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Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:09 am

Continued from this thread:


Artist: Studio Killers - Song: Jenny- Word Count: n/a

Life had a funny way of taking you back to where you first started. As both The Angel Of The Ice and Sakurai Kazumi arranged for their fated wedding, it seemed that the pair would wind up in their old stomping ground and emerged out of a vortex of pure white light to stand on the same spot where they first became a couple.

It was surreal coming back to this place for The Angel Of The Ice because of the fact that she had changed so much since those days. What was once a stubborn child had blossomed, matured and grown into a lovely woman of an angel. No longer was Cirno stuck in her eternal and infinite childhood, but rather, embracing of her old age and ready to face the challenges this world presented.

Back then? Cirno had little to no one. Yet, over the course of this past year, she had gained so many new experiences, achieved new levels of power, started a family and founded a home for heroes on the planet that won't be so easily washed away with the sands of time. It was all so much to take in and The Celestial honestly wasn't sure where to start with her journey.

Therefore, our Angel Of The Ice decided it would be best to simply sit down on the warm sands of the beach and indulge in the sights all around her. As those aqua eyes of hers were gazing at the setting sun off in the distant ocean waters ahead of them. It helped to cement this serenity and allowed her enjoy the moment with her beloved.

After all: there was only so much time of peace in this world before it would be burned away by the flames of chaos, discord and panic. So, it was better to savor this time then spend it worrying about where she has been, where she is and where she is going. Since, this is about the love that both Cirno and Kazumi share at the end of the day.

Hence, it is why The Iramasha nodded her head towards her wife-to-be and motioned for her to sit on her lap.

"Come on, Kazu-Kazu, why don't you have a sit with me? We should enjoy the sunset since it's pretty rare to have a moment of quiet between us."

And -- that much was certain! Honestly, The Celestial in question felt bad about how little time she had recently for her own lover. It was always hero quest this, save the world that, manage people there and train herself to ridiculous extents. There had been little time recently to just be and she wanted to spend this precious alone time with the person who meant the most in her life right now.

So, as the amber colors of the sky became enriched in a hazy glow of warmth, The Angel of The Ice smiled, closed her eyes and awaited the heavy embrace of her sweetheart. As her aura, her light and her love is what allowed for all of this to happen in the first place and she felt it was time to repay her in that by showering Kazumi with her love.

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] WVMWLOu
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Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:23 am


Sakurai, Kazumi

Song: n/a  - Artist:  n/a  - Words: n/a

Kazumi would be lying if she said she wasn’t overwhelmed by the various changes that have occurred in her life. Nobody would’ve probably believed her anyways despite the murmurs of being fine. It was clear to anyone who could rub two brain cells together that the mother to be missed her lover and craved her affection. Yet, she was well aware of Cirno’s prior commitments and so, never demanded her angel drop all that she was doing in order to spend time with her. She knew that eventually they would have time to themselves and she was happy to wait until such a time came.

So, the blonde was ecstatic to spend some alone time with her angel in the same place the two fell in love. It was a befitting place for the two to be and Cirno would receive no complaints on Kazumi’s end. The blonde took a deep breath, savouring the fresh air and enjoying the feeling of sand beneath her feet. It brought back fond memories and she took a moment to reflect on the events that led to her becoming a mother and wife to be. Sometimes it felt unreal, like she would one day wake up and find this was all a dream, but she knows this is reality. Or, at least she believes this isn’t a wonderful dream that she will wake from. She had a imaginative mind, but she wasn’t creative enough to dream up someone as beautiful and as caring as Cirno.

Speaking of which, a certain blue-haired angel required her attention. She happily accepts the invitation to sit on Cirno’s lap, positioning herself in such a way that the two were comfortable. She let’s out a sigh that can only be of satisfaction as her body relaxes and she admires the sunset with her wife to be. The beautiful scenery and the tranquil atmosphere gave Kazumi a sense of peace and she was happy she got to enjoy it with her angel.

“What do you think we are having?”

Is the question that leaves Kazumi’s mouth as she close her eyes and enjoys the soft breeze on her skin. It was a question she had been wondering since she found out that she was pregnant with their child. Personally, she believed they were going to welcome a son into the chaotic world they lived in. She simply wanted to know if Cirno shared the same feeling or if she believed the opposite. Regardless of the gender, she couldn’t wait to meet them.

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] Empty Re: Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:29 am

Continued from this thread:

Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: T4N3 - Song: Fiery Town

There was a warmth and heaviness about having the weight of your lover pressed against your body. To feel that sort of embrace from someone you deeply care about and wish to devote yourself to is simply heaven on earth. Therefore, any worries that Cirno previously had were eased and washed away in a sea of affection, comfort, and security in the fact that her partner was there at her side. Thus, The Celestial could go on to hold her, kiss her and rub herself against the body of the golden vixen as she let out a content sigh.

"What do I think we are having? I think we are having whatever is right for us."

It was an odd answer to give, but Cirno did feel boundless, unlimited and totally unstoppable when in the arms of her lover. So to The Angel it did not matter if they had one kid, two kid, three kids or even a whole damn litter. None of it mattered so long as they had each other to get through and she'd have a firm belief in that for the sake of their family to be.

"As long as we are together, I really don't care how many children we have, Kazumi."

There would then be a pause after uttering those most ginger words. If they were going to have a series of kids, just what exactly would their names be in the first place? That was a thought which made The Angel of The Ice giggle for one reason or another. They were in such a rush to get marry, make this thing official and provide a home their children that they had forgotten to even come up with some decent names for them. After all, Cirno didn't want to end up on the day they are being delivered and have to come up with a name on the spot. So it might be best for them to come up with one now to avoid that!

"But I do care about having a name for them! What, are we gonna just call them Blank Child One, Blank Child Two and Blank Child Three?!"

There was a giddy laugh heard from The Celestial after cracking that joke because it was rather funny if they did something as callous as that to their children. They'd forever be the source of ridicule wherever they went if the two of them were such horrid parents to do that to their spawn. Luckily, Cirno was an angel and she wouldn't do such a foul thing to something which was created by her own energy and love. So, she'd turn her aqua gaze to Kazumi and utter these words out:

"So, what would you name them, Kazumi? I gotta know if you have any names!"

And with that, her lover was tasked with the most important mission of her life: give each of their children some non-laughable names. This stuff was serious business right here!

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] WVMWLOu
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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] Empty Re: Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only]

Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:38 am


Sakurai, Kazumi

Song: n/a  - Artist:  n/a  - Words: n/a

Kazumi cannot help but laugh at the silly idea that they would refer to their children as Blank Child One, Two, and Three. To do so would definitely earn them strange looks from anyone who overheard. Though she particularly would do so for her own amusement, she knew that referring to her children by such a ridiculous name would become a habit and she may end up writing it on their birth certificates without thinking. So, it definitely was a good idea to have names ready and she had several she was interested in - all winter themed in honour of a certain ice fairy. However, before she got to her actual suggestions, she decided that she would throw out some rather silly names just to see Cirno’s reaction.

“Hmmm… I’d always fancied the name Apple for a girl. Or maybe Friday for a boy. Ooo, how about Bear?!”

She says the last part with enthusiasm. For a second, Kazumi genuinely looks like she’s considering those names for their children. Names that would no doubt cause people to look at their poor spawns questionably and wonder rather or not their parents were sane. Not only that, but such names left them open to mockery and one would have to consider how cruel they were. However, Kazumi had no intentions of doing such an awful thing. Again, she simply wished to see Cirno’s reaction and she was pretty confident the angel would drop kick those suggestions into the next century.

Regardless of the reaction, which would earn a chuckle from Kazumi as Cirno was simply adorable, the blonde would dismiss her own ideas with a simply yet effective ‘just kidding’. Before saying:

“I do really like the name Yuki, or Yukiko, for a girl though. Yukio or Seshu for a boy. What do you think, honey? Got any suggestions?”

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] OGtJZvd
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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] Empty Re: Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only]

Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:20 am

Continued from this thread:

Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Frozen Starfall - Song: WAY OF LIFE

There were always miracles in the universe -- but Kazumi's smile and laugh were greater than them all in the eyes of Cirno. Was it corny and cliche? Perhaps. But The Angel Of The Ice was a sucker for these types of things because it brought forth a warm feeling in her frigid heart. The love which she felt for her partner really ought to push her towards being called "The Angel Of The Flame" more than anything else!

Regardless, all of that lovey-dovy thought came grinding to a halt when our Celestial heard some of the cringeist names to ever grace Kazumi's lips come out. Apple? Friday? Bear?! WHAT KIND OF NAMES WERE THESE FOR CHILDREN!? This deeply concerned Cirno and caused her to shake Kazumi, but not too wildly as to not upset their children to be.

"Are you feeling ok!? Are you feeling alright!?"

Those words came off as panicked, worried, concerned and all other things frightened. As only a sick fool could ever try and rationalize those names as passable for children. Did she not understand the bullying those kids would undergo? The contempt they'd have for both herself and Kazumi? Did she NOT get the utter stupidity of it all!? NO! SHE HAD TO BE SICK!

"If you are feeling sick, don't worry, I can use my aether to heal you! YOU JUST HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING!"

After letting Kazumi go from her frantic grip, The Angel of The Ice would then burst out in laughter and flail her arms up in the air as she rested in the sand.


You thought she was serious? No way! Kazumi couldn't be that dumb in the mind of Cirno. So it was all just a joke to laugh and live up to. A person needed to find the right moments every now and again for humor in a world as dark and drab as this one. So, she'd rest and let her partner come up with REAL names. Yuki, Yukiko, Yukio and Seshu were all fine names. Really, Cirno was more than content to leave Kazumi to naming them since she was baring the children. Hence, she needed to make that vocally known!

"You can name them whatever you want. However, if you name them those names earlier? I'll ban you forever from naming anything that is mine or yours."

With those ginger words uttered out with a small giggle, Cirno would then flick Kazumi's nose and have fun at her expense. Though, when that moment passed, The Celestial eased over and began to think about something more important: a family name. Most royal types in this world had a name of sorts, right? So clearly they needed one and that made The Angel of The Ice ponder for awhile before raising her right hand in the air.

"I think I should handle the last name though. I don't think we have one and we are turning into a family. And I'm not sure you want Iramasha as's kind of given to everyone in my race."

The Angel would then puff up her cheek at realizing how silly their tradition was when in comparison to other races. Maybe she just wanted to be different, but having a last name would be really cool in her mind! So, she pointed at Kazumi and nodded her head.

"Do you think we should have a last name? If we do....I think I like Tenshi or Shinsei. The first one I think is Angel in Japanese and the other is holiness."

The Angel of The Ice would then turn red, tilt her head to the side and mutter something at a low volume:

"....although, I don't really know's a guess."

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] WVMWLOu
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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] Empty Re: Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only]

Mon May 22, 2017 12:26 am


Sakurai, Kazumi

Song: n/a  - Artist:  n/a  - Words: n/a

At first, Kazumi is shocked that her act had been flawless. She had been joking about the names - they were outrageous and guaranteed their children would hate them - but apparently that had flown over her lover’s head. What else could explain the reaction she had elicit from her lover? She blinks in confusion as her mind slowly processes what’s going on and when it finally does, she’s ready to explain to her angel that she had simply been joking, but the words would never leave her mouth. After all, only moments after expressing concern for her health, Cirno burst out laughing.

It was sort of bizarre to say the least and should’ve been a cause for concern. Thankfully her mind put two and two together quickly and she found herself joining her lover in a fit of giggles. She should have expected her lover would turn the joke on her. It had, for one, been far too obvious and, two, too easy to turn against her. However, just because she could, she stated that she simply had been kidding upon gaining control of her giggles though that much was already known.

She could remain in that moment forever, but there were more pressing matters and even if there weren’t, the thought of being pregnant for an undetermined amount of time just didn’t appeal to her. Not because she didn’t like being pregnant or anything, but because she didn’t want to wait to meet the bundle of joy - or joys - that would become apart of the family. So, after acknowledging Cirno’s two cents on the matter of names, she turned her mind to their surname - which was something she hadn’t thought about.

Though the ones her lover presented to her were lovely, Kazumi felt like far too many people had the name. After all, Tenshi and Shinsei were fairly common in Japan as both a given name and surname. And though she had no problem with taking either option as the family name, she thought they could come up with something a little less common together. And, with that in mind, she says:

“So long as the correct kanji are used. But, don’t you think we can come up with some more… unique? I mean, I love the names, but they are sort of common and dare I say, just a little overused?”

She pauses for a moment, before quickly adding.

“Of course, Shinsei would be the go to option if we can’t conjure up some other name.”

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] Empty Re: Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only]

Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:02 pm

Continued from this thread:

Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Frozen Starfall - Song: WAY OF LIFE

"I am a very flat woman."

There was no pause or hesitation which came out of the mouth of Cirno. She knew the name's origins were somewhat overused given the fact that she was an angel and everything. However, to her, it felt right because of the fact that, well, she was an angel. There was really no getting around that in her mind and The Celestial Of The Ice couldn't honestly think of anything else that she'd want for a last name or anything like that.

So, with her brain freeze in full effect, Cirno would wrap her arm around Kazumi, lean on her shoulder and feel the warmth of her body in that moment. Enjoying that embrace to hide from her abscent minded though, the frigid blue eyes of The Angel pierced the ocean blue stare of her lover before deciding to see if she had any OTHER decent names. Hopefully nothing as awful as the first bunch she came up. Cause if it was, Cirno might have to imprison her for being such a sadistic mother to her children to be. And this angel couldn't have that mess running around wildly!

"Mmmmmm, I just want something that sounds holy and angel-ish. I really don't care too much for the name itself, but it's important to me~"

Then, with a flick of her right index finger, Cirno bopped Kazumi's nose and decided to peer into her lovers mind a bit to see if she could reach in deep to find something better.

"If you have any more ideas that don't include scarring our children for life, why don't you come up with one? I'm not too good with kanji, so it may not be right either. If we can't decide on either, then we'll just go with Shinsei."

Then, Cirno would take a pause to relish the moment and indulge in this embrace. While, at the same time, thinking about what wonders their last name might sound like. As Cirno Shinsei and Kazumi Shinsei sounded like two peas in a pod as far as Cirno was concerned. So that brought a smile to her face as she melted in the warmth of Kauzmi's body.

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Love Loop [Cirno/Kazumi Only] WVMWLOu
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