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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty The Wolf of Wan Street

Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:13 pm

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:34 pm


Artist: Mewmore - Song: Zinia Remix - Word Count: N/A

This should be the last day of my little break. At this point, I can call it coming out of retirement with how long it as been. I will miss this momentary calm, I certainly did enjoy the sights here.

Europe was one of Nemesis' favorite places to be in. The culture, the natural beauty, and the generally calmer atmosphere surrounding it all. If anyone was trying hard to find her, they'd only need to check around a bit in cities like London and Paris, the latter being where she was currently. Compared to how she looked just months ago, she seemed to look much calmer and relaxed. Her physique was kept on point, but her posture and everything made her seem as if she were just a resident who enjoyed keeping in shape.

As per usual, a cafe was her favorite place to be, legs crossed underneath the table she reclined at, slumping into her seat as she took gentle sips from a steaming hot cup of tea. Her attire fit the fact that it was starting to become spring time. White sneakers with blue stripes, jeans that clung rather nicely to her lower half, and a spaghetti strap blue shirt. The lack of sleeves easily showed off her physique, which would turn the heads of few considering she looked akin to an amazoness at this point. To top it all off, her hair was done in a neat, nice pony-tail, still keeping it's wavy nature.

Only one thing seemed to catch her attention. The energy of someone rather strong here, which she honestly found rather odd. She was used to powerful figure remaining in their fortresses or bases, or just generally away from the public, but someone seemed to enjoy the same past-times as her. Just being able to simply enjoy a calm atmosphere with a hot drink. The arrival of someone new led to the demon slowly pushing herself up in her seat, sitting tall as her attention fell on Mirja herself.

She didn't say anything, though the fact that she was staring for a bit was fairly obvious. There wasn't any leering or any type of negative look with it, just simply a curious look on a soft face.

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The Wolf of Wan Street MNjstuP
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:48 pm

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:20 pm


Artist: Mewmore - Song: Zinia Remix - Word Count: N/A

The girl of her interest seemed to have caught on rather quickly, and returned the attention tenfold. In just moments the individual was sitting across from her and already happily starting a conversation, and the opening statement being one to make Nemesis cock a brow in response.

"I did not think anyone would remember me after so long. Yes, I fought him, his name was Henrex." Already the cup of tea was placed gently to the side as Nemesis held out her hand for, well, a formal handshake. Even if she seemed much more relaxed and casual compared to the tournament, she still had habits of acting far too serious when needed, especially when compared to a girl who's tail looked just about ready to fall off from how quickly it was moving. Now that she was a bit closer, Nemesis could get a real feel for her.

And in just a few moments, she could tell that Mirja wasn't an immediate threat. Sure, she was quite powerful but she just seemed hyperactive and overly friendly. At least that was her initial thought.

"I am Nemesis, may I ask for your name as well?" The introduction was even followed by a soft, gentle smile from the woman, head cocked to the side just slightly as deep emerald eyes didn't seem to stray away from Mirja's own. She wanted to be as friendly as possible in return, and hopefully get to hear a bit more about what's happened around in the world during her absence.

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The Wolf of Wan Street MNjstuP
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:01 pm

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:08 pm


Artist: Mewmore - Song: Zinia Remix - Word Count: N/A

Little too hyperactive for my tastes personally, but a good try.

It was a bit odd to have someone coming unto her so strongly, mainly for two reasons. It was hard for her to... 'feel' attraction like that, and secondly she just wasn't used to it at all. It wouldn't mean that she found it impossible to entertain the notion, just that she hoped the girl wouldn't get her hopes up too high. That thought was already rather fleeting since an offer to come to her house was already given. It might be a fun experience, but it might lead her own, which let the cogs within the Bloody Barbie's brain turn.

Worst case scenario is there's a small scene. So why not? "I can agree to terms like that. It would be a fair way to spend the last of my extended vacation. So since I agreed, may I learn your name now?" The one held out hand was soon brought back, elbows being placed right on the table as she held her head up with both hands, peering right towards Mirja herself with the soft smile from before still visible. It was honestly a bit of a stark contrast between the face of a doll to the body of a fighter.

In just a moment the woman found herself slowly pushing herself up and out of her seat, taking a quick chug of her drink to finish it up quickly before aiming to toss it into a nearby garbage can. The seat was pushed in behind her as she held out a hand to help Mirja up and out of her seat, trying to be as polite as possible. Besides, when you're the SF secretary, you gotta have some manners. "Come along now then, you can lead the way. How far away is it?"

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The Wolf of Wan Street MNjstuP
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:47 am

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:37 pm


Artist: Mewmore - Song: Zinia Remix - Word Count: N/A

A single brow was raised at the warning given too her. Mirja did seem a bit eccentric, but her idea of a punishment was flat out childish. At least it was more of a peaceful punishment than trying to incite violence, Nemesis didn't want to ruin her few pieces of casual clothing left. A small bow was given to Mirja in return for the curtsy. The name wasn't anything that popped out in her head, so it was safe to say that she was probably safe heading home with her. Typically any of the more famous people or names she's seen across her desk would draw some red flags, but this foxy individual was perfectly fine.

Well, maybe not fine. But cheerful enough that she shouldn't be an issue. With the quick exclamation of how far away her 'home' was, Nemesis' face returned to its deadpan look, devoid of any emotion, especially with she found herself being lifted up and off her feet without so much as asking. She actually refused to entertain the idea that she was okay with being lifted up, but she knew if she tried to escape from her grasp, it'd just lead to a complication, so motionless and still Nemesis remained.

"I believe I can move rather quickly on my own, but if you find this method to be quicker, than you are free too. Just do not assume that being able to lift me like this will become a normal occurrence." Her gaze was at least towards Mirja now, rather close due to being held the way she was. To the point that she could even see the finger details of her face, the cheerful grin, crimson eyes, possibly canines peeking out.

It didn't matter all too much. The 'mystery' of her house did away. "Mirja, is the only reason you want my company is because of the fight you spectated?"

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The Wolf of Wan Street MNjstuP
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:11 pm

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Wolf of Wan Street Empty Re: The Wolf of Wan Street

Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:24 pm


Artist: Persona 5 - Song: Butterfly Kiss - Word Count: N/A

Nemesis just simply remained still for the remainder of the trip, not squirming nor struggling, allowing Mirja her fun, even if it came in the form of teasing, such as being a 'beautiful bride'. Honestly, love was a bit of a hard concept for a fair amount of demons, at least in that sense, and even more difficult for someone who's emotions ranged from sad to angry. Nonetheless, the sights around her did catch her attention and lead to a rather interesting view. Scenery changing from icy tundras to vibrant fauna all around, which made the 'bride' question if this was truly super speed or some form of transportation. Either way, it was certainly a neat trick that impressed her, but she shouldn't be too surprised. Mirja did give off a rather strong aura herself, though luckily not malicious.

Her gaze from the blurs of sights all over the world around was torn away by Mirja's voice. One that was both loud and quiet, the only noise she could hear yet deafened intensely. The answer she was given could have made her smile, but it was a small enough smirk that hopefully Mirja didn't catch it. Nemesis wasn't too fond of being teased, and it seemed like this wolf was friendly enough to poke at her for breaking the deadpan face at a compliment. But who wouldn't feel a bit better about themselves after that? She's been gone for a while, and someone still remembered her and wanted to know her.

There was no issue with that at all. "It is kind of you to say that about me, but I do feel as if I should warn you that I am not very engaging in conversations. I will do my best to give you what you want, though a better way we could get to know one another is simply exchanging questions in a type of... game I was taught long ago. You would ask a question I would have too answer, and then I would do the same, and it would simply repeat. If we have time until we arrive, you could start. I am still not quite sure what... 'this' is though, this bubble and movement, yet I do not feel sick from the speed or anything."

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The Wolf of Wan Street MNjstuP
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