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Entity of Contradiction
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Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:14 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Cero Telca
The Beast of Sound

One could say that many different reasons bring people to the Vanguard's base, one of them however, typically, isn't just to observe what is within the base. Cero had been meaning to at the very least visit, this place since the last time, he had come around here without knowing what to expect, he had a criminal caught with Shadin, bringing them up to Sukai Karakura. Instead would be visiting to see the people that also protected Karakura central and were considered to be his allies in arms. They also use to be lead by a former member of the Yayjuu, Azure Iramasha, may he rest in peace. It was a visit of respect, and to see how the org was doing as a whole, now that they have lost their leader. Cero didn't know how it would be for them, it would have made the Yayjuu, a very dark and silent place with the lose of Shadin Yuudeshi. However, it would also be a wonder as to whether or not, the city of Karakura would be an extremely safe place at that point. Those were the worries that Cero would try to dismiss from his mind for the time being.

The Hohl Arquero entered the building, not at all trying to hid himself, in appearance or presence. As he was currently wearing what appear like the uniform for a student of Karakura High, however it was instead adorn with a number of markings that belonged to the Yayjuu and the beast circle within it. He obviously at least got a few people's attention as he wandered into the base, being that he had a signature that gave off similar to a hollow, or arrancar, and he was not a member of the vanguard entering this area, some of them however, could recognize him as Cero, the beast of sound. From the entrance he wandered over to the further in entrance, passing by the few guards and others, that took note of him. It was from there that he was truly within the Vanguard as he was within what would probably be a combination of their barracks, resting, and training areas respectively. He had a bit of trouble navigating the place at times, but he had a general idea of where all the important zones and areas were. The people of the Vanguard, seemed to still be presently doing things, but the overall setting, and emotion of the inner base were not a light one.

It was after a few more moments that Cero cam across a gathering place for members of the Vanguard, it appeared to be some sort of training grounds, a place where those could grow, the numbers here were probably lower than usual. There were of course, a group of people that try to settle their emotions in conflicts on a battlefield, or training field. Cero could understand that mentality, it has been his goal to come to understand all kind of people, but he also needed to understand himself, the best, believe in himself. Maybe he can gain quite a bit out of this visit, and maybe it can lift the mood on this somewhat darkened place as a whole. What could one person do, to change an entire organization is technically, an interesting question. For now he would keep it in the back of his mind, as he pondered as to whether or not, he should join the people that he was observing in training from the entry way, he was technically, still very close to the halls of the vanguard base, he might find something more interesting if he kept looking.

It would only be a matter of time before the main event would begin, after he figured out whatever, he was doing.

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Last edited by Zero on Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:49 pm; edited 4 times in total

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:55 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


The Unknown of the vanguard had a pair of headphones in, music blaring at a decibel loud enough to drown out everything else. . . Atleast virtually everything else. Ever since the funeral and coming back and announcing their existence to the world, all it had been was “..Who the hell let a demon in.” “What the hell is an unknown” “DO MORE PAPERWORK.” . Day in and day out it had been noise, noise, noise ,noise and more noise. To the point that even the davana of bare-hand combat had begun to feel a tad weary. He was used to the physical aspects of the job, but not the menial aspects. Hence why when he could sense the massive influx of energy that had entered the vanguard he had changed directions and began to walk down that hallway. Many that did not know him would assume because of his position he was extremely powerful, to them; well they weren’t wrong. He exuded raw energy in spades to the point that most may never compare, but it was more than that. It was an in dominating willpower and the need to simply not give up that drove him even further. Scouring the moon for azure’s body even with the daunting aspect of having the moon collapse above him being one such event. Yet, if one knew him they'd be able to tell he wasn’t precisely in the best of moods.

So much had happened, so much had been lost. Now on a normal day he’d be more than thrilled to get a visitor in the empty halls of the world’s organization of peace. However this was not a normal day, he was exasperated, tired and also more than frustrated in waiting for someone to take up the mantle of leader while everything went to hell in a handbasket. He was not taking the position himself for a very simple reason; he had too much blood on his hands to ever run an organization that spoke of peace. This and many other thoughts went through his head as he strode through the halls towards one of the many training rooms , having been following the rather large influx of raw spiritual power that came from it, taking his time, and certainly undaunted by the power that was rumbling throughout every tiny face of the base. He hadn’t needed to rush any time in his life, then again having a life that predated modern man in span tended to do that to a guy. Still though so that the visitor knew someone was coming to see him? He’d let the floodgates of his energy run rampant, even though it was contained within a centimeter of his skin the weight and the power? Those would be impressive even when toned down.

His own crushing will exerted through the medium of his energy to send a clear message to this person. If they chose to cause a ruckus; they would be met harshly and eventually thrown out on their asses. That little treat being taken care of? He had pulled out a pocket device, a tablet roughly the length of his forearm from within his jacket and began to tap away at the screen, what was he doing? That was actually fairly simple. Being one of the few people that even knew were azure’s private office was he was currently sending messages through the console so that he could further finish administrative tasks, check out different feeds and also he was figuring out what to do with another very . . Problematic aspect of his job. He could see meteor’s still heading for earth and in particular to canada and to Africa, which in itself was irritating, however he also knew a few combatants had already left to go deal with those problems which was why for now he’d just simply keep an eye on it.

Finally he’d make his way to the training room, the double sliding doors opening to allow him to enter inside, his own eyes looking forward; his mouth parting to let out a breath of hot air before he decided that this person didn’t seem to be a menace. Rather he just had an air about him , as most with power did. Blackheart had taken himself to a nearby chair and sat down on it, posture straight, eyes still looking at the man with a warriors visage; yet his lips would break rank as he punctuated the silence with a soft sigh, and a welcoming for the stranger.

”..Welcome to the Vanguard’s Base I am the First of the Unknowns, Blackheart. How may i help you this fine day?”

With formalities out of the way he’d continue to give the male his undivided attention. Albiet he wouldn’t speak unless spoken to, as that’s just how he was in more . . Formal situations.

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Vanguard's Visitor (Open) LzZCuy7
Vanguard's Visitor (Open) BtXe12b
Entity of Contradiction
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Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:34 pm

Artist: Persona 3 OST - Song: Master of Tartarus - Word Count: 914

Cero Telca
The Beast of Sound

Normally, most didn't take Cero's presence as anything bad, so when it came to the presence that was exerted towards him, would cause him to raise an eyebrow in the direction that it happened to be coming from. The presence in a way, also gave him a signal in a way to stop, his wandering about the base, so he would lean against the way for a moment, as he let his mind wander in his place, of course. He decided to think back for a moment of all the times that he had encountered the likes of Azure Iramasha, a former fellow member of the Yayjuu, and a fellow that shared an affinity with sound manipulation. Cero recalled the times, that they had trained and spared with each other over time, they were pretty evenly matched against each other. But in due time, Azure moved on from the Yayjuu, going on to lead the Vanguard in the place of those before him, and this was where the majority of the memories began to end, as Cero lost track of his ally and friend once they were working for different organizations. For Azure, this was for the Vanguard, defender of the Earth, itself, as for Cero it was serving under both the Yayjuu and the Vandenreich, one that would appear like it can stand for eternities and the other, made the empty promise in his mind that it could, but that was in the past now along with Azure, may he rest peacefully.

It would appear that the man that had exerted such a presence, had finally appeared before him, and awoke him from his thoughts as the man introduced himself as blackheart, the first of the unknowns, that Cero thought to himself must of been some kind of important convert position, given that he had never heard of such a position under the Vanguard, not even from Azure himself. However, while the presence really didn't intimidate the likes of Cero Telca, he did respect the strength that this man was willing to show for this organization even through the times that their leader has perished. It made him raise up from the wall of straighten himself as he lifted a hand out toward the man politely, offering a handshake in addition to his introduction to Blackheart.

"Nice to meet you, Blackheart. I'm Cero Telca, the Beast of Sound, co-leader of the Yayjuu, an a friend and ally to your former leader. I have come today to see how the base was doing and try to pay my respects to him in my own way." He decided to say as he introduced himself. Cero would then go on to say a few more things to the man that was before him that was appearing to be in charge at the moment.

"You wouldn't mind showing me around a bit, would you? Sorry if your busy, I know a bit of the base myself, but I personally haven't been here all that often." He explained and asked of the man before him. Cero decided that he would try to dedicated this day and one more in the future to merely helping the Vanguard, however, he could in honor of his friend's life. It was the very least that he could to see his friend's organization and legacy survive, that was what he intended. So for the time being a tour of the base, would probably be extremely help to the Hohl Arquero, heck he could even suffice with a map if the man before him was far too busy to do such himself. Technically, just about anyone would work for the job that was at hand, so long as they knew the layout of the base, but the current head for this base had seek him out personally, perhaps wondering what odd presence that hadn't been through in recent times was doing here in such a dark time.

Cero only intended to make those dark times brighter, so that those loses weren't the only things that they had to think back to as they tried to move forward.

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I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:26 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

”..Is all that anyone wants to do is talk?”

The First unknown thought as he looked up from his position in the chair. His body rising up smoothly as if he was a surfer cresting a wave, standing straight before taking the being known as cero’s hand and looking down at him partially. His own mismatched gaze remaining indifferent, but his lips would pull into a small half smile; breaking the icy facade that he had worn during the beginning of the meeting between him and cero telca. He had listened to the males words even when all he wanted to do was sleep away the days until he was awake in another time that was void of these problems. Even when he had the rigid shell of a warrior, inside he was tired and he wished for change; for a better future which allowed him to protect everything between his outstretched palms. Yes he pondered the conundrum for a second. He was a demon, so he would be hated by most people he worked with probably. He had been the first demon who ever wanted to join the vanguard, he had come with the intention of making a difference and had been accepted.

A few years later he was still here, making a difference. Upholding his pledge of defend the realm. He had seen leadership change, and had seen important people die, unable to protect themselves from the passage of fate. Here was a friend of one of those deceased people, and for them blackheart would give his respect. But he would only give the man his respect, he could not offer him help, nor aid, because all of his own powers, efforts and wishes had already gone into a particular purpose. . . Protecting the vanguard, that was his own purpose. His entire reason for existing with these bloodstained hands was to protect the weak and barter with the strong. He possessed the qualities needed to navigate the global stage, it was simply blackheart chose not to as he smiled, despite all the turmoil inside and spoke to cero politely.

”..Cero telca huh? I see, if you are here to mourn in your own way that’s fine, we each all have our own methods, our own . . . Coping methods if you will. The vanguard welcomes you, and we hope you have a nice stay with us. “

He meant every word of it; he could understand mourning and how it could need to be done in special manners for it to be even mildly insignificant to someone would be impossible to write off. Everything was significant to someone so? He’d oblige Cero while he had momentarily slid the tablet back into his jacket so that he could give the beast of sound his undivided attention. His own energy signature having dampened back down to primarily nothing while his expression shifted and he began to walk back out of the double doors, moving his right hand in a forward motion, a signal to follow while at first the demon seemed to figure out just how he wanted to broach this particular subject. He had known azure , just as he had known the person that had come before azure. It was strange, that he would have been around long enough to see two management changes, yet even so blackheart was more focused on the man named cero, and the daunting task of doing more paperwork to finalize things in the vanguard.

”..This day is going by so slow.”

Blackheart thought as he began to stride through the halls, clasping his hands firmly behind his back as he walked, his rigid posture straight but also there would be some laxness in it after they rounded the first bend and he had taken the man deeper. Deeper into the bowels of the vanguard his expression unreadable for the first few minutes. Just a mask of silence that had obliged the yajuu member when they had asked to have a tour of the base. It was something within his power; so why not? Atleast thats what he was willing to do for someone who knew Azure and apparently had been a friend to him. His expression remaining neutral before he called over his shoulder in a conversational tone.

”..So how did you and Azure meet”

He could have substituted azure’s name with many things, leader, psychopath, bastard, irritating git, crazy child. All of these things in Blackhearts mind pertained to azure but he did not say them for one important reason; which was respect, Azure was no longer with them. Therefor The First Unknown was showing the man the amount of respect he ultimately deserved. His expression remaining blank for the most part as he finally followed up his question by asking. . .

”And is there anything you wish to see in particular?”

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Vanguard's Visitor (Open) LzZCuy7
Vanguard's Visitor (Open) BtXe12b
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