Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4918
Age : 24

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Brothers In Arms [Hayden/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Brothers In Arms [Hayden/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Brothers In Arms [Hayden/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Brothers In Arms [Hayden/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:35 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

"A...little snug, don't you think?" The male's voice spoke, and his body shifted slightly as the uniform that he was being fitted in was tightening around his body. Moving his arm up to his side, his single, blank eye stared at the black, pulled back cuff of the Vastimian uniform that he was currently wearing. A single sigh came from him, and he lowered his arm to his side again. He then heard another male's voice, but yet he didn't move. "Ah, relax kid. It should fit fine. You're probably just tense." Those words didn't really put the male into an sort of comfort. He had never worn a uniform before. So, it was a little awkward for him.

A weak nod came from him as he continued to remain still, as the person who was helping him get into his uniform circled him a few times, before nodding, and a toothy grin came from him. "Take a look. Looks good on you." Henrex's arm soon rose to the back of his neck, gently rubbing the skin as the compliment sunk in. "T-Thanks." He slowly stepped over to a large mirror in the room, before his eye widened. He felt as if the person staring back at him...wasn't himself. He gently shook his head, and then looked at his side. The katana that rested at his waist lay still and cold, not moving in the slightest. Another weak smile came from Henrex as he slowly nodded.


"It...looks decent." He said, before closing his eye and taking a quiet, but deep breath. As he exhaled, he felt the eyes of the male behind him boring into his soul, and his foot gently tapped against the floor awkwardly. His long, black hair hung over his left eye, covering the hideous scars and burns, and hiding the ugly grey and white that his eye had become. His mind soon became lost in staring at what seemed like a stranger in the mirror, before the voice of the male behind him bought him back to reality.

"You sure you don't want me to cut that? You're gonna get stared at a lot if you don't cut it, kid." The male stated, and all it did to Henrex was cause him to lightly shake his head, causing his hair to slowly and gently flip around from the movement of his head. "No, but thank you. I'm used to be stared at." A mild grunt came from the man behind him, before Henrex heard him heading for the door. He slowly turned from the mirror to look at him, before the man spoke. "Should probably have Hayden come in and see you. See what he thinks." The gruff voice of the man said, and his opened the door, before walking out and closing it.

A quiet breath of relief came from Henrex as he was now alone, and his hands slowly traveled to the top of his head, removing the hat on his head, bearing the Vastimian symbol or crest, and his eye stared at it. He was in the Vastime Nation now. Perhaps it was for the best. The Raven slowly placed the hat back on his head and gently shook his head again, before the smallest hints of a full smile were seen on his face. Fate would guide him on the right path. And, for now, this is where it had lead him. A simple nod came from the male, before his head shot upwards, hearing the door open.

Henrex's body leaped to attention, and his arms shot to his sides, his hair slightly moving over to his other eye from the sudden movement. He would wait for Hayden to enter, and, most importantly, say something about his decision.

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