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Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:34 pm



Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] 6EdIfMt


» Name: Akira Vael.
» Alias: Aki.
» Age: Sixteen Years Old. She was born on July 3. 2401.
» Age Appearance: Dependent.
» Gender: Female.
» Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

» Association: She is associated with Shadow Fall although is loyal to her maker Arianda Vael after the demon converted her into an Avant demon whom she serves although she sometimes dislikes how Arianda might do things she is loyal nonetheless.

» Shifter Appearance Picture:


» True Appearance Written: After her transformation into an Avant Demon Aki's appearance changed drastically. She now sports long snow white hair that reaches just below her waist and covers her butt. She likes to keep it let down like she did when she was human although she has small diamonds around her fringe and bangs which are a deep black and form decoration.

Her eyes are now an amber colour, their radiant colour often draws the attention of people due to the rest of her appearance being almost monochrome. Her eyes are one of the few things about her than has colour. Since the change and her new exposure to the spiritual dimension her eyes are often looking around, with a curious nature to see so much of what she has never got to see in her lifetime.

She still maintains her slender and attractive physique, although her skin has become an almost pure white like her hair. Making her ghostly in her appearance which is constant, no amount of sunlight burns her skin or tans it. Her fingernails and her toenails have turned pitch black and if she wants to hide this feature she has to use nail polish.

In terms of clothing she wears a pitch black attire, a short skirt which leaves her thighs exposed until it continues with thigh highs which go down to her feet, having armour plate along the lower leg for combat purposes. The upper part of her attire is a black sailor themed shirt with the necktie. Around her neck she wears a neck tube which works as a scarf but can be pulled up to mask the lower half of her face.

In terms of her appearance she greatly resembles her maker, Arianda Vael. To the point the two might be considered related due to the similarities in their True Forms. Her reiatsu is also similar to her master's although that is only in spiritual presence and it feels much colder to people.

» True Appearance Picture:

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Latest?cb=20151119025454


» Hard Worker: Aki is a very hard worker, she has always had to try harder to get things than other people. When other people could walk she had to run, when they flied she had to climb. Her effort and dedication to what she always tries to do has made her quite the stubborn person, she has an attitude which makes it hard for her to see when she should stop and her attitude often makes her over exert herself which can be quite tiring to her mind.

» Loyal: Aki is incredibly loyal to Arianda, having an incredibly close attachment to her there are very few things she wouldn't do for Arianda if anything at all. She would forsake Shadow Fall for her and even if it meant going against Mana to protect or help her. There is nothing in the world that she holds dearer than her mother and it is Aki's biggest fear to lose her. Not willing to go against her she forsakes just about all her morals and values to assist Arianda as well as throw away her own life and take damage if it means to protect or give Arianda the upper-hand.

This should not be taken as a fanatical devotion to her maker, although it just about borders it with the line being drawn at Aki worshipping her since she is aware that Arianda is no goddess or all-powerful being.

» Ignorant to Demon Ways: Having been recently changed into a demon Aki is still rather ignorant to demon culture, only having Arianda as her template, means that Aki has very little exposure to the customs and ways in which demon society operates, she doesn't understand the demon royalty and nobles nor does she even know a lot of the high-class demons appearance meaning she could potentially come off as rude or do something she shouldn't do in demon culture.

» Kind: She is very kind, often smiling and trying to make everyone feel better. Her kindness is like a beacon to people, it could be described as an aura the way that she is able to draw people around her and it is as if her very presence is welcoming. She always treats people as her equals, no matter how strong you are or weak, doesn't matter if your rich and powerful like a Yuudeshi or some poor nobody she will always treat you the same. This trait may be subject to change through her experiences as a demon under Arianda.

» Creativity: Aki is a very creative and imaginative girl, she has such a creative mind and she loves to write anything. She can often be seen writing in a book and if you look at those they tend to be a poem, song or even a story. She loves music and is a very creative and imaginative character. She is the kind of person you'd find singing in the shower or randomly humming to herself. She often writes poems and explores the idea of kotodama quite a lot as she sees it present in quite a lot of magical arts in the form of incantations.

Her creativity and ingenuity is one of her strongest traits since she can often design and engineer incredibly complex strategies in a matter of minutes. Her use of creativity also allows her limited ability to think up blue prints and specifications for equipment although she is by no means any scientist. In fact she sees magic as something more interesting than science.


» History: » History: Aki was born sixteen years ago to her mother and father, Ino and Yamato. Her birth was never planned, it fact it was never meant to have occurred, so yes, she was an accident. Her family was broken from the moment she was born into this world, her mother was one of those women that had hit rock bottom. Forced to go and survive in the harsh world after her wealthy family was bankrupt and as such Ino was forced to try to survive but after a while she just couldn't get it. Someone like her who had been given everything she ever wanted and needed in life didn't know how to survive in this world. Unable to cope in the world she quickly found herself at the very bottom of the world, eventually she had to swallow her pride or simply die in the slums and the result was her doing what she had to in order to survive.

She quickly found that selling herself was one of the few things she could do and while she hated it she had no real choice in what she did, she either lived by doing it or simply dying. That eventually led to her evening with Yamato and Ino fell pregnant with her daughter. This came as a big hit to her at the fact she would have to support a child, she sought out Yamato and demanded he take some responsibility which he reluctantly did and supported her and his unborn child albeit with bitter resentment towards it. When she finally gave birth the two stuck together, at least for a while anyway. It only lasted a few months before Yamato snapped and started abusing her, Ino had a choice to make. She either stuck with him and suffered for the fact she could live or she could runaway.

She chose the easier option of running away and took Aki with her, she left the baby girl at an orphanage and that is where she was left for her childhood. She never saw or heard of Ino or Yamato ever again. Which was probably a good thing, she wasn't adopted though. She spent her early years getting basic food, basic shelter etc. There was nothing special about it, just plain old boring and a dull life. Her life existed as a regime, she slept in a room with other girls of varying ages and she found herself being raised by them more than other people.

She was quite silent in her youth, lacking confident and being shy around other people. She found comfort with these people and stayed with them like they were all one big family. Most of the older girls took a sisterly role to the young Aki and the other girls. She was raised by them and in particular was a girl named Yumi, she was confident and always happy. She literally adored Yumi over anyone else and spent a lot of time just following her and listening to her. She could quite literally be described as being obsessed with her adoptive older sister.

When she was twelve Yumi was eighteen and was able to leave the orphanage. She took Aki with her by adopting her as her daughter which made her incredibly happy. With Yumi able to support them both with a job the two girls moved into a small flat in Karakura Central. She was taught by Yumi and they got along well together, eventually though she had to go to Karakura High School when she came of age and as such she attended on her first day, it was strange for her since she had little experience to the spiritual powers everyone seemed capable of but despite her efforts in doing something she simply couldn't. She put effort into everything to compensate for this and got excellent grades and everything she could do she did well at to compensate for this lack of spiritual ability early 2417 Yumi fell terminally ill and died from a lack of treatment to a sickness which left Akira alone until she joined Arianda.


» Name: Mist Generating Diamonds
» Appearance: They take the shape of little black diamonds that she wears in her hair. They are pitch black in colour.
» Effect: Aki is able to channel her energy into these diamonds to make them begin to produce a mist around her that can rapidly expand and block out the visual range of everyone around her. When this occurs she is able to sense any foreign energy in this area since her she is able to feel disturbances, it also works with the added benefit of making it incredibly difficult to detect her energy while she is in this area of mist. If she or anyone leaves the mist then her awareness of them is no longer able to work but unless she is outside of the mist she is still able to hide her presence without fail. The draw back is that the mist can easily be blow away by wind and unless she keeps producing it then it will thin and begin to restore visibility.

» Name: Obsidian Armour
» Appearance: They take the form of armour plates found on her thigh-highs they are rather intimidating in appearance and have the addition of a few spikes to make her kicks and strikes with her legs more deadly.
» Effect: They were created on the principle of the Seele Schneider, what it allows is for Aki to break apart spiritual attacks and defences by ripping the reishi apart and scattering it. This is quite effective however it isn't like something that can just tear apart a Cero Oscuras, at their current level she is only really able to rip apart weaker variants, this being things such as beginner level Hierro and Kido Barriers, or Hadō up to level thirty and basic cero preformed by an adept in the skill. As it works with vibrations she is also able to emit small boosts and kinetic boosts with the vibrations and make herself move faster and with more agility.


» Feeding On Her Element: Aki is a young demon, her body is newly made however like all demons she is still demon and as such she is capable feeding on her element to get temporarily stronger or to merely have nourishment. Now while her power is water Aki is capable of consuming most liquids instead of merely water, this is because her Avant Ideal World is actually liquid, not a specified liquid which allows her to ingest most liquids and become stronger temporarily.

The side-effects of ingesting too much liquid however is not like traditional side-effects, instead as her body gets used to the liquid the more she consumes the more she relies on actually being submerged in water. She becomes more aquatic in nature and her lungs shift so they are more like gills and require her to stay in water or risk suffocating until her body can adjust back to normal.

» Environmental Advantage: Being a liquid-based demon although water being the main focus of her abilities gives Aki an great advantage when she is exposed to a water source, the benefits can be really seen when she is fighting near a lake or river, when she is exposed to this environment she can achieve a form of speed enhancement while she is in the water allowing for her to move rapidly around in a water source. Aki can also see the benefit of more spatial awareness, her mind becomes attuned to her surroundings when she is in the water to the point that she can sense someone within two hundred metres of her in the water source.

As we go into a larger water source such as an ocean for example this is where her speed in water is tripled, her senses are increased to the point of being able to sense a distance of five kilometres although this is only if she submerged, she cannot sense unless she can get her head underwater; she can still gain speed so long as part of her is submerged in the water. Another trait is the ability of extended breathing time under water, she can last six posts underwater before needing to breath which often makes her tactics relate to drowning her opponents.

» Shadows & Nocturnal Boost: If one was to look on the principle of Yin-Yang, Yin encompasses dark, moon and water. It is a common association for water and the moon to be related since the moon manipulates the tides with it's gravity. The darkness of shadows or the nocturnal environment gives Aki a surprisingly big boost to her capabilities.

This is not like traditional demons though, the Moon provides a sort of comfort for Aki, being in the dark or under the Moon affects her mind. It can bring a calming effect to her mind, her thought process is accelerated and her mind is much faster when it comes to her reactions and decision making. As one might notice as well she gains a much higher awareness to her surroundings, what once remained hidden from her is much easily discovered, this goes into her visual deduction and also her reiatsu detection. Even after being removed from the environment it will take two posts before her body is free of the effects.

» Desire Pulse: She possesses the ability to call Arianda through their relationship as Aki being Arianda's progeny. This trait allows for her to send messages, this isn't like telepathy where she can form conscious words and communicate. It works with emotions and basic feelings, for example Aki could be frightened and her maker might be able to pick up on this fear or her desire could be relayed, such as a desire for attention or meeting. It allows a form of empathetic communication which words are not used, emotions are the language.


» Metria Circuits: Most demons have a strong magical potential within them. However, potential and ability to summon that potential are two different things. Hence, this is where Metria Circuits come in. The higher in skill your Metria Circuits are, the more potent and powerful your magic will become. This is because these are a complex series of energy pathways that exist inside the demons body that help to materialize this magic. The more these circuits are unlocked, the greater their magical capacity becomes.

» Thirio Amyna: Thirio Amyna is considered to be a more advanced version of Akuma Kyodo by some demons that have been converted. The reason for this is because Thirio Amyna allows Avant Demons a great deal of flexibility when it comes to the durability of their body. Thirio Amyna makes itself in tune with the Avant Demon's Ideal Reality and Root Reality in order to grant them a high deal of bodily adaption.

Therefore, Thirio Amyna gives them an ideal defense. It taps into their demoinc energy and serves to act as an external, surface and internal level of defense. The first layer of it begins with the demonic aura that the Avant Demons leak out. This is considered the external layer of defense. Then, the next level of defense occurs around the flesh or shell of their body. This is considered their surface defense. Then, lastly, the internals of body structure, bones, blood, organs and anything sealed inside of themselves is considered the internal layer of defense.

From these three points, a demon is capable of adjusting, morphing and otherwise alerting their body to better suit to the situation they find themselves in. For example: a skilled user of Thirio Amyna increase the density of the muscles in their arm in order to achieve enhanced durability and strength for a short period of time equal to one or two post.

Another user could potentially use Thirio Amyna in order to pull material from their ideal world into reality. In the case of this illustration, we'll assume the Avant Demon had an affinity for flames in their life. So, they could set their external, surface and internal layers of defenses on fire in order to make it immensely more difficult for the opponent to break through and harm them without first harming themselves.

» Avant Gauge: Avant Gauge stems from the fact that most demons will use whatever resoruces they can in order to gain an edge in battle. They can be quite savage in battle and will pillage anything to get ahead. Hence, while traditional demons are capable of draining reaitsu from the world around them, Avant Demon's take this a bit further with Avant Gauge. Essentially, they have the ability to drain different types of constructs from the world around them to use as they see fit.

An example of this would be if an Avant Demon sent an impulse of their energy across a one hundred meter radius. In this scenario, depending on their level skill, they may be able to take one to two different constructs from the world around them to use to help with their powers. These could be the aspects of various elements (wind/rain/snow/fire etc), to more complex attributes (gravity, oxygen, momentum etc).

Once harnessed, they can begin using it in a variety of ways. One of the first ways that it can be used is offensively if they wished to infuse these drained constructs into their attacks. An example of this would be an Avant Demon whom possessed a electric ability and used Avant Gauge to mix it into a combination elemental attack by sucking the resources of a nearby wildfire.

While, in another illustration, it could be used for defense if they were to take the constructs of gravity they siphoned from the area and attempted to condense them around their body. Then, when merged with their demonic energy, they could create a dense barrier around their body which could otherwise tank attack by mimicking the priorities of something heavy.

» Chaodis Roi: Chaodis Roi is attached to an Avant Demon's ideal reality. Essentially, within their spirits lays an image of their preferred reality. This can be influenced by events that have occurred within their life, memories, powers and other similar factors or elements. Once this core inner world has been crafted and refined, they can then begin to materialize that ideal reality into the world around them within a variety of ways through their demonic energy.

Some are capable of creating small pockets of their ideal reality around a twenty meter radius. In this illustration, it can potentially cause the environment around the demon to become extremely hot and begin to melt attacks caught within it's range. In other cases, they can potentially summon different types of elements or weapons from their ideal reality. As, going back to our fire demon, they could potentially summon waves of flames from seemly nowhere or produce swords or arrows made of fire.

These are just basic examples on a lower end level. An Avant Demon's Chaodis Roi can become immensely diverse the more intricate and complex their ideal reality becomes.


» Root Spell Name: Neptune's Water Prison.
» Root Spell Incantation: Seven Seas, Drown your God's enemies.
» Root Spell Abilities: Producing a large amount of water after touching an opponent they are rapidly trapped in a large ball of water which submerses them, this shape is chosen due to the simplicity of a sphere. The target is will find movement hard due to the water although it is not impossible to get out of it or move, it is just much more difficult. The spell is active so long as part of Aki's body is within the sphere of water, the moment she removes her body entirely from the water the spell is disabled, she needs to have contact to keep up her influence due to her inexperience. This spell is designed to trap and drown its targets. Due to her inexperience with demon magic she can only maintain it for three posts.

With the incantation used Aki takes it to the next level by being able to manipulate the temperate of the water between freezing and boiling point, this means the temperature can be anywhere between 0 degrees celsius to 100 degrees celsius allowing her to make her target incredibly cold or scald them with hot water, it takes a period of one post to manipulate the temperature and it can only go up in blocks of 20. For example: Aki traps target, water is cold but wants to scald target, second post: Water is 20 degrees, third post: water is 40 degrees etc.


» Ideal Power: Liquid Manipulation.

» Water Manipulation: Aki has a strong connection with the element of water, water is a restless element that is constantly changing. Aki herself is going through a stage of change, not in body but in mind to with a lot of her values and morales being questioned. With this she has quite the connection to water.

Aki is capable of generation and manipulation of water in it's liquid state, she is able to generate it in a variety of ways such as having it come out of her mouth or slowly begin to form a puddle at her feet and expand from that. Using water she can create constructs, this happens by her forcing the liquid so close together that it becomes dense and near solid, despite still being a liquid. With this she can create weapons of water or constructs such as cages if she has the required water to do so although sufficient force can still part the water.

While manipulating water is easy it becomes harder when it gets to somewhere like the ocean, the tides and currents make it fight her control and so despite being quite powerful in an ocean environment her water manipulation might prove to be difficult, especially in a rough ocean.

She can manipulate water's temperature, anywhere between 0 to 100 degrees celsius as that is the freezing point and boiling point of water although the temperature can only be manipulated in 20 degrees blocks per post. She has the ability to gather water inside her body at specific points and increase the pressure to temporarily give her heightened defences at the point she gathered it although she can only maintain it for two posts before she has to stop before the pressure gets so high it risks exploding, and she is left sore in the area she did so.

» Acid Manipulation: One of her lesser known abilities is her ability to manipulate acid, she is able to generate an acid with corrosive effects which causes chemical burns on the affected area. Although it causes incredible amounts of pain to anyone that is not Aki the acid is rather hard to create and with her limited control she can not make it actually rapidly burn someone, it is more of a slow and painful process in the burn where the acid tends to stop before any serious damage can be done. The pain lasts for two posts. It is harder to control than water and it takes her one post per 500 millilitres of acid she can create.


» Neos Títlos: Ocean Queen Leviathan

» Neos Fasi: Drown and reclaim me!

» Neos Revival Powers: Liquid and Water.

» Enhanced Water Manipulation: The only power that Aki has at the moment for this form because of her inexperience is a heightened ability to manipulate water, she is able to generate larger amounts of water much quicker and her control is much greater allowing her to concentrate less on manipulating the water, which opens the way for multi-tasking with her abilities.

» Neos Breaks: ---


To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

Demon Skills
  • Shadow Movement: Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Beginner

Avant Skills
  • Metria Circuits: Beginner
  • Thirio Amyna: Beginner
  • Avant Gauge: Beginner
  • Chaodis Roi: Beginner

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Gamma on Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:07 am; edited 6 times in total
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Platinum Points:
Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:21 pm
Gamma wrote:» Name: Mist Generating Diamonds
» Appearance: They take the shape of little black diamonds that she wears in her hair. They are pitch black in colour.
» Effect: Aki is able to channel her energy into these diamonds to make them begin to produce a mist around her that can rapidly expand and block out the visual range of everyone around her. When this occurs she is able to sense any foreign energy in this area since her she is able to feel disturbances, it also works with the added benefit of making it impossible to detect her energy while she is in this area of mist. If she or anyone leaves the mist then her awareness of them is no longer able to work but unless she is outside of the mist she is still able to hide her presence without fail. The draw back is that the mist can easily be blow away by wind and unless she keeps producing it then it will thin and begin to restore visibility.

» Name: Obsidian Armour
» Appearance: They take the form of armour plates found on her thigh-highs they are rather intimidating in appearance and have the addition of a few spikes to make her kicks and strikes with her legs more deadly.
» Effect: They were created on the principle of the Seele Schneider, what it allows is for Aki to break apart spiritual attacks and defences by ripping the reishi apart and scattering it. This is quite effective however it isn't like something that can just tear apart a Cero Oscuras, at their current level she is only really able to rip apart weaker variants, this being things such as beginner level Hierro and Kido Barriers, or Hadō up to level thirty and basic cero preformed by an adept in the skill. As it works with vibrations she is also able to emit small boosts and kinetic boosts with the vibrations and make herself move faster and with more agility.

I like these Equipment ideas, but, How about you cross em out for now and Arianda and Akira can make them in thread. I would also like the inability to sense Akira in the mist generated from Diamonds to be changed to difficult to sense instead of impossible; change that please before crossing them out since it is likely these would be used when the equipment are created in thread. Otherwise, these will be modified later after in thread creation.

» Root Spell Abilities: Producing a large amount of water after touching an opponent they are rapidly trapped in a large ball of water which submerses them, this shape is chosen due to the simplicity of a sphere. The target is will find movement hard due to the water although it is not impossible to get out of it or move, it is just much more difficult. The spell is active so long as part of Aki's body is within the sphere of water, the moment she removes her body entirely from the water the spell is disabled, she needs to have contact to keep up her influence due to her inexperience. This spell is designed to trap and drown its targets.

With the incantation used Aki takes it to the next level by being able to manipulate the temperate of the water between freezing and boiling point, this means the temperature can be anywhere between 0 degrees celsius to 100 degrees celsius allowing her to make her target incredibly cold or scald them with hot water.

For the Root Spell Ability I would suggest that you put a post limit the bubble can be up; I would suggest a low amount since she's still new to her powers. I also suggest that you say how long it would take for Akira to change the temperature of the water; please do make it reasonable.

» Water Manipulation: Aki has a strong connection with the element of water, water is a restless element that is constantly changing. Aki herself is going through a stage of change, not in body but in mind to with a lot of her values and morales being questioned. With this she has quite the connection to water.

Aki is capable of generation and manipulation of water in it's liquid state, she is able to generate it in a variety of ways such as having it come out of her mouth or slowly begin to form a puddle at her feet and expand from that. Using water she can create constructs, this happens by her forcing the liquid so close together that it becomes dense and solid, despite still being a liquid. With this she can create weapons of water or constructs such as cages if she has the required water to do so.

While manipulating water is easy it becomes harder when it gets to somewhere like the ocean, the tides and currents make it fight her control and so despite being quite powerful in an ocean environment her water manipulation might prove to be difficult, especially in a rough ocean.

She can manipulate water's temperature, anywhere between 0 to 100 degrees celsius as that is the freezing point and boiling point of water. She has the ability to gather water inside her body and increase the pressure to temporarily give her heightened defences although she can only maintain it for two posts before she has to stop before the pressure gets so high it risks exploding, and she is left sore in the area she did so.

Just because of how liquid works, can you make it say that it becomes near solid instead of solid. Say, for example, to the point where it would have a very high surface tension. Again, could you mention how long it takes for Akira to change the water's temperature so it is not instant. Also, could you possibly mention that the water she brings into her body to increase defenses temporarily to be point specific. And mention that the water does the same thing as in her water manipulation; focuses together and increases how dense the water becomes.

» Acid Manipulation: One of her lesser known abilities is her ability to manipulate acid, she is able to generate an acid with corrosive effects which causes chemical burns on the affected area. Although it causes incredible amounts of pain to anyone that is not Aki the acid is rather hard to create and with her limited control she can not make it actually rapidly burn someone, it is more of a slow and painful process in the burn where the acid tends to stop before any serious damage can be done. The pain lasts for two posts.

Could you possibly list that this currently takes more energy than water manipulating due to it's properties as a corrosive liquid. Also I would ask for a period to generate the acid before she can use it since it is different from her normal liquid generation.

After these corrections are made I will give you your tier!
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Platinum Points:
Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:40 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes: Everything has been fixed in the App and I am now approving this revamp for the character. If anyone has a problem with my decree please contact me.
Tier: 5-4
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Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Thu May 18, 2017 7:20 am
Alright.... Just posting here to let staff know I have modified the app.... no changes to powers, abilities or anything like that. Just changed her surname to Vael to match Arianda's and added a shifter appearance, also added two new personality traits: Loyalty and Ignorance to build from the few months since she became a demon.

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Gamma_Signature
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Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:10 pm
[mod]Due to the owner of this character application having left site, this application is being archived.[/mod]

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] LzZCuy7
Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] BtXe12b
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5043
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:11 pm
[adm]Moving back to approved, under darkfunnel's name.[/adm]
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:28 pm
[adm]Archiving for inactivity. Please speak to staff if you would like this unarchived.[/adm]
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Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel] Empty Re: Aki Vael [REVAMP FOR RACE CHANGE][APPROVED: 5-4] [Darkfunnel]

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