Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5975
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:48 am


Mirja was just, doing her thing. Stood, watching Henrex do his thing. She wasn't really keeping track at all, or even really that bothered what he was up to now that he had actually stopped pissing about and was doing something worth a dam. It was pretty cool, with the wings and the Scythe and the whatnot, but Mirja wasn't entirely bothered as long as it got the corruption under control. And by under control she meant very, very dead. If the corruption could get dead, if not then it would just be gone, like dead people, only without a corpse.

However, there was a slight problem with all this. Her suit, which protected her from the taint, felt as if it was failing. She was told it wouldn't last forever and that she would need to hurry up if she was going to get anything done, which was why she had been on Henrex's case about clensing the corruption. But now, she was out of time. looking up at the bird guy, she nodded to him. He had this whole thing in the bag, nothing left for her to do at all.
"I gotta go, my suit's burning out. Good cleansing though!" She called out to Henrex, before Flash Stepping away before the corruption started to make her crave brains, or something equally crazy.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

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Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Forest Purge [BLACK WORLD EVENT SERIES]

Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:11 pm

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness


Henrex just kept swinging. He didn't even have his eye open. He was allowing his weapon to guide him. However strange it may have been, it most certainly was working. With cores of black being spawned almost instantly within seconds as they passed, the Rukongai was slowly, ever so slowly becoming what it used to be. That was a good thing for him. It meant that, perhaps, things would go back to normal. Slash after slash flew through the air, and his sword constantly met something, tearing through it. Nothing would stand in his way. The blade of his weapon tore through another large section of the infection, revealing the green grass that lay beneath in.

However, it wasn't enough.

He still needed to get through a incredibly large portion of what was left of the infection. The situation wasn't really made any better by his comrade leaving him, but he knew that she had her reasons, and very good ones. If she lost her protection, she could start acting...strange. Bringing down the massive weight that his Zanpakutō had become, Henrex's head lowered, and his breathing soon became panting. He had used up quite a bit of energy and stamina doing all of this. He was running low.

If he didn't finish this up before he ran out of energy, it would leave the Rukongai vulnerable to the Black World's infection once again. So, he decided that he would have no choice but to use the rest of his energy. Reverted his Zanpakutō's Shikai back it's sealed state, Henrex would slowly turn his sword upside down, and gently press the tip of the blade upon the ground. Energy began to spark and fizz as the blade touched the earth.

Henrex's eye began to close as he focused every last drop of his energy for this final act. The experience wouldn't be pleasant, nor would it be painless, as he was draining near everything from his energy reserves to do this. Grunts and groans of pain came from him as he forced his body to strip away more and more energy from within his body. The fizzing black and purple lightning was becoming more and more violent, zapping outwards and above, aiming to shock anyone who came near it.

As the last scraps of energy was gathered, Henrex fell to his knees. It was painful, but it was worth it. A large orb would form from the massive amount of energy being put within this attack. Lifting his sword high above him, Henrex slammed the blade back to the earth, causing a shockwave of his own energy to shoot throughout the area. Every last bit of the infection would be cleared out and removed from mere contact with this immense amount of energy, and the power behind it.

The violent, almost ferocious burst of energy that had come from Henrex's body was simply intent on wiping out the infection completely. In only a few short was done. Henrex had managed to cure the infection. At much as he could. With just enough spiritual energy to keep himself alive and conscious, Henrex slowly lifted himself off the ground with his wings, before his body floated away, back into the shadows. The Rukongai, previously filled with loud noises, chaos, and destruction....had now once again met the sweet sound....

Of silence.


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