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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat Empty Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:16 am



The cold air of British Columbia wasn't something everyone could deal with so easily, let alone humans of simple making. For those like Yuuki Mizugaki however, the inner heat they all carry is rarely effected by the cold reaches of temperature and similar things. Not that the summer temperature was low itself. Recently, the Vanguard had placed multiple bases along the surface of Canada, the closest of the bases to Japan being located in Victoria, British Columbia. If someone were to be specific, Oak Bay itself hosted the Vanguard and any who wished to visit the Vancouver Island. Yuuki found his way to the western coast of Canada via a small flight via the Vanguard, the southern capital posing a great tourist spot despite the recent buzz of "evil" throughout the world. Attempting to release some of his own frustrations building up, the man attempted to relax in the capital that was beginning to undergo vast construction.

Just like a vast majority of newly placed Vanguard bases, Victoria was beginning to undergo what could only be described as a future based architecture now that the city, and country, was soon to see a boom in development. Here and there were hundreds of scattered Vanguard and Yayjuu operatives, moving materials and buildings as a whole with not just their hands but their minds. Of course, the Yayjuu and Vanguard were known for having a diverse group of members with even more diverse power sets. Not only did it come in handy during the defense of the Earth itself, it also seemed to help them out in minuscule tasks such as the development of the city. Oddly enough, it seemed that the Gotei was attempting to strengthen relations with both of the groups by sending Shinigami of their own to help out. It was odd to see what people were willing to do during times of need.

Nevertheless, with the bright sun burning into the concrete of Oak Bay, Yuuki stood alone as per the usual. Sporting a place shirt of black cotton and khaki shorts of white coloring, the Mizugaki had only come to spend a majority of the time alone. With nothing but an average amount of money in his pocket, he intended on saying in the city for a week at most. Without much of a reason to stay in one place, Yuuki continued to move around the world in safe zones as if he were a nomad. Learning this and that from place after place, the human continued to keep himself as busy as possible. Without affiliation to a group or organization, he didn't have much to do in terms of a goal. Even with this being the case, he still ventured out on his own to learn and grow as a man. After recent events near Karakura, there wasn't much else he could ask for.

Leaning against the thick railing right against the coast, Yuuki gasped and groaned. "Sure is boring here. I thought someone interesting would at least be around due to the construction going on." Kicking at one of the supporting bars to the railing, he turned and closed his eyes. With the sun pressing against his pale skin, Yuuki's tongue pressed against his teeth before making a soft clicking noise.

"Really. You'd think it'd be at least somewhat interesting here. So much for that." With hope dwindling, the man continued to lean without a care. It seemed to him that the visit was only going to continue to go downhill, something he was only too used to by now.

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Victorian Treat FXpoQxJ
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:27 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 870

Having spent only a couple of weeks on patrol since her last break, Yuki had not been looking forward to her most recent assignment. Instead of hunting down Hollows alone she, along with a few other Shinigami, had been tasked with assisting the Vanguard with their security operations on some island in British Columbia. Not that they needed the Shinigami’s assistance. No, this was purely diplomatic. A show of good force, as it were. It came as no surprise to anyone then that as soon as she arrived she'd taken off, venturing out to patrol on her lonesome. She didn't hate people; she didn't even dislike the company. This was just more normal for her, more familiar. It was safer.

Of course this also meant that she was free to explore the area at her own pace. While she preferred to be in the thick of things even she had to admit that the occasional break was needed and, shockingly, even welcomed. In fact it was as if fate itself had desired her period of rest: not only would this place be safe, but it was beautiful to boot! The enjoyable weather certainly didn’t hurt either. Many outsiders might find it surprisingly and uncomfortably chilly, but Yuki thrived in these conditions. Her body was naturally warmer, perhaps due to the fur on her tail, or her great mane of wild and freely flowing hair. It could’ve been due to her many years spent living in impoverished conditions. Regardless, it felt more comfortable to her. If she’d been naked it would’ve improved the situation further still, but such things were frowned upon, especially amongst the Humans.

Thanks to advancements in technology, there was really no need for Yuki to stuff herself into an artificial body: even normal Humans would pick out that something was not quite right about her. Still, perhaps it might have been better. Occasionally those working on the various construction projects were distracted, taking moments to gander and whisper. The Shinigami’s uniform, from the very start, set her apart from other people. It was certainly out of place in this world. An eyepatch helped to further set her apart and might have even intimidated a couple of the onlookers. But she suspected that a majority of the strange looks were, in fact, due to the presence of her tail and her wolf-like ears. Put it all together on a figure as short as she was and you created a truly peculiar individual.

At least if I’d stuffed myself into a gigai I might have passed as a school girl.

It wasn’t as if this was new to her, however most Shinigami she worked with had already gotten over such oddities. Still, her discomfort was clear as her tail remained unusually stiff behind her. Try as she might she could not completely ignore them. Perhaps it was due to boredom. She patrolled, on Earth, alone, but the chance of running into any sort of challenge was incredibly slim. Fingers rapped with annoyance against the hilt of her weapon. How could she truly relax in such a situation? In fact, how did anyone relax in this way? Did they not find it as boring as she did, or as wasteful? She was doing nothing at the moment, when she could be doing so much!

I need to find something. I need to do something.

A soft pillowy cloud of barely visible condensation left her lips, following behind a faintly audible sigh. She needed to calm herself down. Her superiors were right: she needed to learn how to relax. It used to be so easy when Takuma was around.

Maybe I just need to find somebody to spend my time with. That would take my mind off of this.

If she’d remained with the other Shinigami then her troubles would have been easily fixed. But now, like always, she was alone, and it was her own damned fault. However she could find company even in her lonely state, as she soon ended up near another in the same predicament! There stood against a set of thick railing a single solitary man. Yuki’s left ear briefly twitched and her movements halted while she listened in on the brief conversation that he held with himself. She had to agree with him right from the onset: save for the great building project of the Vanguard there was nothing interesting here. Of course she was only a visitor, so it was possible that she’d simply not run into one of the many interesting things within the island. There was, it seemed, hope for both of them.

There she stood in silence for what seemed like a minute, staring at the man with her solitary crimson gaze. She was never very good at approaching people, at least in this sort of situation. Place her into the center of a battlefield and she could walk right over, blade freed and voice clear! But there was no focus in this situation. It was too relaxed.

Just go over.

Mentally kicking herself, Yuki quietly wandered over, leaning against the railing near the Human. She focused her gaze outwards and towards the bay area. It was, at least, a start.

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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:14 pm



Yuuki had grown tired of the cool Victorian air, his body loosely clinging to the railing behind him. Normally, the cool air meant someone or something would have visited the city in order to have some type of fun. Whether that be one of the members currently working with the Vanguard or a tourist for lack of a better term, you'd think someone out there would exist simply to busy themselves. Finishing his quiet tirade to himself, he turned back to the ocean and opened his eyes.

"At least it's pretty here, right? Gotta give them that."

The bay's clear water shook from left to right, unstable waves and currents forming what Yuuki found to be somewhat... beautiful. Nearly losing focus on the world around him due to it, the man's head perked up. His senses caught wind of soft steps, something tiny working its way towards the railing he leaned against. Soon after the steps registered, the spiritual energy of a Shinigami began to follow in pursuit. Turning his head, Yuuki's sienna colored eyes became fixated on the small figure. A girl, to his knowledge, dawned a Shinigami Uniform.

She was... a bit short, especially to Yuuki. He didn't know his own height off hand, but from the looks of things he had nearly two feet on the girl. It was.. funny. A small chuckle filtered through Yuuki's mouth before he smiled. Maybe fate was beginning to throw things his way, huh? First he complains about not finding anything to do in this Canadian hell hole and then, just like that, an interesting little figure appears. Who did Yuuki have to thank for this?

"Aren't you a bit small for working on construction here, little girl?" Turning back to the bay, Yuuki chuckled to himself yet again. She sure was a Shinigami, the fact that she had animalisitic traits that were almost too obvious in a place like this. The wolf like ears that perked with each sound and a tail to match with fur. You'd think someone of her stature would be left at the Gotei in order to help around there, not somewhere like British Columbia.

It was none of his business anyways, turning away from the cold water he studied the girl for what seemed quite some time. Before opening his mouth again, a thought registered all too late. If she was so close when he heard her, does that mean the whole tirade he went on was hearable too? If it was, the embarrassment would be too much to handle. Yuuki was never awkward like that in public, especially given his cold stance towards other people. Was he really getting flustered over something so small? Shaking his head, he smiled as his cheeks filled with a deep red blush.

"I'm not crazy, I was just talking to myself." Because of course, saying you were talking to yourself was better than actually talking to yourself. The stupidity that filled Yuuki's thoughts was absurd at this point, his words flowing out without much of a filter from the sound of things. "I'm Yuuki. Just a random stranger here. Are you here working with the Vanguard?"

Pressing his back against the railing once more, Yuuki continued castrating himself in his mind. How stupid can you be? Telling someone you were talking to yourself after they more than likely knew. He was so steamed from the stupidity that literal steam began to flow from his skin. That's what he got for being so in tune with his powers apparently, shaking his arms wildly to disperse the steam from view.

"Or, maybe you're just patrolling for the Gotei? I heard recently that things have been going well so it'd make sense..." Rubbing his neck, Yuuki continued to ponder on why such... an interesting creature would find her way to some random outpost on the bay within Victoria. It didn't really add up, even with the recent actions from the Vanguard. It was weird.

Thinking aloud, Yuuki lost total notice of the girl as he went back to talking to himself. "Not that I have any room to talk. Some random human visiting some random outpost. Everyone is weird at this point." Waiting for a response, Yuuki continued to fixate on the girl, his soft eyes almost attached to the odd figure.

It seemed fortune was not only on his side, but others as well.

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Victorian Treat FXpoQxJ
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:19 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 957

The solitary man continued to speak with himself even as Yuki neared the metal railings, and for a moment she was worried that she’d go unnoticed. How was she supposed to meet new people if she never even interacted with them? What a hilarious failure that would have been. Still, at least it offered her some brief internal amusement. She found herself nodding once in reply towards his words, even if they weren’t directed towards her. Despite everything it was a very beautiful region. It helped somewhat with keeping her relaxed.

It is quite lovely here. I should say that. But then it might be rude. Would that be considered rude? It would, right? Listening into other people’s conversations is rude. And yet here I am. But it is less rude if I just keep this to myself.

A chuckle was heard to her right. She was curious as to what sort of funny things he was thinking about, although not enough to direct her attention his way. It was an unconscious battle which waged within her mind: on one hand she wanted to meet people and to make friends and to stop being so cold to those she met; on the other hand she knew that such things might only lead to further tragedies. It’d been over two years and her heart still ached for her fallen friend. Still, she hated being alone. Again.

She could feel his eyes lingering over her form, a sensation all too familiar to her. He’d finally taken notice, and for the briefest of moments her heart skipped. This was the moment of truth! Would he think she was being rude? Would they become friends? Would they even talk? Something great might come about from their meeting here. Or he might simply turn and take his leave. Seconds passed, although they felt like minutes within her mind, until finally he took the initiative and spoke up.


To say she was caught off guard by his comment was an understatement. First off, it was somewhat surprising. Amongst all the things he could mention, he chose her height. But that wasn’t what really got to her. Without any thought her right eye started to twitch, ever so slightly, and her tail lifted up, although only a couple of inches. The “little girl’s” heart beat more quickly, sending heat rushing up along her body, covering her cheeks with a pink tint.

Little girl?

Despite everything her facial expression remained neutral and only thanks to many, many years of unintentional practice. Her gaze slowly shifted, until at last her red eye bore into the Human’s gaze. She didn’t know why those two words embarrassed her, but something boiled deep within her chest. Perhaps it was the brief chuckle that accompanied them. Or maybe it reminded her a little too much of her early academy days.

I’ll have you know that I am much older than you! Probably!

She wanted so desperately to say those words, but she withheld her tongue none the less. It would have been rude, after all. Besides, as she’d already detailed within her own mind Yuki was most likely older. Playing the mature elder figure would suit her better. Greater still, the boy was suddenly flustered by his own words, as she’d clearly caught him while he spoke to himself. That alone caused her to calm down, and the pink tinting of her cheeks to dissipate. For the moment she simply observed him quietly, listening with inner delight as he fumbled through an excuse for his actions.

Her new companion introduced himself as Yuuki, which actually elicited the tiniest of movements within her tail. To think that she would meet someone with such a similar name! Perhaps this was fate? She was about to speak up when she noticed the faintest traces of steam rising from the man’s body.

Clearly he is not normal. Humans do not normally do that, as far as I know. I could be wrong, I suppose.

Once more she was prepared to speak, but then the boy started to talk once again, mostly to himself. On the inside she was giggling, although to do so out loud might have been rude, and so her expression remained the same. A few moments passed again before she finally noticed that he was watching her, and awaiting a response.

“Hello. I am Yuki Kameko” she stated quietly, almost emotionlessly, as her head lowered slightly out of respect. It was an awkward start, even for her, although one which was difficult to avoid as she fought against herself to open up to others. Ultimately her desire to make a new friend was greater, because she continued to speak, this time with the slightest hint of excitement within her voice.

“We were sent to assist the Vanguard with security. I am on patrol.”

Another pause hung within the air as her fingers briefly clenched into fists.

Why is this so difficult? Just relax. If you can fight a Hollow then you can certainly speak to another person! Even a stranger!

“What do you normally do around these parts?” she asked, her body somewhat relaxing, as did her tone, even filled now with some level of curiosity. Still, on the inside she was beating herself up.

Is that what I am supposed to say next? It doesn’t seem right. Did I skip something? Why is this so difficult?! It wouldn’t be if I were more relaxed! Maybe I just need to fight something. Okay, just think about strawberries! And baths! Those are relaxing!

Fists unclenched as she started to calm further still. She didn’t remember it being this difficult, but then the only other friend that she’d ever had was Takuma.

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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:17 pm



Despite is unwavering speech, Yuuki's words quickly came to a halt while he watched the girl. The random Shinigami that happened to simply find her way to him was... weird. Not the type of weird that people showed contempt for, it was the cute and awkward kind. Like an idiot, Yuuki failed to notice that each time he spoke, she made this face or that face. To Yuuki, it only meant she was trying her best to talk but simply couldn't. Maybe she was really just that awkward, there were all types of people to fit each type of mold though. No reason to be mean to the girl over something so superficial.

"I didn't know pink was a color that Shinigami turned. That's kinda weird." Snickering to himself, the man flicked the air in front of him only to point at her. Point Point Point. "Go back to kinda tan." Before Yuuki instigated the girl anymore, he brought his hand back to his side before smiling. Victoria sure was an odd little city for something like a hot-headed Human and quiet little Shinigami to co-exist in. Fate sure was cruel from the looks of things.

A quiet, soft voice finally escaped the girl's lips. Finally, the little girl was attempting to speak to the man who at this point could only be seen as weird. Hell, maybe the Shinigami found Yuuki to be creepy as well. You don't just walk around talking to yourself and treating others like they're also little weird creatures. Yuki Kameko, the Shinigami that turned pink and giggled whenever he spoke to himself. As if the two meeting were a story in itself, Yuuki rubbed the back of his head and chuckled himself.

"So I was definitely right from the sound of things. Patrolling with the Vanguard. Sorry, you probably aren't really that little. If that's the case, being a little less serious and more carefree would be appreciated." Yuuki himself was relatively young when it came to being a human. With that being the case, Yuki could only be much, much older than him. It didn't suit anyone acting stoic and serious all the time. Hopefully, the little one planned on lightening up.

"Yuuki Mizugaki, believe it or not. Kinda weird that our name's are so close to one another. Your's probably means Snow because you're a girl, at least you seem to be one. For me, I guess it means Courage in most instances. Really is kinda weird."

Yet again the human man began to go off on a small tirade, letting his words flow before he could filter them well enough. "Sorry. Guess that's a little weird." Shaking his head, he turned from the bay to her, entirely facing in her direction now. Before he could continue talking, she was interested in Victoria and what was done in its vicinity. Sadly, Yuuki wasn't any better off in that department. Just arriving with the Vanguard didn't really give him much time to do anything in the B.C. capital. Looking off to the side, Yuuki placed his hands deep into his pockets before answering.

"I could ask you the same thing. I just got here, so I'm at a loss myself. The only things you'll learn from me is the fact that it has a Bay and the Vanguard are constructing new buildings. Otherwise, I'm more lost than you are probably haha." Looking away from the bay now, Yuuki scanned the nearby buildings in their vicinity. From the looks of things, there weren't many places open for business. Among the one that were existed a Library, a small cafe and what was probably this area's "Police". Letting a soft sigh escape his tired lips, he turned back to the girl and smiled.

"Besides, shouldn't you know more being on patrol and all?" He chuckled, poking fun at the Shinigami for knowing little more than he did. Yuki was pretty quiet, but it fit her. Just like how talking to yourself fit a weird guy like Yuuki. It was nice though, she was interesting enough to keep the boredem at bay. Continuing to think to himself at all times, Yuuki pointed toward the small strip nearby.

"It's pretty obvious that a few things are over there, but that's all I have at the moment, any better ideas?"

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Blade on Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total

Victorian Treat FXpoQxJ
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:54 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 750

Once more Yuki felt the heat of embarrassment rising throughout her body, although this time she was able to suppress the flustered state. Well, mostly suppress it anyways. Her eye was averted towards the ground briefly as the man named Yuuki continued to speak, ordering her to return to her previous state. Suffice it to say that it was an impossible request, at least initially. Eventually her faint blush did fade away, although not before doing its damage.

Now I look like some hormone laden child. Is it that time of the year already? It couldn’t be, right? It would be much worse if it were.

Yuki faintly shuddered at the thought. It was a little curse left to her from her father’s side, something she had to deal with at least once a year. On the rare occasion it might occur multiple times. Unfortunately the last two years had been much lighter, so this year would certainly be worse. Or it would be lighter again and she wouldn’t have to worry much until next year. Regardless, this would be a very poor time for her to go into heat.

Yuuki started to speak again, which snapped the young Shinigami from her thoughts, instead focusing once more upon the stranger she’d just met. A slight nod confirmed that he was indeed correct in his initial assumption about her duties. It was also an agreement: she really should relax and be a little more carefree. If only it were that easy. He also had a good point regarding their names: it was strange that they were so close. However her eye widened slightly out of curiosity as the meaning of her name was explained to her. She’d never learned it before. Either there were more important things to worry about or she simply hadn’t thought on it, but hearing it now was sort of nice. It was certainly good for cutting loose and relaxing!

Her head shook once. “Do not be sorry. I did not know that. Thank you” she said quietly, lowering her head ever so slightly, although this time only briefly before it returned to its previous position. The sudden lesson was welcomed, especially since she had nothing better to do at the moment. Patrolling in such a calm area might not be the best for her. Her being here in the first place seemed to do well enough, as she doubted any enemies would be foolish enough to attack a place so heavily guarded by the Vanguard.

It isn’t as if I came here alone either. Also, if we work in shifts then it will be more productive. I think, for the moment, I can relax. After all, it is why they sent me here. Probably. Okay, partly. Still! Oh, right, he is talking.

She followed Yuuki’s gaze now, looking towards the nearby buildings while she listened to him. There was not much available to them at the moment. When the boy pointed towards the strip mall Yuki felt her head tilt slightly to the right and her eye narrowed slightly, peering more closely at the buildings. However once she’d finished with her brief investigation Yuki turned to face her new companion.

“I have only just arrived here, however I am technically here to relax. Typically my patrols are carried out within dangerous locations.”

Pausing for a moment, Yuki reflected upon what they might do. Talking was nice and she did not mind continuing it. However she also knew that despite her best efforts she could be pretty boring, given her naivety and her generally cold, emotionless tone and to the point speaking habits. But then she hadn’t had a friend in some time, and even then most of their time spent together had been training or out on patrols and missions.

I am really not very good at being friendly, am I? Or is that being friendly? Perhaps I am simply boring? I really hope that is not the case either. This probably will not end well.

The little wolf’s features scrunched up slightly with a mixture of concern and frustration as she mentally berated herself. This was not helping her to relax! Thankfully there was a Human here, and she’d rarely ever had time to interact with their kind. After taking a moment to breathe in and calm herself Yuki glanced up to meet Yuuki’s gaze.

“What is it that you normally do to relax? I mean Humans. Or just you. I do not know.”


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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:34 am



It seemed to Yuuki that both his random knowledge and expressive thoughts weren't too big of a problem for the small girl that stood before him. The Shinigami sure was a breathe of fresh air in the dull capital of British Columbia. It was the last thing the man expected from the current situation but had to best the best outcome by far. "Right, of course. It's just talking. Why would that be a problem for someone." A wave of relaxation shuddered over the man, his eyes rolling at his comment before shaking his head.

Alas, it was his fault he was even in such an odd situation in the first place. Arriving at a Vanguard Base, alone, with zero clue of the area surrounding him. What did he happen to expect to come from the idea? Whatever that outcome was happened to be incorrect, the real solution being the short Shinigami that stood in his immediate vicinity. Taking a look towards the strip to his right once more, Yuuki rubbed his chin before watching Yuki quietly.

"Well, yeah. You said that you were with the Vanguard so it only makes sense you just arrived. But in dangerous places?" Yuuki eyed her intensely, his body leaning forward before he spoke up once more. "I'm sure you're strong and all for being a Shinigami, but... Aren't you a bit short to be the front line in a dangerous place? Can't they just... step on you?" Teasing the girl for her height seemed to be the first thing that came to mind of the loquacious male, his body returning to normal after his relatively close proximity to Yuki's own face. He wasn't too sure how strong she was, so it was only a given that he think of her safety compared to a larger, more fit male or female for the duty.

"You won't find anything like that here. But, you probably already know that by now." Nice one, tell the Shinigami that was here on business why she was here. Tell her what she obviously can't find here either, Yuuki cringed quietly in his mind as he berated himself. Without paying her too much mind now, he turned his body towards the strip and took a few strides forward before looking behind his shoulder. Even as far as Shinigami go, she was almost too odd to understand. Flowing from word to word, the girl asked a question before adjusting its context, twice.

"Me? Well I'm human, so humans probably do what I do too right? Isn't that sorta how this whole species thing works? And even if I am human, Shinigami aren't that different from us. Aside from the whole spirit thing. And the swords. And the forms... Alright. Maybe that wasn't too accurate I suppose." Alright Yuuki, take a second to remove your head from rather dark places. The man focused on the girl before turning back towards the shops to only hang his head. She wanted to know what humans did in order to relax, not become anxious. As he did the exact opposite of what she requested, he looked towards her direction a final time.

"I did it again. Sorry. I move around a lot, so relaxing isn't something that's on my mind too often. The first step towards relaxing isn't standing around at the bay side, come on. We might as well decide something with the time we have." Without hesitation, Yuuki moved his way towards the strip without another word. There was too much to consider when it came to what they'd do to escape the boredom of Victoria so they may as well have quite a few options open for choice.

They weren't the great choices, but of the ones that were in place they would do. The Strip consisted of a very small selection, a small library nestled itself between a clothing store and a cafe. The Library was a small building, as empty as a ghost town in all honesty. The cafe hosted quite a few people, unbrella's sitting at their sides as they attempted to figure out their future here in the large city. On the very right, the clothing store gained the same treatment as the library had due to the recent introduction of The Vanguard and Gotei. They didn't have much to do while things were being renovated and adjusted to fit current standards, so business for quite a few groups became little to none.

"Coffee sounds good. Really good, actually. But with it being a large city that contains quite a bit of history still the library might actually have something in store... I don't need clothes, let alone want to look at any." He spoke to himself aloud, pondering the choices that the two were going to need to make. A drink in a cafe of people doing their daily ritual or a small building with nothing but knowledge and paper? It was an odd decision but one that needed to be made nonetheless.

Looking towards Yuki, Yuuki lost himself for quite a few seconds. Yet again, he had spoke to himself as if the girl hadn't existed. What a fool. "S-Sorry." The single word escaped the boy's lips before a cheeky smile filtered its way out, matching the thick red that spread along his pale cheeks.

Eventually, they'd make a decision. Right?

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Victorian Treat FXpoQxJ
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Victorian Treat Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:04 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 890

Unfortunately for the young Shinigami this Human had no end to the teases that he flung her way! As Yuuki kept his gaze focused upon the short girl he went back to making fun of her height, and had made the same mistake as many of her enemies: he had underestimated her. Then again, his statement wasn’t completely incorrect. On more than one occasion the larger Hollows did attempt to step on her. However it was still embarrassing! So, once again, a pink hue fell over her face.

How rude! I should show him just what happens when they try that! I doubt he would be in the teasing mood then!

Still, for the moment she held her tongue, almost literally in fact with her sharpened teeth. Aggression was always an issue she dealt with, but generally she was able to keep it bottled up. It was especially important for her when she was trying to actually make friends, such as in the current case. Still, it wasn’t easy. She had to keep herself silent, following close behind the Human as he made his way away from the guard railing, although she stopped whenever he did. And stop he did, quite often in fact.

“Do not apologize. It is okay.”

I suppose we are similar in those regards. We both have little time for relaxing. This might become more difficult than I’d initially imagined.

Indeed, Yuki did spend much of her time not relaxing. And, like Yuuki, much of the time was spent moving around; only instead of simply traveling she was always on patrol. When Yuuki started to move again so did she. He seemed to be wrapped up within his mind, although it wasn’t a bad thing. After all she was much the same. There were actually quite a few things that they had in common. Being friends was certainly not out of the question. If anything it was almost destined!

As they continued forward Yuki focused her attention past her companion and over towards the few stores that had been erected. The library would be too boring for her. Book studying was never her strong point. In fact reading at all was quite tiresome for her. It was only when she joined the academy that she even learned how to read in the first place, and so her skills were still very sub-par, embarrassing even. She would avoid that place as best she could, else she give the boy more things to tease her about. The café smelled amazing, and she just knew that they would have at least one thing with strawberry in it. Food was not a great necessity, but it was something she genuinely enjoyed. On the other hand the clothes shopping also carried its merits. Like food, she’d been deprived of it prior to her inception into the academy, and so it was always something that she enjoyed. However she did not understand how such a thing could be fun for the both of them, which was especially important as Yuuki stated his lack of desire for the store. The decision, then, was easily made.

By the time Yuuki focused again upon the Shinigami she had changed, at least somewhat. Her tail now swatted almost excitedly from side to side behind her, and both of her ears were perked straight up into the air. Despite her neutral expression it was painfully obvious that she was excited by at least one of the options. Of course she noticed how embarrassed Yuuki was, quite easily due to this somewhat flustered state. So she decided to lighten the mood a little. For a brief moment she actually smiled, just a little, however it very quickly disappeared, unconsciously returning back to its neutral state.

“It is fine. Let us try the coffee house” she stated, walking forward to catch up to him, before she started on her way towards the building once more. As they neared it she took in multiple sniffs of air, seeking to figure out just what sort of treats were contained within.

Coffee and chocolate. Caramel. Creams. The scents are too strong. I am beginning to worry that they don’t actually have strawberry! Very well. I’m certain the food is still good. A sudden thought occurred to her, which caused her to pause outside of the café. I don’t have Human money.

Instantly her ears sank back and her tail halted its movements, drooping slightly towards the ground. She had been looking forward to the delicious morsels within! And now she would have to go without. That or ask for the Human to pay for her. But then that would be rude, wouldn’t it? They were still technically strangers, after all. Of course she could just steal the food, but then that would be even ruder, and certainly dishonorable.

With dread she turned her singular crimson gaze in the direction of the library. No café and no clothes shopping. It would be painful, but she would need to endure, least they have nothing to do!

This just keeps getting more awkward. Oh well.

Clearing her throat to rid herself of the anxiety that had built up, Yuki spoke up, careful to keep her calm neutral tone untainted by any feelings of nervousness.

“Perhaps it might be best if we visited the library instead.”

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The Hybrid King
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Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:46 am



Yuki was kind, despite being quite. She didn't mind the odd quirks and surprises that came with speaking to Yuuki. He continued to talk to himself and decide factor after factor despite the small girl being in his immediate vicinity. Most would take this as some type of disrespect or rudeness but she thought differently. It made interacting easier, something Yuuki was never too fond of because of his past. Nevertheless however, it seemed the man was cemented in the girl's plans from here on out in Victoria.

"Right. Of course it's fine. Sorry, not entirely used to talking. People don't take too kindly to a hot head." Wasn't that the truth. Yuuki never seemed to be able to interact with others without pissing them off for one reason or another. It always caused problems for the places he visited and left his marks. As it stood now, only Karakura had any type of residence for him to call home, otherwise he continued to roam from one place to the next. Knowledge was a power everyone could obtain, so why not spend your life doing something in relation to it? That was Yuuki's way of belief, at least.

Looking to the shops before him he rubbed his chin, continuing to contemplate their decision. The niche little library that saw little love or the busy and distracted patrons of the small coffee house. It wasnt a very hard decision for Yuuki, the enticing books with knowledge and power were the obvious choice for the man, but it was quite obvious that it was the last thing on the tiny one's mind. Glancing in Yuki's direction, the girl continued to eye both the clothing shop and the cafe with intense stares. It was obvious that she wished to visit at least one of the two, her body twisting and turning as she continued to stare with quite a gaze. Turning to the Cafe and pointing towards it, Yuuki began to raise his chest and puff up in anticipation. "I don't want to be around all those random people."

The response was quick and delievered without falter once Yuki stated she wished to visit the cafe. Giving the girl a cheeky smile, he pointed towards the clothing shop and burst into another statement without pause. "This place... uh. We can go, if you really want to. I don't want to try on any dresses myself though. Don't be a weirdo, little one." With a final point, he shifted towards the library before poking himself in the process. "This is my choice, but I don't really care. If anything it'd be easier to just go one place together so it stays somewhat fun. You know?"

Following his odd little spurt of words, Yuuki studied the girl. She grew distant relatively quickly, her ears and tail taking a defensive or even sad position now that she focused on the library before them. He wasn't too sure about what filled the tiny mind of hers, but it didnt seem like she was invested in the Library in the first place. Placing his right hand in his pocket, the oppisite quickly found its way to the girl's forehead. With a flick of his index finger, he left the tiniest of marks on her smooth skin before patting her head, brushing her hair softly.

"You might be a lot older than me, but you act like a kid in my opinion. It's cute." Moving towards the front of the Cafe, Yuuki wrapped his hands around the front door's handle before opening and gesturing towards its inner sanctum. "We'll get something to drink and eat and leave as soon as its ready. Afterwards, you'll decide on whether or not I'll watch you try on dresses or fight me for a good book or two." Without hesitation, Yuuki entered the shop and held the door for a quick moment, hoping the girl knew better than to question his decision.

It was a small shop, packed relatively tight. The brick walls enclosed the front counter and the tables in the small square with little room to adjust. Since they didn't plan on sticking around for very long, Yuuki gripped Yuki's wrist and dragged her silently towards the barista.

"Alright litttle one. What do you want?"

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Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:29 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 988

What is a hot head? I doubt that it means his head is hot. It probably has something to do with emotions. In that case it would mean that he is aggressive, like I sometimes am. Right?

Of course the two of them had very much in common. Neither of them was really used to speaking with others, and so the awkwardness was to be expected, yet it was also not quite as terrible because of their similarities. While it made making friends more difficult in this particular case it might just end up helping her! Then again the opposite could also be true. Their shared awkwardness could reach a level so terrible that neither one of them came away from it with anything.

That would be horrible! But it should be fine. Probably.

Yuki wasn’t the only one contemplating upon the difficult decision of where to go first. This Human was clearly also filled with some ideas of what he wanted to do as he rubbed his chin and observed each place carefully. But then he didn’t seem to have quite the same amount of difficulty as she did either. He’d spent much less time deciding before he’d turned his attention towards her. Ultimately his decision was one which made her heart sink a little, for it was the café that was currently the busiest.

While Yuki did wish to visit the café she also knew that doing so would be pointless, as she had no money, and typically these places did not operate for free. Of course she could always pay the man back in some way or other, but then she didn’t really have any skills either. She could fight, she could hunt and track and she could possibly train him if he was weaker, or she could grow something for him. That was really about it. Yuuki also mentioned that they could visit the clothes store, and while that idea was also quite nice it also had the same issue: she didn’t have money to spend there.

Library it is. Also I am not weird! Right? Okay, maybe a little weird compared to the average Human. But I would use different in that case, not weird. Why would I ask him to try on a dress though? Do Human men wear those? Also he keeps calling me little. Biting him is becoming really tempting now.

So many questions swirled within the young Shinigami’s mind, but at least a decision had been made. She’d suggested the library for obvious reasons, or at least obvious to her. But then suddenly and without warning a finger was flicked against her forehead. Her crimson eye widened and her entire body actually jumped the slightest bit in surprise, tail puffing up and ears standing on end. All of those thoughts were, in an instant, erased, and replaced by confusion. Slowly her gaze shifted up towards the man.

She didn’t really know what to think, but then the hand instead moved to rest atop her head, patting against it and brushing through her soft silky smooth though very wild dark ashen colored hair. Instantly her body relaxed, ears drooping almost lazily to each side while her eye closed. Yuki’s tail started to slowly move from side to side behind her and she even leaned her body ever so slightly closer towards the man. Any hostility that had been building up due to the head flicking was instantly vaporized and instead replaced by happy warm feelings.

That feels good. Really, really good. I don’t even care where we go, as long as this can happen some more. Wait did he just call me cute? Did he just call me a kid? I’m not a kid!

The pink hue of embarrassment again returned to the petite wolf’s cheeks, covering them with heat. Her ears remained lowered and while her tail continued to drift from side to side its movements had slowed down considerably. When the door was opened for her Yuki moved inside without hesitation as she did not wish to be rude and make him wait. As much as she’d love to try on clothes she figured that it would only be fair for them to visit the library next. After all he had not wished to go here.

There were quite a few people here and Yuki instantly noticed quite a few eyes upon her form. But she didn’t worry much about them. Instead her nose was assaulted immediately by the scents of delicious treats! A world of chocolates, caramels, creams, coffee, biscuits, cakes, sugar, and even fruits filled her mind with glee! With her greatly enhanced sense of smell it would have been sickening if not for her love of sweet foods. She remained still at the entrance, tail nearly thrashing from side to side and eye closed, head tilting up as she sniffed repeatedly at the air.

It all smells wonderful!

Suddenly Yuuki gripped upon her wrist and started to drag her towards the front, prompting her eye to open and her cheeks to shift from a faint pink hue to one that neared red. She did not resist him, following close behind and to one side until they stopped. Again Yuuki called her little, but she didn’t care right now. Instead her eyes feasted upon the many petite morsels displayed behind a curved pane of glass. Each one looked perfectly delightful and almost packaged up in one way or another. Most would be devoured with a single bite, like little flavor bombs. Her gaze even spotted a few strawberry ones, and it was on these that she lingered the longest. But alas she could not taste any of them, for she did not have money.

“I just wanted to look. We can go to the library” she said in her still neutral voice, although there was a faint hint of timid embedded within it, even sadness perhaps.

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