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Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:44 am


The meaning of a name. [Open]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Rain pelted down, it’s rhythmic sound pounding against the pavement. In this quiet town of dunblane, scotland. Situated by a river , was cozy and quiet. A blanket of fog enshrouded the rustic houses that had long been eclipsed by modern day technology. It was akin to stepping back in time, this town; yet on the old tower of the dunblane cathedral a lone figure was perched upon the aged shingles, her golden hair slicked back by the mist and rain that poured down from above. Her golden irises peering into the darkness, lips stilled and neutral before pulling into the softest of frowns. “This world is strange, no matter how i look at it, the inhabitants seem. . weak, yet strong.” her knowledge of the world of the living was sparse, and bar those who were spiritually aware, the normal mundane human still was unable to see her, yet after leaving the soul society she had enquired about the demons tsubasa had spoke of.

That had brought her to a small country known by the name scotland. After traveling through the night she had then ended in dublane, it was a quaint town, bar the drunks or those unloading from the docks; there was only the softest whine of machinery in the background to accentuate this misty morning. She frowned slightly, at the site of a car driving across an old road, her nose wrinkling as she exhaled. Machinery was a concept she still wasn’t entirely sure of, these metal coffins that had mobility to her seemed more like cages than assets. She also didn’t quite understand the small square objects people seemed to tap on or stare at for hours on end, but then again it all was strange to her.

The cry of birds as they awoke from their roots punctuated the soft serenity of this picturesque place. The morning’s muted rays glistening through the air to reflect on the stain-glass of the cathedral. It had majesty, even after the passage of time had worn it down and it had become abandoned by the common populace. She didn’t know that it was a cathedral, and she didn’t understand the concept of worship. Yet she admired the way it was constructed, it made her feel calm; at ease. Her eyes shifted as she looked across the town, and pondered if she should continue on her journey? Her energy was completely suppressed, so most spiritual beings wouldn’t even detect her presence; let alone be capable of clearly ascertaining just how strong she actually was.

Yet looking at her, one might easily mistaken her for one of the statues erected in bygone ages to glorify a religion humanity had gone through so much in the name of. Her skin glowing faintly due to the light, her clothes still the same kimono she had brought from the black world. The weapons she brought still on her, firmly affixed to her being and tilted for quick use.

”..Even this close to the supposed “demon’s hq” i’ve yet to see a single . . creature that fits the description tsubasa gave me.” She thought to herself as she inhaled the cool air, letting it swirl and fill her lungs before slowly exhaling out once more. Each breath had meaning to it, allowing her to center herself and calm her racing thoughts. To return to the center that was known as calm, to let the ripples on the lake that was her psyche gradually still; leaving only a glassy calmness in its wake. She then slowly shifted a knee up, letting her arms loop around it, resting her chin atop her knee cap as her eyes continued to peer into the fog, slowly looking around to find something that would be. . Even if but a little; of interest to her.

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  LzZCuy7
The meaning of a name. [Open]  BtXe12b
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Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:59 am

Artist: --- - Song: --- - Word Count: ---

Scotland normally wouldn't be her voice choice of where to pick up a few things for home, but honestly at this point, she'd just do whatever place seemed to be the least impacted by the events going on in the world. It was a bit much for her at this current time with stress piling on even more stress, laced with the fact that she felt... rather alone currently. Only one person to place refuge in, and while that'd normally be enough... it's just a bit rough on her in the current situation, so much so that Belle would rather wander about in her Shifter form to avoid people recognizing her.

In the end though, she was still stuck wandering through the surprisingly thick fog that found itself all around. It was annoying to her, since it not only meant that she couldn't find any nearby buildings easily, but that it just only added to the fact with how gloomy things seemed to be.

Cheer up cheer up! I've still got Neo, and I'm still walking and breathing, that's a good thing! It's not all bad...

It was a bit hard to keep saying that every day, but it kept her going, to the point that this self motivation would eventually lead to her crossing paths with a rather odd, strange individual. Partially from fate, and partially from sensing their desire for entertainment, no matter how little or insignificant it may be. Hell, just using that small trail would be enough to get her to meet someone, which was far better than just wandering about alone for god knows how long, so a quick turn led to Belle heading straight for whoever was nearby and seemed bored... and a little bit disappointed at something. Her powers weren't good enough to determine that, but she got what she needed.

And in just a few steps, Magnolia would be able to spot someone emerging from the fog with a faint smile upon their lips. A dress that seemed far too bright and colorful for this day and age, especially out in public. Knee-high white boots, a purple skirt that was longer in the back, black shorts visible underneath the skirt, all followed with the black top with frilly, white shoulders. Her hair was actually long enough to fall down the majority of her back, as the last defining feature was what seemed to be stars within her eyes.

And once Belle spotted the person looking for some fun, she began to pick up the pace a little bit, giving a short, cheerful wave as the demon flashed a grin, fangs and all. "Hiya! I'm just a wee' bit lost 'round here, know where the nearest drug store is?"

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  MNjstuP
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Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:29 am


The meaning of a name. [Open]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

In the gloom, with her hair clinging to her neck, the shinigami slowly paid attention to the approaching figure on the ground below. A hundred vertical feet separated them, so originally she assumed this seemingly normal girl would pass her by. She had long since accepted some people could see her, and some people couldn’t see her. Her lips parted and a sigh was left unbidden against her supple lips. Head inclining imperceptibly as her eyes slid into a lidded state; she was bored.

Yet, it seemed the girl who had neared stopped rather than passing her by, and the shinigami with her rain-soaked kimono slowly let her golden gaze scrutinize the being that stood below. The first impression she had was a aesthetic one; which was the gal beneath dressed rather frivolously. Comparably so if you put her and this gal side by side, with magnolia’s simple kimono versus her rather decadent attire. This didn’t marr her thoughts regarding the girl since it was just an impression on how the girl liked to dress; rather that is to say as of now, magnolia had no preconceived notions about the little miss before her.

The rain picked up, and the soft distant rumblings of thunder echoed. And the golden gaze of the matriarch of the everfrost families eyes narrowed imperceptibly as lightning illuminated the skies above, it’s zigzagging bolt a flash of light in the gloom of a overcast scottish day. In the moment that lightning lit up the sky, she was able to see the flash of the girls fangs, her expression crystal clear in this moment before once more the darkness permeated the landscape once more. Magnolia’s lips parted as she heard the girl ask in an amusing tone. ”.."Hiya! I'm just a wee' bit lost 'round here, know where the nearest drug store is?" her own musical voice carried as she gave the girl a response.

”I’m sorry, i am unfamiliar with the area; i’m probably not going to be of much help.”

As of now, the shinigami remained on her perch on the roof. She hadn’t shown any signs of moving from her current spot. Rather as small streams of water followed the contours of her neck; as if the rain didn’t bother her in the slightest. The feeling that the shinigami was studying the girl down below could very easily be portrayed. After all, in this odd world everything and anything encountered was a new experience for the shinigami. It was so strange and outlandish to the girl who had spent her 400 years of existence in it’s entirety in the inverse soul society. As the shinigami blinked she exhaled and then thought bemused to herself. ”..Maybe i can ask her what a demon is. . .? She might be more familiar with the term than i am. “

Magnolia paused as she deliberated the pro’s and the cons of being so forthright with the stranger below. This little mental debate would span maybe ten or twenty seconds at most, before she came to a consensus with herself. She leaned forward so her eyes would make contact with the eyes of belle. ”..They look like starlight.” she thought to herself taking in the Amethyst gaze. Eventually she’d offer a bit of information about herself to the stranger below, saying it in a calm and carefree manner, the smallest of phantom grins curling at the corner of her lips.

”..However, i was wondering if i could ask you a question? My names magnolia by the way.”

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  LzZCuy7
The meaning of a name. [Open]  BtXe12b
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Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:38 am

Artist: --- - Song: --- - Word Count: ---

The response she was given did hamper her mood a bit. She'd be stuck wandering around in this horrid weather to just try and find some of the medicine she needed... at the very least, it couldn't be all too far, and it shouldn't hurt too much to stay and chat for a bit. So when the girl up above began to take a few moments to seemingly think up of something to say, Belle made herself comfortable by plopping herself on the ground, a small sphere of wind acting as a ball for her to sit on as she even fashioned a type of 'roofing' over her with the same type of magic. And in one gust, she appeared to be dry underneath the make-shift cover. She liked getting wet in the rain, made her feel young again, but it wasn't needed all the time.

"Sure, shoot. I'm Viya by the way." A lie told, but with how things were nowadays and all the chaos running about, it didn't hurt to give a false name at first until the person could be trusted. Though this interaction did make her a bit more curious, to the point that she was leaning forwards in her seat and staring -right- at the girl. Judging her in any way possible, though 99% just judging her outfit that seemed a bit plain and simple to this day and age. Sure, Belle herself may have been a bit eccentric, but she still knew what was normal and what wasn't. So the girl that looked like an old-fashioned doll just sitting out in the rain did pop some questions of her own into her head.

"But, I'd like it if you could answer a few of mine, just to be fair~." The demon's lips curled into a smirk as she even began to test something out, a bit of probing. With some Advanced Mental Deduction being used, Belle began to prod and poke at the girl's mind. Not trying to do anything risky, just figure out one simple thing before she could ask it, or maybe even uncover a more secretive goal. What she wanted. What she desired, her goal, possibly short term or long term. Who knew but Magnolia? And that's why a mental link was trying to be established. Now if the girl was of an equal skill with her in terms of intellect and intuition, she could easily fend it off, but where's the fun in that?

"What're you doin' out here all by yourself? You seem cute enough that you'd have a few friends to hang with. You sort of remind me of those cute old fashioned dolls, no offense~"

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  MNjstuP
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The meaning of a name. [Open]  Empty Re: The meaning of a name. [Open]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:42 pm


The meaning of a name. [Open]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Her golden gaze shifted, the luminescence allowing them to glow much like an animals would. The corners of her plump lips remained slightly curved, even as the rain pooled in streams across her face, further causing her closes to cling to her. ”..The heavens are crying. . .” She thought to herself softly. To her rain was nature's way of grieving; it was a sign of sadness, or of joy. She absentmindedly raised her head, chin tilting back to let the clear crystal drops of water splatter across her face. She felt the cool sensation of the liquid as it trailed across her pale moon-kissed skin, and as she closed her eyes she almost could imagine that she was back in the inverse soul society. That she was still traversing the endless expanses on an unending quest for power; since even if so much was different, the rain was the rain. It was almost the same thing no matter where you went.

It had the same taste as it always did, with the trace tang of elements ensconced within. It retained it’s cool crisp cleansing feel when it struck upon her skin. It retained the same sentiment it normally did with her. It was these thoughts, these . . brief affirmations that led to her gaze, with its distant gleam to surface from behind her lashes. To stare down at the girl who had now spoken, tuning into what she had to say. "Sure, shoot. I'm Viya by the way." she said, with her amethyst gaze level with her gleaming golden irises, yet there was a shine to them that magnolia picked up upon, but couldn’t place. Her smile shifted, and the blaise and unassuming visage of a doll would be given a hint of “flavor”, the brutality that could be evoked by such an animalistic and crooked smile would give the onlooker a “glimpse” into who magnolia was at heart.

After that statement magnolia leaned forward, her wrapped bosom resting heavily against her knee, this new position causing her hair, drenched with rain to fall forth, sticking to the contours of her clavicles, gently accentuating what to most would look like just an A cup, given how tightly she often wrapped herself with bandages. Thunder pealed with its rumbling growl in the distance, electrical charges and ions of varying states permeated the air. To the common human, each of these things could be considered nigh unfathomable; but to her? It was so easy to sense these minute charges, to feel electricity as it crawled and danced across her flesh. Even as the pouring rain increased the visibility almost nil from the rains obscurity, at this point magnolia listened to what else Viya had to say.

"But, I'd like it if you could answer a few of mine, just to be fair~." Viya had said, a comment which caused magnolia to nod slightly; given from her upbringing even if unbridled at best, she still adhered to a certain code, a way of existing that resonated with her very soul. It was probably an outdated sentiment in this world of modern wonders, but it was how she had lived her life for three hundred plus years, and it certainly wasn’t going to change any time soon. Hmm, . . i might or might not answer; i haven’t really decided yet, but what are demons? Magnolia thought to herself silently, allowing for her crooked grin to spread only a smaller bit more.

"What're you doin' out here all by yourself? You seem cute enough that you'd have a few friends to hang with. You sort of remind me of those cute old fashioned dolls, no offense~" Viya continued and then seemed to be done with her own questions. Internally magnolia laughed softly, and eventually let her lips part as she answered the first of the questions , which was the “Why was she here?.

”..Simple, i’ve heard from someone that demons are the enemy of shinigami. Yet. “ She spoke slow, her musical voice jaded , and hushed. Purposefully she had angled her tone as such to make it so the girl would have to focus to hear the whisper of her musical tones. She even stopped half way to pause to gauge how the gal before her would respond, her golden eyes taking in every subtle shift in expression, and in muscle. Eventually she continued, maybe a breaths time after stopping?

”..The problem is, i don’t know what a demon is; so how am i to judge something i have no clue upon? It’d be naive and foolish would it not?”

Her words had a strange pattern to them, and the hint of some old accent that relied heavily on clear diction, and subtle annunciations via the use of one's tongue and throat muscles. The result was her very tone had something bewitching about it; and certainly not of earth if one knew enough about this little blue ball humans called home. Now regarding her second question, magnolia softly let the breath she had inhaled leave her lips in a moments notice. She responded in a manner that was neutral.

”..I know no one here, i am a stranger in a strange land. Maybe with time i will find comrades who share my ideals; but for now? I am but a nomadic creature wandering in this neck of the woods~”

Even the words she used would give off a timeless feel, and a strangeness that couldn’t be precisely pinpointed. Finally she segwayed into her question.

”..Now that i’ve answered your questions, my question is.

Her eyes narrowed some to gauge the girls reactions once more.

”What constitutes a demon?”

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  LzZCuy7
The meaning of a name. [Open]  BtXe12b
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The meaning of a name. [Open]  Empty Re: The meaning of a name. [Open]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:23 pm

Artist: --- - Song: --- - Word Count: ---

Found herself staring for a few moments now. The individual before her seemed to take her time answering, or perhaps she was thinking? With a fair enough guess, Viya assumed that the girl was just a wee bit scatterbrained, mostly due to every little movement she did. Shifting in place, reacting to just the rainfall and even leaning upon their own knees. The bandages did lead to a few questions popping up within Viya's own mind, but none that were really worth asking. To each their own, especially with outfits and other choices.

That whimsical, slightly musical voice soon spoke out, just the tone and pressure behind it making Viya feel as if something was off, something wasn't quite right. Something that only made her all the more curious and intrigued by the girl she had met. Eyes peered right back up at Magnolia, blinking a few times from sheer shock at the first part of her question, not knowing what a demon was. It wasn't very hard to imagine what one was with all the stories about if you lived under a rock, but most people in those world don't just... forget what a demon is. It's an entire race of people, it's the power that was starting to rise up. It was... something that should be known.

But perhaps this girl had a similar issue such as the Sugiurans? They were travelers and once new to this place, and that were certainly explain why not only her voice but the entire atmosphere around her seemed just a tad bit off. Her reactions were expected, her body leaning over just a bit more than before, lips parting to take in a breath as she actually stood up at this point. The small collection of air once underneath her disappearing as she took a leap through the air, a small barrier of wind keeping her mostly dry as she would attempt to land right next to the girl, heels clipping tenderly near her before Belle simply plopped down besides her. All weight falling in a moment as she crossed her legs and simply smiled towards her.

Even if the voice did make her feel a bit uncomfortable, there was no reason to be afraid of her. She didn't know what a demon was, and she seemed to be a shinigami... an odd type of one at that. Perhaps she could be friendly if Belle explained what a demon was in a more friendly way? It wasn't a hard concept to grasp, but putting it into words to properly describe what a demon was would take a bit of thought. Her lips being pursed for a moment, eyes glancing towards the side as she thought how to just word it without missing anything. It took only moments, but a light bulb seemed to went off in her head from how quickly her face seemed to light up, already leaning just a tad bit closer to Magnolia that a thing called personal space might have been invaded.

"A demon is a person, a thing like you and I. They're as important as a shinigami, yet as different as can be. A demon... comes from Hell, though not as bad or horrific as people assume thanks too stories from religions and beliefs. A demon is a creature that follows their own desires, rather than that of morality. It can lead to those that do away with all inhibitions and cause harm or destruction in their wake, or to those that simply want things for themselves. That are more neutral, that just wish to be happy in whatever way they can be. What constitutes a demon is the same thing that constitutes a shinigami, that we're both alive and breathing."

A singular hand was placed upon Belle's own chest for a bit of emphasis. "I'm a demon myself. I'm not a best example of the majority, but I'm a good example of what a Demon can be. I've pulled myself away from needless bloodshed and I'm just enjoying life for how it is. Others may want to plunge the world into Chaos, others might just want to spend time with the one they love and make sure their needs are met. I'm more of the latter, so please don't assume we have to be enemies just because we're on two different sides."

She hoped she was explaining this in as friendly of a way as possible. She could tell that the girl might take things a bit too literally, or maybe just lock on to the fact she was a demon. She didn't know, and she couldn't tell that much about her, only that she was curious and wanted to know. "For the people that say shinigami and demons are enemies, or iramasha and rakasha are enemies, just fuck 'em. Ignore them. They're racist twats who just want to encourage violence, encourage the loss of life, encourage the war that's going to start soon. Go off of what you figure out. If you think demons are alright, then that's fine... It's your life, so don't try to rope yourself into those rules and codes that some of the shinigami around here stick themselves into."

"Am I being weird? It's been.. a long time since I've gotten to just talk to someone, so I might be rambling a bit or sounding a bit stupid." A cheerful yet flustered smile came across her lips as she now watched for Magnolia's reaction, hoping it was a positive one towards her.

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  MNjstuP
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Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:47 pm


The meaning of a name. [Open]  6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

She hadn’t moved but as the girl got closer, an indomitable air exuded from the stationary and still sitting magnolia, it was the kind of pressure that was exuded from a warrior, or a near celestial being. As her clear gold colored gaze flickered up to look at the girl; who it’d be good to notice was so close to magnolia that she could practically reach out and touch her; in fact she’d reach up slowly and experimentally to touch the backside of her hand against viya’s cheek. To many this was a very sensual, caring or provocative gesture that spoke of familiarity or some semblance of kinship. Yet, it’d be better in this case to take it at face value, she touched her to see if they indeed were similar; if they had the same characteristics. Her hand slowly flipped over as the crooked grin twitched the other side of her mouth curling up as well, exposing her perfectly white teeth. Her index and thumb pressed against the soft flesh to pinch and pull at viya’s cheek, if for nothing more than the girl had gotten too close, even for a being who had a very loose concept of personal space.

Listening more to the definition of a demon that she got, she began to contemplate just how she was going to address this. She certainly was soft-hearted, despite her doll like exterior. Enemies that threatened her brethren could only await the cool cold steel of her blade across their necks. She valued the lives of those known as shinigami above most other things, she wasn’t the type of gal who thought shinigami were superior however. She certainly valued them a great deal more than random unknown people of another race, it’s simply how she viewed the world. Because of this as her lips parted the words uttered with such clarity with that odd yet musical voice of hers had a sinister innocence to them. At the same time the pressure exuded by these words mentally could be comparable to looking death in the face. Intent if you will radiated from her, since she wasn’t a adept at subterfuge, her thoughts just like her emotions always were very explicitly conveyed through her mannerisms.

”..So, is there a reason i should spare those who slaughter wantonly my brethren, or other people? A term comes to mind here, Those who point their blade at another, shouldn’t fear being killed by the blade themselves.”

Her words had a sparseness, each one was said at the volume of a murmur, and her golden eyes once more slightly had been obscured by her lashes as she blinked. Softly and slowly she released the girl's cheek, probably leaving a soft red mark upon the otherwise smooth and unblemished flesh. After as she awaited a response, her golden eyes flickered and once more focused in on the hues of purple that adorned Viya’s irises, her head tilting to the side as in response to her close proximity, she adjusted marginally. Shifting ever so slightly back so her posture leaned more towards the slanted roof behind her rather than her knee. Finally, after she had done so she had exhaled and nodded her words further cementing the clarity and reasoning behind her asking.

”..I’m glad, because i have a favorable impression of you; it’d be a shame if i had to execute you, you are . . Nice if i had to find a word to explain it?”

After that statement, she studied viya because she was interested in how she’d take the fact that. Even if it was only momentarily after hearing that Viya was a demon, solely based upon information given to her when she came here. She had been debating whether or not to kill her. Actually if viya was paying attention she might see the hand which had subtly been shifting as the amethyst eyed girl neared from her knee to the handle of her blade behind her had finally dropped back against the old worn stone shingling below her. After all this came to pass, she didn’t really offer up any more to a conversation because she was waiting for the response as to why she shouldn’t bare her blade against the demons. After coming to this world, there was much she didn’t know; many things seemed strange to her. Yet, she knew that with her hands she’d carve a place here, as she had said she was but a nomadic creature, and the path of bloodshed didn’t phase her much.

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The meaning of a name. [Open]  LzZCuy7
The meaning of a name. [Open]  BtXe12b
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