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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:54 pm


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..Elect what are your orders?”

The soft voice of an uncertain child echoed besides a female who’s white hair was covered in snowflakes. Each one unique, each one melting when they came in contact with her body heat. Her eyes which shone like mercury scrutinized the landscape in front of her. She knew what the child was asking. It wasn’t this child’s way of showing respect no. . With such a wavering voice and a diminutive stature, the child was afraid. This child knew that the quincy no longer could call antarctica it’s home. That had been taken away from them, they were cast out when the kokuryuteshi had come knocking. She often thought of it with disdain, her previous leaders had such an elitist outlook. They wished to rule but not truly understand those below them. It had taken her many years to figure it out, it wasn’t the leader that made the vandenreich what it was, no it was each and every one of it’s members. Which was why the woman who was known by many to be made out of a block of ice, turned around and put a hand gently on the child’s head and bent down.

Her heel’s resting against her rear, white skirts floating out without touching the ground. She gazed up into this child’s blue eyes, searching them with the gentlest of smiles on her face. She’d stroke their head and as she did she manipulated the very reishi in the air and injected three concepts into it. She pictured the ground blooming, the snow melting away and flowers dotting the landscape. This was summed up in three simple commands. Nourish, Heat, Bloom in combination it allowed the flowers nourished by reishi to bloom proudly while the female had finally said to the child in a gentle tone, her voice a mere whisper in their own bubble of calm.

”..Worry not child, while we are homeless we will find a new home soon. Do not be afraid, we are alright. The quincies are strong. We will move on.”

With her words said and the child’s expression turning from one of uncertainty to calm certainty, had nodded while niflheim patted them on the head and gracefully rose back to her full height. Her mind was a storm of thoughts. Where would they go? It was one thing to comfort an uneasy child. But she had to make results, she couldn’t leave her people hiding within the caverns and the hidden camps she had until now been using scattered across antarctica. They had gotten everything they could, from these wonderfully barren and snow-filled lands. Hence now the quincies or what was left had begun showing up from the snow that drifted lightly across the meadow that had been created by the elect. They came as a few at first but eventually? It was hundreds. Then it was thousands, they all had appeared simply because the elect had called them, and then the elect had paused and exhaled, she turned around and she had paused collecting herself, and her thoughts, her eyes peering into the crowd, and what did she see?

She saw people with families, kids that hung off their mothers. Fathers that couldn’t help but worry for their families. She could feel the familiar weight settle on her shoulders. The immense crushing weight of what she had to do. But she would not shirk her duty, instead with her chest out, her back straight and her steely eyes glancing straight ahead she addressed the crowd. Her pure white hair billowing out as a sudden gust whipped through the little green meadow.

”..I will not lie to you, we have no home. We are once again cast adrift as the world is ever changing. We can no longer hide in the shadows, as hiding in the caverns, hiding in camps is not befitting of our people. We will stand strong, as we do, do not look back at the past. Instead hold your eyes expectantly towards the future. For our path is determined, we move on from what once bound us to old laws and what we gain? It is something new, something precious. I promise to each and every one of you. We will be okay, we will not be homeless forever, And once we find this place in which we belong we will let the world that looked down on us know. We are here. We are not going anywhere anytime soon, and that we are not weak”

Niflheim stopped and a silence settled over the crowd, she looked over them and slowly she could feel the ache that had been in her chest beginning to subside. They would Succeed, because there simply was no room for failure anymore. Hence as she exhaled she turned to glance out into the snow and searching. Because she had to make sure this occurred as smoothly as possible. As this would not be easy, there would be perils, there would be hardship. The only thing she did not know was when they would settle down, but then again, she knew. Things would work out.

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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  LzZCuy7
Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:09 am

In the mass swarm of bodies that flooded the area around the voice that projected out for hundreds of yards, stood a woman wearing a white cloak. The rim of the hood would be finished with the fur of a polar bear that she had slain herself some time ago. The hood draped over the woman's head, shielding her visage with a deep shadow. The curvature of her body was all but concealed within the cloak, the large bust of the woman seemed to stretch the cloak to its limits. People gathered around rapidly, bumping and pushing her from their way. Though they'd be in no real hurry it was just the mass of them all that seemed brutal and repetitive. She'd remain calm in all this calamity as tracks were imprinted in the snow-ridden gravel, flakes of snow touching each warming body making them dissipate with their contact.

It was not only the visual presence that was seemingly hidden with some flashy shadows and a proper garb, but also her spiritual pressure. The cloak was marked with an invisible ink that derived from traditional Quincy origins that were used to hide their people during the first Quincy war long ago. She had gone to great lengths to find the power and ingredients needed to create such a thing. The garb would only hold back so much, however, thus she'd press her powers to their lowest form in order perfect her seemingly nonexistent power.

The words of the woman spoke bounced upon the inner confines of cloaked figure's mind. She had been watching and following the woman for some amount of time now. Learning how she lived, how she spent her free time, the people she met with on a frequent basis. Everything, she made sure that the proper research was done on the woman and the organization that she represented not letting a single moment fall beneath her. She memorized words that were spoken and dwelled on them to find their true meaning and the emotions that would lead her to say such things. However, it was at this moment that the woman wished to make her presence known.

The words that were spoken, deriving from the kind acts of a sweet child and a true look at the people of her land. The leader's words would radiate with an extreme amount of truth and commitment to what she had said and it could only be summarized as commendable by the cloaked figure. A smirk that would remain hidden in the shadow cast from her hood would crack her face as a small inaudible chuckle would emit from it.

"What have we done to show that we aren't weak?" A loud shift of the crowd's attention would break the silence after Niflheim's speech, their gaze set upon the white-clad figure. Her body would be slightly turned from the direct gaze of the woman, though her words would be clear as she bellowed out her words. Cased in a certain amount of sternness, she'd not let her words falter or hesitate. They'd flow crisp and uninterrupted.

Throwing out an open hand she'd pivot her body around as she'd return to her original position she'd continue on with what she had to say. "These are the men and women that have fought so valiantly to protect what was ours. Yet not all of them stand, some of them lie on the ground and in our hearts. Only to be thoughts of something we once had: Freedom. Yet, here we are, fleeing our problems once more!" She'd stop, the crowd beginning to shift a few steps away from her. Did they fear their leader's reaction to her words? "We have made a mockery of our mothers' and fathers' names! We have insulted each and everybody that lay beneath these lands! We have given up hope on fighting to claim what was once ours: Freedom." She'd pause once more shifting around to look at those around her, they'd not meet her gaze to them. "Your people cower away from a simple hooded figure? Is it because to them I am an unknown because they can't sense who I am they should be cautious? Is this the kind of future that we have provided ourselves to live with? Have you all forgotten what it was like to not be afraid when something different came into your lives? When something new came and brought hope to you?" Her words echoed throughout the area, a small chuckle escaped her. "Of course you have! We've seen nothing but failure for hundreds of years! We've been abandoned, forgotten, pushed to the sides..." Her arms waved in gestures to her words, though she'd come to an abrupt halt in her speech.

The crowd would begin to shift and talk among one another in speculation to what had been said, things were seeming to go according to plan. She'd release her reiatsu slightly, enough to illuminate her eyes with a blue and purple aura that drifted from the black abyss within the hood. She'd turn her body looking to the crowd around her once more before letting out another small chuckle and ripping her hand behind her, her body following suit immediately. The hand would be pointed to the focal point of this message. "Then who says she doesn't do the same? Are we going to continue to follow orders from those that have left us broken and wounded, or do we forget the hierarchy and work as a unit no matter who leads us? We've become cattle to this farm and only go where and when they tell us. Well, it's time. Time for a new beginning, time for everyone to show their worth to our kind as we can no longer rely on the leadership of one being. Each soul needs to be accounted for their actions and make sure that they are doing everything in their power to bring glory and honor back to us. Don't wait for an order, act out of instinct, act on a worthy opportunity. Take your small victories until they grow into something large, something more than we could ever expect. This is the pride of our people! This is the will of the free, and this is the power of the Quincy!" Her body would rise and fall with each heavy breath she took as the blue and purple eyes glowed toward the direction of the woman at the edge of the crowd. "Why do we follow you?"

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Sbb1I7e
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:25 am


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

In the midst of the crowd, she could feel them, words that were backed by honest integrity. Honest intentions. As the Elect’s body turned and her gaze finally settled once more into the crowd she could see a figure. One who’s figure was garbed in a cloak that seemed to be adorned in traditional markings. To many people they backed away because they did not know how the current leader of the quincy would take these words. Each one would have been more than enough for some of their last leaders to fight, to destroy the one that said them. Yet this was not her way. So she paused and she thought about it, her eyes darkening as they turned from mercury to the darkest color of metal, similar to a shadowed silver they rumbled and storms gathered beneath them, yet it was not in anger. So she had exhaled, and she had stepped forward, utilizing the concept of reishi to balance her feet delicately against tiles of the faintest blue, almost transparent as she practically glided, her steps fluid like a moving stream. Making her way over to this unknown individual, and she would pause but a foot from them, stepping off the platforms into the snow her lips pursed before finally she spoke.

”.. The mothers and fathers of these men and women would not wish to see their children slaughtered. Realistically the quincy must move on. Yes this is our ancestral home, and eventually it may even be our home again. But for now it is not our path, our path lay in the world that exists now, instead of dwelling in the past which to this day casts the quincy race in an undeserved light. Each one of those gathered here understands that, accepts it. However. “

The female paused and deliberated. She was not unsure, yet she didn’t know quite how to convey her thoughts, she was among the oldest of the quincy race, many had come and left their mark and then faded into the void in her long lifetime, but that wasn’t what was important here. Her own history, and her future was for the quincy people, and because of it she only seemed to exude an air of calm honesty, because she would not address, nor give her people a sugared and watered down truth. They would get reality, the cold harsh reality of their situation and then they would gain what was needed to move on from that situation, that was her purpose and because of it she eventually had her eyes travel over the hooded female, taking in her features. Her posture, one that seemed to be fitting of a warrior, rather than someone who would incite dissent and chaos in what already was a precarious situation. But none the less she would continue to speak, and address her questions.

”..Yes, they are scared. Scared of a future that they cannot predict, they have been mistreated, beaten, battered and thrown to the curb in this cruel reality of ours but that is something that will not happen anymore. Because each one of them is important, they all have their own purpose, their own goals , their own dreams. I will not curb them from their desires , because that is not my wish. My wish is to give them a place to prosper. To thrive, to be what they are without fear of retribution or dIscrimination, and i will give them that, it isn’t a matter of how, or why to me. It is a statement and a truth. I will give them a home that they deserve. I will not give them the leftovers of what was, i will give them what is entirely theirs, for that goal i will pay any price, fight any battle. But i will not have their lives put in jeopardy not unless it is their own wish to do so. “

The queen to many might look completely unperturbed but to those who could read the subtle changes in body language could tell, she was angry, not at the woman in front of her, but at the way her people had been treated. They had been used and then discarded, shit on time and time again with the promise of what would never come. The emperor’s? What did they do? Nothing. Nothing but hurt their people and leave them in the muck once again. So what would she do now? She would exhale and finish what she wished to say, what her goals and her ideals where but she was not done, as the quincy had rallied around her she had exhaled and said slowly.

”. I will not leave them broken, because i know that very feeling well. I will not see them mistreated, scattered to be picked off. If they wish to act because that is their desire i will not stop them from doing what they wish. But if you desire further confirmation then i ask you this. Come with us, see for yourself what kind of leader i will become. What my ideals are. What our goals are. This organization is not run by one, it is run by many. Everyone has sway and they have a voice in which i will listen to. I will see them prosper. It is not a whimsical wish. It is a truth i will make reality. So the question is, will you join us, to see just what this will become? The choice is yours, and i will not fault you no matter what path you take, because that is your desire, and your truth. Just as this is mine. They are my truth, my purpose, my reality that is why they follow me. “

Niflheim had said what she wished, if there were further questions she would answer them. She would explain and she would act. However she would keep down this path. Unwavering, and unstoppable. Until their dream became reality.

Template By:

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  LzZCuy7
Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:32 pm

When the woman would approach the figure would turn her back to Niflheim, she'd remain not ready to display her true for just yet. Though the flowing aura that bled from her eyes would continue to flow its majestic route, her face still tattered by the shadows provided with her cloak. There was good reason that she chose to hide her identity all this time. While it wouldn't be clear or apparent to any that resided near her she reeked of a hollow essence. The smell, the taste, the very essence of her being was tainted with that of a hollow's lineage. It was shameful to some, but she wore it with pride.

In all honesty, it had saved her life in many occasions and was more to thank that of any leader that the Vandenreich had ever crowned. However, she hid this essence that was in her, this tainted smell of reiatsu, as the Quincy were very partial to their beliefs. It wasn't every day that someone of her nature would be accepted by a traditional Quincy, though if she wished to see her people raise again she would require the assistance of their leader. She'd have to think of some way that she could sway this woman to not only accepting the Quincy but the people that shared the same shameful fate that she did. Her previous words were just a simple draw of attention, something to get the Queen to an arms reach of her. Not that she needed her to be so close, but she wished to meet with the woman in a private manner. When she would accomplish this she would inform the woman of what had happened to her Quincy body and how it had become tainted and explain that there were others that were like her and seek an opinion on what she would do in order to ensure their safety as what was done with the Quincy.

She had come to know the woman as a very kind and loving being, something that wasn't very common for the traditional Quincy. They seemed to all grow bitter over the long period of time that they were alive, however, Niflheim was an exception to this pedigree. She showcased acts of true tranquility and requiem with the people, and this led to shock and awe of the woman as she would witness these kind acts. She could tell that this woman was different, but that didn't mean that the cloaked figure could just present herself in her current state. As kind and loving as the woman seemed she could not lay her trust in these actions and just fall vulnerable to an entire horde of Quincy that had different beliefs. She could see it now, their judging gazes and looks putrid as they would spit in front of the path she'd walk on. She wouldn't be able to take such a thing, not without making a violent scene and example out of them on multiple occasions until they learned their lesson. That wasn't what she wanted anyway. No, she wished to be treated as an equal, not a monster. Despite that being what she was, even to herself, she had always come to see herself as a monster in a Quincy's body. At times she was disgraced by her own thoughts as she spent time alone and away from others, when she fought in battles she felt as though using the Hollow's abilities were dirty tricks that a Quincy shouldn't utilize. Yet, she still did. And it would bring her great shame that she would learn was useless as she had always been in control. She had never fallen weak to the power of the hollow and if she was given the chance she would take it upon herself to train others that were like her by choice or not in order to create a new age for the people she loved so. Even if they didn't accept her, she would fight for them and put her life on the line for them. As without the people that were here today and those that fought yesterday, she would not exist.

Niflheim's words would result in the figure to do nothing but smirk. She was impressed, even when her resolve was tested and her people seemed to turn their thoughts against she still was able to put on a clear display of courage and hope to turn the tides of the crowd. She was definitely more admirable than the last and likely to be more accepting of what it was that she was after this whole time. She just wished for equality amongst their people, with that they would be able to better stabilize their numbers and even convert people that could accept this to be their own fate. It would take a lot of courage for them to such, but she could see the two becoming allies being a very profitable thing for the race as an entirety.

With her back still turned to Niflheim, she'd wait for the woman to seize her speech. "You're a rather elegant being, I must say..." A pause would sit between the two for a matter of a few seconds. She didn't mean for this to be a term to be taken in any sort of sexual pass or anything of that extent. She simply wished to compliment the woman on not only her physical stature, being, posture, and composition, but also how elegant of a "human" she was. She displayed a great variety of human tendencies, things that got a lot of humans killed. Things like hope and faith. Though she would stand by them with high intentions that they would solve her problems. The hooded figure couldn't stand to blame her, though. It was hope that had brought her here, after all. A hope for a better future. Then it would be faith that kept her here. So these words weren't meant to be sent as an insult, but only to glorify something that was clearly already established and set as a reminder to the woman in a respectful manner. "Yes. Extremely elegant." She'd reiterate, making the intentions of her words seem a bit skewed here. "I cannot see a better leader to change the tide of this nation than that of yourself. I've studied you from a far from a long time now, and you may not know who I am, but I surely know a lot about you. You see, I just wished to see how you would react when someone tested your will and it would come to show that your resolve greatly outshines that of any other leader we have had.... It's clear as day, really." Her words seemed to drift and linger as she spoke, a sense of honestly beckoned in her tone. "However, I have matters to discuss with you in a more private platform. Fear not, I am no enemy. I am just someone that is overly observant and overly concerned for my people's future... our people's future." She'd correct herself rather promptly. "While this may all have been done in rather odd terms, I'd like it if there would be a place that only you and I could stay. No guards at the door, nobody... for a good mile or so. I repeat, I am no enemy. Though, I do not wish to become one either. I understand if you wish to deny this, but I will say that it will do nothing but benefit your cause in the long run. Surely you're a rather understanding being to reason with my terms in some way?"

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Sbb1I7e
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:28 pm


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Niflheim approached. The girl turned her back, and she spoke, even though it did bother her maybe just a tad. The disrespect shown in that gesture was a pill that the quincy simply swallowed. It slid down her throat like shards of glass, after all she was Prideful. So when the female uttered something about elegance the elect didn’t outwardly show anything other than a small twitch that pulled her lips ever so slightly towards her cheeks. She didn’t know what to make of this situation, this girl didn’t seem to want to cause problems, at least that was what she could gather from the careful tilt of her body. From how she postured in the snow. Everything was a clue, a mystery waiting to be unraveled in the hawk-like gaze of the Elect. Because for as kind as she was she was shrewd when she had be. She’d wait patiently the color of her eyes beginning to clear, more platinum than silver, like two orbs that reflected the white snow around them, leaving a slight sheen of light radiating off the quincies body. White hair shifting to fall across her shoulder, pooling across her breast before bending back to rest near her armpit. Eventually the stranger said the same thing once more and then had asked a request.

”..In private huh?”

She seemed to lightly arch her brows before they flattened out and she thought about it. Sure many might want to kill her, to stop the quincies from growing powerful. However she had a certain little gut feeling that this was not one of those cases. Hence just as the female had a small stream of reishi moving from her eyes, the elect had in her minds eye taken the thought of a snowstorm, a veil that would conceal the rest of the quincy while they talked. Then as on her shoulder the marking p-40 formed and her energy rumbled from her body, the faintest traces of blue glowing brilliantly against the white backdrop of snow. This energy would quickly funnel and contort bending to the imagery that was in the quincies head, covering the other quincy in a veil that would conceal them, it would protect them while she and this other girl took a stroll. Maybe it was something about the tone in the girls voice that she recognized. Or possibly it was she wished to get to the bottom of this mystery, whichever reason when the girl made a slip up about it being her people rather than the quincy race collectively as a whole, she simply took a single step forward without looking back she had gently said to the crowd.

”..Worry not, i will be back, i’ve put some precautions in place that will make it so that to the outside world this little gathering looks no different that a simple patch of snow in the blizzard that is happening around us . . So please stay put my brethren and sisters, i have to speak to this one. . “

Then that single step took her past the girl where one of her gloved hands gently rested on the females shoulder. It could be interpreted many ways, a gesture to follow, or even a silent understand. Yet that was not the intent, instead it was supposed to be a gesture of comfort, of encouragement. As Niflheim of all people knew serious conversations were nerve wracking. They had a kind of force behind them that let one's throat feeling dry, and butterflies in the stomach. Her silver eyes shifted though as she walked by to glance sidelong at the stranger her lips parting as she said in a calm tone, which was tinged only with her sincerity.

”..I listen to All the quincy race. No matter who they are. Come let us speak.”

Her second step was different than the first, it propelled her at mach speeds from the gathering of her people, hair whipping about wildly as the snow blew past her face. The stinging cold a fresh reminder of the land’s untamable nature, much like her people actually. Or so she thought as she thought back to those early days when the quincy race was still younger. Lost in her thoughts that second step would turn into three, then five, then many as she bounded farther and farther away, until she finally was roughly two miles from her own quincy population. Next? Using her reishi she would whip up a storm that would obscure sound and make it so no one would get any bright ideas of following them. Next from the ground she manipulated reishi to form two chairs one of which she sat in , the other she’d motion for her guest to sit in, her eyes then flickering back to gaze upon them. That is if they followed, her words coming out soft, as if she did not want to be heard.

”..Now.. what is it you wished to speak to me about?”

Template By:

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  LzZCuy7
Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:06 am

It was clear that there was some hint of uncertainty for a moment, the brow of the Queen furrowing at the cloaked figures words would leave her to believe nothing but. Yet, it wouldn't last long, which brought a bit of reassurance back into play for the cloaked woman. It wasn't to say that she was worried or anything of the sort. No, she knew the way that things would play out for this little encounter here, however, a small slip up with the way things were meant to be played out would possibly lead to the demise of herself and her people. So it was only right to fear for her life and those that relied on the outcome of this event. Fear of death meant motivation, and with the proper amount of motivation, she felt as though this would be a walk in the park compared to some of her previous ventures. As for right now, she felt limitless in her powers. The words that she had fed out to the woman previously fed to her own ego as they were well received by such a renown figure as the woman before her. It was almost unbelievable. In all of her time alive, as a young person, she would have never believed that she would have gotten this far to have led a group of people as she had. Which was something that was taken rather than earned. She knew the responsibilities of doing such, as well and she would not dwell on them to be considered mistakes. No, she would let her small failures be carved into a masterpiece and learn to perfect her craft in leading others. Yes, she would do whatever she could to protect those that relied on her to do such, even if it meant falling a bit out of character and out of line as she just had. Speaking out like that during a dignitary's speech would have gotten her slaughtered had she not been careful. It was this that led her to proceed with caution as the two would carry on with the transfer of words. The Queen could only take so much of the way she spoke, even the other terms. While she knew a good bit of the Queen, she had never seen her act in a political matter. One as abstract as this would only tilt things a little more skewed than normal, too.

Though as all this strange phenomena and series of events started to take place and unfold before the figures eyes, she was only but at a loss for words. She could only imagine what this woman was fully capable of. It took her little to no effort to provide a protective barrier for her people. It could only be thought by the mysterious entity that things were about to turn ugly as she couldn't seem to find the need to border off the men and women that surrounded them. This slight unease and disposition that she felt with the protective barrier being placed around them could only lead Misa to raise her guard slightly, not becoming vulnerable to any sort of attack that might be cast on her. She'd tense herself up as the woman spoke to those she just shut off, she could only see this to be a front for her actions that were to come next. Though as her words would come to an end and she would step forward, the figure would come to find herself at a bit of ease. A small exhale of comfort resonated, breaking her pressed lips. It would be no longer than fractions of a second later that she would be sent the small statement before they left in what looked like a warped pass through time. Though it wouldn't be. It would only be the initial launch to their destination that would send everything into a point behind them as they sped off at Mach speeds.

The sudden halt would whip her body, not anticipating to stop so soon. Her breathing grew heavy as she draped her arms out before her and bent her back in exhaustion. Sure, she hadn't done anything, but she had let her guard down in a sense of comfort and in return, she was frightened nearly to death. If only her face could be seen at this point, it would have been a sight worth seeing, that was for sure. The sudden blizzard would draw her attention and bring her up slightly from her bent position. It'd bring her body to twist and turn as she looked around, there was no way out of this storm, and it seemed to be that they resided in the eye of it all. The power of the woman continued to impress, not leaving a dull moment in their engagement thus far.

She'd look back to the woman who had taken a seat and wished to carry on with matters. She'd direct her eyes to the seat that was summoned just behind the woman. Though before they began she wished to make it clear as to who she was. She couldn't imagine continuing to conceal her identity to the woman and carry on asking for things and trying to be political or anything of that sort without doing such first. Thus, she'd reach just below her neck and unzip and undo the fastenings that trailed to the bottom. This wouldn't require her to press it all the way down, however, as once she made one swift motion downward the handle would glow a vibrant blue and continue on down on its own. As this was done her arms would come to the side as the hood revealed her face and the rest of the cloak dissipated into a reishi that swirled about and then fell back into the palm of her hand as she moved it before her and grasped it. Dressed in her usual garb of short jean shorts and a black and gold jacket with a small shirt that cut just above her naval she sat down in a rather lackadaisical manner, propping her hand as her elbow held support. Not a sense of discomfort within the cold as she used her reishi to keep her warm. The tainted reiatsu would send an odd taste into the air, something that the Queen would likely pick up on immediately.

Instead of words, she would just wait and see a reaction to this unknown breach in their pure Quincy brand. The Hohl Arqueros weren't as widely known as most and it was unlikely for someone such as Niflheim to be knowledgeable of them, but she had seen stranger things happen. Misa would then carry on to flip her hand out as though she was saying "ta-da" with a facial expression to match it.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Sbb1I7e
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:04 am


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: 712

Niflheim Watched, very aware she was away from her people. Extremely aware that the pounding in her veins was a sign that there was a chance that everything might not go the way she wanted. So, why the hell did she do it? It was simple, someone had to take these kinds of risks and she wouldn’t push the job onto someone else. She was a pillar of strength for her people, and she would protect them time and time again. Hence as the other female didn’t sit down right away she had let her head dip ever so slightly, silver eyes still staring straight ahead at the woman, but her posture was less than perfect, more so in a resting state than in one of alertness. Her thoughts began to wander until the other female reached for their zipper and began to pull it down, reishi took the zipper the rest of the way down on it’s own. The article of clothing then basically evaporated; causing a few things to become evident. .

This resulted in Niflheims expression shifting fractionally, it was a barely perceivable change as a result of the reiatsu hitting her. It was a signature of a quincy, yet it wasn’t at the same time. A mixture of quincy and hollow that had the color of Niflheims eyes changing. Turning from a smooth platinum to a hard steel gray. Yet it wasn’t because she was alarmed, it was merely alertness that colored her expressions. Her posture straightened up, and her lips momentarily flattened out but then as the cogs began to turn in her head she thought. ”Maybe this is why she wished to talk to me alone, because she might have been afraid of persecution? The more she thought about it, the more her surprise was colored with shame, shame at what her people had done to those of the same race. After all they were all her People. As such the light momentarily left her eyes as she was stuck in a internal struggle. Just how would she dispel what probably had been a major problem looming over this girls head for awhile? How would she convey her words in a completely honest light? All these thoughts seemed to rain like hammer-blows in her mind and because of it, she could feel her stress levels rising. Until she simply raised her hands and smacked them against both sides of her face, leaving red marks. She followed this with a deep breath , then closing her eyes and slowly counting to ten.

Afterwards She opened them, and despite that she found herself smiling slightly, maybe just the phantom beginnings that upturned her lips, and colored her voice with serenity and kindness, but also firmness and truth.

”.I’ll admit, you’ve caught me off guard, but i kinda imagined it’d be something more serious. “

She was honest. To other quincy it might be important, or even crucial to know something like this. But to her? it was simply that, just another thing she’d know, and something she’d figure out, she had complete faith in her own ability to handle the situation, and even if she on principle hunted hollows. It didn’t mean she would extend the same policy to her kin even if they had somehow managed to merge with them or fuse. . or well whatever this was. Hence she could have gone on a long schpeel, a glorious rant about how even this girl had a place in the vandenreich , but honestly she didn’t feel it. She didn’t need to blow up an issue and give her some overdressed response, when all she had to do was look into the girls golden eyes, her silver eyes searching before her lips just curved from that phantom smile, into something softer, and kinder while she said to the girl.

”..All i see in front of me, is another of my people, another individual who i will guide until my dying breath.”

It might have been blunt, but it was truth. Despite her own dislike for hollows, this is actually different, and if it meant that she had to stop hunting hollows, then she would do so. but for now she had simply waited to hear what the female wanted to say , her expression shifting while she had propped her chin up on the flat side of her left palm, the elbow resting firmly against the arm of the chair. Waiting for whatever would come next.

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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  LzZCuy7
Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:24 am

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Headerimage2_zps7c673d3a

A brow would raise as she'd wait for her inevitable death with a nonchalant manner. She slumped in the chair that was created for her and really didn't mind too entirely much about dying right here and now. The amount of ridicule that she had received from the Quincy race, her mother, in particular, was one that she didn't believe would ever fade with time. She knew that it was the easy way out, accepting her demise to the hand of the Queen. Sure, she wouldn't end up helping her people, but at least she would go out by the hand of the purest Quincy that walked this land. However, this wouldn't be the case. Much to her surprise, the woman wouldn't act at all. She'd have some sort of visual retort upon her visage and a change in her eye color, which didn't really seem to click with Misa immediately. Nonetheless, it seemed as though she would be safe for the time being.

The light swat that Niflheim has inflicted onto herself would raise Misa's head from her hand and lead her to straighten her posture. It seemed as though she had dealt some sort of mental damage to the woman. As though she had caused the Queen to think about the scent of her essence more than she had originally though. In the end, however, she would come to a smile which would lead Misa to a sigh of relief, her head and body sinking with the frame of the chair once more. When Niflheim would speak, it would bring a questionable hum to resonate from the lips of Misa. Her brow would arch once more. She wasn't entirely sure as for how this wasn't a serious matter, but perhaps that was just her way of saying that there was no issue to be with it at this moment. She figured she'd have more questions to ask with the matter, or that she'd immediately flurry into some sort of recruitment speech over the matter. Although, this wasn't the case. Instead, her words would trail forward to be honest and sincere, as they always seemed to be. A respectable thing that Misa had learned about this woman in her days of trailing her.

While the words weren't meant the way that Misa took them, a small look of disgust would fall on her face as head jolted back. She didn't wish for any sort of guidance, she wished for an alliance. With the ties of their people, they would be able to strengthen the Vandenreich, bringing them a sense of understanding to Hohl life. With this, they would also be able to unify the two races and build bridges between their differences. This would be the foreground to a new era for the Quincy. They would be brought to allegiance with the race they hated so, the Hollows. With that, they would be able to focus solely on Earth's greater problems as Misa had a feeling that much of the Hollow and Arrancar animosity toward the Vandenreich and Quincy would fall at this alliance. She was sure that with the merge between the two races they would also likely find new enemies, as well. It was something that she was fully prepared for. With all of this in mind, she would speak to the Queen's words with a crisp tone. She wished to speak with sternness to bring along the importance of what she was saying. "No, we wish not for guidance. That's futile. I wish for an alliance between the two races. The ability to read and judge to tell whether a Hollow or Arrancar is one of us or not. We go by the term, 'Hohl Arquero' we come in the shape of both Quincy and Hollow. However, even as a Hollow our bloodline still lives on within them. The Hohl Arquero have held animosity upon one another for a long time, but with recent times I have come to reach an agreement between the two different lines, bringing us to a time of peace. While we are different in many ways, we still share the same name and have both Quincy and Hollow blood running through our veins. We are corrupted and typically not accepted by those that fall outside of our Race. The Hohl Arquero that resides within Los Noches is often slaughtered in retaliation to their acceptance of a Quincy power. This is something I cannot stand for. It's the reason that I have come to you today. As I wish for the Quincy to not share a similar and miserable fate." She'd press her palms into the arms of the chair and bring herself erect. She'd pace back and forth as she spoke.

"The way my race was brought into this world was all a mistake, similar to that of the masked Shinigami you have probably seen before. It is an agreement or disagreement between two souls that is so large that they are able to exist within the same being. It's rather poetic, in a way. I don't ask you to understand any of this, I just ask that it is accepted and it becomes a normality within the Quincy race. For one to exist with their greatest enemy takes a true amount of courage and can lead to the discovery of true strength in their power to work together. This strength has led many of my people to their death." Her tracks would stop as she would gaze to the woman, a chilling effect would come upon the Queen. It was unlike Misa to be like this, but the matter held a lot of weight, and with that, she wished to hold this to be as serious as she could. It was her inexperience in such that made her seem as though she was being intimidating rather than just stern with her words. "This is where you would come in. With your training facilities and your more abled members at training, our families can learn from one another. My people can learn to control their power and learn to live among humans and Quincy, while yours can learn about this infinite race and even possible accept it to be their own fate if they wished. Through this alliance, we can bring a sense of unity and prosperity to our people. It will take some time for both parties to accept this. However, I believe that with this great things can be achieved..."

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Sbb1I7e
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:43 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Niflheim listened, her eyes shifting marginally as she took in the look of disgust that crossed misa’s face. Apparently her words hadn’t been received how they had been intended, and that was fine by her. But misa seemed to think this situation was one that was to be taken seriously, or that niflheim wasn’t taking it seriously, which was entirely untrue actually, but complying to her wishes, her expression seemed to harden. As she took in misa’s own determination her expression would become one to behold. A thousand years reflected in that hardened gleam that was in her eyes. All her experiences, all the hard decisions, all the knowledge. So to many it was a crushing weight, but she assumed misa would be able to tell it wasn’t threatening. It was her taking the situation as serious as misa wanted it to be. Hence there would still be all the things she stood for, honesty, kindness, bluntness, sincerity. But the kindness took a backseat for now, and she thought long and hard about what she was suggesting.

Apparently these quincy, identified as their own sub-race. The Hohl Aquero and they were as she thought the offspring of a hollow merging with quincy, they did not wish to be treated by quincy as a singular race, but instead wished to work together, to prosper off one another. It was a proposition that she understood, and she could see how it would be benefiting to both parties. .The Holh Aquero had a larger range of abilities most likely seeing as they were part hollow. This coul definitely be useful in the scheme of if there was a battle, or if there was a need to defend against invaders. It would probably throw most individuals off, and beyond this just hearing about how these beings were being slaughtered in hueco mundo caused a darkness to dim her eyes, this expression was infinitely colder than the previous expressions, it was the same expression that would expect to come from someone whose heart was simply made out of a block of ice.

After getting her own thoughts in order she exhaled, and her voice rang out, clear and crisp it was the kind of voice she reserved for business transactions, interactions with other races or for emissary missions.

”..You wish for an alliance? I could see this working but my question is this. What do you bring to the table that is of benefit to the quincy race. I could see the social benefits and it would help broaden the quincy’s horizons. But other then that, what do you have to offer? You speak of training your power, but i have absolutely no clue what those powers are, so forgive me if i’m blunt here but, until i understand a bit more about exactly what i’d be getting myself into with training you guys it would be a slow and unproductive start for the hohl aquero’s. Since i don’t mind helping them develop their powers to their full potential but."

She paused and let her lips purse. She was having a hard time figuring out how to explain in a way that would both be to the point, and as concise as possible. The more she thought about it the more she didn’t have a problem with it. The issues that would arise would be numerous most likely, but she would deal with them as they came. This line of thought had her rising from the chair and walking over to the other female, her eyes shifting as she seemed to pull her glove from her palm and extended it out, the moon-kissed skin glowing slightly. The han was held as if she wished to shake on this, her silver eyes held a certain light in them, and she continued with what she was going to say.

”I won’t lie problems may arise as we go further down this path, but as the leader of the vandenreich i don’t have a problem with your proposition for alliance, and i accept it. As we go along things will need to be properly fleshed out, but i feel that things can work themselves out simply having the quincy and hohl aquero race interacting with one another, and if major complications stem from this, we will deal with them promptly as they come along. But for now, i have some more questions for you. Such as what place are you looking for in this organization. One of power in which you can help look out for the other members of your race, or is it simply any place will do? As you have talked about what you wish out of this for your race, which is fine and good. But i need to know what You personally want out of this, your own personal goals and aspirations if you will. “

This first hurdle was out of the way, but she still wished to know more about this situation. About this individuals personal aspirations, Because if she knew those she could gauge what direction this girl would ultimately lead her own people, as such it was imperative that she understood that part of the puzzle. She could continue to finalizing bit’s such as if new places in the organizations would be made, or if it was going to stay as it was, since with the influx of members the daten and sternritter and jagar divisions might not be enough, but that would be figured out later, for now she waited and listened so she could properly formulate a response to whatever information was thrown at her.

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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  LzZCuy7
Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Empty Re: Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:49 pm

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Headerimage2_zps7c673d3a

It seemed as though a display of power was to be forced into this. While Misa had hoped that she could go without displaying her corrupted spiritual power to the entirety of the Quincy race, she was left with no other choice. She'd dwell on whether or not this upcoming action of hers would be too rash or if it was even worth it. While the woman that was before her was considered strong, it was clear that with the compilation of her two spirits that she would be able to easily outdo her if things were to ever grow out of hand. She had the left field advantage, the element of surprise. She always held this in battle, as her race was not one that was well known. It was a fight against the unknown, sure there was some sort of base knowledge of the Quincy race, and the same could be said for that of the Hollow race. This didn't change the fact that no matter what fight she was in it was two versus one, and her Hollow powers were able to make the odds much more in her favor against your typical Quincy. This wasn't to say that she thought this woman that stood before her was your "typical" Quincy, but she was a Quincy nonetheless. One without knowledge of her race, if she so chose to make this power apparent in this situation it was likely that she would be giving up the one ace card that she held in her hand. The element of surprise would no longer be in existence and she would draw a large amount of attention to the conversation that was being held between the two. This display of power would be the first building block to this race's alliance, and it would display the trust and admiration that was held for the woman that sat before her.

This willingness to at least see the power could only lead her to realize that she was at least interested in helping them. That she had no plans of committing a wrongful offense toward Misa. This was good, this was progress. However, it wasn't the progress that she wished to have. This may have been ignorant of her to think, but she thought that she could simply ask for a helping hand one would be extended. While the woman did lay her hand out for some sort of term in agreement to what was being said, the current conditions of the agreement weren't as black and white as Misa wished for them to be. This made her reluctant in grasping the hand that was extended to her, but she would do so anyway. Taking a few steps forward, she'd reach out and firmly grasp the hand. When she did so, her free hand would come up to her face. Particles of her golden spiritual energy tainted by the purple hue that reeked of corruption outlined it. The energy would circulate around her hand and then form upon her face into a solid white mask, her hair would shift to a golden color and when her eyes would open they'd match this golden hue that was brought upon her hair. The slits that were her pupils would dilate and configure to the proper size for the amount of light within the area before locking onto Niflheim. Once all of this was done and complete a mass amount of spiritual pressure would be released in the area. The force of this reiatsu held enough power to completely corrode the blizzard-like barrier that surrounded them, it was a trying task to keep the reiatsu from being released while the mask was donned, and this would be the reason she wished not to expose this state.

When she would speak her voice would conjoin by that of another tone, the two working harmoniously to produce the same sound. She had at least come to be able to control this much of her power, as the hollow that she formed with was a friend that she had protected against hateful acts from her mother. This hollow was also sent as a guardian angel by none other than the Former Tricera Espada, Tia Harribel. Thus, when the two would become one, she would easily be able to harness the powers of the hollow without any sort of retaliation. It made her a perfect contender to lead the race, however, she remained unknown to the inner struggles a normal Hohl Arquero would hold. It was as though she was of royalty while the others were of poverty and she would inherit her role rather than earn it. This was a moot point, however, but it was still one worth mentioning and keeping in mind as she continued on with her words. "I'm aware of the scrutiny that will come upon my people as well as yours. There will surely be turmoil between our races, but if we do not act on this now the weak will become nonexistent." She would mention this in a hint to the two races going to war with one another, it wasn't something that she wished. It was only something that she could see happening. Being a Quincy that wasn't of pure blood was already a no-no in their society, being a pureblood Quincy that had accepted the power of their greatest enemy could only be seen as something worse. It was this that would lead her to believe that such things would happen whether they joined or not there would be some sort of animosity. She would continue to hold her hand in hers as the reiatsu bellowed out around them, digging an enormous hole into the snow that blanketed upon the ground.

"It is the leadership that we hold with one another and the loyalty that our people have in us that will lead them away from this. Setting the example for our own relationship will bring prosperity to this land and any future land we hold. I wish to serve as your right hand, anything you do should be done with me at your side. With this, I can give you political and military advice with what should be done or how things should be handled with certain matters. As that is what this is, a political matter. With politics comes war and with war comes a proper mindset to direct such patterns. I believe myself to be a strategist of sorts, with that I can aid you in those manners. Not only this, but I will never join in a battle that I cannot win for myself and will fight alongside these men and women. Who they are or what they make no difference to me. All that matters is that we all exist for the same righteous goal: the reclamation of what was once ours." Her words would seize and the mask would flow from her in the same particle effect that it had before. As it would do so she would release the woman's hand and drape her right arm diagonally across her chest, her fist balled before her heart. She'd come to one knee and bow her head. This would be the last the people could see them if they were to see as the blizzard would pick up its pace once more and flurry around them as it did earlier. "Let me serve you. I give you my respect, my honor, my body, my minds... and my people."

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Migration [Quincy Arc Part I]  Sbb1I7e
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