Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Shadows and Shikai [Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shadows and Shikai [Henrex]

Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:45 pm

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps



Kuro asked him, his eyes almost.. hollow. "Do you believe they could ever be at peace... by answering something so hateful... with hatred...?" The small Captain inquired, before his attack smashed into the man's shoulder."...Dragon eye...?" Kuro asked, pausing his assault for a moment, standing there as he looked at his student, battered and bleeding in front of him.

"...B-" Kuro was suddenly cut off, as arms reached around him. His eyes widened, and in that moment a blade came for the back of Henrex's head. Just as it was about to make the arcing stab, piercing directly into his skull and ending his life. The only thing that kept him from finishing off the man who had violated his personal space.. was those words. That he was a man. Denial rose into the Captain's mind, even as his blackened arm fell away. HIs head slowly fell back, looking into the sky. "...Stronger...?" Kuro asked, looking into the sky as his eyes reddened, before the pupils finally closed...

"U..urgh..." At that moment, Kuro's mouth finally opened, and as Henrex said that he was his Captain. he shouted. He shouted, he cried out. The noise released, a noise that had been held within for far, far too long. A noise that ripped across the Stealth Division. It was the breaking point of a man who had been struggling for far too long. That cry continued untnil the man's throat was completely hoarse, and his body went limp. All around his body, a gray energy emerged, coursing around him, though it did not harm Henrex. From outside of his body, chains shot out, gripping onto his arms from either side as another extended from the back of his head, smashing into the ground as his entire body shook.

At last, Kuro Okami's shadow was forced to face light.

Without sight, his entire face was red. He struggled to move as more chains shot out of his hands, firing two more each into the ground, shadows emerging and warping around their gray shape as they tightened. Kuro's voice had faded, and his eyes opened as his mouth twitched. "AaaaHHhHH...!" The yell was fading, but Kuro still stood there, and weakly "Kami..." Slowly, a real word began to emerge through his sobs. "Kami...Na..." A huge ball emerged in his throat from his muscles tightening, even as the chain on the back of his head forced him to look up into the sky.


At last, the name emerged, the source of Kuro Okami's pain, his darkness. As it emerged, the clothing around his torso exploded, his eyes wide as cuts all around his body began to emerge, blood firing out and splattering around Henrex and the ground around them. "NARRRRIRRRRI!" He yelled hoarsely from a voice that was already gone. It had been destroyed since long ago, and now it was complete. Shadows faded in and around Kuro's body, small sparks shooting out of his back from the loss of control of his emotions. Deep within his soul, the cracks finally began to emerge and display themselves. Exposed, Kuro could no longer hold it back. Something he had been on the edge of for so long. Something that he had to bury so deep inside, because otherwise he would have been unable to function. Unable to live in the dark. Unable to help those who had not abandoned him.

Deep within him, deeper than even the sorrow which consumed his form... there was anger. He was.. angry. Angry. He could not deny it. Just as Henrex wished to kill this man who had ended the lives of his friends and family, so too was Kuro angry. But... there was nothing he could let it out on. "I DID!" The hoarse cry ripped out from his mouth, his expression contorted, face completely red from the adrenaline that was pumping through his body. I tried, I TRI..TRIED... SO... HARD...!"

The emotions just kept coming. If Henrex was able to hold on, then he would be kept safe from the storm of energy that was now flowing around Kuro's body, slashing away with shadows everything in its path, ripping along the training area. Deep gouges appeared in the ground as the Captain continued. "I GOT STRONG... I GAVE... I GAVE IT... MY ALL... but... WHY, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME....?" He asked nothing and no one. The universe gave no response as he was forced to stare at the sky, yelling at the top of his lungs.


Deep and cracked breaths left him as the chain gave slack, his head falling forwards, his voice small now. "No... I'm weak.. beyond all belief... I'm a failure... I can't... even trust myself... how could I be so foolish...? How could I ever have thought...? That she would want to stay with me...? That she would... accept me... and my faults...?"

Kuro was no longer talking to anyone, and he had no answers for anyone. Slowly... the chains retracted back to him. Slowly, one of his hands reached up, before patting Henrex on the head. "...I'm a man..." Kuro said sadly, his voice destroyed... but perhaps that was the way it had to be.

"...And I am your Captain... no matter what else... just as I was hers..." Kuro spoke, though so softly that Henrex would barely be able to hear. "Henrex... what I said... you cannot achieve vengeance on everything.. Nothing can make you strong enough... to be able to cope with those you love abandoning you..."

Finally, Kuro reached both hands back against Henrex, before giving him a tight hug in reply, before letting go with a deep breath. "...I really should be taking you to the medical ward... Mr. cuts and bruises... but....... I can't walk any more..." Kuro said... with the ever faintest hint of amusement in his voice... before falling over onto the ground, completely empty...

Love is Painful.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Shadows and Shikai [Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shadows and Shikai [Henrex]

Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:13 pm
Henrex's heart sank as Kuro wondered how his deceased family and friend could rest in peace....from killing their murderer. It was...because of the nightmares. They would never stop. Constant nightmares. Torturing him about him being unable to save them. He would never get any sleep. He would always be haunted by there nightmares. Sometimes....these nightmares would cause him to lose so much sleep that he would hear the voices of the deceased constantly. He would hear his mother's, his sister's, and his master's voice constantly. In his his sleepless days....these thoughts continued...until he heard the noise.

The noise rippled across the entire Stealth Division. It was Kuro's scream of agony. Sorrow. Loss. Despair. That is what Henrex could feel in the piercing scream of agony that emitted from Kuro's throat. Henrex slammed his sword into the ground, forcing himself to stand still. Energy burst forward, threatening to hurl him away. A name. That's what caused this outburst of emotion. This...was the cause of Kuro's grief. The ground cracked and ripped open as Kuro's grief erupted everywhere around them. Then...he heard something that Henrex knew was false. Kuro said...he was weak.

Henrex closed his eyes, before he began to slowly take steps towards the grieving man, before his eyes would open once again. Kuro's rage and grief would not stop. Henrex couldn't even get any closer without being choked by the energy that surrounded Kuro and was then projected outwards. He would just have been pushed back. Henrex simply gripped his sword for dear life, keeping himself in the same position, keeping himself stationary until Kuro's head then fell forward. Both men of the shadows were exhausted. Both of their grief still rang strong in the air. The air was thick with the aura of sadness.

Henrex was surprised to feel Kuro hug him. He figured it would be the last thing that he would do. Henrex's left eye, destroyed from the scarring and the damage that had become of it, would twitch slightly. His eyes would then close. He could practically taste the grief that Kuro had attacked the Stealth Division with. It reminded him....of his own....helplessness. "....The reason....I want him to make it stop....I've been constantly haunted by it....their deaths....his eye...." Henrex managed to say, before his eyes widened in pain, fear, and suffering. He wanted...the nightmares to stop. He all to be over....

Henrex then looked at Kuro as if he had just said something obvious. His wings quickly flapped once, with one of them smacking him once lightly on the face. The scars on his left side that would cover the left side of his mouth, would ripple for a moment. His face would break out into the smallest of smiles. He slowly looked upwards, before he met Kuro's eye. "Hello, Mr. Shadow King....I can still fly." He whispered, before a small laugh would escape, before he grabbed his stomach in pain. Oh it hurt to laugh.

Henrex groaned and fell to his knees. He slowly stood again, then"I can probably fly....if I don't pass out from the blood loss.....or the searing pain...." He stated, before grabbing Kuro and slinging the exhausted, and pained Captain over his shoulder. He took a shaky breath, before crouching down, preparing for flight. But before he did, he would ask Kuro say one last thing. "....That person...Kaminari....if she could she you now....she would be proud of you...just like..." He said, before his voice cut off. He was going to say...his mother....but he couldn't say it. The word was so painful to use it was as if he insulted the word whenever he said it.

Henrex then slowly picked himself off the ground, at first hovering, before then taking a small distance off the ground, and slowly heading the direction of the medical ward both of them desperately needed...
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Shadows and Shikai [Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shadows and Shikai [Henrex]

Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:40 am

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps


"Damn… this bothersome, idiot Master of mine…"

A peculiar, strangled voice let out, its tones crossing around the field as Henrex approached Kuro's body. Slowly, inexorably, the gray mark on Kuro's eye shone, before the tear-stained face gained a firm line for its mouth. "Two heads are better than one, kiyahahaha…" The Laughing Gray explained, before looking down at his own body. "Yup. Out like a light, and that emotional stress is going to be reflected on his body reeaaaaaaal soon, hehehehe…" Piero giggled through Kuro's lips, the strained voice much different than its original owner. "Don't worry, he can hear every word."

Piero reached one of Kuro's arms around Henrex's shoulder, before out of Kuro's back emerged two engine like apparatus. "Keheheh…" Piero laughed softly, before the edges of the engines began to lightly fade in and out. A burst of energy emerged from them, helping to guide them as they continued to push forwards. "… That person once told me she'd never let me have him… honestly, without her around… it's just not much fun." Piero said, a bit of a sad expression moving onto Kuro's still strained expression. "Once she left, he became so much easier to control, but at the same time there was always that last bit of resistance, an iron rod I couldn't budge. I don't know if I want to budge it any longer, though… kiyahahaha…" Piero laughed softly, before giving Henrex a swift chop on the back of the neck, likely knocking the male unconscious. He was in no position to guard even if he had been wary, and that was the last bit of offensive potential remaining in Kuro's body.

So for now at least, the two of them would reach the medical ward… where the Shinigami would be stunned to find the Captain of the Stealth Corps unconscious with a young man passed out next to him...

Let's Play Piero Says.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Shadows and Shikai [Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shadows and Shikai [Henrex]

Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:01 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 443


Master? What was Kuro...talking....about? Wait...the change in his voice was evident. This was not Kuro Okami. This was something else. A Hollow? No...Hollows weren't this....calm. The voice was calm. It was much more...strangled voice. This voice...was something else. It had to be. However....Henrex didn't pay any mind to it. It could have just been Kuro talking to himself. However....he had to be wary. Henrex watched as Kuro wrapped an arm around his shoulder, before two engines appeared and boosted them along. It wouldn't be long now before they reached the medical ward. They both needed it.

Henrex breathed a sigh of relief as the building came into view. Not much longer now. Soon they would be fixed up, and ready for action again. The mind of the young Shinigami was occupied with multiple thoughts. Would Kuro be okay after that....episode? Would he talk to him? Whatever the case, the most important thing was getting inside the med ward, and getting healed up. Henrex's eyes slowly started to close as his strength was being sapped from him. Just the act of flying was draining him.

As Henrex listened to what "Kuro" was saying. However....from the way he was speaking, it wasn't in the way that Kuro would speak. He was talking in a way as if he didn't care about Kaminari. It was as if she was just as useful as dirt on his shoe. Compared to the grief that Kuro had let out previously, this had to be someone else. No one would do something like that and then say talk about them in that kind of manner. Henrex groaned quietly from the injuries that were everywhere on his body. It hurt....

However, one more thing would add to his injury list. As Henrex was just about to land in front of the medical ward, an attack hit him from behind. His neck was attacked and his eyes widened. With the sudden attack, Henrex's eyes shut, with his body falling to the ground. As the two tumbling to the ground, a groan of pain would leave Henrex. His eyes slowly opened to see Kuro laying nearby. Henrex couldn't move. The attack to his neck had taken everything out of him. Another groan left him as his face fell to the ground. His forehead landed upon the ground with a thud, and Henrex could only do one thing before passing out. Holding an arm up, he quickly spoke, saying something quickly, before his wings would slowly retreat to his back, changing into the form of two black wing tattoos. As the scarred boy lost consciousness, the last thing he could see....was a small grin on Kuro's face....

I walk a path...with no end....

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