Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4895
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Empty Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon]

Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:43 pm
Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] QerxJ3c

» Name Of Character: Henrex Astillon
» Link To Character:

» Upgrading: A Tier Upgrade from 3-4 ----> 3-3

» Why:

Henrex was one of the two people defending the base Sector D from the antagonists of Shadow Fall, as well as the rouges that might have joined in. However, with the match ending in a tie between Henrex Astillon, the Gotei's Silent Shadow, The Goddess Of Battle, Kimiyo Miyake, and Time's Jester, Sonny Ray, everyone had went home. Except for Henrex. As he watched his ally and enemy leave, he pondered the result. If it was a tie, then was it really a victory? Henrex had simply shrugged, then declared to no one in particular that this "chalks one up for the good guys". After this, he began to head home. As he did, he felt a familiar presence. Vanyel Xioyang. Someone he knew in his human life, and someone he didn't particularly care for. He was an old friend, but yet also an enemy. He was tempted to try and help out other sectors, but with his body in it's current state, with a broken rib, multiple cuts, bruises, and overall, a massive headache from the whole ordeal, Henrex decided that the fight with his old friend would wait for another day. As he flew back to the landing point he landed on the moon, he knew one thing had happened during this mission. He had gotten stronger. It was only a matter of time before he unlocked his Shikai....fully this time.....

» Extra: If you need proof, I will provide two links in this post. One to the Rewards Claim thread, as well as a link to Sector D.

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Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19487
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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Platinum Points:
Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] Empty Re: Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon]

Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:23 pm


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Moon Massacre Upgrade! [Henrex Astillon] WVMWLOu
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