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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) DVNh7M9
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:29 am
It was a relatively calm morning in the Seretei. Perhaps too calm. Zen was one that was always up early. His organized and slightly strict nature kept the Kido corps working efficiently and effectively. Though Today was the day that he gave them a chance to take a break and relax, after all if you just work restlessly one does not have time to recharge.

Like every morning Zen was out in the courtyard of the barracs drinking some hot green tea. He took this time for himself, as usually trainings didnt start until later in the morning, but today every really just slept in, giving him some extra time for himself, to collect his thoughts, talk to his Zanpakutō, just de-stress. Though he heard something that soon interrupted this quiet morning.

In his quiet and calm state Zen could hear things for miles around. Coming from the wall that separated the Seretei from the Rukongai, he heard a strange noise. It seemed hard to believe but it was coming from the wall itself. He could hear a shearing noise. He didnt hear the wall crack or break, if he did there would be more alarm in the seretei at the moment. In either case there should be cause for alarm, something was slipping into the Seretei, and few might notice until it was too late.

Zen got up from his position, setting down his cup of tea, it was time to see what was going on. He flash stepped in the direction and as he did he could feel the spiritual pressure of whoever this was. It was a sinigami. The pressure seemed oddly familiar. Not to the point of knowing who it was mearly by feeling it, but he had felt it many centuries ago. It was more so in passing, but he was around it long enough to have taken a mental note of it. And as he got closer he heard the message, in deed a threat.

He got to the location and saw the source of the threat. He looked at the man and it took a few moments but he vaguely knew who it was. Indeed it was an old face that he knew of, but didnt really meet him before. "I believe your name is Stefan, is it? Thats a face that I havent seen in many centuries. And by the looks of it it doesnt seem that you are simply taking a trip down memory lane by paying us a visit today, am I right?" Zen spoke in a calm, yet authoritative voice. Thats just how he talked when facing someone for the first time.

He was not wearing the traditional captain regalia, instead he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, black dress pants and dress shoes. He was also not exuding his captain level pressure. Though in time he would release, but only when he was sure that he had to fight.

"Perhaps you should rethink what you are about to do. And we might let you just have a peaceful stroll through." His eyes then turned crimson as they narrowed "Otherwise you might have to handle someone slightly below being called Kenpachi" The last words were very different from his previous tone. They felt much darker and chilling. Words that could instill fear in others by mere tone.
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:15 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 690


Henrex Astillon awoke like he normally did. Got ready for the day, made sure that everything he had was in order. His Cyberbrain booted up, and he did a quick check to make sure that all of his add-ons were activated and ready for use. The device within his eyes beeped twice to confirm this. He let out sigh of relief. Everything was working properly today. He slowly began the process of wrapping the scarf around his face, then his left eye. As he did, his single black eye, now tinted blue from his Cyberbrain active, would narrow. A sigh escaped the angel as he made sure that he seal was active, and remaining strong. Why did he sigh? The boy was a very lonely person, mainly due to his own insecurity and lack of confidence. Why was this? The left side of his body was littered with scars. The rest of his body, including the left side, was covered in strange tattoo-like markings.

Only a select few knew of their existence on his body. One of them was Zen, the Kido Corps captain. Another was Cirno Iramasha. Another was Hisao Yazaki. The last one....was his captain, Kuro Okami. Those were the only ones who knew of it. He intended it to keep it that way. He knew he could trust these people. Well...Hisao, no. The rest, yes. Henrex slowly sat down on the floor of his room, before lighting a candle, and closing his eyes. As the candle burned on, Henrex would detect the scent of it. It was the smell of a rain forest. It reminded him of the forests in the Living World. It was one of the many things he enjoyed there. He slowly took a breath, ready to go a step further into enlightenment of meditation. But...his meditation was soon interrupted by a cracking sound. Even though Henrex was within his room, inside the Seireitei, he could still hear the cracking noise.

He slowly opened his eye halfway, before his body was shaken by a wave of intense spiritual energy. He could tell this was dual typed. The one who had sent out that wave of spiritual pressure....was...a Vizard. A person who had underwent Hollowfication in one of many different ways. But this one...was immensely powerful. This was someone of...dare he say it, the Captain Commanders of old. Energy on the levels of....Shunsui Kyoraku. Henrex slowly took a shaky breath as the pressure was saying one clear message. Fight. Or die. Henrex was sure as hell not dying. He wouldn't die until Dragon Eye was laying in front of him, dead by his blade. Henrex's eye slowly turned to the candle in front of him. It had been snuffed out by the spiritual pressure wave. Henrex slowly stood up, before he stepped outside. He quickly assessed the two things that had just recently happened. A cracking noise...and a wave of spiritual pressure. Someone must have broken past the Sekki-Sekki rock that surrounded the Seireitei.

Now the Vizard was inside the Seireitei, sending a warning out to the Seireitei. It was clear. It was either fight...or die. Henrex knew his answer. Fight. He slowly took a silent step towards the area where the spiritual pressure came from. His Shunpo, otherwise known as "Flash Step", could get him there in quick time. Henrex slowly crouched down, assuming a position that the human world's Olympic Runners would take before dashing off. Henrex's boot dug into the ground, before he shot forward. He would vanish, and reappear. Over and over. He soon reached the gate he had felt the spiritual pressure come from. He skidded to a stop, and his hand slowly reached for his sword. He had never seen this person before. Who was he? His fingers danced upon the pommel of his Zanpakutō.

He wasn't the only one there. Zen was there. Henrex's eye widened in panic. Should he run? Hide? Flash step away? If Zen was doing this, then he might be in danger. Henrex's eye darted from the mysterious Vizard, to Zen. What would happen, now that two immensely powerful men of Shinigami blood were on this scene?

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:25 am

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 1135

It had been nothing short of a miraculous sense of Willpower that the young captain had stayed at his desk past eight in the morning to do paper work, usually he couldn't sit still, at least not since his encounter with Mana. The young white haired boy was dealing with inner demons no one knew about, demons Mana had inflicted on him so that every time he did something he didn't want to do, something captain like, something involving paper work or being a stick in the mud his mind would begin to shatter, fissures would appear inside his head and he would lose himself until finally he snapped.

Luckily the boy had only really broke twice in it was in a secluded battle where no other captains or friends could witness the usually stoic boy go bat shit crazy. His legs kept shaking and his palms sweat as he thought about gripping his Zanpakutō and cutting down anyone that wanted to spar. With a weak exhale he pushed himself back from his desk, the wooden legs of his chair scratching against the bare floor boards. He had to get out, he had to walk and do something, drink something, get his mind off of the seal of insanity that the Queen of Madness placed upon him when she literally wrapped her fingers around his beating heart before throwing him to the ground like discard trash. He wasn't aware of the severity of the seal and how his life was ticking away unless he would give into the potent spell she placed on him, he wasn't aware he had a year to live and would die unless he cut loose and did what he wanted to, neglect his captain duties, spit int he face of his missing god, and say FUCK EVERYONE. No he wasn't aware that the more he fought of the insanity she placed on him the more he doomed himself.

The short boy stormed out of his office leaving his clean pressed white captain robe behind, his Zanpakutō resting on his right hip so that his left hand could raw it should something fun happen. His golden eyes looked hazy as he walked on, a hurried bounce in his step because he had to escape these fucking grounds, he had to get the hell away from this shit hole for just a few hours to save his sanity.

Fate's a bitch like that, as he walked past the gate of his barracks a massive spiritual pressure rained down, some of the weaker shinigami stumbling. It was a few hundred yards away and the fact that it could still knock people on their asses should how powerful the strange source was. The haze seemed to vanish from his golden eyes, making them sharp and a smile came to his face. Carter wasn't the captain of the combat unit but he was in charge of internal affairs, if there was a stranger causing issues inside these walls it was an internal affair as far as he was concerned and it conveyed vibes of chaos.

The insanity in him could respect it and he felt his smile grow just a bit, his bright white teeth flashing, Truth might not have abandoned us yet.[/color] He thought sarcastically before vanishing in the light, doing his own version of a shunpo, the light step ability that only seven entities in the world could perform, the ability to mend himself into light and blast forward in a flare. Not to out himself the small white haired boy appeared right outside the area of the battle ground, sensing the Kido captain and the dark kid he had read about, the Henrex boy. It was his duty as the captain of Internal Affairs to know each shinigami even if they didn't know him and he took that job seriously.

He knew he held an advantage over this fight that none of the others did, one he knew the opponent was a vizard, he knew this because his best friend was one and he was familiar with the duality of their spirit pressure, and two, Carter's secret weapon that made him scary to fight, Carter didn't give off spiritual pressure. period. One of the boons of being an Angel of Truth meant you didn't give off spiritual pressure even if you were a pure spirit. Zen knew this though, he made it common knowledge to his fellow Captains, Henrex wouldn't and neither would the intruder.

Clearing his throat he walked around the edge of the wall, his right hand resting on the pummel of his Zanpakutō, his smile was gone from his face, he had to look serious but if you looked in his eyes you could almost see the enjoyment out of what was coming. To the Vizard and Henrex he would appear to be an idiot that was in the wrong place with a Zanpakutō that he must have stolen. Maybe Henrex could figure out who he was but that was if Carter had had on the white captain's robe he left behind when he decided to go for a stroll.

With nothing more than the crack of his neck and a second clearing of his throat he decided it was time for his dramatic intro, "That's some mighty fine spirit pressure you're exerting. You might not want to blow your wad all at once big boy." he said, a chilly taunt in his voice, like an idiot who clearly didn't know just how out classed he was.

Carter knew, he knew this Vizard was stronger but this Vizard wouldn't be able to gauge Carter's strength at all, even when he unleashed his abilities he would appear powerless. He could be a pluse or he could be a god, the Vizard wouldn't be able to determine it and that alone could be enough of an edge to turn a battle that was still stacked against the three heroes.

"Zen, I don't think I've ever been happy to see a kido user next to me in a battle but today barriers and distance will be nice. Almost couldn't ask for a better partner." He said, almost arrogantly while he walked forward to stand beside the man that was characteristically over dressed as always. It was almost comical seeing the 4 foot 5 inch white haired boy stand next to the captain in clear defiance to an enemy that would smash them as soon as they all decided to bare fangs. He simply appeared a stupid and lost child who thought he was tough, maybe he was. Time will quickly show.


[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) ZfrGue8

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) EUuCTxy

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Template made by: JWC
Template Coding by: The Frost

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) DVNh7M9
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:34 pm
Zen stayed calm at the verbal assault from Stefan. And he remained calm when he saw Carter come around, but something was off about him. But he couldnt worry about that now, he just felt a strange vibe from him, something he might want to inquire upon later. What did take him a little by surprise was that he felt a very familiar presence in the area. Henrex. What was he doing here! Zen understood the call that Stefan made but coming here was utter suicide for anyone that wasn't a captain. Henrex was skilled but there was no way he could survive.

Without a second thought he sent a message to Henrex, it was forceful and commanding and simple "Leave." He didnt want Henrex to get hurt.

Zen looked at Stefan as he slaughtered the shinigami that tried to attack him as he said "Oh we know the severity of the situation. But if we give into fear that would instantly give you the winning hand wouldn't it?" he gave a quick chuckle as he didnt flash step out of the area, but instead ran out at incredible speeds. He went a fair distance away, he wanted to ensure the area was large enough for a battle to ensue. Before that he sent out a sound based massage to those in the area he was sealing off, "Evacuate the area. Do not stay and fight." At that signal the majority of those in the area heeded the captain's message and cleared out, but there were always some that would want to stay and try and fight. It was their choice, and if they died, their funeral. It might seem rather cold of a captain to think that way but he can't force them to do what they dont want to do. He enjoys order and making order, but he tries the best that he can to not force things on others, as it brings out his darker side.

Zen's spiritual pressure suddenly filled the area. It was like a sudden wave that spread out for about one mile. He needed to make this barrier large enough to ensure that things were well sealed off. He didn't know any barriers that could cover this large field, but he could make one. He started to say the incantation as he blended two kido together. "Oh thousand wall fortress, may your stalwart strength protect those beyond your walls." As he said those wards thousands of pillars to those that one would use for Hyapporankan appeared in a mile wide radius around them, stopping before crossing the massive walls of the seretei. "Bakudo #75: Thousand Walls!" as he finished the incantation he slammed his hands on the ground, causing all of the pillars to come crashing on the area. Once they did thousands of lines spread out through the sky, connecting all of the pillars together. Once a connection was made a cloudy blue wall formed between them, stopping people from leaving, or entering the area.

Zen panted as he got up from the ground. This was a massive barrier he had just created by himself. It literally was no small task for him.
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:09 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 529


It took near all of Henrex's willpower not to pass out right there and then. As the young Shinigami fell to his knees, holding back the urge to vomit.The pressure had attacked him out of nowhere. It was.....dizzying. His eyesight was fuzzy as he looked up. It was fuzzy, but he could see one thing very, very clearly. That guy...had just slaughtered three Shinigami who had tried to attack him. This guy....wasn't testing anyone. He was someone who was going to slaughter everyone. Henrex slowly stood, his head facing the ground. This guy...was an asshole. He wouldn't let ANYONE just attack the Seireitei....and just stand there, watching. No way in hell that was happening!

As Henrex heard the warning from Zen, he brushed it off as some lecture. He wasn't going to leave. He was going to FIGHT. Henrex slowly withdrew his sword from the sheath at his side, with the clean steel blade gleaming. The tip of the blade would then point at the Vizard. He didn't know who this Vizard was, and he didn't care. He would fight to protect his home....until his last breath. Henrex's face slowly broke out into a small grin underneath his scarf. The hand that currently hung at his side now rose to grab the scarf around his face. As the cloth was pulled free, Henrex's other eye and his scars were revealed. The hand that had pulled the scarf off then thrusted outwards, hurling his scarf to the right of him. He was right-handed, yet he wielded his sword with his left hand. His sword arm slowly fell to his side.

He then tugged at his shihakusho. The garment came loose quickly, and the cloth now in his hand. Henrex then dropped it at his side. As he did, he rose his sword again, pointing the tip of it back at the Vizard. He had impressive spiritual power, he would admit that. But....

"You think I'll stay down from that? Yeah, right. I'm not going to run and hide from just spiritual power. I'm going to protect my home until I drop dead."

Henrex then flicked his sword to the side. His now revealed scarred eye twitched. He could feel the guy's ungodly power emitting from him. If Henrex had any enhanced vision within his Cyberbrain, he most likely could have seen the man's spiritual energy. Henrex slowly lifted his sword, and whispered something to himself. As he did, two black wings would sprout from his back from a glowing seal. Henrex would then flash a half-smile for a brief moment. As he did, black energy would form a sphere at the tip of his sword.

"Because if there's something I'm sure as hell used to, it's jackasses throwing around their spiritual pressure."

The black orb now formed at the tip of his sword would zoom off it in the form of a large black beam, which would, if it made contact with the Vizard, make a small black explosion. That explosion was made of spiritual energy. It wasn't anything special. Henrex then lowered his sword, his eyes narrowing. Whoever this guy was, he wouldn't just let him get away with trying to destroy his home.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:23 pm

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 571

The man was having a show of power, it wasn't an uncommon tactic to demoralize the opposition or to goad them into attacking without thinking. His release of his Zanpakutō to create dual weapons was a show, a flashy one, but a show in the end. Carter had no doubt he was more powerful but he wasn't going to let a man taunt him into breaking ranks and rushing in, more than a few had gotten caught up in it and they were dead now.

Wasting no time Zen jumped into erecting barriers, barriers that he knew wouldn't last as long as the captain hoped but would be good enough for now. Almost at the same time the Henrex boy rushed in to die, he was young, he was full of energy, he wasn't thinking. The boy was caught up in his own bravado and wasn't thinking now. Carter needed level heads, he needed allies he could depend on or he would kill the kid himself so he didn't get in the way. Zen was doing a good job at thinking, he was worried about containment, he was thinking the smaller the battle field the better and that was true but for both sides. Now numbers favored them but power went to the Vizard.

When the boy launched himself upward and aimed to hit he vizard with a black energy explosion Carter vanished only to appear in front of the blast as it traveled twenty feet away from the boy, still keeping a distance from the vizard. Without turning around he brought his left arm around to unsheath his Zanpakutō and twirl it around his being, the flat of the blade smashing into the energy blast right as it would have hit Carter in the back. It didn't do anything, when the dust settled Carter was still standing in the air with his eyes focused on the vizard, the fun times easy going act was dead. "If I can block that without using anything except my sword what affect would it have had on him? You're just wasting energy and falling into his lap, use your brain or I'll cut it out of your head after this fight."

His words came out chilled, lacking any mirthe or sarcasm, he had entirely no room for a hot headed ally right now and this kid would do more harm than good if he didn't start thinking. The white haired short captain kept his eyes focused on the Vizard. No one just comes to attack without a reason behind it, there was more than they were thinking about. "No matter what we have to fight, it's what you want and our duty to oblige you but what's the end game? Whats the plan here, no one ever has just came for wanton destruction even when they claim that's the goal so let's hear it and get to business."

His young voice echoed down to the Vizard while he waited, miniscule cracks appearing all through the blade of his Zanpakutō that no one could detect yet, no energy was coming off of the white haired boy and he wasn't using the attack just yet, only readying it in the off chance the Vizard came at him without giving him the answer to his question.


[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) ZfrGue8

A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) EUuCTxy

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) DVNh7M9
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A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation) Empty Re: A Test of Strength (Assault on the New Generation)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:40 pm
Zen could hear the entire conversation that the trio was having. IT was quite interesting. And offensive. This made him a little, mad. Eventhough the mn said he was here just for the sake of destruction, he could feel that there was something else. He could understand the chaos for chaos' sake, but the comment about class and detention set something off in his mind. This was some sort of test.

He could hear Henrex's attack being blocked by Carter. If Henrex wanted to fight what would be an unwinnable fight for him Zen would protect him to a degree. If the moron didnt take the hint that he is better off alive than dying for his convictions he wouldnt protect him, if he wanted to dye Zen wouldnt stop him. As he heard the heard Stefan take a step back, as if he was ready to throw something, Zen took off.

He bust towards Stefan at Mach 2, but instead of there being a sonic boom it was silent. Zen made sure this assault was silent and powerful. He condensed the sound waves that would have been created so that they would not blast out. Instead he covered his body in them. As he moved forward he passed by the spear of what he could only identify as nothingness. It would be best if he didnt touch that. And just ash Stefan predicted a large portion of the barrier did crumble away. Oh bother.

But if Stefan wanted a fight, he was going to get one.

Years of swordless-ness gave Zen good skill in hand to hand combat. Combined with his master speed he was a beast at delivering bone crushing blows in a quick manner. With his Mach 2 speed he stopped infront of Stefan and let out a flurry of blows, but this one wasnt just normal. That condensed sound he muffled came out. Each of his punches rang out with a sonic boom, his punches never making contact with Stefan, instead delivering his own strength with the blast of hair created from the energy released from the sonic booms. If even one punch landed it would indeed be a painful strike, even for someone as strong as Stefan.

If he wanted a captain fight, he was going to get one.
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