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Reunion of the Soul Empty Reunion of the Soul

Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:36 pm

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Reunion of the Soul 4 Reunion of the Soul 3Reunion of the Soul 7



It was a beautiful, moon lit, night, within the confines of the rukongai district area. Everything, was quiet, and peaceful. With the exception, of a few drinking parties, that may have been occurring within other area's of the district. For the very few occurrences happening, elsewhere, it was a peaceful, almost serene and solemn, setting. Everyone seemed to be resting, and enjoying their time of sleep. However, for one girl. There was nothing to sleep about, but instead recollect the memories, of a place she use to visit, way back in her day, she used to live "there" it was a fun time while it lasted, but nothing last's forever. Many things, last very long, but none of it lasted forever. Or at least, that was the ideology that became a foundation of this person's soul. Alas, what was the use in delving into unwanted, and memories, that were buried deep inside another locked off edge of her heart?; It always got strange, to be alone. For some reason, it can make you think about things, out of the dim blue. That, was what our former princess, was experiencing.

She, had made her way into the Soul society, through the use of a senkaimon. Which, in her own eyes. She was never banned from the Soul society, just her own land. That, wasn't what she was worried about. In fact, she wouldn't even care if she was banned. Seeing, as she wasn't one to go by anyone's "Honor code' or "Rules" as those up tight people, always talked about. The day Saeko busujima, was thrown out of the castle, and cast away, never to come back. Is the day, Saeko busujima, became a different woman. She was no longer a sweet and innocent girl, that her mother Misaiko cared for. At least in her eyes, That day; Was so Embarrassing. Not to mention, Demoralizing. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that her mother was acting nonchalant, or unemotional, like she was, after then news of the death of the King Otoya Arrived. It made her angry, but what she just wanted was for mom, to accept her time, and work with her. Eventually, at the very bit, she would've made a recovery, and maybe some day she would be the queen. She met all of the expectations by her peers, and took it up every notch, making her mother proud, everything that her mother did, she would replicate. Cooking, tea drinking, and flower picking. She adored her mom, because of her peaceful and calm demeanor. The two were an inseparable mother and daughter pair. That would make even the most heartless old man, crack a small smile. No one would expect, a pair like these two, to break up?; So what caused it?

Saeko would rather not, recall the situation. However, after the death of otoya, she would constantly disrespect Misaiko, and caused massive fits within the castle. Misaiko, went with her motherly instincts, and did whatever any mother would do, and kept her. Despite, the fact, that many of her peers, and followers, and people from respective races, told her to get rid of the girl. No, that was her answer.
"i will absolutely not, abandon my child, for these petty race affiliations" But, it weighed on her too much. She, decided to remove Saeko. From that day on, the pair was broken like a glass mirror. Shattered, to nearly no return. Saeko screamed and cried, and even begged for forgiveness. However, as those closed doors, began to close. Misaiko looked down on her with saddened eyes, but did nothing. Saeko couldn't notice the eyes, as from her perspective; they looked cold, and unforgiving. But, it was quite obvious, that she was very upset. By, what she had just done. Both, lost something that day, but gained something else. Misaiko, eventually regained her happiness, and Saeko. "Pay, i'll make her pay...I'll make you cry like i did Okaa-san" Those were her words, from that day, she began delve into a powerful and amazing Sacred, something not many sugiuras, or even one, possessed. a Sacred of "Reason" No one, knew what that meant exactly. But her power, had skyrocketed because of it. Only one objective in her mind. "Kill, i'll definitely kill her...but before i do, i'll tear her limb from limb, and make her experience the pain i did" and that's how everything came to be.

"Heh, by why am i remembering all of this now? i could care less about that Mutt"
the young purpled haired vixen, said with a chuckle. She was located in the forest by a lake. she wasn't bathing, but instead reflecting. Seeing her image reflected upon the water, like a mirror. With the moon, illuminating her features. She wasn't wearing anything too extravagant. A black tank top shirt, Stockings, with imprinted rose symbols at the top, and a long black skirt. The stockings, were missing. Only because Saeko felt like playing around in the water. She enjoyed swimming. But, she didn't want to get her clothing wet. She looked up at the moon. "i'm still thinking about memories that should never be brought up again. After all i did vow, i'd kill her, because only i can Kill Mommy, only i'll make a suffer. I'll carve her delicate frame, into a bloody master piece...the topping to finish off the cake would probably be seeing her face in despair, and twisted with agony. Hehehehehe..." she held in a chuckle, as she splashed the water in her face. While enjoying her private night, of reflection.

Last edited by Misaiko on Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:57 am; edited 6 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:04 pm

Reunion of the Soul B316da72
Reunion of the Soul 716c1d76

Reunion of the Soul 4118cbdd Reunion of the Soul 461d5019 Reunion of the Soul Tsubineicon-1
SONG TO DEPRESSION-- Rebuild of Evangelion OST -- Rei-Opus V

"Do you know where the heart is?"

Those words lingered in the mind of a wandering man. No matter how many times he tried to shake it out of his head, those words stayed in there. Despair. Agony. Lonliness. Pain. Those are just the first few things that the man could say about what he felt. The trees hid the moonlight, which was already dimmed by clouds. He carried no weapons, or at least none visibly.

With his head hung low, he continued deeper into the forest. His silvery hair covered his eyes, and his expression truly set his mood. With a haori drenched over his shoulders, he continued down the beaten path. Memories of a happier time danced in his head. A wife. Children. A mentor. A friend. People whom he had lost, by death or by cutting ties.

The man's footsteps were close together and his arms barely moved. He wasn't in a hurry, and he didn't care that it was supposedly going to rain later. He gazed up at the moon, as if he felt that someone he still cared about was staring at the same celestial body. A smirk crawled upon his face and he shook it off.
" that's happening."

Despite his depressed and worthless opinion, this man was no vagabond. He was actually one of the highest people in the Soul Society. His name was Tsubine Zarkoheinz, though his position didn't matter to him. It had been nearly a week since the divorce between him and his first wife had been finalized. She had said it "wasn't right" and that "we should just go back to our own lives." Reports said that he hasn't been seen since.

The glistening of a stream caught his eye while the sound of the water grasped his ears. While the higurashis were louder than the water, it was the calmness of the water that was so appealing. Tsubine knew that this stream led to a lake not far ahead. The depressing sound of the cicadas echoed through the empty forest. Step-by-step, the white-haired male slowly waltzed towards the sound of a larger body of water.

Passing through an opening in the trees, he reached the lake. At one end was a large cliff with a waterfall that fell into the lake like a lion tackling its prey. At the other end was a river that led around the Rukongai, creating a small moat. Tsubine looked across the body of water. Ripples disturbed the reflection of the moon. Where he was at, there was a sort of miniature penninsula that created a crescent-shaped mini-bay.

As he gazed out onto the lake, something caught his attention on the penninsula. A feminine figure, no a woman, crouching at looking into the lake. Her hair was long and beautiful. Her face was slender, yet showed strength. However, the most astonishing thing about her was the fact that she was someone Tsubine knew.

Tsubine stopped in his tracks and stared at her. His eyes filled with astonishment, gazing upon her. His hands began to tremble as he continued to process that it was indeed her.

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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:16 pm

Reunion of the Soul Thumb_big_wide_815f93930cffe0bb1a04037330c62911


Reunion of the Soul 4 Reunion of the Soul 3Reunion of the Soul 7


"do my eyes, betray me...or is it..." She was frozen in place, at the very second she heard foot steps, ready to attack, if it was a intrusion. However, her surprise froze her slender bones, in place. She, was expecting a shinigami, but her expectation, was met with something far more eye-opening. Tsubine Zarkonheiz, the man she knew from long ago. What was he doing out here, all the way in the rukongai?; her mind couldn't help but access a few facts, was he here to apprehend her?; No, that was completely illogical. In theory, the look on his face, told it all. Usually the man she knew back then, would act first. Then talk later, so for the look on his face to be flustered, and surprised. Made her chuckle, after getting out of her frozen and inchoate state. She sighed, and looked towards him, her tall figure stood up she wiped her legs off.

"Is there any reason you've come here? Tsubine-Kun?" she asked, curiously, She, could just assume he came here by accident. "I didn't expect to see you, in the longest time...Hehehehehehe" she said with a small chuckle, escaping her lips. "don't get anything wrong, i simply came here to enjoy the moon lit night, in the soul society" she said, staring at him, with a slightly cold blue stare. "However, if you're here to do anything...then..oh who am i kidding..." she said changing her sentence mid point. "I should really lighten up" she said her eyes going back directly towards him, as she smiled at him. "it's been such a long time and i haven't even acted with any manners, and asked you about your current endeavors..." she said as she stretched her arms out and sat on a rock, by the lake. She looked back at him, with her usual smile.

"i'd like to know what you've been up too, so far." She was slightly interested in asking him, the whereabouts of her mother. However, she didn't know if he might have caught onto any plans, so she simply decided to talk to him, and go into past memories. she sat there, looking at him. She couldn't help but look at how much he had grown, then from before. He looked quite handsome, now. She couldn't deny that fact. He looked more taller, more chiseled, and his over all frame, had changed considerably, at least in her eyes, from the time she met with him. She recalled those times, and they were "interesting" to the very basic word. She felt tempted to tease him a little, but she waited for him to reply, and get his composure back, after being surprised to see her out here.

Last edited by Misaiko on Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:16 pm

Reunion of the Soul B316da72
Reunion of the Soul 716c1d76

Reunion of the Soul 4118cbdd Reunion of the Soul 461d5019 Reunion of the Soul Tsubineicon-1
SONG TO REUNION-- Rebuild of Evangelion OST -- Rei-Opus IV

Tears almost came to his eyes as his thoughts were confirmed. A smile of relief crawled from his depressed face. He had known this woman from long ago. Actually, he had more than just "known" her. The two were ex-lovers, and their relationship at that time was secret. His shocked expression was gone, replaced by one completely filled with relief and regret. Relief that it was her, and regret for leaving her.

Those years ago, Tsubine and Saeko could have been called the perfect couple. They laughed, they fought, they cried, they loved. Saeko could keep Tsubine calm and productive and Tsubine could keep Saeko normal and productive. It was if that was a match made in heaven. Why they ended such a beautiful relationship, nobody really knows.

Tsubine began to walk around the shore, light waves hitting his feet.
"I just needed to get some things off of my mind, and you? I know you would just randomly come to this lake." I doubt she remembers... This lake is where Tsubine and Saeko would run off to in case they needed some time alone together. The lake was known as Lake Ashino, and it was one of the few natural lakes that many people didn't know about.

Tsubine watched as more clouds began to roll in.
Maybe it was going to rain after all... As the man reached the area where Saeko was, he started to smile again. She had matured in those years since then. The cicadas went silent, as if they were wanting to hear the man speak. "'s odd to call you that...but yeah, I'm not here to apprehend you or anything. Oh...what I've been up to?...That's the reason I'm here, actually. I wasn't expecting to see you here though...but it would appear as if I'm single again...Hell, this is the first time I've been out of my house in a week...I'm glad I ran into you, Sae-chan.."

I said too much..she doesn't want to know about that...but...I need someone to rant to... Tsubine slowly clambered over to the rock Saeko was sitting on. It was long, and in fact Tsubine had put that rock there himself. He sat on the rock, slowly. He wasn't far away from Saeko, but he wasn't right next to her either. His steel blue eyes gazed out onto the lake. "It's been too long since we've been able to have a nice conversation...hasn't it, Sae-chan?"

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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:54 pm

Reunion of the Soul Thumb_big_wide_815f93930cffe0bb1a04037330c62911


Reunion of the Soul 4 Reunion of the Soul 3Reunion of the Soul 7


"Yeah this place brings back memories, alright." Saeko said, as she stared back at the male, as he sat down upon the rock, that was set right by the lake it's self. directing herself to sit back down, as she placed her own body, slight a few inches away from him. Looking back down into the lake, she listened to his words, as he spoke, and his reasoning for coming here?; She didn't know what happened after she had left. She think she was the one who ended it. It, was for the best. Essentially, she just knew she wanted to end it, at the time. Saeko was unstable back then, she probably figured Tsubine couldn't handle it, however, she didn't want to burden him with such a girl. Not only that, she had broke her connection with Misaiko. So, the idea of staying with him, after making plans to kill the woman, were also unavoidable. However, the memories still lingered, and she just wondered for a moment, that maybe had she and her mother still been on good terms, she would enjoy times with that man, beside her. Marriage, Children, and a wonderful life. However, that was a happiness that eluded her, and that was far too great for the world she wanted now. So it seemed, that her ties with her mother, weren't the only things she cut.

"i think the meeting, feeling mutual, old friend.." she said with a wide smile, as she turned her direction back to his own. the two safely planted a few meters away as Saeko looked into the lake's water, watching her reflection. "I kind of figured, you weren't going to apprehend me, or anything. You're usually the man, who jumps and goes into action first, without any questions." she said moving a finger up to her chin. "i came here, to reflect upon a few memories. After all, this was a lake we use to run too, when we just wanted to think about recent evens, talk about good news, everything. We were like innocent children back then." she said as she looked up into the sky, her eyes slightly held regret, but they went unnoticed. She put her hands over her lap and put her legs back into the water. She, looked back at him. "whoever dumped you, must've missed how wonderful of a man you were." she said with a deep compliment. "i feel sorry for that person, but any who. It's their loss" she stretched her arms out a bit and moved them around. "you grew up, faster though. i can definitely notice it, in your appearance" she said, throwing him a playful compliment, while adding it with a playful smirk. "my good Ole Tsu-Kun grew up so fast" she said, that was a fun nickname, she would always add as one of his nicknames, to tease him back then. She felt happy, to say it once again. "Hehe, you use to always get so flustered when i said that out in public. you always said, that wasn't fitting to call you, out in public" her eyes went back too the watery, mirror.

She, then nodded as she kept swaying her legs through the water. "it has indeed been a long time since we've talked like this, in fact it's been a long time since we've been in touch. i have been busy...with some things, so i'm sorry if i never did come to visit..." she said as she clapped her hands together. "I'm sure you must've heard about, me and my mother's falling" she said, asking him curiously. She wasn't going to trick him, or use any sort of plan. But, she did have some interest in what her mother was currently doing. She still wanted to kill her. However, this wasn't just the time to reflect on that, she was happy to reunite with a sweet heart, from way back then. "if not, do you have some time to listen?" she asked curiously, looking back at him. to be honest, she wasn't sure what happened while she was gone. The only thing she knew is that she had one sister, Midori. the one that she had abducted, though, no one knew that, currently.

Last edited by Misaiko on Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:52 pm

Reunion of the Soul B316da72
Reunion of the Soul 716c1d76

Reunion of the Soul 4118cbdd Reunion of the Soul 461d5019 Reunion of the Soul Tsubineicon-1
SONG TO SORROW-- Evangelion-Death & Rebirth OST-- Sorrow of Losing the Object


Was this destiny?
Or was this just a coincidence?
Was this reality?
Or was this fantasy?
Is that really the woman I once loved?
Or is this someone claiming to be her?
Truth be told
Even I believe
That this is truly her.

Tsubine smiled again at her remarks. She did remember. Right now, for her to remember the lake itself, was enough to cheer him up a bit. His thoughts wandered. On a night like this many moons ago, the two had thoughts of what they would do with their lives. Nothing covered the two lovebirds except a haori Saeko had made for Tsubine. It was no Captain's haori, but it was still of great value. The two stared at the stars, Saeko's head laying upon the white-haired man's chest. The smell of attraction, no the smell of proverbial ecstasy, engulfed the hilltop. A slight breeze blew, and the clouds shifted revealing the white circle in the black skies. "Every night should be like this, Sae-chan...just the two of us. Nothing covering us except for this haori." Tsubine had said that to the female whose head laid upon his bare chest on that moonlit night.

Of course that never happened again. The two had personal problems and went their separate ways. But for the two to meet again after oh so many decades, it was not pure chance. It was as if the stars had led them to this lake on purpose. Tsubine dipped his feet into the water, following suit of the female. Of course, her slender and soft legs were used to chilled azure lake. The male's muscular legs shivered, and the motion transferred up his spine. The temperature of the lake was of no concern to Tsubine. His body was warmed just by the feeling that there was someone near that didn't have anything to say about his state of affairs.

Her statement about the woman who had left him made Tsubine stare into the water. Around his feet, he could barely make out a small fish swimming around.
"Heh...Sae-chan, you really know what to say." His voice was low, almost inaudible. The next few words from his mouth referred to something a bit earlier than the comments about her. "You're right...the old me would've apprehended you...if you were anyone but yourself. And you've matured as well. You're still as youthful as ever though.

Tsubine smiled again at her nickname for him. Tsu-kun. Another memory of the two at a Japanese-style festival with her calling him Tsu-kun and thus Tsubine getting embarrased followed by a bit of love-filled anger towards Saeko was brought up. Tsubine still had the picture of the two smiling in his office, albeit hidden from her view. His eyes filled with a feeling of a regret as he remembered all of those events and happy times. Tsubine's silence turned into a slight chuckle, thinking of the awkward moments the two had.

When Saeko apologized about not coming to visit, Tsubine laughed once and shook his head.
"I should apologize as well, Sae-chan...I never came to visit you either." Tsubine heard what Saeko said next. Family troubles. Tsubine may have been a close friend of the main family of Sugiuras, but he hadn't heard anything ill of Saeko. Perhaps they didn't want to hurt him. "Sae-chan, while I haven't heard about that, I have all the time in the world right now. And even if I didn't, I'd find some time for you." A few more clouds passed overhead, darkening the sky more. It was going to rain, that was for certain. When it was, however, was not.

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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:04 pm

Reunion of the Soul Thumb_big_wide_815f93930cffe0bb1a04037330c62911


Reunion of the Soul 4 Reunion of the Soul 3Reunion of the Soul 7


"heheehehehe, thank you, Tsubine" She said, with a smile. it was really unknown to her, as to why she was even caught up, into talking to him like this, but she didn't deny, that she was enjoying it. "Heh...and here i thought i cut all ties, with these one's..." she said, in her mind. With that, out of the way. she was happy, that he had such a gentleness, to himself now. She didn't expect, that from him. Maybe, he had changed, more then she expected. nonetheless, it was enough to make the woman compliment him, greatly. this was a place, were their memories, were connected, so for her not to remember it, would be just as much, of a stab to her own heart, as it would be to his, plus from catching few glimpses, she could surely tell, that he was a bit down, in the dumps. She always had a sort of innate sixth sense, to always tell when he was, upset, happy, and even many other things, when they use to go out with each other, way back then. It wasn't new to her, and she was use to it, because just as her mother had her sense, of peacefulness, Saeko still kept the that trait of using sultry and peaceful tones, to cheer a person up. no matter how their mood might have been. It wasn't like she didn't know him, in fact, she knew him, more then most people did. She got as close to him, as most, did. No one really ever knew, what made those two go off and go off into new chapters, separately.

"i guess we've both matured, and changed, in some respect then. Hah." she said with her smile, still held up, it wasn't forced, nor was it strained. it was a strictly genuine time, that she was able to smile again. not for killing someone, not for seeing death. But, for a friend. She kicked her feet up out of the water playfully, as the water was meant to hit Tsubine. they always had fun times, were they would swim, in this lake, as well. "Sneak attack" she said, licking her tongue out, with a eccentric and funny face, as she looked back at him. "anyways, if you really wish to hear the story, then i should tell you. after all, if it weren't for this reason, maybe..." she stopped in mid sentence. she didn't want to finish it, as it would make her put two and two together. and make her feel even more regretful, about the past. "Anyways...let me get started..." she said as she looked up to the moon. "Long, ago. Everything was going fine. me and my mother, were a connected bond, and we were even well versed in national affairs, tea parties, and many other endeavors, that made me really happy" she said as she moved her hands over her lap. "My mother, was a wonderful, role model, and i looked up to her. What you seen in me, was that girl who wanted to be so much like her mother, sweet, compassionate, caring, and loving. and for the most part, did i not follow those ideals?" she said as she looked back at him.

her eyes, had slight regret within them, as she continued the story. "Soon, after, without my knowledge my father, Otoya, went off into war. it made me scared, after all the sugiuras, always had a huge army of bandits, or even warmongers coming after us. Because we came onto what was supposedly their land, as they tended to claim. i always had the lingering feeling, that he would never come back, but more so, i was even more upset, that my mom didn't stop him, maybe she had a undying faith in him, that i couldn't quite comprehend. at the time, after all i was still young, and learning. though i was a prodigy, in my respective fields of combat and strategy by a young age, at least in sugiura years. i was still a novice, in understand the things, that went on between those two..." she said, as she held back a tear. What was the exact reason? maybe, it was the bottled regret, that the woman held in, over the many years. and the hate, she kept in her heart. leaving not a single speck of forgiveness. as she locked it into a cage. "I just didn't know, what to do, i know my mother, felt as uneasy as i did. and we were both hoping, that him, and the rest of his army, came back, from these tedious wars, that took place." and then, it was coming to the part she hated the most. and why she felt that she wanted to make her mother pay, for the things, that had transpired so many years ago. "and then..." taking all of the courage, inside her she spoke out the next part.

"he never came back..." she said, as she was practically holding in her tears, thinking about the death of her father, that she admired equally as much as her mother. "he never came back, and it broke me caused me to go on unrivaled fits, and cause so much ruckus, inside her castle. the elders, and everyone else, who had looked up to me as a goddess, began to look down on me, like a raging animal, or a idiot, with no mind" she sighed and put a hand over her face. "That's...not the end, My mom didn't care for the most part, she figured she still had me, but i was becoming too much of a bother for her apparently." she moved the fingers, to show the slits of her eyes. "So, as my anger and sadness had reached it's climax, she removed me, from the castle, and sent me away, never to return again. i no longer had any chance, to become the queen, and rule over the land. nor did i even have any connection with her, she just...threw me away like a rag doll..." that's truly how Saeko had seen it, little did she know, that Misaiko felt so broken inside, that she wanted to kill herself. But, the connection had caused the two, to misinterpret things, on both sides. "So...from that day on, i didn't care about trying to earn for her forgiveness anymore. no matter how many times i said sorry, or tried to come back, she avoided me... the minute she saw me, to her, i was a stranger now." she slightly greeted her teeth, as it made the hate inside her boil.

"Anyways...Hahahaha...that's how it happened" she said, as she made a strained, chuckle to calm herself, as explaining that slightly sent, her mind off ease. "Alas, that's what happened, that's mostly why, i didn't come back to you...for some part. i mostly avoided anyone near me. because of it, my goal was just to get be honest..." she sighed. "i want to....kill her..." she said, with a sigh. looking back at tsubine, with sadness, hidden within those deep blue eyes. "though, that would probably make me a bad person...which i've probably grown to be...hehehehehehe" she said, her words were slowly beginning to falter after that, story. She kind of wish'd that she hadn't explained it to him, but she felt that it was unfair, for him to not know, about it. How would he view her now?

Last edited by Misaiko on Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:03 am; edited 2 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:17 am

Reunion of the Soul B316da72
Reunion of the Soul 716c1d76

Reunion of the Soul 4118cbdd Reunion of the Soul 461d5019 Reunion of the Soul Tsubineicon-1
SONG TO LONGING-- Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru SoraOST-- Kanashimi


Desire to the right.
Despair to the left.
Longing ahead.
Regret behind.
Ecstasy above.
Pain below.
Whatever choice I make
I hope she knows
She is what I want.

Tsubine smirked. She was warming up to him. Well, it isn't like they were cold to one another. His face lit up a bit. In only a few minutes, he had gone from nearly having rain clouds over him to being nearly sunshine and rainbows. His face, still as masculine as ever, was still smiling. He...didn't know why he was smiling. Thoughts of his ex-wife and children danced in his mind. But, it was like Saeko's images and memories were shrouding the once-happy times which were now dark and despair-ridden.

As Saeko splashed water onto Tsubine, he laughed a bit more. In a counterattack, he knocked the fish that was swimming around his feet next to Saeko's feet. This also caused a cupfull of the chilled water to splash onto her legs. Remembering the past, Tsubine gazed into the lake. It was as if he were watching a television as all he saw was the couple dancing around in the shores like they were children.

Tsubine was clearly happier now. Not because of Saeko splashing him or talking to him. In fact, it was just her presence that made Tsubine cheer up. He didn't know what he felt for her now, and he was wary of trying to explain it. Then he heard her tell her story. Tsubine's eyes filled with sympathy. Hearing stories of betrayal was something Tsubine had quite a lot of experience with. His brothers. His father. His mother. They all betrayed either Tsubine himself, his family, or his organization. No matter what was betrayed, it felt like a spear to the back for Tsubine.

And as she finished her tales of betrayal, Tsubine had something connect in him that hasn't connected in years. He couldn't look at Saeko the same. The white-haired man did something brash. He placed his hand on top of hers and gently grabbed it. He turned to face the beautiful, and now shocked, woman. His eyes stared deep into hers, as if it were a battle of wills. However, the gaze was not of malevolence. It was, instead, a gaze of a guardian. Not as in a parent or a soldier. The gaze was that of someone that truly believed in something and would protect and cherish it until he could take not another step forward.

Using his free hand, Tsubine carressed the side of her face. His thumb moved and wiped away a tear that was forming in her eye.
"Sae-chan. Your mother and sisters have spoke nothing ill of least not in front of me. However, killing her would only bring despair to your already broken heart. You were betrayed and abandoned, yes. Killing her would bring no good, only suffering. And while it would make you a bad person in the eyes of the law, you are not one now, and shall never be one in my eyes. If you want, I can make sure you're never alone, Sae-chan." Tsubine meant that from the deepest regions of his heart. He continued to hold onto her hand and stare right into her sapphire orbs. A single raindrop, as if it were that tear that was wiped away, struck the center of the lake.

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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:26 am

Reunion of the Soul Thumb_big_wide_815f93930cffe0bb1a04037330c62911


Reunion of the Soul 4 Reunion of the Soul 3Reunion of the Soul 7


Saeko felt something warm touching her cheek, it wasn't her tears. Instead, it was the firm hand, of the man in front of her, and closer to her, right now. it wasn't something she expected, really. Why? she didn't even understand why; the mere fact, that she even told him, the story. Or, why she was so upset about it. But, this was unexpected, and left the woman, who had been able to in so many of her recent years, sway men with her words, like an enchantress. That woman, was now in front of Tsubine, as speechless as the cicada's were in the forest. it felt very much, like time had frozen. ordinarily, it wouldn't be that hard, for her to come back with a teasing reply, a giggle, a chuckle, or any sort of fun gesture. However, what he had just did right now, it left her at a loss. She tried to process the thought's in her mind. Staring up at those eyes of his. They weren't filled with any hate, nor any dis-contempt, but instead, care. her breath, had stopped, the minute she even came towards her, and with a flash, they were in this position. This would not be the only thing that left the girl, clueless and lost. No no, these next words, were going to make the woman seem as if she had speech impediment, or couldn't talk at all.

She, listened to his words, of what had happened with her sisters, and her mother. Could she believe him?; She knew him to some extent, and she always knew, that if there wasn't a major reason for it, he wouldn't lie about anything. Unless, it was for those he cared about, and didn't want to see them in pain. "Uh....Ah...i" she could barely make out, a sentence. While it was true, that Misaiko hadn't spoken an ill word, about the woman. Saeko was so fed up, on trying to pursue her. She always wondered, what she would do, next. She was lost, and confused. This was the first time, in a long time. that she couldn't say something, to such a sweet hearted reply. arching her body up, slightly she moved back and jumped from the water quickly. "I...I..." What would she do?; She couldn't let him get involved in the crimes, that she had been committing over the years. She had became such an evil hearted woman, who only used her nice smiles and good looks, as a facade to belie a much more tainted soul. He had so much, else to look for. She wasn't good for him, or at least that's what Saeko felt, at the current moment. "" she looked to the side, her cheeks were slightly red, and flustered, from that interaction, not too long ago. However, she just couldn't speak.

"how can you just say that?" she said looking down. "you don't wanna get involved with me....i have met people. I don't want you to fall for this woman, who's soul and heart is tainted down to the very bone." she said, with a sigh. Why, couldn't this of happened sooner?; Some part, was yelling out to her, to drop this chase, in order to kill her mother. and the other part was saying, take this man, and let him protect you. You're missing a True Love However, there was no easy way, to say anything. "you're better off, protecting someone who needs it..." she said, as she turned her back to him. "I'm fine being alone, in my own little world. With an even more emptier your own good.. i'm not good for anyone, and i'm only a user, I have become many things, you wouldn't want to date..." this wasn't what she wanted to say, she just didn't want him to get involved with her. He had so much going on in his life, and such a high popularity. She was the loner, who abandoned, sanity. her heart was something that was always staying locked up, without someone to hold a key and open it up. However, this man, was trying to do that exact thing. while saeko was trying to build many cages to keep him away.

Last edited by Misaiko on Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:46 pm

Reunion of the Soul B316da72
Reunion of the Soul 716c1d76

Reunion of the Soul 4118cbdd Reunion of the Soul 461d5019 Reunion of the Soul Tsubineicon-1
SONG TO LONGING-- Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora OST-- Nostalgia


Sadness engulfs.
Despair envelopes.
Depression swallows.
But at the end of the tunnel
Someone is waiting with a lantern.
The light shines through the darkness
Cutting away all of the fears
She stands at the opening
Guiding this misguided soul.

Tsubine almost wanted to slap her after what she said. But he didn't. Instead, he caressed her soft face more. He closed his eyes with a smile. He didn't want her to hurt any more. It wasn't her words that spoke to his actions, but her reaction and bodily movements. The white-haired devil shook his head while chuckling again. A few more rain drops hit the lake, and the cicadas truly stopped.

In another sudden move, Tsubine embraced the purple-haired vixen tightly. However, it wasn't a friendly hug. It was closer to being an intimate or reasurring one. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the back of her head. His tone calm and filled with empathy,
"I don't care what you think you've become. We've both changed since then. We each have our own dark secrets. But, I'm not here to protect you. Nor am I just here to keep you company. I'm here for you. You're not empty either. You've convinced yourself that, but it isn't true. And frankly, albeit being more mature you're the same woman I loved all those years ago. Just because you don't think you are worthy of me, doesn't mean you aren't." Tsubine let go of her, as he didn't want to have the embrace last too long.

Tsubine's words were truth. Well, they were the truth to him. No matter how bad things got for people, Tsubine could tell if they had actually changed. It was just something he picked up in the many years he can remember. Following his idol and mentor, Kaien Shiba, Tsubine learned a library full of philosophies. While some he disagreed with, Tsubine believed in most of them. The only one Tsubine hasn't truly believed in was one Kaien had asked him long ago...

Do you know where the heart is?

Those words were just words until today, Kaien-sensei. Tsubine gazed up at the now cloud-darkened sky. He couldn't see the stars like he normally could, which meant he couldn't "speak" to Kaien. That was something Tsubine did that few people knew about. Even she didn't know about it. Whenever Tsubine was in a tight situation, he would go out to a clearing and "talk" to Kaien. Whether it be about the situation or just ranting about life, Tsubine thought of Kaien being there in the sky, listening to him.

"Sae-chan. I don't care who you think you are now. Like I said earlier, you're still the same woman from those years back just more mature." More rain started to fall. Thunder roared and lightning flashed. Tsubine looked around and saw nothing the two could use for shelter from the incoming storm. Then he remembered the cave behind the waterfall. It was where the two would always hide from people if they ever went swimming without clothing on. "Sae-chan, we need to get out of the rain. We can go to the cave from our youth. I could shunpo us back, but we'd be soaked by the time we got anywhere with a firm roof."

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