Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:37 pm
The sound of wings flapping echoed throughout the night sky, as Henrex flew through, enjoying his freedom. He soared through the sky with the wings on his back, with near no cares in the world. It was entertaining to release the seal on his wings and fly high in the sky every once in a while! It was relaxing at some points. He began to fly through Downtown Karakura City, his clothes skimming across the buildings of Karakura. he continued to fly lower, he heard...voices. He slowly reached a hand for his scarf, readjusting it so that it covered his left eye.

Henrex slowly descended from the air, landing on a nearby roof of where the energy he felt was coming from. It was a demon's energy. The Silent Shadow looked down, with his face hidden from the scarf he wore, which would only reveal one thing about him. His right eye. Henrex began to draw his sword, before he heard something that peaked his interest. The Hogyoku. An item who's name had been scarcely used ever since Aizen's defeat. Supposedly, from Henrex's limited knowledge of it, it could change Hollows into Arrancar. But that was not all he heard. An item within the Demon Realm with the power to destroy Soul Reapers AND Zanpakutos?! Henrex's eye widened in shock. A silent gasp escaped him as he watched on.

Henrex slowly drew his sword from the sheath, before planting it next to him, with his hand on the hilt at all times. He then heard someone talking those files to a Shinigami captain. Henrex intently listened, and heard the name....Hanako. The name was not familiar to the Silent Shadow, but he figured if it was mentioned here of all places, it was important. Henrex slowly lifted his sword, before stepping onto the end of the roof. But something...was off about the person who was speaking to the other. The aura he felt from it....was...different. This didn't seem like this person was serious about whatever this exchange of words and information was.

The sound of his wings spreading was a sound that broke the silence on the rooftops. Henrex slowly stood, before pointing his hand towards the ground, his arm straight as an arrow. He then drew his other arm, which held his Zanpakutō, back as far as his shoulder would go. He then hurled his arm forward, releasing his grip on his sword, and allowing it to zoom towards the ground. The blade would bury itself into the ground with a mighty thud. The blade would not move unless Henrex allowed it. He then slowly stepped off the roof, and began to slowly descend. His body would seem odd, with the black shihakusho of a Shinigami, the black scarf that hid the rest of his face, aside from his right eye, and the black gloves that would cover his hands.

An Angel of Darkness.

That is what Henrex would seem like. His purple wings, his black clothing would all give off the vibe of an Angel of Darkness. Henrex continued to descend, before landing on the pommel of his sword with the upmost grace. He then began to step down. He stepped down in front of his sword, reaching behind him and picking it out of the ground. He would then twirl his sword in front and around him in a fancy fashion, then shoot his arm downwards to his side, whipping his sword into the sheath. He then would look at the two people in front of him. One of them had the appearance of a doctor. He couldn't describe the second one, but his eye perked with interest. Henrex would then bow, before his head would raise, and his eye would open, his black iris gleaming in the light of the Moon.

"Good evening, gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear something regarding....the Hogyoku. As a weapon to destroy Soul Reapers and Zanpakutos? Could you two please elaborate on this, if I may be so kind to ask?" Henrex said, before standing upright. He could feel something odd coming from the strange one. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it wasn't good...

Last edited by Henrex Astillon on Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:20 am
Henrex's eye narrowed as the doctor explained things in a flurry of words, but nothing got past him. He heard everything. His eye then turned to the one who was....strange to him. Something wasn't right. He took a single step. Then another. He walked in front of the one who was now saying that they should destroy it immediately. But then....he heard it ask why Sosuke Aizen would make a weapon such as this. Henrex simply closed his eyes.

"Sosuke Aizen was a disturbed man. By using the Hogyoku, he wished to become the most powerful being. More powerful than Soul Reapers, Hollows, and Quincy. When that failed, he most likely went mad, and decided to destroy them all, rather than build his strength to become more powerful. Why he would use Demon knowledge is beyond me." Henrex said, before his eye opened again.

He would continue to stare at the one he had overheard the doctor call "Hanako". There was something wrong with this person. Henrex looked at Hanako and then simply said his thoughts. ".....You....are not who you seem. I can sense it. There is you...." Henrex said, before he then turned and stepped backwards. His eyes would stare at this person, before he then would extend his arm outwards. "If there are files on a demon weapon to destroy Soul Reapers, or something on the Hogyoku, allow me to deliver it to the Head Captain so that he may take appropriate actions upon this." Henrex said, a blank expression on his face.

If there was a weapon that would destroy Soul Reapers, or even something on the Hogyoku, the most important goal then would be to let the Head Captain deal with it. He patiently waited for the person to possibly hand over the documents. If this person would not hand over the information that Soul Society might need, he might need to fight.

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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:39 pm
Bullets were fast. But in this instance, Henrex was faster. His body vanished and reappeared, mere inches away from where he was. "You were a fool to drop your disguise so quickly." Henrex's voice echoed out. He slowly withdrew his sword from the sheath, his eyes narrowing at the Ziamichi. A woman. His hand slowly went to his scarf, before pulling it down, revealing his other, immensely scarred eye. The eye wasn't even black. It was white. That was how badly his eye was damaged.

Henrex cracked his neck and spread his wings. "You wish to destroy Soul Society? I won't let you." He said, before lunging forward and pointing his sword in the very direction, aiming to drive right through the woman. Henrex landed on the ground behind them and then turned. "I see. So your Master wishes to become a God? I will commend him for trying." Henrex said. Henrex then would ask the Ziamichi a question. Something that had pestered him since she turned back to her true form. "How was calling out your disguise a mistake? I would commend someone for discovering it so easily, girl." He asked, before twirling his sword in between his fingers. Maybe he could convince her to hand over the files?

Henrex slowly stopped twirling his sword, before looking the woman in the eye. "Now then....what would I have to do to persuade you to give me the files? Hm? I am very willing to compromise. Aside from death, of course. I wouldn't take to kindly to my own death. I will do...NEAR anything." He said, before sheathing his sword and holding his hands up. If they wanted to take him prisoner in order for him to get those files, so be it. If those files endangered his home, his friends, or the Soul King, he would go to Hell and back to stop it. "But first...I must ask. Why do you wish to destroy Soul Reapers and Zanpakutos?" Henrex asked. He wanted answers before anything else.

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:15 am
Henrex listened to the Ziamichi's talking as he simply closed his eyes, and sighed. These Demons sure had some...odd "laws". He opened his eyes, seeing the woman take an assassin's form. Not bad of form, but it was predictable. Henrex was an assassin himself. Covert Operations. The Stealth Division. Henrex simply unsheathed his sword...and waited. The attack came, and Henrex whipped to his side, blocking it. "You had very good form. You must be an experienced assassin. But I am an assassin as well. I am a member of the Stealth Division of the Reformed Gotei. I am very used to techniques like that. Very well executed though." Henrex said, informing them of the good parts, but also the bad parts of the technique.

But...something was wrong. Something was...burning. Oh shit....a small cut on his cheek opened, and the wound turned green. Poison?! Henrex's eyes widened. She poisoned her sword! Henrex collapsed to the ground, his mouth unable to produce any noise. The poison started coursing through his body, burning him like a wildfire. His throat, his arms, his legs....everything was burning. Henrex only managed to rasp out two words. "You....bitch...." He rasped. He then coughed. He then started to force himself to stand, but had to use his sword to help him stand.

Henrex raised one of his hands. He started to chant something. "Sphere....of power....form in my hand..." He whispered, clasping his hands together. He was chanting Kido. "Feel...the crack...of....THE FREEZE!" He yelled, before hurling a sphere of ice at the Ziamichi, then using his wings to fly backwards, before the ice sphere would hit the ground, shooting out twelve ice spikes that would fly in all directions. Henrex would then lift himself off the ground, hovering off the ground. The poison still coursed through his veins, burning him constantly. He didn't know how long he would last from this...

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:54 pm
Henrex started to laugh. Embrace death? Never. Henrex slowly grinned as the Ziamichi said this. It was almost....comical. Henrex slowly rose to his feet. He could feel the poison work it's way into the rest of his body. This would kill him. Henrex glared at the Ziamichi, before cracking his neck, and lifting his sword. "I won't die...until HE dies first....I will make him PAY...." He spat, before taking a step forward, and slashing his sword in front of him, which would create a wave of darkness that would fly and meet the poison wave.

The wave of spiritual energy would wrap itself around the poison way, before vanishing, taking the wave with it. Henrex then yelled out in pain again as he left arm gave out. The poison...was getting worse. Henrex then felt something. Something he hadn't felt since the Rukongai. He...was awakening. He was coming back. Henrex grabbed his head. The whispers returned. Something he didn't miss. The whisper of Kajet's voice grew louder as Henrex began to shake his head, trying to ignore the noise. It didn't do much. The voice simply kept growing louder and louder.

Henrex's eyes started to turn red, and his body flashed with static. He lowered his head and his body began shaking. His eyes, arms, and legs starts buzzing with grey static. His breathing slowly turned to demonic growling. The tips of his fingers sharpened and formed claws. He slowly rose. The static from before now surrounded him, and red eyes glared out at the Ziamichi, and then the static retreated to his hands. The static buzzed and flickered. His lips parted, revealing sharp, white teeth. His mouth would turn down into a scowl. He then...emitted a growl. His eyes rose to meet the Ziamichi's. He slowly bent over, his arms dangling over the ground. "KILL...." His demonic voice came out in a whisper.

He leaped forward, drawing one of his clawed arms behind him, and then whipped his arm forward, slashing at the Ziamichi's face, then opening his mouth, as a orb of static would fizzle to life inside his mouth. The orb of static would fire, which, if it hit it's target, would explode into a burst of static, causing heavy pain to the recipient. He would then strike his arm outwards, before static would buzz and shoot outwards with the length of three feet.

The static would then stabilize and form a single blade that extended from his arm. He would then slash to the right, aiming for the person's head. After this he would fly backwards, slumped forward in the same manner as before. He would the thrust his chest upwards towards the sky, as well as curving his arms out, before letting out an ear piercing screech.


Henrex's eyes would then snap open, and he would begin to hover in the air, before static would buzz around his claws, and his head would tilt to the side. His throat would then emit a deep growling again, before his head started to twitch. He was...playing with his opponent. This was no longer Henrex. This was some...ONE else....
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