Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Left_bar_bleue24004/999999"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty_bar_bleue  (24004/999999)

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty "Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea]

Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:05 pm
"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Kauna'oa+Beach+on+the+Big+Island

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Kiyah_11

So the setting could easily be described as absolutely beautiful. The sea was cascading right into the shores of China gently, sun refracting rays in the water as a yawn could have faintly been heard coming from the slayer. Instead of slaying demons today, he would just be taking a day off. Unlike the usual hustle of that he has day to day, this one was promising thus far to be relaxing. Now all that was left was to see how far this could go, this relaxing feeling with no interruptions or unneeded tension. He had worn a different kind of attire since it was a bit hotter outside today. Just a white Nike T short, black shorts, and white what appeared to be running shoes. Definitely nothing fancy, but no one would want to be dressed all heavily when you’re walking along the shore of all places to relax.

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Hikari11

“ Don’t get too close to the water, Kiyah.”

The spirit called out while speaking to him mentally. Hikari herself however was not present physically, as she saw no reason to do so just yet. Even if she did want to try and help, she was certain that Kiyah wouldn’t give her permission to be out and about at the risk of her only purpose being to try and stop him from going for a swim and keeping him from speaking too anyone that she deems as shady. She was known for being very overprotective and motherly for a reason, after all.

“ I’ll be fine Hikari, just relax.”

He’s speaking In his head of course, so anyone who would notice would not see him moving his mouth, just a facial expression that showed the slightest bit of stress and a hint of annoyance.

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Hikari12

“- Well hmph. I just don’t want anything terrible to end up happening to you is all.”

Arms were folded across her chest.

“ The world can be a very dangerous place and you never know what kind of evil could be just around the corner. Some are rather obvious, others are wolves in sheeps clothing. I’ve told you before how I have been harassed when I’ve went to make groceries.”

“Yeah… he was asking for the number on the membership card, n-not yours.”

“He had that look in his eye, okay?! I know that look. I’ve gotten such a look before. I might have been the one purchasing goods, but he was the one window shopping.”


“ You must have my back! A good son won’t just let someone who looks all rough like that hit on their mother! His face was all pimply! He drunk too much soda, worked out too little, and sounded illiterate. You mustn’t ever expose me to such troubles again.”

“..I’ll try my best.”

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Hikari13

“Good. Thank you. Now, proceed- but with caution!~”

he sighed, chuckling to himself a bit as he continued his walk. He’s gotten himself into some crazy stuff, some fun stuff, and some things that were a mix of the two in the past. So now what he’s left to wonder is what else could today hold for him?

The walk, and the journey continued.

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Signat10
"Winners win, losers lose. I can't explain it any better than that.I don't know how it happens, but winners win.And if you create a culture of losing, if you keep being a victim,if you keep letting losing happen to you. If you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way it's gonna become a culture."
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"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Left_bar_bleue0/0"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty Re: "Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea]

Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:19 pm

Uprising Spark



Song: Ilias Final Form - Artist: MGQ OST - Words: 494

Thea was not currently the happiest of campers. She had done everything that Kamui had asked, and completed the hellish trial that had been set out before her. She had literally gotten to China from Japan, all carrying that orb of energy. Then when she finished her task when she was ready to either start her work, or start the path of knowledge, nothing happened. Kamui did not appear to whisk her away instantly. She had not been given any kind of message to indicate that he would appear any time soon. So her best bet was sitting back in some relative green area next to the shore, and just relaxing until Kamui came around. If he didn’t show up in a day or two then she would probably end up trying to find a way to get back to Japan.

Her plan was just to wait in the area she was currently residing in, but she spotted something odd on the shore laid out in front of her. From her spot in the brush she saw what looked to her to be a random boy walking around on the beach. He had to be at least a few years younger than her, and he didn’t seem to be with anyone else. Maybe he just lived nearby, or maybe this was some kind of test sent to her by the man who had her come all this way in the first place. Either way it certainly wouldn’t hurt to see if she could get some information about who this boy was. If he did live around here then they would probably have some information about China that could prove useful to Thea in some future excursion to this area. With that thought she slowly got off of her back, and to her feet so she could get a better look at the male.

As far as she saw he was harmless enough in appearance. That didn’t mean she could let her guard down completely, but it did mean that it straightforward approach most likely wouldn’t end up with her getting murdered. She dusted off her clothes with a few quick swipes of the hand to make sure that she looked at least a bit tidy after having been laying in the dirt. A quick straightening of her collar, and a hope that she looked decent was all that she needed to prepare herself for whatever would come next.

“Hey kid how are you doing?”

Thea had walked behind the boy, and was giving a small grin to him. If he turned around he would probably see this somewhat cocky looking girl, who in all honesty appeared as if she had been walking for a day or two. Both of her hands were at her sides, revealing that she didn’t carry any weapons on her. Which might seem odd for what appeared to be nothing more than a regular human girl walking around in China.

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Joined : 2016-05-02
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"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Left_bar_bleue24004/999999"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty_bar_bleue  (24004/999999)

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Empty Re: "Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea]

Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:13 pm

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Kiyah_11

Kiyah himself was still engrossed with just thinking to himself currently while staring out into the ocean. After the “argument” with Hikari, she seem to go back to being quiet. Content with knowing that her host would follow what she believed to be excellent safety advice. Though he still wanted to just keep himself relaxed, after all no one comes to the beach looking to fight and exessivly be on guard. He heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind him, so he’s either expecting to be approached for someone to just end up walking right past him to hop into the water. The person seems to near him as he can finally hear words being spoken, turning towards them as his brain registers what was just said.

Kid. Kid. Kid. As used to it as he is, this still in a sense bugged him. He wasn’t fond of being reminded that he looks extremely young for his age, even if it’s very plainly true. Either way it was better to not be rude and go off on the female. He’s not entirely sure about their age either, but they looked grown off to be here without having to be watched.


"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Tumblr_mk5k2pble91s3dnjro1_500

For a moment his cheeks turn a faint red from him blushing, clearly embarrassed by what he was just referred to as. Perhaps he was not as used too it as he kept leaving himself to believe. He cleared his throat and spoke up.

“ I’m uh…n-not really a kid but..either way, I’m doing fine.”

He answered with a smile, trying to shake away any nervousness that may have entered the air in that small moment. He wasn’t sure if the girl was a human or not as he knows how “classy” demons can be in their disguises, but for now he’ll just assume that this was a run of the mill type of person- which would make it even harder to try and explain his age too without them being in complete and utter disbelief at what he says.

“But anyway, how about you? What brings you here?”

She didn’t look like she was going for a swim, but by the somewhat weary exhausted feel he got from her he assumed that maybe she was training. Hikari didn’t seem to speak up now, which was good because he’s trying to focus on the current conversation. So for now blue hues fell upon Thea’s own expecting a answer.

"Long Walks On The Beach." [ Private/ Thea] Signat10
"Winners win, losers lose. I can't explain it any better than that.I don't know how it happens, but winners win.And if you create a culture of losing, if you keep being a victim,if you keep letting losing happen to you. If you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way it's gonna become a culture."
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