her warmth. ”We will have to figure out more about your powers Charlise, because you’re definitely an unique one at that.”

He’d step out then and give her the sign that she had like 5 minutes to get herself back into her clothes so that Kaito could pay and he’d say he’d be waiting at the cashiers counter for her so he could pay resuming the conversation complimenting the female on the variety of clothing that they were displaying and the high amount of help that he had received, making it easier for him to get a discount. Yes he had a ton of money, but he was Froogle about using it. Anyway, once she had walked out and handed the clothes so Kaito could pay for it he’d talk to her again. ”Do you have a place you can stay for the night Charlise?”

Template By: [THEFROST]

This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Could be Anywhere in the would, but it's in Karakura (Charlise/Closed.)

Sat May 13, 2017 6:39 am
Charlise carefully held the tiny, blue, translucent creature in her palm, it's small tentacles wrapping around her fingers as she looked rather worried to Kaito. She watched as the younger male stepped into the stall, closing the door behind him. She honestly had no idea what to make of this creature; honestly she thought she was imagining it at first, but Kaito confirmed that it was a real thing, it was actually in her palm as he stared directly at it.

She nodded when asked if it just came into existence. She was incredibly confused as to why it did, though. She saw him take out some strange rectangle object, seeing him move his finger along it. It wasn't particularly the object of concern of the current predicament, so she didn't say a word. When asked if it was a part of her, if it was something she created, she honestly didn't know how to react. She was rather confused on that statement, staring vacantly at the boy.
"But that isn't... Possible-" She cut herself off as the boy began speaking once more, soon being left with this strange creature alone once again. She reached her free hand out, locking the door.

"Okay... Okay..." She backed away from the door, closely examining this strange creature. It didn't hurt to hold, rather it was pretty cold, but not unmanageable cold. More like the cool feeling of water; just the right type of cold. It was quite gentle with it's hold on her fingers, like a baby holding it's mother's fingers, except with a lot more thought put into being gentle. She held it up to her face, trying to closely examine it. Before it had attempted to grasp her face, she noticed the smell of salt. Soon two tentacles were going to touch her face, which she quickly clasped between two fingers of her free hand. This made the creature whine, retracting the tentacles through the fingers.

Charlise was honestly reminded of an infant of this creature's noises and behavior; it was curious, but it was gentle, unlike a human infant who tightly grasped or attempted to chew anything it got it's tiny hands on.
"Okay... Okay... Can you do me a favor?" She kept her voice as quiet as possible, fearing others would hear her, "I'm going to put you in my dress for a bit, I need you to stay quiet and not move, just for a bit... I don't want to hurt you."


She felt her heart stop when she heard a very soft, a very brief child's voice speak to her. She looked around, wondering where it came from.


She stared at the creature in her palm, gently sighing.

"I'm just going to get dressed." She placed it down on a small ledge where the other clothes were, "Do. Not. Move."


She sighed, soon getting dressed in her own outfit, deciding it would be best to place it in the very front pocket of the white apron-like addition to the dress, doing so with much care. Honestly... She had no idea why she was so willing to protect this creature. She didn't know where it came from or how she had any attachment to it but... She felt like she had to do this.

She walked out of the stall holding the clothing, soon giving her selection to Kaito (which was rather slim). She remained quiet as she looked at the male ask he asked if she had somewhere to stay the night.
"I... I don't... I've been fine on my own though... You don't have to do this all for me.."
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