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[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Left_bar_bleue128100/999999[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty [Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto

Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:24 am
[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)
Basic Information

• Name: Kimitsuki Yamamoto
• Titles: Danava of Fire, Blazing Heart
• Age: She looks 20 but is really 1200 years of age.
• Gender: Female
• Affiliation/Rank: Rogue, Ex-Shadowfall. Vastimian; Sergeant.

• True Appearance Written: Kimitsuki, like or unlike most Danava, does not have a Shifter form. However, she has recently acquired some for her Vastime activities; needed to have them for uniform or battle. She will normally use those shifter forms while inside of Vastime or on Vastime activity. Otherwise, she walks around in her true form 24/7. What fun would it be if she couldn’t at least flaunt the beautiful appearance she KNOWS she has. Given her over all appearances many could mistake her for a human, especially when considering that she is only 5’5” in height, until you sense her aura and the fact that her blood red eyes obviously hunger for battle, destruction, and fire.

What is normally drawn to attention first with Kimitsuki’s appearance is her hair. Her hair is rather long, about hip length, red like fire, and has some of the hair tied up into a small bun, or pony tail. Her hair also covers most of her back; hiding the back of the jacket she wears. Speaking of said jacket, it is actually a rather stylish jacket; all things considered at least. The jacket is white in color with golden trimmings on the edges and along the linings of the cuffs. The jacket’s arms are skin tight but move in every single motion Kimitsuki wishes them to move; not breaking or tearing along the way. The jacket’s collar sticks up and seems to have a leather strap running through the outside of the collar; keeping it in its position. Around the waist area of the jacket it there is another leather belt around it, unbuckled, leaving the jacket open. The Jacket, when closed, would also leave a hole where people could still see Kimitsuki’s midriff. The coat is like a trench coat or a military jacket. However, it is not meant for cold and nor is it either type of jacket; it just has that basic looking design. The coat extends to be down to the top of Kimitsuki’s calves. At the bottom of the jacket, at the golden trimmings, it is signed. The jacket itself was burned by Kimitsuki a long time ago before she made sure everything about her would resist heat to an extreme degree. She also has a pair of gloves on both hands. However, the glove on her right hand is rather special. She uses as a restriction so she doesn’t burn everything in a second; though the glove only restricts the amount of fire she can use at a time. The glove has what appear to be claws on the fingertips, which are made from a gold appearing material. There is also a golden cuff on her arm, basically locking the glove to her arm. There are also wrappings that is wrapped around her arm in a way to help restrict her powers until she wants to burn everything.

Under the jacket is clothes, obviously, though they are rather skimpy clothes in comparison to many other clothes. Her top only occupies the top half of her torso; hiding her C sized breasts from the world. The shirt is black in color and seems to have a zipper that secures the shirt over her breasts. It can be seen that the zipper is directly in the middle of the short and keeps it in place rather well. Of course, due to its positioning, Kamitsuki definitely has some cleavage. While she herself does not care about it, it can cause issues when people try to do certain things to her. Luckily, she just burns them but, it’s still annoying. Above that shirt, about where her cleavage is, is the ornament of a necklace which is a ruby-looking gem, carved into a diamond shape. It looks like it is in the middle of half of a torch. The shirt also gives off quite the midriff, revealing her stomach quite readily. Luckily, she is rather thin and a little muscly, so, she has lightly defined abs. Below that are a pair of shorts, booty shorts to be exact. However, people cannot see her backside, easily, due to her coat being what it is. Her shorts have two belts wrapped around them that make a tight X shape. The buckle of the belt in the front is golden in color and is a circle which has another circle in the middle. A chain is hooked to the buckle and links to the back of her shorts.

However, the shorts are rather interesting over all. The right leg of the shorts actually extends to be below her knee while the other leg is the length of booty shorts. However, on the left leg she has a stocking that extends up to the half-point of her thigh. The stocking is bound by two red leather belts; keeping it from moving. Covering the bottom of her pant leg and her stocking are a pair of knee high, heeled boots. The boots, like the shorts, and stockings, are black in color. The boot has gold trimmings on the lining along the top and ankle area of the boots. The toes of the boots also have metal, colored gold, covering them. She also has red leather straps around the ankle area which fasten, what appear to be tiny armor plates, to the front of her ankles. Overall, Kimitsuki has a very amazing looking body, her body temperature is ridiculously hot. However, her skin would not scorch someone upon her skin coming in contact with another’s. Kimitsuki is a very beautiful Danava that has fooled many men, and women, to become fuel to her fire.

Due to recent events, the Danava's hair grew longer, part of her hair covers the right side of her face unless she moves it out of the way, and her outfit changed. Now, Kimitsuki has pants that only have one leg and a full top; yet the same zipper is still present. Her coat is now longer and the inside is coated with crimson red. It also seems to have more jagged ends, from burning, and even seems as if it is representing her fire. Not to mention, she has runes on her left arm and left leg. To note, this change was thanks to her Liberator; Liu. If not for her, she would not have the appearance change. it is also worth mentioning that her hair seems to turn orange and 'light aflame' whenever she is using copious amounts of fire and/or in battle.

• True Appearance Picture:


When in battle or using copious amounts of fire:

• Vastime Battle Attire(Note: This is simply a different set of clothing and Hairstyle, not a form change):




• Personality: Kimitsuki, like her fire, is wild in nature. While she can be kind when she needs to be, she will normally be rather wild person; having very little to no control over how she acts. Although, if she does something inappropriate or rude, and realizes it, she will apologize immediately.

• Destructive: Kimitsuki may be a nice person on the surface, especially if you just met her, but, she is truly a rather violent person. Due to partial influences from her wild nature and how she feels towards others; this has caused her to be rather destructive. For example, if she was in a situation with someone who possibly annoys her, she may haul off and slap them. Of course, since destructive applies to many things, this trait is endless. However, overall, she mainly becomes quite violent upon being struck with emotions that resemble anger, rage, or insult.

• Pyromaniac: Kimitsuki absolutely loves to mess with fire. She loves to mess with fire in every single way: burning items, experimenting with it, handling the fire, everything. In general, she will likely mess with fire that she sees; fire that isn’t hers at least. She also really likes to generally watch things burn. It’s possible to distract her for a little if someone else, besides her, have fire powers. She will be interested for a little by their fire until she identifies what she wants to, or can, about the person’s fire. Afterwards, she will likely either leave the person alone or have them blast her with their fire. However, if this was in a fighting situation she would not just stop and go “ooooo FIRE” she will keep fighting until the battle is over; then she will ask about the fire.

• Shy: In a sense, Kimitsuki truly is shy. She has mainly spent a lot of her time with either herself or just with Kagutsuchi. This has caused her to react in very interesting ways to seeing people randomly approach her. If she is expecting it or knows them she won’t try and leave. However, if she doesn’t know someone she will likely hide behind her fire or other objects. She may also accidentally remove her limiting Atma Vatou, causing her fire to run wild and likely cause mass destruction. Frankly, it is better for her to avoid those she doesn’t know. Also, people who approach her with sexual actions in mind will normally confuse her. However, if they tried to act upon the feelings Kimitsuki will likely freak out.

• Emotional: While Kimitsuki is a very blunt person in social situations, she can also be very emotional. Like fire, her emotions can rage as if they are hotter than the sun. Her emotions can shift suddenly giving people the impression that she has constant mood swings. Of course, she does not have mood swings all the time. Her emotions have just been augmented to a larger extent than before. However, she does know how to control her emotions when she needs to. She can do so since her emotions are much like her flames; just gotta focus and they are under her thumb.

• Carefree, Relaxed: Most of the time Kimitsuki is a very relaxed and laid back person. She doesn’t always feel the need to be serious since what point is there in being silly whenever you become serious everything burns. While she is carefree and relaxed, it will reflect upon herself in a very interesting way. Outside of a battle one may see her lounging about in the sunlight or bathing in a bath of Lava. Why Lava? It was a way to keep her body at near immunity to fire and heat. But, that was only one of her many aspects of being relaxed.

• Kind (when completely relaxed): Whenever Kimitsuki is actually completely relaxed, people will normally see how she used to be before she had to change herself to better handle her fire. While she is a demon and is normally a force that is related to evil, she does have a kinder side. While that side does not show itself often; it is constantly present in the back of her mind. Meaning that it could possibly come to the front to an instant out of nowhere before returning back to where it was earlier.

Kimitsuki’s kindness has no bounds when she is relaxed. She will normally try to be kind to as many people as possible while like this. She will also help them how she can, as long as they were reasonable requests. However, as soon as Kimitsuki returns to her natural state; she will likely be a little gruff towards those who thought she was nice. This will likely cause a lot of confusion with people, but, Kimitsuki doesn’t really care.

• Blunt: Whenever Kimitsuki is presented with a social situation, she won’t exactly know what to do. However, that is changed whenever someone asks her a question that requires a really, really, blunt answer. For example, if someone asked her a question about something that was very feelsy, like, if s/he should kill their evil twin. Kimistuki will likely reply with a blunt “Kill them” leaving very little other options in Kimitsuki’s mind. However, she won’t always be blunt as this is mainly for those she does not know well.

• Empathetic: Despite Kimitsuki’s blunt nature she is actually rather good at sensing and feeling many different types of emotions. This is due to how fire is quite a lot like emotions. Emotions can burn with such intensity that it may seem absurd to one at some points. Such things have caused Kimitsuki to be excellent at telling what one is feeling. Of course, this also means that emotions that burn with such passion is something Kimitsuki consumes to keep her demonic life, long. However, she can mainly sense the emotions of others, which can give her the advantage in battle if those emotions are anything vulnerable.

• Wild: Kimitsuki is a rather interesting person to interact with in general. As she is a rather wild person over all it is very hard to understand her from time to time. She will generally be very unpredictable in a conversation. Not only that, but, due to how much she is like wildfire; she will sometimes disobey orders given to her. Albeit the disobeying will be temporary, but, she will return to obeying her order’s eventually. While most may consider Kimitsuki to be either rebellious or insubordinate; they would be wrong. She simply cannot be tethered down by a single individual unless she holds any sense of respect to them.

The same applies when she is in battle. If she does not respect her opponent enough to fight them more, or they are too weak, she will simply leave; not wanting to kill the person quite yet. To those she would leave in such situations she would say to them “Live. Become Strong. For, when we next meet, I will not be merciful. I. Will. Kill. You.” Upon those words she will normally leave if not stopped.

• Serious (in battle): Whenever Kimitsuki enters battle, whether willingly or not, she will enter a mode of complete seriousness. This will cause her to not be as wild as she normally is; adopting a type of “battle mode.” In general, when in battle, Kimitsuki will lose all sense of fear, regret, and second thoughts. She will become like a weapon, using fire as her weapon to destroy all that stand in her path. This will also cause her to be a completely different person. She will no longer be her normal, carefree and peaceful, self. Instead, she will act as if she has the most intense blood lust in the entire world.


• Fire: Kimitsuki really, really, loves fire. She always has loved fire. She has basically lived with fire ever since she was born as a Danava. This has caused her to be rather fond of many different types of fire. This has caused her to be interested whenever she sees fire that she has not seen before. However, if someone had fire that was much like her own she would be rather confused.

• Lava: Kimitsuki did a large amount of heat training with her body, like meditating in the middle of a forest fire, and sitting in pools of Lava. Ever since she got the ability to bathe in Lava without getting turned into a piece of coal, she uses the stuff whenever she can. Normally, she’ll take baths in Lava since it is literally the cleanest thing to use to clean oneself! Not only that but, Lava is great to relax in. If someone ever stumbled upon her in a pool of Lava, they would likely be confused what to do as she’d be extremely content with just bathing in the lava. Overall, Kimitsuki loves lava. If there’s any lava in the immediate area she will likely go for a quick lava bath before returning to business.


• Large Bodies of Water: Since Kimitsuki’s abilities are quite dependent on fire, large bodies of water normally can either scare or piss off Kimitsuki. If the water scares her she will likely hide somewhere or get as high as possible, either through jumping into the air or running up a cliff. If she gets pissed she may dispel the glove on her right hand, the Atma Vatou; releasing her flames completely. Otherwise, she’ll just get as far away from the water as possible.


Background History

• History:

Fire…. All it was in the beginning was fire. Fire, rage, destruction… BURNING. That was all the Danava of Fie experienced during the time of her birth; fire. She had experienced nothing else. She was formed from the concept of burning, of fire; there was nothing else to make her. Of course, fire could be considered many things: The fires of war, the burning heart of humankind, things like that. However, she was not based upon such things. Kimitsuki was based off of the pure concept of fire. Fire. That was all she knew when she was first created by Nidhana. She spent many a year growing inside of Nidhana trying to completely understand what she was. She spent a good 100 years with Nidhana before she was sent to earth; sent to learn about fire. Of course, she did her own things while she was on Earth.

Kimitsuki had always been powerful, even since birth. Fire was a wild element so; her power would run free… uncontrolled. This caused her be a rather destructive Danava to the Earth. While she was on earth she had experienced much. She had experienced wars… so many wars. The ones she will remember forever are the world wars. While she did not participate in any of the wars, she still watched on; attempting to understand them. Well, doing such was not something she wished to do anyways. All she wanted to do was explore herself; to learn of her powers. Sometime after Kimitsuki had experienced the first world war, she decided to wander the world and discover everything about herself. During this entire time, her eternal partner did not talk to her. She knew that the eternal partner existed, but, neither really payed attention to the other. So, for a good 600 years of her life she lived alone; without companionship. Such things did not affect her at all, she didn’t care. She was completely fine with being alone. As long as she had her fire; she didn’t care.

During those 600 years, Kimitsuki explored herself completely. It was a type of enlightenment sort of thing, like Nirvana. Though, she would not reach a state of Nirvana, no, she would gain understanding of herself and power. As she explored the Earth, particularly the frigid wastelands of Russia, she ended up being caught in a forest fire while in the forested areas of Europe. She stood in the middle of all the fire, unaffected by the heat and the flames. She watched the embers burn with a look of amazement. She had never truly understood fire until this point, and after 600 years, she finally did. Fire was a tool of destruction and a tool of life. She observed the forests’ destruction from day one; watching it burn. After it had all burned down she had come to the conclusion that fire was for burning and for destruction. However, soon enough, she realized that there were saplings under the ashes of the dead trees.

The sight of saplings under all of the ash and soot created by the burnt forest utterly confused her. How could something like this grow in such pure destruction? She had to stay in the forest much long then to consider how this could happen. It took a little bit, but, she soon discovered that fire is not just a force of destruction. It has the ability to destroy, and to create. Even if fire may burn down a forest, it would fuel the saplings of the next generation with the proper minerals to thrive. Kimitsuki looked at all the destruction and, she finally got it… she understood what fire was. Fire was wild. It was a force of Nature that could not be controlled by anyone or anything. It was a force of destruction that would consume all in its path. However, it is also a force of creation; one that fuels the cycle of life to refresh.

After discovering what her powers truly were, being at peace with fire as a whole, her eternal finally spoke to her, her only words being “Good.” Afterwards, she remained silent. Kimitsuki could never truly understand why her eternal partner was silent. Possibly because it was because she did not want Kimitsuki to know her powers and secrets until she could control her fire with excellent skill. After her “enlightenment” Kimitsuki began to wander the world once more. However, she wandered the world with much more optimism. However, she still was rather careful with her powers, at least, until she was attacked.

She wasn’t entirely sure what the beings were who attacked her. They were men in black robes, wielding swords, and spoke strange things to her. While she knew many things, Kimitsuki had no idea who these people were. However, when they started to attack her; she had to defend herself. At the time she didn’t have many Atma Vatou, but, she had a favorite that she always used. She used it in the encounter, to defend herself. During said encounter she lost control over her flames and caused the entire area she was in to burst into flames and combust over all. Again, the nature of her flames were only understood even more. They were wild, if she was to control them, she could no longer be how she was. She had to be wild, unpredictable; unhinged. So, in her efforts to control her fire she made a glove that would restrict her fire use until she wanted to let them loose them completely. The glove was something she made with the help of her eternal partner, who was now helping her to control her flames, so she could better control her flames. While she can take it off whenever she likes, taking off the glove would release powerful flames that have the ability to burn through nearly everything.

For the rest of the time she was on earth, she spent much time observing everything. However, she soon learned of Shadow Fall. Such an organization seemed to be best for her, as it was full of demons. She made her way to Europe once more to become a member of Shadow Fall. One may consider such a decision a drastic measure, but, she felt at home in a place with so many other demons and Danava. Not to mention, she loved to have a place where she could cut loose and use her flames to how she wished. That is what got her to join Shadow Fall overall, the freedom, the ability to be WILD. The remaining 600 years of her past was spent wandering and then becoming a well-known name among the ranks of Shadow Fall. What might that name be? Well, it is: Kimitsuki Yamamoto, Danava of Fire; The Blazing Heart.

However, After a time she left the organization to search for what she was meant to do in this world. She had left shadowfall because, while she could be wild, she didn't exactly like everything that had been happening. It was time to branch out. Time to maybe see what she could do to find something that was meant for her. Whatever that may be, it's out there for her.

Demon Powers

• Natural Demon Traits: Kimitsuki herself actually does use the normal demon abilities. She found them something very useful in her travels when someone actually did try to get the drop on her. However, due to her origin she does not have the best control over much of what she does.

• Akuma Kyodo: Kimistuki has discovered that her Akuma Kyodo is one of her most important defenses when in battle. Since she controls fire like she moves her hands, stupidly easily, she doesn’t have the ability to exactly form defenses with them. As fire is fire, it is the perfect tool for attack. So, she has purposefully strengthened her Akuma Kyodo to extreme levels so she can take many hits before she actually loses those defenses of hers. Say someone decides to shoot her with a high caliber rifle, say .50 or higher. Well, if it was at point blank range, she would definitely feel it, but, the bullet would crack her Akuma Kyodo; leaving a hole in the seals temporarily. Of course, while her Akuma Kyodo is not the best in the world Kimitsuki has engineered it to be exceptional and last long.

• Za Koa: Kimitsuki actually finds Za Koa energy to be quite useful to her ability set. While she does not require Za Koa to create or manipulate her fire, she can use it to push the limits of her fire when she has her glove on, the glove that restricts her fire. Of course, the same applies to when she lets her flames loose. In all basics, the Za Koa will basically augment her flames to higher heats than before. She can also use the Za Koa to control the exact flow of her flames when her glove is on.

• Shadow Movement: To Kimitsuki, shadow movement is one of the most important abilities in her arsenal. Like her Akuma Kyodo she has invested a large amount of time into the ability. She has invested this time into the ability so she can use shadow movement how she wishes to so she can get the drop on enemies if she needs to. Otherwise, she will normally depend on her own speed to attack. In general, she will use Shadow Movement to gain the advantage in a battle if she needs.

• Demon Magic: Demon magic… it’s not something Kimitsuki entirely understands. She can use it to a certain degree, but, she can’t exactly just go and magic people to death. If she uses her Demon magic it would normally be to combine it with her other abilities to either double her defenses, make it so she heals very quickly, or so that she can make her speed vastly increase temporarily. She may also use some spells, but, that would be a rare occurrence as she mainly uses her fire and Atma Vatou’s for attack.

• Strength of the Gods: Kimitsuki has naturally had rather absurd strength, being able to lift something 3 times her weight with surprising ease. Something of that size would likely be a small car or a large rock. On the higher end of the spectrum she can lift up a semi. However, she won’t be able to hold it that long as she would have to throw it, or drop it, soon; likely leaving her exhausted temporarily. However, her strength doesn’t end there. Out of her own volition she can cause her strength to effectively double for about 2-4 posts. Beginner and Adept Strength would last 2 posts with a cooldown of 4 posts. Advanced to Master would last 3 posts with a cooldown of 2-3 posts. While a Grand Master in Strength would last four posts and only have a cooldown of 1 post. The ability can only be used twice per thread. After it is used twice Kimitsuki will be unable to use the strength doubling affect until she rests or until the thread is finished.

• WILDFIRE!: While the name would seem to relate to fire, to most, it doesn’t. The ability actually refers to Kimitsuki’s speed levels that she can summon up when needed. Naturally, Kimitsuki is already fast thanks to her wild nature and due to how fire spreads fast. However, she has the ability to temporarily double her speed. The effect only lasts one post and cannot be used at the same time as Strength of the Gods. Since the ability will only double her speed, she won’t exactly gain the greatest of benefits from it. Since this can only be used once a thread it must be used wisely, otherwise, Kimitsuki’s speed will return to normal and stay such until the thread is over.

• Control: Kimitsuki has needed to gain a certain semblance of control over her flames so she wouldn’t turn an entire city, or area, into a pile of smoldering lava. She did this by first training with her eternal partner for a little bit. She also achieved this by crafting a glove, with the help of her eternal partner, that would restrict the amount of flames she could control at any given time. However, the glove would only restrict the flames as long as she was wearing it. The second the glove is removed her fire will be set free. Luckily, the wild personality she has also helps with controlling the fire. Another thing to note is that the fire is basically an extension of herself. This means that if there are others who can possibly hijack fire, they would not be able to do so with Kimitsuki. The flames would be unaffected by the person’s attempt to control them.


Origin Powers

• Origin Name: Flames of the Gods

• Origin Power: Control and Manipulation of Fire and all of its aspects.

• Origin Abilities: Since Kimitsuki is the Danava of Fire, all of her abilities will relate to fire or be created due to fire.

• Thermal Armor: Due to Kimitsuki not having completely immunity to fire she has developed her own type of armor that has the ability to resist fire and thermals. The armor was crafted from some tinkering of her Akuma Kyodo, Za Koa, and Demon Magic. Eventually she developed a Thermal resistant coating that brings her resistance up to 1500 Kelvin. However, the longer the armor is exposed to heat; the faster it breaks down. The armor allows her to bathe in lava which can help her with her thermal resistance training. Also, the armor is constantly active and she has to divert a certain amount of energy to it during battles. Outside of battles the amount of energy it needs is of no consequence to her.

While in battle the "armor", it's really a thermal resistant coating that goes over her entire being, can only resist heat for a certain amount of time. If she was exposed to fire constantly, of about 1600 Kelvin or higher, it would take about a total of 5 posts for her to become vulnerable to burning from the fire. However, if she was exposed to fire that is 1000 degrees Kelvin or below it would take about 8 posts for her armor to break down completely. After her armor breaks down she will only be able to rely on her normal resistance to fire. This means that fire that is hotter can actually burn her. While she won't be left with intense burns, unless the fire was ridiculous, she will definitely be left in large amounts of pain.

• Napalm Fist: Fire is a very destructive element; and this only proves it true. Napalm fist in all basics is when Kimitsuki gathers fire around her fist and aims to punch the enemy who is likely directly in front of her. However, here’s where it gets complicated. She focuses the fire on her fist in a way so it superheats and gets to a point where it would burn through steel with ease. At this point the fire gathered in front of her hand has enough destructive potential to rip through most defenses. Of course, in order to not rip through defenses, the enemy would need to have higher a higher racial defense than Kimitsuki’s strength. After the defenses are broken it is likely the foe would become burned depending on their durability rating. A Beginner or Adept Durability would suffer third degree burns. Advanced Durability would suffer Second Degree burns. Master Durability would suffer First degree burns. A Grand Master durability would suffer minor burns if any at all.

However, the ability does not end there. After the initial strike, whether defenses are broken or not, the fire that was on her fist blasts off of her hand and causes the ground around to catch on fire. The second blast of heat could cause more burns, but, normally people are pushed away by the initial strike. If they aren’t pushed away though, the burns from earlier would only get worse. While they could not lead to death, they would lead to a lot more pain than many like to deal with.

• Brawling with Fire: Much like Napalm Fist, Brawling with Fire augments Kimitsuki’s limbs to have points of focused fire on areas of attack. The fire is focused to extreme heats, around 1500-2000 Kelvin, and is specialized for battle. While these flames would not be able to as readily break defenses they would still leave the same type of burns: A Beginner or Adept Durability would suffer third degree burns. Advanced Durability would suffer Second Degree burns. Master Durability would suffer First degree burns. A Grand Master durability would suffer minor burns if any at all.

However, Brawling with Fire is mainly for when Kimitsuki does not want to use her Atma Vatou or she does not have one that is as available as she wishes for certain enemies. Brawling with fire, as mentioned earlier, creates focused points of fire on her fists and attack points on her legs. When she strikes with her legs or fists, the fire will leave the tiniest of fire trails behind her attack. It won’t aid in enemies predicting her movements. Whenever she strikes an enemy with, or without, racial defenses, she will general leave burns on the area she has hit. The effect would be lessened with racial defenses however.

• Self-Produced Fire: Kimitsuki’s fire is quite special; especially when compared to other fire. Her fire is basically made from her own being, in a sense. While the fire is not truly made from her, she has the ability to summon and dispel it at will, as long as she is wearing her glove. What also makes her fire special is how she has complete and total udder control over it; as described by her Control ability. She normally draws the fire from her conceptual world; as it is a part of herself. Of course, this means that the amount of fire she can summon is nearly limitless as the conceptual world is an endless plane of fire.

However, while she can normally control the amount of fire she takes from her conceptual world; it cannot always be controlled as perfectly as she wishes. Whenever Kimitsuki may remove the glove that she wears to help with the control of her fire; the fire would begin to pour out of her at a rather uncontrollable rate. However, with her fire nearly out of control like it would be, she would likely only remove her glove in times where there was nothing left but to go all out and turn her enemy into a lump of charcoal.

• The Cycle of Life: Due to how Kimitsuki has come to understand her flames, she will often leave the ashes of the things she has destroyed to be the food of the next generation of plants. Of course, while she does not truly care for the plants, she has learned that it was the natural cycle for her fire; something that had to be done. So, she does it out of respect for the flames that are hers.

• Crimson Lotus: This ability basically allows Kimitsuki to flash to her enemies and hit them with multiple, 8, strikes charged with fire. However, she does not lock onto them and will hit them indefinitely. No. Such a thing is not possible unless she was facing someone far below her tier. The ability creates what appears to be a lock on-like theme due to its dual use of shadow movement and Kimitsuki’s natural movement speed. For example, if she had advanced Shadow Movement and Advanced Movement Speed; she would be able to strike quickly and in immensely quick succession. However, this ability can be avoided by one who has a higher racial and natural movement that is higher than her own.

Of course, again, tier would be a factor in the end. Say if a 2 tier had the same skill ratings she did while she was 1 or zero tier. Depending on the difference in sub tiers, they would have a difficult time in avoiding the ability. However, those of the same tier or higher will not have as much trouble as long as their speed can either match or exceed Kimitsuki’s.

• Abaddon’s Fire: Upon being struck by the flames of hell, one would burn for all eternity and see nigh but death on the horizon. Whenever Kimitsuki uses this ability her fire changes to a blue color and becomes much, much hotter. However, the normal heat of her fire is around 1500 degrees Kelvin. In general, her fire will mainly change color from its normal red orange color to a blue black color. However, this can only be used twice per thread and will only last 2 posts; with a cooldown of 3 posts. This is because it is literally a quick increase of Kimitsuki’s fire without her needing to spend time on increasing the temperature of her fire. However, this will not double the heat of her fire up to 10,000 degrees Kelvin. the maximum she can double her fire's heat to, temporarily, would be 5000 degrees Kelvin. The second her fire hits 3000 Degrees Kelvin it can no longer be doubled in heat. Doubling the heat would put a little stress on the defenses she has developed to be resistant against fire and thermal.

• Near Immunity to Fire: Since Kimitsuki is the Danava of Fire she already has a natural resistance to fire. However, she has pushed herself to try to become immune to it. While her own fire won’t burn her as easily, as it is a part of her, flames that exceed the heat of 1000 degrees Kelvin will burn her. In order to be near immune to fire she has needed to place safe guards with Za Koa and Demon Magic. These safeguards have been stacked upon with her own resistance levels. She has been working on attempting to get an even higher natural resistance. She has done so by training her natural resistance to heat by sitting in the middle of forest fires and bathing in pools of Lava.

• Supreme Release: This ability can only be used once per thread as it will put a large amount of strain on Kimitsuki. Whenever Kimitsuki pulls off her glove, letting her fire reign free, she has access to certain abilities. This is basically an ultimate ability, in a sense. This ability is basically used when Kimitsuki has decided that she really does not like her foe and wants to turn them into a pile of smoldering carbon. Whenever she uses this ability, she lets herself, and her flames, run completely wild. If one thought her flames were wild before, then, this ability would be a surprise. What happens exactly is that she will charge at an enemy at high speeds. Afterwards she will aim to punch them or slash at them with her Atma Vatou that is a weapon. She will resume striking at the enemy for a couple of seconds before grabbing them, grappling onto them. In order to do keep her grip her strength would need to be higher than hers. If it is equal, then Kimistuki will only be able to hold them for half of the remaining ability. Otherwise, they will take the full brunt of the ability.

If Kimitsuki is successful in grabbing the enemy, she will begin to glow with red energy. Her eye will change to resemble fire more, smoke and steam will start to radiate from her body; fire slowly forming around her. If she is able to keep complete contact; she will grin slightly as fire gains around her more. In less than a second a giant geyser of fire will erupt around her and her foe; burning the enemy. The fire at this point will be very hot. Not as hot as the sun, but, the fire goes to about 1000 degrees Kelvin. Those who are not too far below Kimitsuki in tier will not be turned into a piece of smoldering charcoal as long as they have high defensive abilities. A Beginner and Adept in a defensive ability, like durability or racial defense, will get seriously, if not killed instantly, injured. Advanced will get moderately injured, Master will get injured, and Grand Master will get slightly injured. Of course, this also depends on tier difference, for example, one could have a Grand Master for durability at tier 2 while Kimitsuki was a 0 tier. Kimitsuki would torch the 2 tier quite well despite the Grand Master durability or Racial defense due to the large gap in tier.

After Kimitsuki uses this ability she will be unable to use it for a second time without risking severe exhaustion and a near death state. However, when only used once she will not be put out of commission. While she will be at half of her normal capabilities she will still be able to fight quite readily. She will be in this weakened state for 10 posts, leaving her at a disadvantage at times. However, if she uses the ability a second time, she will go unconscious for an entire thread or if someone rejuvenates her. Otherwise, this ability is only used when Kimitsuki really wants to kill her foe.


Conceptual World & Eternal Partner

• Conceptual World: Kimitsuki’s Conceptual World is definitely like what one would expect it to be for a Danava of Fire. Her world is completely made up of fire. Mountains? Fire. Trees? Fire. Some random animal on the horizon? Doesn’t exist. It would be turned into a lump of charcoal. There truly is nothing else in her Conceptual world, and Kimitsuki does like that. Well, her eternal partner is there, but, frankly; it’s just bound to happen.

Kimitsuki’s entire conceptual world really does seem like a great place for someone to get resistance to heat if they really needed to. But, since it was in her mind; no one but her and her eternal partner could enter it. However, though the place may look like it is made from purely fire; the tiniest hints of organic life can sometimes be seen. This is due to how Kimitsuki’s flames do create both life and death in natural settings. Of course, this means that Kimitsuki’s Conceptual World really does reflect everything about her.

• Rilīja Attributes: Due to how Kimitsuki summons her fire, she normally takes fire from her conceptual world. This gives her the ability to summon fire whenever she wishes. It also allows her to have a near endless supply of fire. This can cause her to basically bring fire unto the world however she wishes.

• Eternal Partner Name: Kagutsuchi: The Dragon of Fire

• Eternal Partner Appearance: Kimitsuki’s eternal partner blends in with both Kimitsuki’s personality and her conceptual world. In all basics, Kagutsuchi is a dragon. He’s an Asian Lung-looking dragon. Not only that, but, fire is covering his entire body; bathing him in the flames. His body is also skeletal. He has no flesh, no organs, nothing of the like. He only has bones and fire coursing inside and outside of him where those organs should be. However, his face seems to be the most defined since it actually has the definition of a skull; flesh and all. But, it was obvious that Kagutsuchi was not one to be toyed with. Frankly, it’s hard to make out many features with Kagutsuchi since most of his face is either hidden with fire or he isn’t paying attention to Kimitsuki. However, his flames have changed color depending on Kimitsuki’s emotions at the time. Most of the time he sticks with the normal color of fire.

Seemingly being made of fire and bone causes him to blend into KImitsuki’s Conceptual world a lot. This can cause her to lose track of him. Due to this, traces of him can sometimes be seen in the fire she summons from the conceptual world. He isn’t being ripped apart, the fire just may have a different color depending.

• Eternal Partner Appearance Picture:


• Eternal Partner Personality:

• Wild: Kagutsuchi is much like fire, and a dragon, he is wild; he listens to no one and nothing. However, this means that he and Kimitsuki can get along rather well due to how she has become a rather wild person. However, due to Kagutsuchi’s own nature he won’t always listen to or help Kimitsuki. In a way, he cares, but also could give less than two shits about her. He acts a lot like a dragon in that aspect. He can care for the being who he is bound to, but, not care at the same time.

• Hot-headed: Kagutsuchi is rather hot-headed. This means that Kagutscuhi is quick to anger and will most likely become angry first before even thinking about other emotions. In such aspects he is definitely true to the norm of most fire spirits; he is quick to anger. However, due to his ease to fall into anger he will normally curse out either Kimitsuki or whoever has pissed him off. This can normally cause Kimitsuki to stand there for a couple of seconds and listen to the pissed dragon. Of course, the anger will not last long and Kimitsuki will normally be left with slight confusion at the dragon’s random outburst.

• Blunt: Much like Kimitsuki, Kagutsuchi is very blunt about nearly everything. He does so because most of the time, he really does not give two shits. This means that he will normally be extremely real with anyone who can talk to him; which is normally just Kimitsuki. This will cause him to sometimes influence her own blunt comments when they happen. However, Kagutsuchi is much ruder with his blunt comments as he normally will insult as well as be blunt. Kimitsuki is normally somewhat nice about it, but, she can sometimes be rude as well. Overall, Kagutsuchi is a very blunt dragon; not normally caring about others.

• Care for Kimitsuki: Normally, most eternal partners are at odds with their Danava. However, Kagutsuchi isn’t like that. Normally, he does have a sort of caring nature for Kimitsuki due to the fact that he is, time-wise, much older than Kimitsuki; knowing much about the world. This has caused him to be humble. Sometimes. Most of the time his blunt nature sticks out the most, but, he shows a more caring nature for Kimitsuki due to how both of them use fire. Not only that, but, for the years that Kimitsuki did not know how to think about her fire he had studied her. Kagutsuchi had observed her from a secluded area of her Conceptual world. He wanted to know if she was worthy of his powers. Once she finally learned, was enlightened, that is when he spoke to Kimitsuki; when he became nice to her.

• Eternal Partner Powers:

• Flight: Kagutsuchi is much like Asian lungs in body shape and design. Of course, being made from bone and fire causes him to be rather interesting to look at overall. However, he can fly a lot like Asian Lungs can. He basically uses a type of levitation to propel himself to move. He does so by manipulating certain elements around him so he is lighter than them. Of course, this only allows him to levitate so he can fly. Otherwise, it has no impact on the environment around him. The ability allows him to fly however he wishes, move how he wishes, and position himself how he wishes.

• Flammable Gasses: Kagutsuchi has the ability to create flammable gasses from his very being; due to him being made from fire. These gasses allow him, and possibly Kimitsuki, to spread fire much, much easier than normal. Not to mention he can produce this gas to act as a trail for the fire if he really wishes to. However, while he can emit an unlimited amount he cannot change the composition of the gas. Otherwise, the gas is very good for creating explosions.

• Absolute Fire Control: Unlike Kimitsuki, Kagutsuchi can control his flames with immense ease. This is because he is a spirit of fire. Being such a spirit make it difficult for him, if not impossible, to lose control over his flames. However, as he is much like an Asian Lung, he does not breath fire from his mouth. Kimitsuki may be able to in her Unnata form, but, he chooses not to. It’s possibly some sort of traditional sense of an Eastern Dragon, but, he does so because he doesn’t feel the need. Why breath fire when you can just control it? So, he has peerless control with his fire so that nearly no one can break his concentration or break his control over the fire.

• King of the Eastern Flames: Kagutsuchi is technically not a “king” but, his flames are very different. Being red in color and bound to his being, heat ranging from 1000 Kelvin to 2000 Kelvin, normally he will light things on fire on accident. However, if he harnesses the fire inside him he can cause the fire to be brought down upon an enemy and light them ablaze. Of course, the ability isn’t the strongest as it’s mainly meant to scare an enemy into submission. This means that the enemy will have to have a higher mental deduction that Kimitsuki to resist the fright and will need high durability to resist being lit ablaze. Beginner will have a high chance of catching on fire, Adept will be medium, Advanced would be a medium to low chance, Master would be low, and Grand Master would be little to no chance to catch on fire.

Overall, the ability is meant to scare and burn. However, if it does not burn people, or scare them, the flames will just return to Kagutsuchi; leaving the ground below the target scorched. The ground will be scorched regardless of the enemy’s defenses due to the heat of the fire.


Atma Vatou

• Atma Vatou Name: Lotus Blade (Summoning Phrase: Come forth, Atma Vatou of Cutting Fire )

• Atma Vatou Appearance: This specific Atma Vatou looks much like that of a sword. The sword itself is made from one of Kagutsuchi’s bones, and his fire. In truth, it only appears so. The blade is a creation of Kimitsuki herself. She made it from her very being; she made it to be a weapon. The blade appears the be black, as black as charcoal even. It has a design like that of a saber, except, where the hilt should be, there is an array of shapes that make another row of blades it seems. Of course, this acts as a hilt, but, can be used as part of an attack with the sword. The bladed areas are colored a red orange color. The cutting edge of the sword seems to change in heat the second you get to the tip of the blade. The blade also has red patterns along the sides of the blade; forming multiple lines and fire.

The handle of the blade is white and is a full tang. This means that the blade is not multiple pieces; it is one blade. There are gold rings around the handle that are linked to the top and the bottom of the handle. The pommel of the handle appears to be a piece of metal; molded into what may appear to be a small flame. The pommel is hot, radiates heat, and it also is edged. This means that she can use the pommel to attack as well as the blade. The blade will sometimes also randomly have fire course around the blade. Due to the Atma Vatou’s nature, it can hold up to battle very well as it is meant for combat against other weapons.

Whenever Kimitsuki would summon the Lotus Blade, she will put a hand to her left side, leaving her right hand in front of her hip; grasping an invisible handle. When she says the summoning phrase, the handle of the Lotus Blade will appear in her hand and after she says it, she will pull the handle as if she was ripping a sword out of a sheath. This causes the blade to appear in nearly an instant, but, it is fully formed the second she takes it out of its “sheath.”

(Quick side note, the appearance of this blade HAS changed to what Kimitsuki has in her true appearance. Will be updated when a proper picture can be produced.)

• Atma Vatou Appearance Picture:
Lotus Blade:
Just a note, focus on the sword in the picture; I couldn't find any pictures of the blade alone.

• Atma Vatou Abilities:

• Blade of Lava: The Lotus Blade is a superheated blade that is made from, not only the flames of Kimitsuki’s Conceptual World, but is seemingly made from lava that has hardened into a carbon-like state. However, it resembles something more like part of Kagutsuchi than really hardened Lava or Carbon. Regardless, the edge of the blade is forever in a state of heat. Water can temporarily quench the flames of the blade, but, it would eventually regain its normal heat levels. The total heat of the blade is around 800-900 Kelvin. Due to the heat of the blade it can melt through most steel with ease. Not only that, but, due to the blade’s heat it could get through racial defenses with constant contact. For example, if the blade had constant contact with Beginner racial defenses; it would take 2 posts of CONSTANT contact to get through. Adept would take 4, Advanced: 6, Master: 8, and Grand Master would take 10 posts. However, that only applies if the contact between the blade’s edge and the defenses stays constant.

If the contact does not stay constant and was a multiple set of hits, instead of post length, it would take a certain number of hits until the defenses were broken through. Against Beginner racial defenses it would only take 5 hits in total. Adept and Advanced would take 8 hits. Master and Grand Master would need to suffer a total of 12 hits in order to see their defenses taking any damage. After the defenses are broken through, come the true pain.

After breaking through the Racial defenses of an enemy, the blade will gain contact with the skin of an enemy as long as they don’t bat her away. If they are unable to do so their body will be devastated with a large amount of pain that could make it difficult for them to move depending on their movement speed and durability. For example, if the enemy had a high durability, they would feel the pain but, their movement speed would not be impaired. The opposite reigns true. If a foe’s durability is lower on the spectrum, their movement speed will be decreased. Beginner to Adept Durability will be affected by the speed de-buff the most, getting speed cut in half. Advanced and Master won’t be affected much at all; ¼ of their speed cut off. One who has Grand Master Durability would not be impaired by the speed de-buff, if they were, it would be insignificant. The speed de-buff itself will always half the total speed that one can use with their general speed. Anything that has to do with Racial movement will not be impaired.

However, the blade won’t just leave the enemy with a possible speed de-buff; it has a chance to leave burns on their skin. Due to the heat of the blade, third degree burns would be left behind with ease, but, with most of the blades faculties focusing on slowing the enemy; the burns will likely only be first degree burns. However, if the speed de-buff was avoided or cancelled by Kimitsuki, the blade could possibly leave a burn. The burns would apply to the same durability table from earlier: A Beginner or Adept Durability would suffer third degree burns. Advanced Durability would suffer Second Degree burns. Master Durability would suffer First degree burns. A Grand Master durability would suffer minor burns if any at all.

The fire blade itself has no other special properties than that. It is mainly a force of immense heat that Kimitsuki can use if she needs to have a more focused source of heat than normal.

• Crimson Lotus; MK. II: If Kimitsuki is using this blade and she decides to use Crimson Lotus, the potential of attack would become vastly increased. Not only would Kimitsuki be able to focus the point of attack; she would also be able to inflict more burns. The blade can also sometimes help guide Kimitsuki’s fire to the point at which she wishes to attack. Adding the blade to Crimson Lotus only increases attack potency; nothing more.

• Flame Blade: Even though the Lotus blade already has heat coursing around the blade itself, Kimitsuki can cause fire to swirl around the blade and increase the chances of burning an enemy. However, this ability can also help Kimitsuki control her flames for a limited amount of time. Overall, the fire gathered around the sword is only 500 Kelvin extra. Although the fire can cause the blade to raise to a temporary heat of 1300-1400 Kelvin; it does not last all that long. The fire will only retain around the blade for a total of 2 posts, after being used. Afterwards, there will be a cooldown of 4 posts in which Kimitsuki is unable to use the ability again. However, the ability can only be used 4 times a thread; leaving it to be used in times where it is needed.

• Imperial Fire-Strike: All that burns before me and my fire is but fuel to me. It is all a means to an end.
Whenever Kimitsuki uses this attack her blade is covered in flames that extend the blade to be about 8 feet long. The heat adds 900 Kelvin to the blade temporarily. The blade itself can only be used once per thread after and will not be useable again; even if it misses the target. Due to the nature of the attack, it will cause a wave of heat to emit from Kimitsuki the second the attack hits something; be it the ground or an enemy. The heat wave will be about 500 Kelvin in temperature, at least a third of the total heat of the attack’s flames. Upon striking an enemy the blade will try to eat through defenses with its flames in an instant. When against Beginner Racial Defenses the blade will smash right through the defenses. Adept would leave their defenses greatly weakened. Advanced would only have about half of their defenses remaining. Master would only get a small chunk taken from their racial defenses; about a 1/4. Meanwhile, a Grand master in Racial Defense of sorts would not have their defenses taken out by the attack. However, since the blade will normally be up against Racial Defenses, it will not create burns; contrary to its heat level.

Although, if the blade is against straight up flesh; it still won’t burn the flesh. Due to the heat it would basically carve through the flesh like it was nothing. However, that would depend on durability. A Beginner in durability would likely end up with a nice sized slash on their body. An Adept in durability would have a slash that could have been left by a normal sword, but, it wouldn’t be as severe as a slash to a Beginner. Advanced and Master would suffer rather minor cuts; looking as if they were caused by daggers. A Grand Master would only suffer a rather small cut or no cut at all. Pain felt from the wounds would be decreased depending on pain endurance. However, such a thing would have to be decided by tier differences and character traits.

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Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:26 pm; edited 29 times in total
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[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto

Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:38 am
[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)


Atma Vatou Cont.

• Atma Vatou Name: Shageki Tousei (Lit. Fire Control) (Summoning Phrase: Come forth, Atma Vatou of flame control)

• Atma Vatou Appearance: This Atma Vatou is a very interesting Atma Vatou. It takes the shape of a glove of sorts. The glove is black, looks partially charred even, and has golden claws on the fingertips. The glove seems to cover the majority of her forearm and her hand on her right arm; linking directly to her coat. The glove itself is skin tight, and doesn’t seem like it would really do much. Around the wrist is a large ring of golden metal. It occupies her entire wrist, is an inch and a half wide, and seems to be a contraption to help in controlling fire. On the sleeve area of the glove nearly appears to look like seals of a sort. In fact, that’s just what they are. However, they are wrapped around her arm in a haphazard, yet effective, method.

• Atma Vatou Appearance Picture:

[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Atma_v10

• Atma Vatou Abilities:

• That Which Controls the Wild: The glove is a special Atma Vatou that Kimitsuki always has summoned so she may limit the amount of flames she can summon at one time so she doesn’t immediately destroy everything. Whether it is because she wants to enjoy a fight or because she doesn’t want to turn the earth into a pile of charcoal. Well, the exact reasons were never really clear to her either, but, she knew that she had to keep it in a state of control so she wouldn’t accidentally obliterate things she didn’t want to.

The glove has a special inhibitor on it that keeps Kimitsuki from drawing a certain amount of fire from her Conceptual World at any given time; as long as it is worn at those times. Due to the amount of heat the glove, and metal pieces, has to endure when restricting the fire; the metal can sometimes get hot. Such a thing is not a worry to Kimitsuki though. However, enemies touched by the glove could experience issues.

• Burning Claws: Due to the heat radiating off of the claw-like metal pieces on the fingertips of the gloves Kimitsuki can sometimes burn things on accident. Of course, they only heat up with a lot of use of her fire. Otherwise, the metal will remain rather cool. When the claws are hot, sometimes they can create tiny trails of fire or smoke due to how they are smoldering. Such a thing only shows how hot the claws are. The real results are when Kimitsuki attacks someone with the gloves.

Most of the time, she won’t rely on the gloves for hand to hand combat, but, there are times where she needs to use them to avoid possible injuries. When she does so, she can use the giant ring around her wrist to block attacks. Doing so is a distraction for the enemy’s blade so she may now strike. Whenever she attacks someone with the claws, who has had their racial defenses broken or has none, they will likely end up with third degree burns. This would be dependent on durability. So, a Beginner would definitely be getting some third degree burns; one from each claw at least. An Adept would only end up with 2 three degree burns. Advanced and Master would end up with 1 third degree burn. However, a Grand Master would end up with either no burns or a single third degree burn. This would also depend on tier difference. So, if someone had GM Durability and Kimitsuki hit them with her claws, and they were like a tier below her or something, she would still inflict a good amount of damage.

If the claws puncture skin she will likely cause some severe internal cauterization due to the heat entering their flesh completely. While no one would be roasted alive; it would still hurt like nothing else. The claws also are about 400 Kelvin in heat. Not the hottest thing in the world, but, still pretty hot; cauterizing heat.

Heat Control: Due to the nature of this glove Atma Vatou, Kimitsuki can use it to control the overall heat of her fire. Her fire, in her Conceptual World, is always at a smoldering 5000 Kelvin. However, she can’t just yank the fire out of her Conceptual World at that heat while keeping it under complete control. She has to use the glove to decrease the heat of her fire to be about 1000 Kelvin. Afterwards, she can heat up the fire slowly.

Due to how she can slowly heat up her fire, it would take 4 posts in total, spread out or not, to gain her fires full heat. Of course, Kimitsuki has to make a conscious decision to start the heating up of her fire. If she does not decide to do so, then her flames will never reach the heat she wishes them to. However, the second the glove is removed from her hand; her fire spikes to its natural 5000 degrees Kelvin. It does this because she is no longer attempting to control the fire and the heat inhibitor, the glove, is no longer helping her with control of the fire.

• Atma Vatou Name(Path of Embracing State Only): Hephaestus’s Spear (Summoning Phrase: Come Forth, Atma Vatou of the Gods)

• Atma Vatou Appearance: ] Due to the nature of the spear, and how it is used, Kimitsuki can normally only summon it while she is entering her Path of Embracing release. This means that she normally utters the summoning phrase while she is entering the Path of Embracing release. The spear that has a blade that appears to be made, and shaped, from fire. The spear blade itself has a golden blade while the core of the blade is red and purple; much like fire. The shaft of the spear is obviously attached to the spear head. However, there is also a semi-circle that goes surrounds the bottom half of the spear blade. Spikes come off of the semi-circle; four spikes come from each side. The spear shaft is actually longer than Kimitsuki is tall in this form. This is so she can reach farther with the spear without having to charge to be directly in front of the enemy.

The spear also has fire cascading around the blade. This is due to how the spear can help with overall control and exact positioning of fire. However, it is limited due to the fact that the Path of Embracing Release is not perfect. While the spear is perfect for the Path of Embracing Release, the weapon for her Path of Being Release is far more appropriate for an Avatar of Fire.

• Atma Vatou Abilities: Copper Blade: The blade of the spear is much like celestial bronze from Greek mythology. A metal fabled to be able to kill the monsters that plagued the world. Rumored to be sharper than steel able to cut through metal like butter. The spear blade is exactly like that. It allows Kimitsuki to cut through metal with the spear blade as long as her inner fire has not been doused. In other words, as long as she has the will to fight, to go on, to burn forever; her blade will never dull. However, if she ever feels doubt the blade will lose its edge.

However, the blade’s metal cutting abilities are limited. It can cut through metals like steel easily for about a total of three posts; constantly cutting metal. If she is only cutting a single piece of metal per post, it would take about 6 posts instead. However, if she ever loses the will or gain doubt, the blade’s edge shall be lost for 4 posts. During that time the blade will not be useless, but, it won’t be as good at penetrating defenses. Not only that, but, the blade will be vulnerable to being broken; forcing it to be unsummoned. It would take someone with a Strength rating higher that Kimitsuki’s to break her spear. While it will only be broken temporarily, she’ll have to take time to re-summon it.

• Atma Vatou Name(Path of Being Release Only): Dragon’s Great sword. (Summoning Phrase: Come forth, Atma Vatou forged from a dragon’s rage!)

• Atma Vatou Appearance: The greatsword appears to be forged from some form of otherworldly metal; if it was forged by the hands of any being at all. Four gems glow near the base of the blade, before the handle, apparently for the purpose of properly focusing flame through the great blade. It's handle is black, and has a matching guard around the front of handle. The center of the blade is a crimson red, taking a general hue of the flames that Kimi herself uses. Given it's heavy nature, it is meant only for her Path of Being Release; due to it's impressive size, structure, and overall usage of rather destructive flame control. Like most things, it can be broken; but also easily re-summoned due to its nature as an Atma Vatou.

• Atma Vatou Abilities:

• Dragon’s Talon: The blade of the great sword is surprisingly sharp for a giant hunk of a weapon. This means that the great sword is not only able to smash through armor due to its weight, but, it can also do so because its blade has been sharpened to the point where it would be able to cut through a piece of paper that had been put on the blade’s edge. However, due to how sharp it is the blade can dull quickly in extended battles. In full on battle it would take 5 posts for the edge to dull. In battle that isn’t so serious, it would take a total of 8 posts before the blade was dull. Overall, when the blade is fully dulled it’s potential of wounding, attacking, and breaking defenses will be decreased for the remainder of the thread. This means that her ability to break defenses would be decreased immensely. An example would be that her blade’s sharpness can no longer break beginner racial defenses in 2 posts after battle has started; it would take 3 instead. The same goes for adept, which would normally take 4, it would now take 5. Advanced, 6 normally, 7 when dulled. Master 8 normally, 9 when dulled. Grand Master would be 10 normally and it would take 11 when dulled. Overall, the blade is meant to break defenses, but, it is very hard to do so when a blade is dull. Also, her ability to break racial defenses will be changed based on tier differences.

• Dragon’s Bite: Normally, Kimitsuki has to dispel the great sword she uses in her Path of Being form to let the blade become sharp again. This can cause some issues in battle since the blade won’t be at full potential. However, she can rectify this with a single ability that she can use once per thread. Dragon’s Bite basically causes the blade of the great sword to become sharp again. The blade will remain in its sharpened state for 2 posts. After the 2 posts are up the blade will be dull again; immediately after the effect fades. The ability can be only used once a thread as it is normally a last ditch effort to keep the blade sharp. However, in order to use the ability, the blade must be dull prior to use. Otherwise, nothing will happen to the blade. This means that the skill cannot extend the great sword’s sharpness, it only will make the great sword sharper for a limited time.


Diverse Paths

The Path of Embracing

• The Path of Embracing Appearance: Whenever Kimitsuki enters her Path of Embracing release she enters a form that helps her with her control over fire, and generally improves her overall strength. Kimitsuki generally loses all of her normal appearances, except the red hair and red eyes. She gains red ears as well as a golden hair ornament. What changes is that she changes to be about 5’ tall, her boobs grow a little, and her attire becomes much skimpier. To start off with, she loses most of her original clothing and her fire controlling Atma Vatou. What may replace these? Well, clothes that seem to fit that of a phoenix.

When she activates her Path of Embracing she is encased by a giant blast of fire that looks to be a lot like a Pheonix. After the fire fades her clothes are revealed anew; as is her general appearance. As mentioned before, her hair and eyes stay vaguely the same; red. However, her attire is definitely skimpy now. Her coat from earlier loses the torso part of it and the bottom half becomes much more elaborate. While it is still white the golden trimmings become covered with red fabric that occupies the end of it. The inside of bottom half is now red and seems to have multiple layers; all the color of blood. The bottom half of the jacket is still linked to the top she is wearing now. It is linked by some golden patterns that occupy the back of the top as well as the inside of the material. While the top is much more like a bra, in looks, it is not. It is a rather skimpy top piece that keeps her boobs from flying about. Most of the top is gold metal that covers her breasts. The golden metal wraps around her back and connects to the coat tails. It also has a single part which comes down to a point right at the cleavage area. Under that are some white frills that only occupy the front. Below that is some brown-looking fabric that is jagged at the bottom; looking as if someone cut it wrong. She also has a pair of gloves that nearly go up to her shoulders. They are white in color and have very beautiful patterns on them created with golden metal.

Around where her panties should be what one would expect, and what one also would not expect. Considering all she has covering her crotch are basically panties, in all basics. Though, they are secured in place by some gold metal that is basically hooked to both her pelvis, undergarments, and her coat tails. Below that are a pair of thigh-high heeled boots. The boots are black and add only an inch to her total height. The boots have golden metal on the top of them, creating extremely intricate patterns. Extending from her back are a pain of wings made from fire that seems to only further compliment her powers. It also shows how much more in control and deadly she is in her Path of Embracing Release.

Not only does she get all that, but, Kimitsuki also gets a spear that has a blade that appears to be made, and shaped, from fire. The spear blade itself has a golden blade while the core of the blade is red and purple; much like fire. The shaft of the spear is obviously attached to the spear head. However, there is also a semi-circle that goes surrounds the bottom half of the spear blade. Spikes come off of the semi-circle; four spikes come from each side. The spear shaft is actually longer than Kimitsuki is tall in this form. This is so she can reach farther with the spear without having to charge to be directly in front of the enemy. Another added note is that whenever she enters this form, butterflies fly around her momentarily. While the butterflies are made from fire they won’t be burned by Kimitsuki’s fire. They will fade soon after though. The butterflies truly do not do much besides create slight aesthetics.

• The Path of Embracing Appearance Picture:

• The Path of Embracing Powers:

• Thermal Immunity: Whenever KImitsuki enters her Path of Embracing release she normally increases her ability to resist fire. How much might one ask? Enough for her to be able to now be immune to insane levels of heat. Due to her innate fire resistance, fire affects her much less still, but, due to her thermal immunity she won’t be vulnerable to intense heats. Heat that could possibly be as hot as the sun, or hotter, would not affect her in anyway. She basically would not get roasted or turned into a pile of Demon coal. Not only that, but, due to her fire resistance this is improved even more. When this is paired with her fire resistance it allows her to do much more than before, like being able to summon flames hotter than the sun. Of course, she can be burned after extremely intense amounts of fire and heat, but, it would take much more heat than anyone could possibly create. However, this only applies to her Path of Embracing Release. She will not be immune to thermal outside of the form.

• Complete Control: In Path of Embracing release, controlling her flames is a joke to Kimitsuki; that’s how easy it is. Through some help from Kagutsuchi, she was able to truly develop her control over fire so she doesn’t even have to use her hands to control the fire. She can if she wishes, but, the ability does not end here. Whenever she controls her fire she can control it in any way she wishes. Say she wants to turn the fire into a ball; she can. Maybe she wants to turn the fire into a sword momentarily, she could do so. While such things would be rather impractical; they are examples of how she could attack. Another thing she can also do is that she may attack with her flames in various ways. Examples of this would be surrounding her enemy with the fire and burning them with the fire. Not only can she do that but, she can also cause her fire to selectively burn parts of her enemy. Overall, she can control her flames much, much better than before.

• Phoenix Flames: The fire in this form is quite special, even compared to her normal fire. It takes on more of a golden shine. Not only that but it’s base heat is 2500 Kelvin instead of the normal 1000 Kelvin. Not only that, but, the fire can also do much more than normal. The fire can bring “things” back to life from the ashes of burnt enemies or objects. What this means is that she can use her fire to summon weapons, or more fire, from patches of ash. However, this is very limited. While the change in color of the fire and the overall base heat change, she has to use energy to bring fire or weapons from the ash around the battlefield. This means that she can only use it a limited amount. Since it is not meant to heal, it can only be used twice a thread. If it has been used twice it can’t be used again; rendering ashes useless to Kimitsuki. Also, if Kimitsuki ever tries to use this ability a third time she will either end up exhausted or make her leave her Path of Embracing Release in severe cases.

• Improved Thermal Armor: Due to Kimitsuki’s ability to be immune to fire in this form, her thermal armor has further adapted to deal with both fire and physical attacks. Again, the “armor” can be destroyed through enough damage. Due to the nature of the armor in this form it can take more punishment, but, now both weapons and fire will be detrimental to the armor. The armor will now last for a total of 8 posts with constant abuse. However, if the abuse was from someone who was at least 2 tiers above her; the armor would last for 2 posts. Since the armor will constantly drain Kimitsuki’s energy levels to try and stay constant and not be completely disabled, it could wear her out after being met with battle for a long time.

• The Path of Embracing Abilities:

• Crimson Lotus: Endless Dance: Just like the original Crimson Lotus, this ability allows Kimitsuki to upkeep a nearly endless amount of attacks with her Crimson Lotus dance. However, it really isn’t “endless.” Due to the nature of the attack Kimitsuki cannot hold the skill for too long without getting exhausted or falling unconscious. The attack can never be truly endless. The dance is far too powerful, and taxing, to be infinite. Instead, how long she can keep up the attacks changes depending on her durability. With Beginner durability Kimitsuki could hold the attacks for 1 post without exhausting herself. Adept would be able to do 2, Advanced 3, Master 4, and Grand Master 5. However, the attack can be interrupted. If someone grabs or throws Kimitsuki off balance her dance will end leaving her unable to perform the Endless Dance again in the same thread. Kimitsuki can also stop the attack no matter how far along she is in the attack. Due to how taxing the ability is, she can only use it once per thread. If she attempts to use it again she risks falling unconscious for a good 4 posts or until she has time to recuperate; likely outside of thread.

• Combustion: Kimitsuki can use this ability to cause certain items to burst into flames that are not living and are not held by someone else. However, the exception to this would be plants as they “live” but are inanimate. Instead of touching her fire to the trees she uses her control over fire to cause the chemical process of combustion to occur. She does so by implanting a single spark, a nearly unnoticeable one, that launches itself into the object. It would take a post for the spark to make the item combust if gone unnoticed. Afterwards the object will burst into flames, it will combust. After combusting the item will stay lit for another post. The flames will be the temperature of a forest fire; 800 Celsius. Once the item has finished burning after a post, the item will be charred badly and likely partially turned to ash. However, if the spark is noticed inside the item and taken care of; the item will not combust. Otherwise, the fire will rage true.

• Phoenix Blast: This can only be used in Kimitsuki’s Path of Embracing form. The ability is quite literal in its name related to what it does. Kimitsuki gathers her fire up into a giant sphere. Afterwards the fire forms into a giant javelin made from the flames. Kimitsuki will then grab the shaft of the spear and throw it at the enemy. The spear will explode with golden flames upon impact creating a giant blast of fire about 25 feet in width and height. However, the ability drains Kimitsuki greatly, normally forcing her out of her Path of Embracing in severe cases. Not only that, but, the ability doesn’t just hit.

The Phoenix Blast can be avoided or blocked if one has a really good defense system. However, due to the fact that the spear is tangible enough to be grabbed; someone with high heat endurance could grab it. That means that the spear can be thrown back at Kimitsuki. Also, the fire can be blown away, literally, if someone has the ability to create enough air pressure to cause the fire to go out. The ability can only be used once per thread and can only be used after conscious decision and mention of the ability being used. After conscious decision to use the attack the user will have to wait until the next post before the ability can be used. Again, after use Kimitsuki will be forced out of her Path of Embracing release, in a severe case, or left unable to fight much; if at all.


The Path of Being

• The Path of Being Release Appearance: Like some Danava, Kimitsuki utilizes a method to release her power in different forms and ways. This method is known as the “Diverse Path.” However, she does her releases differently than most. In her Path of Being release she sort of melds herself with Kagutsuchi. While they don’t truly meld, she gains many of his aspects while keeping some of her own. The biggest difference would have to be change in attire, height, body built, and overall abilities.

The most noticeable change in her appearance would be her change in body. While she does not change much in body size or stature, her hair and eyes take on alarming shifts. As if acclimating to the new, overpowering heat that accompanies Kimitsuki's path of being, her hair takes a shade of pure white; with a single streak of red still barely standing out at certain times. Her hair becomes such a bright white thanks to change that overtakes her fire; and to represent that at very high heats, fire can sometimes change to white. Her hair is secured into a high ponytail; held by metal ties that culminate into a what almost looks like a small tiara above the pony tail. There is also some metallic wings that are nearby Kimi's temples. Not to mention, her eyes take on a shade of brighter blue; also reflecting the change in the heat of her fire. Like fire, her eyes take on the shade to once more represent the higher heat of fire.

Meanwhile, her clothes change. She is wearing far less, as if her release is automatically trying to acclimate to the increased heat of her flames. The clothing is white, showing off quite a lot more of her relatively toned form; along with ample cleavage. It also slightly reveals Kimi's abs in a rather small U shaped window. A white cape with a red interior adorns her back, coming from her right shoulder and extends down past her legs and ends in red smolders that appear to be ever burning; but aren't actually burning away at a slow rate. her top piece, while revealing a lot of skin, acts a lot like a very smell dress; covering her hips, crotch, and upper thighs with the skirt of the dress-like attire. She wears gauntlets plated with black and white; matching the overall theme of the dress. The gauntlets cover only her forearms and are very sleek and small; betraying their possible strength. On her legs, she has thigh highs that extend almost up to the skirt of her top piece; terminating in four points on each leg. Two of the points, on the sides of her thighs, are black like the top of an ace of spades, with a hollow middle; meanwhile, the front and back of her thighs end in diamond like points that match the white of her thigh highs. On her feet are black and white high heeled boots; armored much like the gauntlets. The heels have decorations that extend to the top of her ankles; with two red wings extending around the base of her calves. The entire ensemble declares a very great sense of fire. However, it should be noted that, due to the overpowering nature of the fire in this form, Kimitsuki can occasionally harm herself with her flames; a direct consequence of her flames being so hot in this form.

Kimitsuki also has a great sword Atma Vatou that she uses specifically in this form, due to how hot the weapon can become overall; wholly overpowering her normal thermal resistance.

• The Path of Being Release Appearance Picture:

• The Path of Being Release Powers:

• Dragon’s Armor: When Kimitsuki enters her Path of Being form she gains a vast boost to her defenses. The field of thermal resistance, which helps when something’s too hot for her body to handle, is now able to resist nearly all heats from fire. However, anything that is hotter than the sun, 5700 Kelvin approximately, will cause immense wear on the armor; eventually breaking it. Not only that, but, the defenses provided by it, against physical attacks, are further improved.

Due to how most Dragon Scales are able to resist nearly all punishment, this form provides Kimitsuki with a much better physical defense system. This means that the armor can last to physical attacks, and only physical attacks, for up to 10 posts. Of course, everything depends on the strength of the attack. If the attack is a rather strong one, it could cause the armor to break in a fewer amount of posts. Not only that, but, if heat is combined with attacks against Kimitsuki’s Dragon Armor it will take only 5 posts, with constant abuse, to break the armor. This is due to how the armor can block both instead of one.

However, Kimitsuki can decide to double her defenses for 2 posts in total. As this can only be used once per thread, using this in her Path of Being form will cause her to be a little tired, but, it will likely leave her better off physically than her opponent. When the armor is doubled in potential it can last 15 posts at most. The amount will always shift depending on tier differences and attack power. Against both physical attacks and fire attacks will cause the armor to only last for 8 posts AFTER being doubled. However, this is not absolute as tier differences will cause her armor to be broken down much quicker. Say if she was a 2-5 going against a 0-3, or something along those lines. If the 0 tier didn’t hold anything back her defense, even in this form, would be broken in about 3 posts. Again, that differs depending on attack strength. In general, the armor is meant to be a layer of protection against attacks before they reach her Akuma Kyodo. One thing to keep in mind is that the armor is not good, if useful, against attacks that are not physical and do not involve fire.

• Dragon’s Might: Whenever Kimitsuki enters her Path of Being form she gains a double to her strength for the duration of time she is in her Path of Being form. However, any strength buffing effects from her Origin power set will be immediately cancelled out. Only Kimitsuki’s base strength will be enhanced with this form. However, that also means that her strength cannot be further increased while she is in this form. The form itself already causes a double in strength, so, unless someone influenced her with a large amount of energy to increase her tier temporarily; her strength could not increase further for the time being. An example of the strength double would be like so: Beginner to Adept, Adept to Advanced, Advanced to Master, Master to Grand Master, and Grand Master to a “God-like” level of strength.

Even though the strength is amazing in the vast, and sudden, increase; it could cause her to become exhausted. If she uses her full doubled strength while in this form she will wear herself out much quicker than normal. This would be because her body is normally scaled to handle her current strength rating. In other words, even though she is like a dragon in her Path of Being form, her body will have a hard time dealing with the doubled strength. However, she can control herself to prevent exhaustion.

• Legendary Beast: Due to how Kimitsuki changes whenever she releases this form, she gains a much different aura. In certain legends dragons have been told to have an extremely intimidating aura. That aura is capable of normally able to scare opponents away. This same aura applies to Kimitsuki whenever she releases her Path of Being form. The exact specifics of it are actually quite interesting in fact.

The aura that Kimitsuki normally emits is one of immense heat. However, this aura is much like that of a dragon’s. Not immense heat, no, immense levels of fear generating aura. How exactly this works is in the psychological level. Basically, the aura fools the human mind into thinking that Kimitsuki is not a beautiful girl who is scantily clad. No, it makes them believe that she is a 20-foot-tall, fire breathing, scaled, Dragon. However, it is nowhere near an immediate effect. In order for one to be actually scared by the ability one would have to have a mental deduction 2 levels below Kimitsuki’s own. For example, if her mental deduction was at Advanced someone who has Beginner mental deduction would be actively frightened by her presence in her Path of Being form. If there is a single difference in level, the enemy will be unsettled but, otherwise unaffected. The same rating or above would leave the enemy unaffected by her fearful presence.

• Fire Touch: In Path of Being Release, Kimitsuki gains a glove on her left hand where the fingertips are around 700 degrees F; or 644 degrees Kelvin. This means that her left hand is constantly able to burn just by touching something. While it can cause third degree burns at just touching someone, depending on racial defenses and durability, that is not what she uses it for. She can use it to light items on fire if she so wishes just by touching them. As long as the item can be lit aflame, she can burn it with her glove. However, she can also use it to create additional flames. Overall, the glove is used to light something on fire; on way, or another. It is rare she will actually use it for attack.

• The Path of Being Release Abilities:

• Dragon’s Fire: In her Path of Being form Kimitsuki’s fire becomes very interesting in how it acts. Instead of just getting flat out hotter, the fire seems to be able to burn much more than just plant matter, flammable material, and flesh. The fire now has the ability to seemingly burn “air.” In truth, it doesn’t do that. Its level of heat added with the fire’s hungry nature it merely seems like it burns air. The fire also wants to burn until that it is burning in ash. However, it will be limited in effectiveness depending on the defenses of her opponent. For example, if someone’s racial defenses were still able to absorb her blow then her fire would not light them on fire. It would help lower their defenses slowly, but, they won’t be burning like a candle.

What the fire does exactly is that it burns, unhindered, on enemies until they are ash. Of course, the fire can be put out after enough struggling. Otherwise, the fire will burn on indefinitely. Of course, how fast it can burn someone to the point where they would be unable to fight would be dependent on their durability skill level. For example, if someone had a Beginner in Durability it would take a total of 2 posts before they were rendered unable to fight. Adept would take 4, Advanced would take 6, Master; 8, and Grand Master would take a grand total of 10 posts to be rendered unable to fight. As the fire can be put out at some point, one can cancel out the incapacitating ability of the fire.

• Great Fire Slash: Great Blade made from fire as hot as a Dragon’s breath, thine’s blade shall be my tool of destruction and of life!
This particular skill is definitely for attack. It is an ability that can be used frequently without Kimitsuki losing a large amount of energy. The attack does exactly what one might think it would do, yet, not. The great sword Kimitsuki has in this form becomes covered in the Dragon fire her Path of Being form uses. Once the blade is covered in the fire, Kimitsuki will spin it and then grab onto the guard of the blade. She will then swing it downwards in a very strange manner; slashing the blade as if she was moving the blade to stab something.

After swinging the blade an arc of fire will fly from the blade; no fire left on the blade. The fire can be avoided, but, it will be moving at accelerating speeds the farther it has to travel. When the blast collides with someone the fire won’t explode or anything. No. It will attempt to burn the person. If the person does not have any racial defenses the fire will act immediately and hold the same threshold of rendering someone unconscious as the fire is Dragon Fire. This means that if someone does get lit aflame by the fire, then, Dragon’s Fire would still hold true to its nature. Otherwise, they will have to deal with fire slamming into their being as it will attempt to light them on fire anyways.

• Flame Punch: To put it simply, Kimitsuki punches her enemy in the face with her left hand. She uses her left hand due to how the glove is much hotter than normal, 644 Kelvin. Normally, she wouldn’t use the glove to attack like so, but, she uses this whenever she is too close to use her great sword. However, the exact specifics are interesting. While she can use the ability constantly, as punching someone is pretty easy, she can only wrap fire around her hand for a grand total of 5 times.

After punching faces five times with a flaming fist, Kimitsuki will have to wait 4 posts until she can use the ability again. Until then, she won’t be able to punch people in the face with flames. She can still punch people in the face, but, there won’t be flames attempting to lick their flesh off. Also, the ability has a chance to cause burns, depending on racial defenses. However, since the attack isn’t terribly focused on creating burns it won’t always cause them.

• Fire Breath: With a little help from Kagutscuhi, Kimitsuki can basically breath fire from her mouth; breathing it at enemies. However, Kimitsuki’s fire breathing is more based off of her fire control. Since she doesn’t exactly have what dragons use to breath fire; she has to do it differently. What she does exactly is gather fire in her mouth, whether summoned from inside her mouth or summoned otherwise. Afterwards, she will propel the fire from her mouth. She does so by spitting the fire out while using her fire manipulation to propel it forward. Not only that, but, Kagutsuchi can use the gasses from his body to create a trail for the fire to follow.

Upon impact the fire will flow around the person, much like fire does when it meets an obstacle. Upon impacting the person, the fire will attempt to light them ablaze. In order to not be let ablaze one would have to have Racial defenses strong enough to resist the attack. In other words, it would likely take Advanced or higher racial defenses to resist the attack. However, if no defenses are present then the giant blast of fire will attempt to light them on fire. It will take Durability of Advanced or higher to not be lit aflame. However, this would also change depending on tier differences. Say, if someone was two tiers lower than Kimitsuki, if they were fighting for some reason; she would be able to easily light them on fire. Those of the same tier or higher will mainly have the rating scales, however, if they are much higher in tier than Kimitsuki, then she will be at a disadvantage.

• The Rage of the Mighty Beast: Kimitsuki is normally noxt one to be bound towards rage. She actually doesn’t get angry most of the time. Even in battle she just gets more and more excited by the fight she is in. However, whenever she does get pissed, she gets very, very mad. Such a thing is quite prominent in Kimitsuki’s Path of Being form. Anger is so prominent in this form because her fire in this form is affected by her emotions greatly. That means that whenever her rage reaches a certain limit, she will literally explode.

What she will do exactly is that she will stop whatever she is doing and then roar; much like a dragon. Afterwards, she will brandish her great sword and cover the blade of the weapon in fire. She will then ferociously attack with the blade throughout the rest of the post. The ability cannot be interrupted easily though. One would have to knock Kimitsuki out, but, if the ability goes on interrupted the second post will do the remainder of the attack.

Upon completing her torrent of attacks, Kimitsuki will gather all of her fire around her body and then send it all outwards in a violent explosion. The explosion spans about 25 feet all around. It generates about 2000 kelvin Degrees heat wise. It also generates a blast wave equal to that of C4 blast; moving at about 8,000 m/s. After “the explosion” occurs Kimitsuki will most likely be forced out of her Path of Being form depending on how bad of a state she is in. Even if she is able to stay in her Path of Being form she won’t last long. Kimitsuki will have to either retreat or surrender to her foe.



Danava Skills
  • Origin Embodiment: Elite
  • Origin Focusing: Advanced
  • Atma Vatou: Adept
  • Eternal Partner: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: B
  • Speed: A
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: S

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

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Last edited by darkfunnel on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:35 pm; edited 9 times in total
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[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto

Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:53 pm


Just a few minor things.

• Thermal Armor: Due to Kimitsuki not having completely immunity to fire she has developed her own type of armor that has the ability to resist fire and thermals. The armor was crafted from some tinkering of her Akuma Kyodo, Za Koa, and Demon Magic. Eventually she developed a Thermal resistant coating that brings her resistance up to 2000 Kelvin. However, the longer the armor is exposed to heat; the faster it breaks down. The armor allows her to bathe in lava which can help her with her thermal resistance training. Also, the armor is constantly active and she has to divert a certain amount of energy to it during battles. Outside of battles the amount of energy it needs is of no consequence to her.

While in battle the "armor", it's really a thermal resistant coating that goes over her entire being, can only resist heat for a certain amount of time. If she was exposed to fire constantly, of about 2100 Kelvin or higher, it would take about a total of 5 posts for her to become vulnerable to burning from the fire. However, if she was exposed to fire that is 1000 degrees Kelvin or below it would take about 8 posts for her armor to break down completely. After her armor breaks down she will only be able to rely on her normal resistance to fire. This means that fire that is hotter can actually burn her. While she won't be left with intense burns, unless the fire was ridiculous, she will definitely be left in large amounts of pain.

Where it says up to 2000 kelvin? I'd lower it to 1,500 kelvin.

• Abaddon’s Fire: Upon being struck by the flames of hell, one would burn for all eternity and see nigh but death on the horizon. Whenever Kimitsuki uses this ability her fire changes to a blue color and becomes much, much hotter. However, the normal heat of her fire is around 1000 degrees Kelvin. In general, her fire will mainly change color from its normal red orange color to a blue black color. However, this can only be used twice per thread and will only last 2 posts; with a cooldown of 3 posts. This is because it is literally a quick increase of Kimitsuki’s fire without her needing to spend time on increasing the temperature of her fire. However, this won't let her double the heat of her fire up to 10,000 degrees Kelvin. the maximum she can double her fire's heat to, temporarily, would be 5000 degrees Kelvin. The second her fire hits 3000 Degrees Kelvin it can no longer be doubled in heat. Doubling the heat would put a little stress on the defenses she has developed to be resistant against fire and thermal.

You said the normal heat of her fire is 10,000? It should be around 1,500. I'm fine with enhancements and such, but it should always come with a cost.

[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto

Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:00 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: I'm giving this profile that tier because it seems to have a constant theme, there is a fair amount of material written for it and it seems to fit my standard of quality. Most of the abilities are balanced out with cooldowns, limitations and the general of what I ask for with powers. If there is a problem with this tier, you can get in contact with me.

  • Tier: 1-1 [0-5+ in release] [0-4+ in second release]

[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Left_bar_bleue128100/999999[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto

Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:59 am
[Spirit Class 1] Kimitsuki Yamamoto 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

The method of the beast is naught more than killing… but, what if this beast not only had intelligence along with its berserk attitude? Well, destruction awaits.

The Berserker Waits for no one.

» Berserker State Appearance:


» Berserker State Details: Same height as her True Appearance; normally emotionless. Same body proportions as other forms; does not possess emotions if forced into the state.

Berserker State Abilities

» Save the Mind… Save the Soul; Save Everything: A passive ability that activates whenever Kimitsuki’s emotions are going haywire and she nearly loses control of her fire. However, this only is a saving grace for Kimitsuki so she does not end up torching the earth or wherever she is. Therefore, it only focuses her fire elsewhere and causes her to lose nearly all sort of emotion. That is only if she is pushed into her berserker state, through an overload in emotions. Another thing to note is that Kimitsuki does indeed become completely relentless in this state; causing her to act far more like her demonic heritage. Otherwise, if she enters the of her own will, she will retain her emotions, thoughts, and less demonic actions. Regardless, her appearance will remain the same and show to her be far more demonic than normal.

» Greater Heat Resistance: Due to Kimitsuki, quite literally, baring lava in her veins her heat resistance has greatly increased to the point where her body can resist all but the hottest of heats. This means that she can resist lava, and heat like it. However, when one starts to approach the heat of the sun or hotter is when Kimitsuki starts suffering some and will normally need to get back or burn a little; being burned something she does not want to feel. However, it should be noted that Kimitsuki's body also doesn't catch fire. Due to the heat resistance, the fire can never actually catch; so she won't burn until it reaches heats that exceed around 3000 Kelvin.

» Blade of Focused Heat: Whenever Kimitsuki enters her berserk state, she gains a claymore-like sword; which is exclusive to this state. The sword itself is shaped strangely, being very jagged on most of the blade. However, that is not what makes this weapon special. What makes it special and specifically for this form is the fact that the blade channels fire into it, directly from Kimitsuki, and heats the blade to the same heats of Kimitsuki’s fire at base. The blade also forces her fire to run through her veins as to help it properly control and seal most of the fire. This requires no energy from Kimitsuki, since it is this form’s way of keeping her fire completely in check. This will occur regardless of the circumstance in which she entered her berserk form. For example, if Kimitsuki entered this form of her own will she would still have this blade as well as its method of basically sealing her fire. Of course, the same goes for if she was forced into this form as well.

» Blade of Focused Heat Appearance:


» Lava-like Blood: Kimitsuki’s body is normally far above the average body temperature for a human being; meaning that her body is naturally very hot. Such a heat increase also applies to her blood; especially since her fire partially melds with her blood in this state. This occurs since Kimitsuki is already the Danava of Fire, her fire basically being part of her, and because of how the blade in this form binds her fire. However, in Kimitsuki’s berserk state the blood becomes much hotter, scalding even, and may seem to sizzle if she bleeds; which is certain to happen. While the blood won’t melt metal, it is definitely hot enough to inflict burn wounds onto enemies who are below Kimitsuki’s tier and those who have terrible defenses. Of course, this changes on a case by case basis.

» Personal Blood Control: Whenever Kimitsuki is in her berserk state, she can control her blood, and only her own blood, due to the fire that literally courses through her veins in this form. This allows Kimitsuki to literally use her blood as a weapon; turning it into a burning hot liquid from her body. With this she can even use it to put some of her own blood back into her body if she is suffering from blood loss. However, this will not allow her to control the blood of others unless the blood is synthesized. This means that she needs to take the time and wait for her clothes to synthesize the blood of others that has fallen on her clothes; otherwise she will only have her own blood supply to deal with.

» Bloody River: Kimitsuki using her lava-hot blood to attack in this state is not just for show; it is quite literally something that she has to do since her fire is restricted to only her blood now. This forces Kimitsuki to get creative and basically manipulate her blood. This causes her to create attacks like Blood River. Bloody River itself is just that; a river of blood. However, it takes a large turn when it comes to other situations.

The attack itself is normally when Kimitsuki focuses some of her blood into a vast beam in front of her; mixing it with raw demon energy so she doesn't have to literally create a blood river. When doing this, the attack will fly from her at a normal speed of mach 1. However, this is if she didn't amp it up with her speed. If doing so, the attack could exceed that speed greatly at the cost of more energy and blood. This means that the blood itself could exceed the amount she meant to put in and cost her a couple of posts of time when it comes to her running out of blood. However, it also means the attack is devastating.

If the attack ever connects, one would be met with a torrent of blood like lava and energy that feels like it could burn most metals; the sensation one that would not be very pleasant. Due to it's properties, the attack could break through low level defenses and weaken high level ones; leaving those in the mid-range a little stuck on what she could do. The attack could also push back beings who are not able to resist the force of the beam of blood and energy. In other words, if one had a lower strength than Kimitsuki did, they would be blown back by the attack. Those with the same would have difficulty with their footing while those above would still have to contend with the heat, but would need to worry about being taken away by the river. It should also be noted that this skill can be used as long as Kimitsuki has blood to spare; having a cooldown of 2 post in between each use.

» Mind of the Berserk: Whenever Kimitsuki is forced into her Berserk State, her mind can lose itself to madness and revert to a more demonic nature. This means that Kimitsuki will become far more relentless and destructive than normal; a more demonic approach to things in a certain sense. However, this is normally if Kimitsuki is in a true threat. If she is with someone who doesn’t seem to mean harm, she will retain enough control to not destroy everything. However, if she goes into her berserk form out of choice she will be able to at least control her actions completely. This does mean that her emotions will be partially in her control; making her more emotionless and blunt instead of having emotions and actually talking with true meaning.

» Bloody Clothes: Many think that the attire of this form is pointless or lewd. Well, it is neither of those things in the end. The clothes themselves are certainly skimpy in nature, but, the clothes actually absorb the blood of other around; it even absorbs Kimitsuki’s own blood. This serves to fuel some of the abilities this form gains to compensate for the lack fire Kimitsuki currently has due to her blade sealing her fire. However, there is no actual way to tell that the clothes are absorbing blood without paying attention to the lack of blood on Kimitsuki.

There is also another part to this ability, to make it more than just blood absorption and skimpy attire. The outfit can take the blood of others that has been thrown onto it and it can synthesize the blood to match Kimitsuki’s own blood exactly. Of course, this process is not immediate, so, from the second blood is shed on the clothes it would take a post in total for the blood to be changed. Afterwards, it can be used as pleased. However, the blood cannot be absorbed into Kimitsuki’s body due to being unable to make it completely copy her genetic code. In other words, she is only able to make it so the blood that gets absorbed by her clothes, that isn’t hers, can be controlled but not absorbed.

» Bloody Release: Kimitsuki has a very interesting way of attacking in this form; which is by using her blood. Something that may not be well known, but, it is certainly a good way to attack when your blood's thermal temperature is much like that of lava. Whenever Kimitsuki uses this, she sends blood in a circle around her; the blood spraying from her body in a 20 meter radius. When this happens, those in the radius will be covered in the blood as well as the ground in said radius. After using this skill, her time before passing out will be halved; no matter the state it was in before. However, if she has a low amount of blood in her system, the attack may not even work.

After Kimitsuki sends out that blast of blood, she will normally work on slashing those who are closest to her, however; that is not all she can do. After about a post of recuperation, she will send a few waves of blood from her sword before she attacks the nearest enemy entity; impaling them with her sword. Upon doing this, any of her blood that is on her ground, or any blood on her clothes, with gather around her and the person and create a geyser of blood; burning as hot as lava. The geyser itself will not hurt Kimitsuki, but, it will burn her enemy greatly. The attack can cause third degree burns to those who have a low racial defense and durability, but those with a high racial defense and durability may only be inflicted with first degree burns. Those that have mixed in abilities, low racial defense but high durability, for example, will not experience as much burning but may experience a first to second degree burn depending on tier. This ability can only be used once per thread and is a threat to Kimitsuki if she is hard pressed for blood. After the ability finishes, half of the blood that is Kimitsuki's will be reabsorbed by her. However, there will still be missing energy.

» Blood Absorption: Having a way to get rid of your blood and not get some back in some way is a rather stupid way to go about things; hence blood absorption. Due to her being unable to take in the blood of others after her clothes synthesize it, she has to have some way to reabsorb her blood. This is done by Kimitsuki normally retrieving as much blood as she can from any attacks she has made; making sure that she get's at least half of the blood back. However, this is not always so. If Kimitsuki came into this form of her own volition, she would be thinking about this more; actually trying to retain her blood. However, if she was forced into her Berserk State, she would be unable to absorb much blood; forcing her to withdraw in time or find a way to get more blood.

When Kimitsuki is able to absorb blood, she will gain at least 1 post back to the amount of blood she can use before falling unconscious from blood loss. This means that she has to have come into the form of her own volition; that or her berserk mind has to figure out that losing blood is bad and something should be done about that. However, that latter case is rare and will only happen if Kimitsuki truthfully is near death.

» Blood Creation; Last Ditch Effort: No matter if Kimitsuki is in her Berserk State be force or by her own will; this ability will always proc if Kimitsuki is near death. Think of it as a last ditch passive that is meant to save Kimitsuki's life if she ever is in a really, really, bad situation. The ability itself takes no time to charge up or anything like that as it is instantaneous. However, the ability will only replenish Kimitsuki's blood; nothing more.

The ability itself will take in 50% of Kimitsuki's remaining energy to create the blood she needs to survive and possibly get away; this means that she will have more blood, but she will be very exhausted. In situations where Kimitsuki has low energy, a low amount of blood will be created; however, it will always be enough to keep her alive. This does not mean, however, that it will always work. If Kimitsuki is excessively low on energy, she will simply regain enough blood to barely stabilize her; leaving her to fall unconscious and likely be left as prey to whoever may come around. However, in situations like this she does have Kagutsuchi to help her, but, he may not be able to do a lot. IN the end, this ability is meant to save Kimitsuki from blood loss. After triggered, the ability cannot be used in the same thread again.

» Limited Blood: Just like any being, Kimitsuki has a limit to the amount of blood she can loose before she dies or falls unconscious; this means that she could possibly nearly kill herself in this form or merely just fall unconscious due to overdoing it. This means that in this form Kimitsuki must either be careful or find ways to retain blood after expelling it for attacks or losing it from getting cut. This means that after ten posts of constant use of her blood-related abilities, Kimitsuki could pass out. However, if they were used intermittently, it would only take 15 posts. If not at all, Kimitsuki would not have to worry about passing out from blood loss unless someone drove her to it. This mainly means that Kimitsuki can pose a danger to herself when in this form, if she is not careful.

Added this to Kimitsuki's profile thanks to this: Berserk State is now fully a thing.

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Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:22 pm


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